"The Rock Will Have His First Match, In Eight Years, At WM28" - LMAO!! WTF?!

Do you think he'll make his in-ring return at WM 28?

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Getting Noticed By Management
For those who believe "Rock 1st match will be at WM", lol really? The guy is been out of the ring for eight years, EIGHT GODDAMN YEARS!!, and you're expecting him to have his 1st match in the main event of WM?! no warm-up matches, no nothing?! WTF!! Sorry guys, but that's laughable. It doesn't make since at all. I don't care who you are or what your name is, eight years is a very long, and the result of having your 1st match at mania after spending all this time out of the ring is gonna end up badly for both the company and the superstars(Rock and Cena). The hell with the "Special moment". HBK is the only guy that looked good after being away from the ring for a long period. Other than being the greatest in ring performer ever, I believe his opponent(HHH) and the type of the match, helped him big time to make it that successful.

I guaran-DAMN-tee that The Rock will have 2 matches for the very least before mania, GUARAN-DAMN-TEE!!

Any thoughts?
Well you see I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I believe that in place of 2 matches, he will simply have one really long match to get on his game. Who will this match be against? Where will it be, you may ask? Well, I don't know, but if you put a bullet to my head I'd have to say it's against Mark Henry on Friday Night Smackdwon Februray 12, 2012, simply because that makes the most sense.I'll even GUARAN-damn-TEA it. Peace, bro.
8 years is a long time. Even for The Rock. He must be training outside and in the ring when there isn't an audience or something in that matter. I don't think he is going to have trouble, he has been in the business longer then a lot of wrestlers have. He is use to all this stuff. I know it'll be a good match, infact - I Guaran-DAMN-Tea it.
In order for the match at WM 28 to be as big as it is, Rock can't wrestle before then. I'm sure he'll have plenty of "matches" in a WWE training ring with Cena to ensure the quality is there.

The x factor of the crowd wont be an issue because Rock is used to being in that environment. I think as far as ring rust goes he'll get rid of it with a tonne of hours in a trainig ring, and I think there will be a tonne of superstars lining up to help him get his ring awareness back, including Cena.

I'm sure Cena and Rock will want this to be as big as Hogan/Warrior and so will do evrything they can to make sure its a classic. I don't think the WWE will put Rock in a ring before then, it doesn't make sense to do so money wise.
The good thing about having a year to prepare is you have a year to prepare. Rock is still in awesome shape, I think he could pull of a half way decent match if he had to fight tomorrow. I think we all know Cena is capable of putting on an above average match given the a good amount of time. Im sure he and rock will get at least 30 mins to do their thing and think they can pull of an epic match if they go over it enough
I Guaran-DAMN-tee that one of you guys are wrong, how can you know anyway?

What do you really expect from Rock's match? If it is working the crowd, the Rock can work the crowd in a match, outside a match, on the big screen, on the announcer table, and even via satellite! If it is doing the right moves, I am pretty sure he will be training until his WM match, mainly with Cena to work on his moves, storytelling of the match etc. He had 1 year ahead of him when they announced the match. He actually knew it before any one of us so that's even more than a year for preparation and keep his body fit. He wouldn't want to humiliate himself in front of the Miami crowd so I guess he knows he is able to get the job done. He wasn't the best technical wrestler in his best days as well, so as long as the match has a good story it will be fun to watch. I am not saying he won't be in a wrestling match before WM but for a wrestler like the Rock it is not a "must."

Hmm, and by the way, they have been hyping the Rock for his in-ring return at Survivor Series as well...
The rock knows psychology.....i'm not worried, he will put on a great match with cena if he doesn't step foot in the ring before then.

WWE has to think about their buys....putting him in a match before WM could hurt them a bit.

saving it, the WWE can market WM as The undertakers last stand, and Rocks return to the ring...It's money.
Nah, the whole 'Rocks first match in 8 years' will be used to sell PPV's. People will be dying to see him step foot back in the ring which equals = $$$

For him to wrestle before will dilute the novelty factor and although they make mistakes WWE aint stupid. Rock and Cena will step into the ring and play through their match when the cameras are off and the crowd is at home.

