The Rock Beats Punk. Again.


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- Last night's episode of WWE Raw scored a 3.68 rating with 5.02 million viewers. Those numbers are up 21% and 16%, respectively, from the 3.04 and 4.3 million viewers the week before. It is the first time that Raw has topped five million viewers since the 1,000th Raw and before that, the night after WrestleMania 28. The show did hours of 4.86 million, 5.27 million and 4.93 million.

The show ranked #1 among cable TV shows for the night, both in overall viewers and in the key male demographics. The key demos were up huge, both of them up 0.6 from last week.

Highest rating in six months eh? Yeah I'm sure this has NOTHING to do with Punk losing the title.
Well, it's not like Punk lost the belt to me - The Rock is one of the biggest named in wrestling history and a bona fide
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... movie star. Sidestepping that and suggesting you could have just had Cody Rhodes win the belt to produce a similar result seems disingenuous.
It's probably more a positive reflection of the Rock than a negative one on Punk. Interesting nonetheless, I'll be curious to see if the ratings improvement continues.
If anything you could say that Punk was a good heel because he did what he was supposed to do - and that was to ultimately increase ratings by having the Rock beat him.
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It was a really good show last night, with a lot of really good segments so it doesn't surprise me that the show's rating was so high.
That's very nice, more importantly, how does WWE translate this temporary fix into a more permanent one? I'll buy the argument that Punk isn't exactly a guy people tune in for and to me his entire title run has kind of reeked of someone just trying to prove that fact to the man himself, but will this carry over when Rock leaves and Cena has the title?
Someone already said it, but it's more a positive reflection on Rock than a negative one on Punk.....But, I'm enjoying watching Punk completely own Rock on the mic. I forgot what Rock looked like with a title in his hand. It seemed out of place. He's always been better as the chaser. His promo before Punk came out wasn't very good either.

Still, somehow, you know there will be plenty of bitchers and moaners about the 'part timers' coming to 'steal WM spots' from the young guys. I heard it explained best yesterday by someone on here.....These guys have 10 months of the year to impress the WWE brass into giving them a Main Event spot at WM....if they don't, that's on them.

But Punk was champ for Raw1000 and the night after WM28.

It's also going to be cold in Chicago in 2 days so Global Warming is clearly a myth.

But Punk was champ for Raw1000 and the night after WM28.

It's also going to be cold in Chicago in 2 days so Global Warming is clearly a myth.

Those nights had Brock and Rock, as well.

There isn't near enough data to go with this, but at least now, more casual fans tuned in to see the Rock, and great, because Punk was really great last night. We'll have to see if that carries over next week.

Also, it is officiall Mania season, so there is that. Punk never caused people to turn in, but it looks like The Rock will
Rocky draws more than Cena. When Rock leaves, numbers will drop. It's a cruel truth, I know. It's not going to change.

While I don't disagree with you, I still think there would be a way to sustain ratings after the inevitable departure of the Rock. It would take some balls, and would likely sacrifice a few t-shirt sales in the short term, but it definitely could be done. It won't be, but it could.
How else can they give it to him without pinning him? Unless they go the triple threat route with Punk (which would be much better than the alternative) and have Cena beat him.

I care not whether the victory would come by pinfall or submission. The point is, they could give the title to Cena in a manner that hasn't been seen in WWE for the last seven or eight years or so.
If anything you could say that Punk was a good heel because he did what he was supposed to do - and that was to ultimately increase ratings by having the Rock beat him.

You could say that... if you're dumb. It's every top star's job to draw, and while I'm by no means saying that Punk doesn't draw, he certainly doesn't draw more than The Rock.
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... movie star. Sidestepping that and suggesting you could have just had Cody Rhodes win the belt to produce a similar result seems disingenuous.
Pretty much. This isn't because Punk lost the belt, but who he lost it to. The result would have been different if somebody else won.
The show last year after the Rumble drew more viewers. Punk was champion then. Wrestling ratings are cyclical. Comparing anything less than a year in the past without an adjustment of some sort is largely meaningless.
The show last year after the Rumble drew more viewers. Punk was champion then. Wrestling ratings are cyclical. Comparing anything less than a year in the past without an adjustment of some sort is largely meaningless.

Not this many. Last year it went up 12% and in 2011 it went up 8%. A 21% jump is more than the last two years combined. I'd think that means a bit of something.

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