The return of the Arctic Monkeys

So, the Arctic Monkeys are back with a new single "Crying Lightning", in fact, here it is:


To me, this sounds more like a song that Turner could use for The Last Shadow Puppets rather than a Monkeys tune, however if this is a sign for what the upcoming album "Humbug" is going to be like, then I'm all for it, and I think it could be genuinely a step up from the brilliant "Favourite Worst Nightmare".

I think the Arctics chart-topping antics will be behind them after this album though, as much as I personally prefer this latest single to anything on their first album, I have to admit it's not as catchy as "I bet you look good on the dancefloor", and it won't appeal to the masses as much as earlier efforts.

However, I'm still a bit apprehensive towards the new album, mainly because Josh Homme's producing it and he's a bit shit tbh. As long as its not like QOTSA, and the songs actually sound different to one another, I think we should be ok. This latest song in particular shows that Turner's songwriting has turned dark and mysterious, compared to the frankness of the last two albums, and the Monkeys are definitely taking a whole new direction. Yes it sounds brilliant, but I can't help but think "Crying Lightning" may well be a Last Shadow Puppets' leftover.
So, the Arctic Monkeys are back with a new single "Crying Lightning", in fact, here it is:


To me, this sounds more like a song that Turner could use for The Last Shadow Puppets rather than a Monkeys tune, however if this is a sign for what the upcoming album "Humbug" is going to be like, then I'm all for it, and I think it could be genuinely a step up from the brilliant "Favourite Worst Nightmare".

I think the Arctics chart-topping antics will be behind them after this album though, as much as I personally prefer this latest single to anything on their first album, I have to admit it's not as catchy as "I bet you look good on the dancefloor", and it won't appeal to the masses as much as earlier efforts.

However, I'm still a bit apprehensive towards the new album, mainly because Josh Homme's producing it and he's a bit shit tbh. As long as its not like QOTSA, and the songs actually sound different to one another, I think we should be ok. This latest song in particular shows that Turner's songwriting has turned dark and mysterious, compared to the frankness of the last two albums, and the Monkeys are definitely taking a whole new direction. Yes it sounds brilliant, but I can't help but think "Crying Lightning" may well be a Last Shadow Puppets' leftover.

Heard it, loved it, and I can play it now. On to reviewing it:

1) it's a great song, and it looks like Humbug is gonna be a step higher than Favorite Worst Nightmare.

2) I'm starting to think Tuner's songwriting is getting broader, and better. I'm not gonna say it turned dark and mysterious as you have already; on the contrary, I think it's starting to reach other areas. This song in particular reminded me of Jim Morrison, but I still can't for the life for me figure out why.

Lastly, to me it doesn't seem like a left over from Puppets. It jsut shows that the Monkeys are drawing inspirations from somewhere else, and to me, Josh Homme can do no wrong.

I'm still a bit apprehensive towards the new album, mainly because Josh Homme's producing it and he's a bit shit tbh

blasphemy. As a Homme mark, I say blasphemy! gimme evidence and we discuss about it. :D

Onto the point, Humbug is gonna be a good album, and hopefully, the album has good songs like this one.
So, the Arctic Monkeys are back with a new single "Crying Lightning", in fact, here it is:

Ahhh, the eternal Luther vs. X debate; Arctic Monkeys: Amazing, or Good but Overrated?

You know my feelings on the Monkeys. They're a good band that have produced a few killer singles, but who overall come off, to me atleast, as a complete Libertines rip-off in every possible way imaginable.

Let's see how their new song sounds.


Not bad. Not great, but it's more than decent. I must say I'm pleased at how different this sounds from their earlier work, I truly do hope they expand their music a bit and branch out to form their own identity as a band, and not simply as yet-another-indie-Brit-band-Part-27.

I think the Arctics chart-topping antics will be behind them after this album though, as much as I personally prefer this latest single to anything on their first album, I have to admit it's not as catchy as "I bet you look good on the dancefloor", and it won't appeal to the masses as much as earlier efforts.

I'm sure it'll still sell very well. The Monkeys are quite popular over there in the UK, no? It's not as good as "I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor" but that's a pretty great song to try and live up to. I did notice though that this new song of theirs seems to sound much more conventional as just mainstream rock and not so much that indie sound they've always had.

However, I'm still a bit apprehensive towards the new album, mainly because Josh Homme's producing it and he's a bit shit tbh. As long as its not like QOTSA, and the songs actually sound different to one another, I think we should be ok.

No need to hate on Homme man. For the longest time I hated QOTSA as well, considering them just another shitty mainstream rock band like the Foo Fighters that I just can't stand. Than I gave a few songs off of their "Era Vulgaris" album, and there are some good damn songs on there. I didn't realize just how experimental the band is, constantly collaborating with all different kinds of musicians from every genre to help him out. QOTSA aren't my favorite band by any stretch of the imagination, but I have respect for them and Homme.

I'll give this Monkeys album a download when it comes out, but won't be expecting to love it. They've only made a good dozen songs at most maybe that have kept my interest, a few of which are truly great.
Ahhh, the eternal Luther vs. X debate; Arctic Monkeys: Amazing, or Good but Overrated?

