The Return of Big Evil?

oki guys, i love it when it comes to taker because people always want to see the undertaker the way they liked him. deadman or big evil, to me it simply does not matter as long as he is ready and fired up to kick ass at mania28 is all that matters to me. now, i have said strongly that i believe taker is having 2 more mania matches. triple h at the sun life in miami which i will be attending this year. then the big one which everyone will want to know after trips and taker III is will taker retire, personally i think not because i think he is going out at wrestlemania in his home state at the cowboys stadium in texas against john cena and i think cena will be the one to end the streak.

if its not john cena, then i can see it being potentially shawn michaels. before anyone says it wont work then dont bother posting because it could. simple, shawn is not happy that triple h was the man to face taker 3 times at mania, so he pushes undertaker into agreeing to let him come out off retirement for one more match. 2 legends of texas fighting it out in front off 100 thousand plus fans with shawns hand being raised in victory. i still think it would be cena but would still be great to see michaels vs taker III
Yep. American Badass (Biker) Taker need to return. Deadman gimmick is old and now people barely care about the Deadman gimmick. And when Undertaker retires he should retire as The American Badass because he is gonna be inducted into the Hall of Fame and when he gets inducted will he come out there and give his Hall of Fame speech as the Deadman ? No...As The American Badass. I am actually bored of the supernatural gimmick. It is really corny in this day and age.
I'd love it mainly because it would make Undertaker more interesting than he has been. I thought they might be going somewhere with his whole "Last Outlaw" shtick last year but it was basically the Deadman with a fancier trench coast and a new catch phrase. Him returning as "Big Evil" would perhaps bring upon a side of The Undertaker we haven't seen in quite some time and freshen things up as a whole with his character. However his Deadman gimmick has been so successful since it's return in 2004 and has persisted through out this modern era in WWE, it's the gimmick the main audience loves and can't get enough of it seems. So I believe Taker will keep his Deadman gimmick going until he retires, which may very well be at Wrestlemania this April as he's looking to go 20-0 at the Grandest Stage of Them All.
Well then there's the problem of continuity because paul bearer kind of screwed over taker in his feud against Kane.

That doesn't matter. Wrestling fans tend to have short term memories. The only people who tend to remember unimportant shit like that is the IWC. People will know it's Undertakers last time around and will probably mark out if Paul Bearer is involved.
Regardless I think we either change his gimmick or cut down alittle on what he's already doing because his gimmick is becoming what john cena's gimmick has already come to:stale.
You guys are fucking idiots. The deadman gimmick is the best in WWE history so why go back to the American Badass? If you know anything about wrestling you should know that he will retire as the Deadman which is what should happen. Goddamn I hate people these days.
You guys are fucking idiots. The deadman gimmick is the best in WWE history so why go back to the American Badass? If you know anything about wrestling you should know that he will retire as the Deadman which is what should happen. Goddamn I hate people these days.

Nah. We guys are mature but you are a fucking idiot to believe that some guy can strike lightning or is supernatural. Its childish these days when there is no kayfabe everybody knows that Undertaker is just a man. It was ok in the 90s but then it got really old. This is the so called "Reality Era" so Undertaker should retire as a Real guy and not some in some childish gimmick like the Deadman gimmick which is only for kids to believe in. Grow up.
Sure why don't we just bring back ....

Chris Jericho as the Lion Tamer with Ralphus....or...Hunter Hearst Helmsley...or The real mans mans Steven Regal...ooor wait how about this........ISAAC YANKEM....or Jamal of 3 minute Warning...oops sorry. Batista as the Leviathan? How about Cena as the Prototype?