Sure, The Rock may be a little rusty, it's to be expected but Wrestling is like riding a bike. You never forget. Rock could hold his on in the ring before, he was definately no slouch. I simply can't see him turning up that day and expecting to electrify for 30 minutes without going over the match or no practise.

Anybody see him in the ring on TE? Looked like he has never missed a beat. Sure it was only for a minute or so but the basics were spot on. At least it is something.
There is a huge different btw working a match off camera and performing infront of 70,000 plus fans and millions watching around the world, even if they have 1 year to prepare, and not to mention it's WM. As confident as the rock is, I don't believe he'll be ready without having some warm-up matches. Mark my words guys, he WILL compete before mania.
He will probs do what Hunter did at mania this year and work some darks/House shows or just pop down to FCW sans the camera to get the ring rust off. Wven if phone vids or w/e of him beating up Local Jobber number 13 hit youtube 90% of the people wont even see it. And the other 10% will be happy he wont be working with 8 years of ring rust on him at the important match.
You guys act as if he was in the shape of Mick Foley and last wrestled 8 years ago. It is not as if he forgot how to wrestle. Wrestling is in his blood people! And fact of the matter is that he is probably in better shape than 70% of the entire WWE roster.

The Rock in the ring training?

The Rock working out in 2010
You do realise they have a training ring right?
and he hasn't exactly been not doing any physical activity altogether.

I'd say though that it's a given he has to atleast work some sort of match between now and then and if the rumours of Survivor Series are true, then there's your answer.

and maybe be involved in the Royal Rumble. Though that's an outside chance
Guys, I'm not saying he's not training in the ring(I know that he's been training in the ring ever since he left 7yrs ago), what I mean is he need to get the ring rust off, and he can't do that by training inside his gym or wrestle in some house shows, he need to wrestle on TV. I think his 1st match will be a tag team match, with a partner that will do all the dirty work. Maybe rock will get the hot tag and finish the match by pinning one of the opponent.

Again, Rock WILL wrestle before mania 28, mark my words.
Rock vs Cena will be similar to Rock vs Hogan they wont do too much and let the crowd dictate the match. Saying OMG WTF LMAO besides being obnoxious is not giving enough credit to Cena, Rock, or the WWE they booked this match a year in advance all three parties will be fully prepared come Wrestlemania
I don't think that he needs to be in a match before WM as it will reduce the "First Match in eight years" effect. Also, he will undoubtedly train before the match. Its not like he will be shooting for a movie nearby and just drop in to have a match.

And as far as rust goes, he has quite a bit of experience in wrestling. Even when he came back, he was rusty on the mic for the first 2-3 minutes but then picked up as if he never left. In the match too, he might be rusty for the first couple of minutes and then get back to wrestle like a pro as the match will surely be at-least 15-20 minutes.
as much money as this guy has he probly already has his own ring and guys to wrestle with on his off time. im sure he has gone in and train over the past 8yrs. he has probly already went one on one with his dad and his ready and better then ever now and waiting till wrestlemania. i doubt he will have a match b4 mania. if u wont have a match @ survivor series then he wont wrestle till mania and his match with cena will indeed still the show
He is probably training hard, as 8 years is a while, even for the Rock. However with the hype surrounding this match, and too make this match as big as it possibly can be, I dont feel they should make him have a match before hand.
I think there's a very slim chance he'll be involved in some kind of tag team match where he gets tagged in at the end, does the Rock Bottom, People's Elbow, then pins. Otherwise, his next and last match, will be at WM 28.
I don't think that he needs to be in a match before WM as it will reduce the "First Match in eight years" effect. Also, he will undoubtedly train before the match. Its not like he will be shooting for a movie nearby and just drop in to have a match.

And as far as rust goes, he has quite a bit of experience in wrestling. Even when he came back, he was rusty on the mic for the first 2-3 minutes but then picked up as if he never left. In the match too, he might be rusty for the first couple of minutes and then get back to wrestle like a pro as the match will surely be at-least 15-20 minutes.

He's been training like crazy. Not to sound gay or anything but have you seen him lately? He is HUGE. He has been training/working out like crazy for the new GI movie.
He's been training like crazy. Not to sound gay or anything but have you seen him lately? He is HUGE. He has been training/working out like crazy for the new GI movie.