Oh darn. An Arctic Monkeys Dissenter. Seems like I'll have to join the debate.

You know my feelings on the Monkeys. They're a good band that have produced a few killer singles, but who overall come off, to me atleast, as a complete Libertines rip-off in every possible way imaginable.

Except without the crack cocaine abuse right? I don't mind the Libertines actually, but I find Arctic Monkeys songs a bit more catchy, whereas I might only like a handful of songs off a Libertines album. They broke up 5 years ago. Its time to move on.

Not bad. Not great, but it's more than decent. I must say I'm pleased at how different this sounds from their earlier work, I truly do hope they expand their music a bit and branch out to form their own identity as a band, and not simply as yet-another-indie-Brit-band-Part-27.

Yes we know, this is a problem that seems to be plaguing music today. But I think they stand out a bit more than other Brit bands and I say so from a truly biased view. I saw them live at the Big Day Out festival in Australia where they played "Crying Lightning" live. Even my friend who absolutely loathes all British Indie "over indulgent crap" as he calls it didnt mind them at all. Granted, he wasnt taking his top off like the drunk girl in front of us.

I'm sure it'll still sell very well. The Monkeys are quite popular over there in the UK, no? It's not as good as "I Bet You Look Good on the Dance Floor" but that's a pretty great song to try and live up to.

They have much better songs. Maybe thats the problem with a lot of critics, that they only listen to the fast paced poppy songs they have instead of considering it with the whole album. Then again, you could say that about most music, everywhere.

No need to hate on Homme man. For the longest time I hated QOTSA as well, considering them just another shitty mainstream rock band like the Foo Fighters that I just can't stand.

You don't like the Foo Fighters? Perhaps another thread is in order....

I'll give this Monkeys album a download when it comes out, but won't be expecting to love it. They've only made a good dozen songs at most maybe that have kept my interest, a few of which are truly great.

Hopefully Humbug can change your mind. If not, oh well. Luther will always be a fan.
Except without the crack cocaine abuse right? I don't mind the Libertines actually, but I find Arctic Monkeys songs a bit more catchy, whereas I might only like a handful of songs off a Libertines album. They broke up 5 years ago. Its time to move on.

"Time to move on"? Who, me?

Arctic Monkeys are a Libertines ripoff, and always have been. I'm sure they'd probably freely admit it themselves. Anyone with a brain and a pair of ears can tell how badly the Monkeys wish they were the Libertines.

They have much better songs. Maybe thats the problem with a lot of critics, that they only listen to the fast paced poppy songs they have instead of considering it with the whole album. Then again, you could say that about most music, everywhere.

No, critics usually listen to an entire album. Not sure why the critics opinions would matter here, I didn't bring up any critics. All of the opinions I've stated are my own personal ones.

You don't like the Foo Fighters? Perhaps another thread is in order....

If you crack open a dictionary and look up the word "Bland", a picture of the Foo Fighters will be smiling back at you. I was a HUGE fan of their first two albums, but everything after that has been utter shit. I'd rather eat a hot lead sandwich than listen to any of their last 3 or 4 albums.

I despise what the Foo Fighers have become. As bland as it comes these days.

Hopefully Humbug can change your mind. If not, oh well. Luther will always be a fan.

I don't hate the Monkeys like I once did. I just hate how they're praised, especially by NME. I wouldn't rank the Monkeys in the top rock bands of this decade, let alone of all time. Yet NME seem to think that the Monkeys are the greatest band ever, comparing them to groups like the Beatles. That's sacrilege, and is what causes people like me to backlash against the Monkeys so much. They're average, that's about it. I could name you dozens of better British indie bands.
I really like the new song.

I think it marks a turning point in the road of Arctic Monkeys. I think that Favourite Worst Nightmare was an astonishingly good album and I really look forward to hearing some of the new stuff. Crying Lightning is a good track, you find yourself singing it later on in the day. Good start. The only problem is that it is very underwhelming. It isn't like Balaclava, Brianstorm and Teddy Pickers. A good song but I hope that the songs on the album have a little more to them, in terms of rock and substance.
Being prejudiced and opposed to anything that's too popular I naturally didn't like the monkeys when they came out ;) This however changed after a friend finally forced me to sit down and listen to them and I actually appreciated them for what they were. I don't think they will ever be my favourite band in the world (just not deep enough for my I am afraid- I don't think I will ever cry to an Arctic Monkeys song :). Bat for Lashes on the other hand.....) but I do think they are good. (On the argument above- never really was a huge fan of the Libertines. Whoever influenced who- and in fairness the Libertines were influenced by other artists too- I prefer the monkeys)

I quite like the new song- it seems to point an interesting new direction for the band. Perhaps its just me, but I can see the Queens of the Stone Age (or rather the sex beast Holme- being that he is the main voice of the Queens anyway) influence very clearly. Definatly more like them than the Libertines at this point anyway ;). In general though the Arctic Monkeys opening singles havn't really reflected the album as a whole so we shall have to see. Good start anyway :)

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