The return... of the Clique!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Back at Royal Rumble, when Nash came back, I said WWE should bring back the nWo with that nostalgic theme music and the shirts and everything - everyone laughed at me.

Now tonight I wonder if I'm seeing the re-emergence of the legendary off-screen stable known as "the Clique."

Whatever's going on, I liked it and would of never expected Kevin Nash to have made an appearance. This is how it should be. There's a ton of ways this storyline can go and that makes it all the more better. I know a lot of people must be re-living nWo a little bit as Nash came out of nowhere through the crowd.

I also just want to point out that had TNA done something like this, it would of been nowhere near as well recepted. Which is why you really need to give TNA a hell of a curve. This is so spectacular in WWE because we're so starved for anything that isn't status qou or seems risky. Would you ever expect the WWE to have a 52 year old man who just appeared at the gathering of the juggaloo's be an integral part of their SummerSlam PPV mainevent? It's just not like them and how corporate they've become, which adds to how fucking cool that was.

Anyway, I hope this storyline gets even better and just knowing Kevin Nash is involved in some aspect is a positive for me. The guy is awesome on the mic and though he's not a cusser, he just doesn't seem like he's capable of being PG just because it seems like anything he does is cooler then PG. He can make any shit sound cool which is what WWE needs more of if they plan on continuing down that road but hopefully it's not that way as I'm mixed about it.

So could this be a return of the clique. Back in 95, it was HBK, Hall, Nash, HHH, today the way I see it, it's Orton/Cena so I'm interested to see if they explore that. Goodluck to WWE going forward with this angle and I hope it does well.
I love this angle SO much. Del Rio cashing in was somewhat predictable but Kevin Freaking Nash of all people helping Del Rio was completely unseen. What I'm wondering is whether or not this makes Punk a face since he is facing Del Rio.

One think that everyone seems to be forgetting is that Cena's foot was under the ropes, and that throws him in the middle of it too, and I'm wondering if Cena and Punk will band together for the common good of fighting the Clique.

Either way, I love the angle, and the surprise of it all.
Well the "Kliq"(apparently this is how it's spelt) is just a theory, but I think if Kev/HHH are working together it'd be more likely referenced then DX/nWo.

Either way, it's really cool right now and I hope this evolves beyond Del Rio. I'm fine with Del Rio vs Rey for the title, maybe even add Cena to the mix and have this go in a new direction were we might even see the return and involvement of Mick Foley.

I've also seen that Nash could be the Anon GM.

Anyway, I like the direction this storyline is going because the further away I see Punk from Del Rio, Rey and Cena, the better. I don't want to see Nash end up being Punk's bodyguard, I want things to be much deeper and more intricate then that.

In conclusion, I can't wait to watch RAW tonight.
*I want Punk's storyline to veer off in a new direction away from Cena, Rey, Del Rio. It's probably not likely and we'll probably see a Four Way at NoC, I just hope there are more surprises to come.

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