The Rock vs Shawn Michaels, how would you book it?

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Dark Match Jobber
Well this is possibly the greatest match that never happened. It had a chance to happen in 2003 but Rocky turned it down because apparently Hunter and Michaels tried to hold the Rock back because they thought he was a threat to him. Well if you could have had this place, any time, any where, any place. When would it be and how would you book it?

This is how i would do it.

Well first i'd start with Michaels eliminating The Rock and then The Rock coming back and Eliminating Michaels. The Rock then cuts a promo on how HHH and HBK held him back in 1997 when he was slowly rising to the top, he said ever since Michaels got injured Rock's become the biggest star ever in the WWE. Michaels says thats a part of his life he'd like to forget and he apoligizes to The Rock and then he extents his hand in apology. The Rock then slaps his hand away and says you can't end with with an 'I'm sorry' and they make a match for Wrestlemania. In the coming weeks they talk about how Michaels disrespected Rock's grandmother in Hawaii and all that. The Rock wins their Wrestlemania match.

The the next night The Rock comes out and says He should be the new 'ShowStopper, The Main Event, The Icon' bt Michaels comes out and then he challenges him to a LMS. They have a dramatic match and the end comes when Rock gets up on the ladders and Rock Bottoms Michaels through the Announce Table..both men are down for the ten count.

Then at the next PPV they have an I Quit with Mick Foley as the special referee...the end comes when Rock has him in a sharpshooter and Michaels still doesn't tap out....then The Rock goes pyscho on him with chair shots and Foley remembers The Rock did that to him in 99' and stops the match giving the win to Rock. Michaels says he never quit and he wants one last crack at Rock.
They set up the Ironman at Summerslam. Michaels wins the match, this is how the match goes, Michaels get two quick pin falls. Rock goes outside and grabs a chair then nails Michaels, Michaels is up 3-0. Michales is down from the chair show and Rock pins him (3-1), Rock then Rock Bottoms a groggy Michaels for a (3-2) and then about 10 mins later he puts a rest hold on Michaels and Michaels passes out 3-3 all now. Rock gets another pinfall now he's in the lead (3-4). Michaels desperetly gets a Superkick in makes in (4-4). They go into overtime and Michaels wins.

Michaels says he needs to beat The Rock at Wrestlemania. They have a brutal but friendly match and Michaels finally beats The Rock at Mania 20.

What you think?
I'd honestly like to see this match at Wrestlemania 27, if they'd both agree to it.

Both men are inevitable WWE HOFers, so that's probably the best way to get it done. Have them both inducted the same year, with possibly the LOD and 2 other smaller names. Have The Rock come out one of the weeks leading into Elimination Chamber (If they still call it that next year), and say he wants one more match, and who better to challenge than the man he never had the opportunity to face in his WWE career, Shawn Michaels. HBK maybe doesn't respond, but is invited the week after Elimination Chamber, and brings up his agreement never to wrestle again. That's when The Rock strikes a personal nerve with HBK, and HBK finally agrees to a match, but he'll name the terms. That's when he ends up making the match a best of three falls match, in attempt to once again out do his previous years Wrestlemania match.

The first fall would go to The Rock after a Rockbottom and People's Elbow. The second fall, to HBK on a roll up later on. The third fall however would take a long time to come and involve many near falls, kicking out of finishers, and making the match an epic. A match The Rock would be proud of, even having been out of the ring for 7 years, and that Shawn Michaels would know he could go out of his epic career with a win, which he'd get after Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere.

This way they leave the match to one match, and they could even have some sort of gimmick where it's for charity type of deal and give the WWE some good press.
ok this is mine

@ royal rumble=shawn michaels and the rock are the last two men and get eliminated @ the same time
@ the RAW the night after rr,theres a first blood match-winner get the royal rumble victory-the rock wins
@ no way out=shawn michaels eliminates triple h in the final 2 and wins the wwe champion
So the rock picks shawn @ wm