Enough of this Taker as American Bad Ass bullshit.
with the way cm punk is going leading a new revelution type thing, nash and hhh feuding quiet furouciously, y2j returning and probs gonna be a heel and kane doing mad house things to cena hopefully this means big evil will return and end this pg crap...lets hope to hell or god they do it
Well since kane is getting a fresh new look it only makes sense that Undertaker reinvent himself too. Now im many of us remember the American Badass gimmick the deadman had(2000-2003). Quite honestly I enjoy that gimmick more than the deadman. Now I don't think Taker should return with the gimmick before mania because I believe that this should be the first Mania he misses seeing as he will be overshadowed(Rock vs Cena). I think he should return the night after mania on raw. I think his final run should be a year and should be on raw. I think the american badass gimmick allowed Taker to have better promos. And there is a possibility that he can still have that supernatural/creepy vibe while still riding the harley down the ramp(kinda like Ghost Rider in a sense). So what do you guys think?

I think it would be great for undertaker to change up his gimmick a bit when he returns, and while I am fond of the "big evil, american badass" undertaker, I really don't think he should return as a biker. I like your idea of combining the real and supernatural aspects of the undertaker, but as a Ghost Rider-esque character... I don't agree with that as much. Last time the undertaker showed up he was basically "The Phenom" but there was a little bit of "old west outlaw" sprinkled in. He was even given a new moniker. "The Last Outlaw". I think that gimmick should be built on a bit more. Have him be "The Last Outlaw" again, this time with even more outlaw (maybe just a little bit more). That way The Undertaker could still be the "supernatural being" that we all know and love but also have a slight air or realism.

From there there are so many possibilities. He could use "Ain't no grave" as his theme again or maybe Jim Johnston could remake his normal theme to fit the gimmick even better. Hey if they find a horse big enough he could ride that to the ring instead of a bike.:p Now, I'm not saying "turn the undertaker into billy the kid", But I can see the undertaker being the outlaw of the 1800's that returned from the dead (or never died) more than I can see him returning as a biker, again, who just happens to be supernatural in some way.
Yea get rid of the deadman gimmick already, I mean, as much as gimmicky characters have been a part of this crud, and my God the times have been great, time to cut out the clowning around. Time to act like live on planet earth not some, ummm... whatever his shit is about. What's his gimmick about anyway? Some kinda airplane pilot, right?

Can't wrestle under his real name though, ya know, trademarks and all.

I think they should call him "Crazy Eyes" Kevin Jesus... or Randy Orton number 2...

The American Badass years were some of his absolute finest in my opinion! When he threw Maven's head through that popcorn machine he created a brand new "Psyche" to be feared! What about dragging the Hulkster down a hallway with his bike, woooooo! He made Tommy Dreamer drink his tobacco spit!! Woooooo!!

I do hope he does drop the Deadman thing, but I'd honestly prefer a more down-to-earth character then even Big Evil.
i agree with everyone who said merged the deadman and big evil gimmicks together.

Big evil was my favorite taker to as he seemed more 'normal' as was more believable when he lost a match.

last years wrestlemania was the first time taker had be stretched out of a arena which made him seem more 'human' so why not have him return as big evil?

also his last gimmick, was last outlaw so why cant this be a combination as both big evil and deadman? when he returned last year, he had a more sarcastic gimmick, go to 8.33:

it was as if he was telling HHH he is the man. to me this gimmick could be a 'tweener' as taker believe he is better than anyone so he would beat up the heals and faces. i believe if they tweak this gimmick a bit more: different clothes and possibly coming down on a motorbike ( i know that what he did for big evil but he cant come down on a horse).
Well he isn't going to be missing Mania. He said he has already started training for a WM match. His gimmick will most likely change. He did cut his hair really short. I think it would be cool to see a last feud with Kane. They can use Taker's loss of long black hair and Kane's sudden gain of long black hair to make some twisted storyline. Lol Kane attacked him in real life and cut his hair. They could do a stalker scenario. I'd like that. Taker is going to be returning with something a little different, I would assume. Last year seemed like a transition with the new music and all. Why would he change his music for 1 Raw appearance and one WM match? I think he did it to ease people away from the supernatural aspect some. If he won't be the deadman I hope he comes back with something completely new and not his ABA or Big Evil stuff.
I will ignore the Limp Bizquick reference and jump right to the issue. The return of Big Evil is cool, but in the waning careers of Undertaker (I believe this is his last year) and Kane (he's getting up there in age, you know) it will be kind of irrelevant. After they both leave, Big Evil will be gone forever, or at least until one of their children comes back and takes their place. Big Evil can't return because you can't build angle's like that anymore. It's too 'sci-fi' for today's smarter audience. Gimmicks are over, and the Big Evil gimmicks are over too. (That being said, don't get me wrong, I am a fan of both Kane and Taker.)
I'm a big fan of 'Taker, have been for decades. Felt a little indifferent towards the ABA character, but he still whooped ass, so it was ok. Don't really care how it is he comes back, but I wish he would hurry up and return already. Someone else already said it here, but I'll say it again; just please, please, PLEASE put an end to this PG bullshit. it's ruining an otherwise fine product.
Sure why don't we just bring back ....

