If the Rock had one more match

Indeed Cena Vs The Rock, Now that is a match i would love to see, i would also like to see Rock rip up Coach on the mic one more time, always funny that.
I would love to see the Rock vs. Undertaker again because they are two of the greatest wrestlers of all time, and they could put on an excellent match. They could have The Rock end Undertakers streak because someone has to end his streak, why not the rock. Also Rock vs. austin would be great, and they both could have one last match against each other, the way it should be.
If Rock had one more match I would want it to be a 3 way dance match against Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H. It would be a nostalgic moment. It would remind me of that trifecta. I mean they had a HHH/Rock Feud, HHH/Stone Cold Feud, Stone Cold,Rock Feud. They even had a triple threat before. They have that special chemistry in the ring that would make it even more special. We havent seen a match like that in a while. Also the promos and etc would be off the hook. The rock, HHH and Stone Cold's mic skills will cause all hell to break loose. People will be getting Stunnered, Rock Bottomed Pedigreed and etc and I would just love to see it.
That would be great, and lets say add HBK in their, and you would get something new in The Rock and Shawn Michaels facing each other, because Shawn Michaels has fueded with Stone Cold before when they had their title match at Wrestlemani 14, and Shawn has fueded with Triple H for a long time for a couple of years and had great matches. Make that three way dance a Fatal Fourway match and you could have one of the greatest matches in WWE history, and if it were for the WWE title, that would add on to the greatness of the match.
Hmm..I agree. Adding HBK would make it even better. Imagine all the cool promos. It would just be a dream come true and imo it will bring in ratings. Imagine if it was when they were all in there prime. It would of made for a better match. But even without them in their prime it would be good. It would go down as one of the greatest matches in history.

IMO, They should have a The Rock DVD and Stone Cold with all there classics. I know they probally have one but I want a more updated one with a story from them being in WCW to ECW to WWF and how they came to be house hold names.

But yeah it would definitely be match of the year or close to it.
I know this match is highly unlikely but they could do this next year at WM, or towards Summerslam this year, because Stone Cold is going to come back for WM this year to either wrestle, or promote his movie; with Shawn Michaels being a likely candidate to win the Royal Rumble, he could win and beat John Cena for the title, and John Cena could suck it up and not have the title for a few months, and with Triple H coming back after Wrestlemania, they could have Triple H backstab HBK, and that could bring in Stone Cold sticking up for HBK and then have them all fight each other, and The Rock could fit in their because he could say he has one last drive to win the title again kind of like what Shawn Michaels is doing right now, and that would set up the match, and get the WWE its highest ratings in a long time, and the PPV buys would be so high, and WWE would get some of it's respect back because like it or not, after awhile Vince is going to have to realize that TNA is competition, and he would get people like The Rock and Stone Cold to do one more match to try and beat the competition, which is TNA.
The Great One vs....Al Snow
That would tear down the house.

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