@ wrestlemania=its a no holds barred match,but before the match starts they say theres a guest refferee-stone cold
so the match is amazing all of a sudden shawn michaels misses a sweet chin on the rock and hit stone cold,then hhh runs out and is the new referee,then the match oes on and out of no where triple h pedigrees shawn so the rock wins
oh my god. i cant believe ive never thought of this before.
WM 28 or 29 when michaels has been gone for a couple of years. that way, they dont bring him back too soon. Id start with the rock guest hosting raw next week. the rock should talk about wresltlemania and how he never got his chance to have a match with shawn, or something like that. then if they still have the guest hosting by about october, id have shawn come back and acknowledge what the rock said during the night. Then id have a raw special event or something during 2010 that acknowledges people who made the brand what it was and have both of them come back for that, and have like an in ring segment with both of them. then that year after No Way Out (denial to EC) have the rock say that he's been thinking about it and he's challenging Shawn to a match at wrestlemania. Shawn comes to raw the next week and says that while he'd love to, he doesnt think it will happen this year. then, have them not wrestle that year but then have some a small build/tease before summerslam about a possible match (eg, rumor on the internet). Then 4 weeks before wrestlemania, have shawn make a surprise visit to raw and say that while he denied the rock last year, he's been thinking too, and working out. so he's challenging the rock to a match at wrestlemania. Then have the rock come out too (which would be a great surprise also) and accept Shawns challenge. then build a bit of tension over the next 4 weeks with a promo for each of them and a couple of video packages, pushing that they were a better star for the wwe than the other. then have an epic match at wrestlemania, working both of their movesets (the entire one. like every move they can each do) and both manuver out of each others finishers multiple times. until shawn his SCM and the rock kicks out. after a bit more the rock hits the rock bottom but shawn kicks out. then have them both knock each other on their backs with one arm over each other, making WWE's first double pin.

The ending could obviously be different but i cant make a winner out of these 2 guys.
How would i book it? Well I've been mulling over this since breakfast and here it is:

Vignettes begin to appear with two phraes 'Electricity is in the Air' and 'Can You Smell It?'.

Raw is in San Antonio Texas one night and Shawn michaels ins a special guest sat in the front row when all of a sudden the lights go out and another vignette comes on: ' Can You Smell It? It's the Electricty in the Air Because...FINALLY!'
The the lights come back on and the Rock's music hits. The crowd erupts, The Rock walks to the ring and does his signature poses. The camera cuts to Michaels stood up applauding as well as his family. The Rock gets on the mic and after the obvious Finally and such he says it's time to focus. he says he's come back because there's one man who he's never fought in his whole career and that man is...Shawn Michaels. He goes to ringside and offers Michaels the match. He says no because of his commitment to The Undertaker. The Rock says that he respects that but can't take no for an answer so he'll have to go to the back and demand the match from The Undertaker. The following week Raw is a Special Three Hour edition and The Rock comes out and demands The Undertaker come out. Taker initially doesn't and the Rock begins to talk about how he's beaten the Undertaker so amny times it isn't funny and how he'd hand his candy ass to him if he doesn't come out. Taker finally coems out and does his slow walk to the ring. he gets in the ring and tells The Rock that he shouldn't mess with this situation or else Taker will take him out. The Rock tells him to pay attention, if he doesn't give him the match he will make sure he regrets it. Taker tells him to do it if he dares. The Royal Rumble, and Undertaker is mowing through everyone and has eliminated 5 people after coming in quite high. Suddenly the Rock runs in and hits the Undertaker with the Rock Bottom and Taker gets tossed over by a mid-carder. Next night on raw and Taker is furious and demands The Rock to come out. Only problem is, the Rock isn't there that night. He joins Taker via sattellite he tells him that he said that he would make him regret it. Taker says that if the Rock has any respect he'll show up on SmackDown this week and face him like a man. Thje Rock says he'll be there.

The Undertaker comes out and calls The Rock out. The Rock comes out. Taker tells him that he has one last chance, leave and never come back or else. The Rock tells him to Just Bring It. Taker leaves for his match to qualify for The Elimination Chamber. It's Taker vs. Drew McIntyre to qualify for the Elimination Chamber and the ref is out. Taker's hit the Tombstone but there's no one to count suddenly The Rock gets in the ring and gives Taker another Rock Bottom. McIntyre qualifies. Taker is less than pleased. The next week The Undertaker demands a match with The Rock at Elimination Chamber. Teddy Long says The rock isn't here but will be via sattellite next week. The following week and The Rock accepts Taker's challenge but on one condition, should The Rock win, he gets his match with HBK at Mania. Taker accepts. Elimination Chamber, The Rock and taker go at it until finally The Rock gets the win with a roll up. Taker isn't pleased but accepts defeat. The next night on Raw, The rock comes out and says now it's time for the greatest one-on-one match of all time to take place, The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. He continues his promo when turns round into...Sweet Chin Music!