Chris Jericho as the Lion Tamer with Ralphus....or...Hunter Hearst Helmsley...or The real mans mans Steven Regal...ooor wait how about this........ISAAC YANKEM....or Jamal of 3 minute Warning...oops sorry. Batista as the Leviathan? How about Cena as the Prototype?

Enough of this Taker as American Bad Ass bullshit.

Once again people like you keep bringing up the ridiculous idea that im trying to make Taker look stupid. A majority of people want him to mix the two gimmicks. Comparing any of those gimmicks to the American Badass just proves how idiotic you are.
I will ignore the Limp Bizquick reference and jump right to the issue. The return of Big Evil is cool, but in the waning careers of Undertaker (I believe this is his last year) and Kane (he's getting up there in age, you know) it will be kind of irrelevant. After they both leave, Big Evil will be gone forever, or at least until one of their children comes back and takes their place. Big Evil can't return because you can't build angle's like that anymore. It's too 'sci-fi' for today's smarter audience. Gimmicks are over, and the Big Evil gimmicks are over too. (That being said, don't get me wrong, I am a fan of both Kane and Taker.)

How is Big Evil to sci-fi? If anything it's the most realistic gimmick Mark Calloway could of had. And I realize this could be his final year, then why not go out as a real person. I for one would be dissapointed if after his final match the lights just go out,a gong sounds,and he's gone. I just think it would be way more enjoyable to way more fans if he just rides off into the sunset as the american badass phenom.
This is 1 way I envision Undertaker leaving, no matter his persona.

Premise: Undertaker's last match?
Buildup: Taker is seeming like an old dog with only a little 'dark' energy left but he won't 'die', keeps getting himself into high profile matches and finds ways to manage a win.
Climax: Kane or Paul Bearer or the Druids (Or any combo of these guys) come out, put Taker's defeated body (after having just lost his streak) into a casket and leave.

But back to the topic, I am saying that fans today won't believe any new 'evil' gimmick brought on by new talent. Remember The Brood? My point.
This is 1 way I envision Undertaker leaving, no matter his persona.

Premise: Undertaker's last match?
Buildup: Taker is seeming like an old dog with only a little 'dark' energy left but he won't 'die', keeps getting himself into high profile matches and finds ways to manage a win.
Climax: Kane or Paul Bearer or the Druids (Or any combo of these guys) come out, put Taker's defeated body (after having just lost his streak) into a casket and leave.

But back to the topic, I am saying that fans today won't believe any new 'evil' gimmick brought on by new talent. Remember The Brood? My point.

I don't think you realize what Big Evil means. It's not like his undead gimmick it's just a metaphor for his biker gimmick. And it's not new talent it's the man who originally invented it. The brood wasn't even really apart of the Undertaker anyway I believe it was just used as a way to have more people to help put the ministry.
I would not mind it.

But there is a question, why would a guy who has like 1 or at the most 2 matches left in him, change his gimmick now? would be worthless.
I'd even like a variation of the current gimmick.

I personally preferred the American badass, I thought it really suited him. I think if anything, given all the kane gimmick comments, Undertaker might return as the ministry undertaker.

The deadman, riding the motorcycle would be epic though, I can picture him with the bandana, mostly in black riding the harley. EPIC.

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