By training, I meant that training for matches not just body-building. No doubt he has been training for his movies, but training for an actual match that too for WrestleMania is quite different.
The Rock is a special wrestler and he could do it EASILY. You act like the Rock can't get any freakin' indy wrestler or even a few active wrestlers to come to a gym of his where he may have a ring and get some rust out by having a few safe matches.

You don't know what he is doing or what he has done. He may very well wrestle at SS which Vince is pushing for but the guy wrestled for YEARS and could do it if he had to. This may be one of the worst threads I have ever seen.

as much money as this guy has he probly already has his own ring and guys to wrestle with on his off time. im sure he has gone in and train over the past 8yrs. he has probly already went one on one with his dad and his ready and better then ever now and waiting till wrestlemania. i doubt he will have a match b4 mania. if u wont have a match @ survivor series then he wont wrestle till mania and his match with cena will indeed still the show

I didn't see your post before mine but I basically said the samething about him having his own ring.

Not only that he was on Tough Enough and I guarantee you he was messing around taking some bumps with ALL of the contestants. I wouldnt be surprised if off camera him and Austin put a little show on for the guys and girls also. As I stated, this is one of the worst threads I think I have seen on WZ.
The way I would book The Rock to have more than one match, but still keep his WrestleMania match against John Cena “special”, would be to book him in anything but Singles matches and only at the Big 4.

Survivor Series 2011 – CeNation vs. The People / Team Bring It. I couldn’t think of a better name for The Rock’s team and Team (insert Captain’s name here) sucks.

Royal Rumble 2012 – Put The Rock in at number 30 or 40 or 50, whichever the last spot is. He can get eliminated by just about anyone and it wouldn’t really hurt much.

WrestleMania XXVIII – and there it is.

SummerSlam 2012 – rematch with John Cena in a Special Stipulation match.

Survivor Series 2012 – The rubber match.

And that’s how I would book the Rock between now and next year.
He will definitely wrestle again before WM28. Ring rust isn't necessarily a matter of forgetting how to do the moves intellectually it's also about muscle memory which fades whether you train or not unless you're actually having a full match.

The MNR before WM27 The Rock looked very rusty and he couldn't even kick up to standing like he and HBK used to do all the time. He nearly fell back on his ass, and had to turn and put and arm down to boost himself back up. I was embarrassed for the guy. Will it be a publicized match? That's neither here nor there, but he definitely will wrestle beforehand.

That's like saying Micheal Vick threw his first pass in years when he returned with the Eagles and took the field the first time. He was in training camps passing the ball several times.

In that same way The Rock will definitely wrestle again before WM28.
Yes his first match should be WM 28. It will kill some of the buzz if that is not his comeback match.

I'm sure he will be doing a lot of in ring work before WM. I wouldn't doubt that he and Cena get in the ring and work a couple of matches together behind the scenes.
The Rock is a special wrestler and he could do it EASILY. You act like the Rock can't get any freakin' indy wrestler or even a few active wrestlers to come to a gym of his where he may have a ring and get some rust out by having a few safe matches.

You don't know what he is doing or what he has done. He may very well wrestle at SS which Vince is pushing for but the guy wrestled for YEARS and could do it if he had to. This may be one of the worst threads I have ever seen.

I didn't see your post before mine but I basically said the samething about him having his own ring.

Not only that he was on Tough Enough and I guarantee you he was messing around taking some bumps with ALL of the contestants. I wouldnt be surprised if off camera him and Austin put a little show on for the guys and girls also. As I stated, this is one of the worst threads I think I have seen on WZ.

We'll see.

Like I said earlier, I know he's been training(Working a match, running the ropes...etc) ever since he left 7yrs ago, but no matter how good you are, 8yrs is a VERY long time. We've never seen him wrestle on TV since WM 20. Hell, even at WM 20 he showed some ring rust, why? because at that time, the last match he had was against goldberg a year prior(Even though he had a warm-up match with lesnar in a house show).

...I'm pretty damn sure I'll be bumping this thread in the near future.

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