Shawn Michaels comes out and says that while he respects The Rock, that doesn't mean that he won't kick his teeth down his throat. The following week and Thr Rock comes out and says next week it will be the contract signing and they'll need a certain someone to oversee the proceedings. And then mentions that next week they're in Texas. The Rock and Michaels are in tje ring when Austin comes out! The crowd goes wild. Austin announces that the match has been made No DQ and No Count Out and both men sign and shake hands but both refues to let go and stare each other down. The final week before Mania and The Rock and Michaels have a final confrontation. HBK is out first and lists his accomplishments and how he'll beat The Rock. The Rock comes out and does his usual stuff before finishing by saying it doesn't matter if HBK can smell what the Rock is cookin;' because at WrestleMania his candy ass, is his. Michaels leaves and The Rock soon follows and does a final salute to the fans before BAM! Sweet Cghin Music. Michaels does the signature crotch chop and tells the Rock that he'll be waiting for him at WrestleMania. WrestleMania and both men have pore-match promos promising that they wil win. They go out and put on a classic for all to behold before Shawn Michaels picks up the win with Sweet Chin Music. The Rock and he shake hands and hug and hold each others hands up high.
How would i book it? Well I've been mulling over this since breakfast and here it is:

Vignettes begin to appear with two phraes 'Electricity is in the Air' and 'Can You Smell It?'.

Raw is in San Antonio Texas one night and Shawn michaels ins a special guest sat in the front row when all of a sudden the lights go out and another vignette comes on: ' Can You Smell It? It's the Electricty in the Air Because...FINALLY!'
The the lights come back on and the Rock's music hits. The crowd erupts, The Rock walks to the ring and does his signature poses. The camera cuts to Michaels stood up applauding as well as his family. The Rock gets on the mic and after the obvious Finally and such he says it's time to focus. he says he's come back because there's one man who he's never fought in his whole career and that man is...Shawn Michaels. He goes to ringside and offers Michaels the match. He says no because of his commitment to The Undertaker. The Rock says that he respects that but can't take no for an answer so he'll have to go to the back and demand the match from The Undertaker. The following week Raw is a Special Three Hour edition and The Rock comes out and demands The Undertaker come out. Taker initially doesn't and the Rock begins to talk about how he's beaten the Undertaker so amny times it isn't funny and how he'd hand his candy ass to him if he doesn't come out. Taker finally coems out and does his slow walk to the ring. he gets in the ring and tells The Rock that he shouldn't mess with this situation or else Taker will take him out. The Rock tells him to pay attention, if he doesn't give him the match he will make sure he regrets it. Taker tells him to do it if he dares. The Royal Rumble, and Undertaker is mowing through everyone and has eliminated 5 people after coming in quite high. Suddenly the Rock runs in and hits the Undertaker with the Rock Bottom and Taker gets tossed over by a mid-carder. Next night on raw and Taker is furious and demands The Rock to come out. Only problem is, the Rock isn't there that night. He joins Taker via sattellite he tells him that he said that he would make him regret it. Taker says that if the Rock has any respect he'll show up on SmackDown this week and face him like a man. Thje Rock says he'll be there.

The Undertaker comes out and calls The Rock out. The Rock comes out. Taker tells him that he has one last chance, leave and never come back or else. The Rock tells him to Just Bring It. Taker leaves for his match to qualify for The Elimination Chamber. It's Taker vs. Drew McIntyre to qualify for the Elimination Chamber and the ref is out. Taker's hit the Tombstone but there's no one to count suddenly The Rock gets in the ring and gives Taker another Rock Bottom. McIntyre qualifies. Taker is less than pleased. The next week The Undertaker demands a match with The Rock at Elimination Chamber. Teddy Long says The rock isn't here but will be via sattellite next week. The following week and The Rock accepts Taker's challenge but on one condition, should The Rock win, he gets his match with HBK at Mania. Taker accepts. Elimination Chamber, The Rock and taker go at it until finally The Rock gets the win with a roll up. Taker isn't pleased but accepts defeat. The next night on Raw, The rock comes out and says now it's time for the greatest one-on-one match of all time to take place, The Rock vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania. He continues his promo when turns round into...Sweet Chin Music!

