The Rockers vs. The Hollywood Blondes; Which Team Was Better?


The Cerebral Assassin
The similarities between the Rockers & THB are extremely striking- both were among the top tag teams of their respective promotions (WWE & WCW) in the early 90's. Each team eventually produced an outstanding superstar each, as Shawn Michaels was a part of the Rockers and Stone Cold Steve Austin was a part of the THB. In another similarity, neither one of their partners ever reached their full potential, as Marty Jannetty was fired from the WWE due personal issues and Brian Pillman died. Both teams, after amassing a few tag title wins each, would eventually split and their respective members would then go on to feud.

These high-flying tag teams had so many similarities but, in your opinion, who was the better tag team and why?
the hollywood blondes were way better imo they had a great feud with flair and anderson and held the tag titles the rockers were like a mid card jobber tag team usually loosing to teams like the powers of pain and demolition they has success but no where near as much as the hollywood blondes
The Rockers didn't really do anything as a team. Even as singles wrestlers The Hollwood Blondes have them beat. Austin when on to become ten times the star that HBK ever way, and Brian Pillman went on to become a hundred times more intresting.

The Rockers never beat anybody and weren't seriously pushed, The Blondes were for a short period of time.
Good Thread. Anyways I also have to go with the Hollywood Blonds. As a kid I was a big Hollywood Blonds fan. The Rockers probably put on better matches, but the Blonds have them beat in every other category (mic skills, charisma, great feuds, ect.). Blonds all the Way
I ama big fan of both teams and this is a tough question but my anwser is The Hollywood Blondes they had alot of fueds with top teams like Dustin Rhodes & Ricky Steamboat and Ric Flair & Arn Anderson and unlike The Rockers cme out on top in these fueds holding onto the WCW World Tag Team Championships in the process .
Have to go against the majority on this one, I loved the Rockers and was gutted they were never given a major push. The high-flying moves they did paved the way for the likes of the Hardys and gave in HBK gave the wrestling world one its greats. I even had a Rockers t-shirt!
in the ring, i thought the rockers were better, but that was it. when it came to charisma and mic skills, the hollywood blondes owned them. the thing with the hollywood blondes though,is that they didn't even last a year as a team. if they could have lasted MUCH longer, i believe they would have been better than the rockers, but they weren't.
I liked the rockers better. They were an anazing team and developed unique synchronous moves. The rockers actually did win the tag titles once from the Hart Foundation, but one of the ropes broke and wwe didn't acknowledge their title win because of that issue.
Hollywood blondes were a far more chaismatic team. If only WCW had seen how good Austin/Pillman were who knows they may have started an attitude era there instead.

Rockers were good at fastdouble team moves and had that X-Division Factor almost 16yrs b4 TNA was even conceved, but lacked size and HBK carried that team on the mic.

Whereas the Hollywood Blondes both Pillman/Austin were as good as each other in ring and on the mic but alas there tenure was short.

Hollywood Blondes, even though I only saw a handfull of matches they were teamed in b4 Austin went solo and captured the US Title.

Rockers had longer longevity but what did they really do? had one hypothetic title win which was nixed because it couldn't be shown on TV and then they were on the spiral towards seperation, Thank god for everyone as HBK shined in the aftermath

Marty without HBK was noone.

Hollywood Blondes for awesomeness, Rockers get props for paving the way for high flying. But Blondes for me if there was a matchup
convient that many are saying the Rockers never did anything, but lets look at a few factors.

First they were two AWA world tag team champions and had great matches there with doug sommers and buddy rose. They also had a great fued with the originial midnight express.

Second they were WWF tag champions but because Jim Neidhart resigned they used the rope comming off as an excuse to take teh titles away from them

Third The Blondes who i loved by the way, only teamed for a few short years where as the rockers had a 6 year run.

fourth how many teams have the rockers inspired. Their are a few teams that started out as the new generatiosn rockers. anyone else remember the dorky rcoker like outfits the Hardy's use t wear.

Finaly you cant compare teh two teams because its apples and oranges. The Blondes were thrown together because WCW had nothing else for them and they worked. The rockers came up in the business together and they worked. As far as their solo careers, yes Austin was a bigger draw and star, but he was no were near HBK as an in ring performer, and While HBK is still out there every Monday night thrilling the auidiance Austin is considering which c movie to make next.
The better team was definitely The Rockers, but The Hollywood Blondes were one of my favorite teams ever in WCW.

The Rockers had a much longer time together. Both teams had chemistry, but The Rockers had amongst the best chemistry of any team in history. The moves they'd perform together were outstanding.

When it came down to it, Austin and Pillman were singles wrestlers that were put together. Michaels and Jannetty were a TEAM. Yes, Shawn went on to great things as a singles wrestler, but he originally made his money in the tag team division in the AWA and WWF. So while I like both teams and am not hating on either, The Rockers were absolutely the better team of the two.

WCW could have done great things with the Blondes if they had any brains.
The Hollywood Blondes- They were ridiculously good. Brian Pillman and Steve Austin on the same team? Come on. That's hard to top. Steve Austin is argueably one of the greatest wrestlers in the history of the business and Brian Pillman in one of the most grossly underrated wrestlers in history. Both guys combined, strength, technical ability and more charisma than should be allowed on one team.

The Rockers- HBK's resume speaks for itself- he is also highly regarded as one of the best in the business. As for Jannetty- he's mediocre. I have had the opportunity as of late to see some of Jannetty's early work in the AWA, which was decent. However, I think being paired up with Michael's to form the Rockers held him down. I believe he could have had a more successful single's career.

Both teams were good, however, there is no comparison- The Hollywood Blondes are just a better team. The Blonde's were more successful as single's competitors and as a tag team.
Hollywood Blondes for me. Rockers were great, but Hollywood Blondes have them beat in teh charisma department. And Pillman is underrated he was just as good as Michaels was at that time, and their movesets were pretty similar
This really is a moot question as the two teams are not comparable other than they both begat a major player in WWF history.

The Rockers were a classic "Tag Team" in that they were a unit... their work was unique, often breathtaking but no better than that of their peers... They stacked up well against the Harts, Demolition, The Brain Busters.. arguably they got the shaft on the titles but they would have had a short reign cos Shawn was always gonna be the star... but they were AWA World Champs... they built solidly on the British Bulldogs lead of innovative tag teaming and they were a good 8 years younger than their true competition and who you should be comparing against... The Rock & Roll Express...

The Blondes were the first team who were true "Lightning in a Bottle" what they had even now I can't quite put my finger on... I can only say that only 2 other teams to my mind have ever had it... The Quebeccers (They were DAMN good for their time) and the New Age Outlaws... They were thrown together for the sake of using two talents who they couldn't think of much to do with and equalled more than the sum of their parts...

In a harsh comparison, the Rockers were by far the better team because they were a team from day one... As good as the Blondes was, it was always a short term deal and once it hit... even more reason to kill it in the eyes of those with power at the time... Nice one Hulk... you won the war for WWE!

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