The rock at WM 24 ?, by the Wrestling Observer

My initial thought was, "The Rock in a match with HBK as heel to send him off!? How obscene." Sure, him against HBK would be money, but to put an official end to his career at the expense of Shawn is ridiculous.

But then I got to thinking that if they booked it right, HBK kills as a heel so he could have something going for him heading into the match, and as long as HBK had a few near-falls of his own, he could lose but in the end do the whole hug and handshake thing.

But how disgusting is it that whenever someone as of late wants 'one more match' it is with Shawn Michaels? Hogan got it, and if Rock gets it, HBK might as well be called a superstar-class jobber.

All this is taking into consideration that this rumor is even true. Weighing the situation, I just don't like it.
Rock made it clear last year that he would never wrestle HBK because he has a personal issues with Shawn that date back to when HBK was WWE Champ & Rock was making his debut( Probably a lockerroom hazing that went too far).He also said he would only wrestle if the angle "made sense" The only guy he would consider facing was Rey Mysterio
Well, I wouldnt mind a Rock return. He has allways been a favourite of mine. However I just can't see the Rock ever returning to wrestling again. Also I doubt WWE would turn Shawn Michaels into a heel. Not so soon anyways.
Quite simply put....The WWE is on a highway to Hell....every night i watch i'm more n more ashamed of myself for tuning in...yea HBK, HHH and Undertaker do the best they could to hold the place together as well as the newer blood :Cena, Orton, Lashley...but nah wrestling (and by that I mean WWE cuz I dont consider TNA wrestling) sucks(ok I do include TNA now that I think about it since it all sucks)....The Rock coming back even if for one final run would be like the second coming..... and yea I hear ppl saying Austin is a bigger draw than the rock but hey...Austin pops his bald head in and out all the time (the new Mic Foley) and guess what?? it doesn't save the show...overall raw/ppv's featuring stone cold still suck....thus proving not only that the Rock is better than Austin but that the Rock is good enough, the ONLY wrestler, good enough to bring WWE back.

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