Shawn Michaels comes out and says that while he respects The Rock, that doesn't mean that he won't kick his teeth down his throat. The following week and Thr Rock comes out and says next week it will be the contract signing and they'll need a certain someone to oversee the proceedings. And then mentions that next week they're in Texas. The Rock and Michaels are in tje ring when Austin comes out! The crowd goes wild. Austin announces that the match has been made No DQ and No Count Out and both men sign and shake hands but both refues to let go and stare each other down. The final week before Mania and The Rock and Michaels have a final confrontation. HBK is out first and lists his accomplishments and how he'll beat The Rock. The Rock comes out and does his usual stuff before finishing by saying it doesn't matter if HBK can smell what the Rock is cookin;' because at WrestleMania his candy ass, is his. Michaels leaves and The Rock soon follows and does a final salute to the fans before BAM! Sweet Cghin Music. Michaels does the signature crotch chop and tells the Rock that he'll be waiting for him at WrestleMania. WrestleMania and both men have pore-match promos promising that they wil win. They go out and put on a classic for all to behold before Shawn Michaels picks up the win with Sweet Chin Music. The Rock and he shake hands and hug and hold each others hands up high.

Woahhhhh, that was seriously. I loved the idea of a Rock vs Undertaker match to finally get his match to face HBK. They should talk about how Rock said he's always wanted to vs HBK and also how HBK and HHH tried to hold him back when Rocky first started.

What u think of mine?
I liked yourse I liked the idea of brining in Michaels past against The Rock and the stuff with Foley was smartly done. As for mine, well I was toying with the idea of having HHH come in and be part of the storyline but it seemed to flow a little better without Hunter's involvment.
Honestly, I'm going to book this how it could happen here and now. The night after Wrestlemania, Michaels comes out to cut his retirement speech, he gets about halfway through it, when suddenly The Rock's music plays throughout the arena. The Rock comes down to the ring to a huge ovation, making his return to the WWE.

The Rock then procedes to go on about how Michaels cannot retire, he's never faced The Rock one on one, let alone beaten The Rock. Michaels tries to plead with The Rock to let him retire as the crowd begins to chant " ONE MORE MATCH, ONE MORE MATCH " and The Rock starts telling him to give these people what they want to see. Shawn accepts, and as The Rock goes to leave the ring, he hits Sweet Chin Music on him.

Backstage immediately is Triple H, who talks about how Shawn gave his word to The Undertaker, he lost the match, he has to retire. Shawn then says he isn't ready yet, he's got one match left in the tank, and unfortunately for The Undertaker, Shawn has to go back on his word. Shawn then says of all people, he thought Hunter would understand.

The next week, The Rock comes out to the ring, and cuts a promo on Michaels being possibly the greatest wrestler of all time, the best man to lace up a pair of boots. Michaels comes out to the ring now, and The Rock extends his hand, as they shake hands, The Rock pulls him and says, all of this was true, until it was The Rock's time. The Rock then out of nowhere grabs Michaels in for the Rock Bottom and lands it as he walks away from the ring to a chorus of boos.

That night The Rock gets attacked backstage by Triple H, leaving The Rock a bloody mess. Hunter walks away saying " You couldn't let him retire in peace could you? "

The next week, The Rock is nowhere to be seen. Hunter comes out to the ring and he calls out his Shawn. He goes on to tell Shawn that now he can retire peacefully, and not go back on his word to The Undertaker. He says Shawn has always been a good friend, a man of his word. Shawn simply replies " Not tonight " and lays out Triple H with Sweet Chin Music.

Later that night Triple H whose playing off the pain from Sweet Chin Music, talks how Shawn is making a huge mistake, he should have retired when he had the chance to. Now he'll never leave. Triple H goes on to say " Do this for your family, think of your daughters, quit thinking of yourself for once Shawn. "

Out of nowhere Triple H gets laid out by The Rock, who was thought to not be in the arena that week. The Rock proceeds to lay the smackdown on Triple H until Shawn walks up and says to leave him alone. Maybe he was right, maybe Shawn should retire.

The next week, Shawn comes out to the ring and calls off the match with the Rock, saying he owes it to the fans to retire, he owes it to them for them making him to be the great man he is today. He cuts a very emotional promo. The Rock comes out to the ring and says " You do owe the fans, you owe them this match Shawn. I know you've got in you. You know you've got it in you, hell, the millions, and millions of the Rock's fans know you've got it in you. " The Rock extends his hand, and Shawn says he isn't falling for that again, he goes to leave, but turns around for Sweet Chin Music and The Rock ducks it and Shawn catches The Rock with his own version of The Rock Bottom. Shawn grabs the microphone and says " I accept the match, see you Sunday Rock ".

This would lead to a match where Shawn wins after a long, back and forth battle between the two men, only for The Rock to wanting a rematch where the Rock would be an obvious heel this time around, Shawn would win again, and Shawn would shake the Rock's hand, and finally be able to retire.

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