The Removal of The King of The Mountain

The Prod1gy

WCW Cruiserweight Champion
As many people know Slammiversary is over and it is much the same as last years except for one difference. No King of The Mountain match. Not that I care because I personally hated the whole gimmick match but I know a lot of people had a soft spot for it,

So what is your opinion on The King of The Mountain match being removed from Slammiversary? Share it here.
It's a very silly gimmick, but it was popular. It's fine replacing something if you then give your audience something they want to see more. Sting vs. RVD just wasn't a suitable replacement.

Hogan & Bischoff appear to be removing things that they think don't work or aren't beneficial to a company that's trying to be a legit number two. But they need to be more diligent throughout the rest of the show.
I was never a fan of the reverse ladder match. It was to weird for me. That was like the reverse battle royal. Dumb as hell. I was surprised that those gimmick matches lasted so long with such a high buyout rate. I'm shocked to see vivid did not do a reverse porno where the people just had sex with there clothes on because of TNA success with the King of the Mountain.
It was too confusing. They tried to put too much into one mach and i think the fans had to work out what was going on too much without concentrating enough on the action in the ring. When you have different superstars going at it you have to try to keep up with whos fighting who, let alone working out crazy rules to a match.
It was too confusing. They tried to put too much into one mach and i think the fans had to work out what was going on too much without concentrating enough on the action in the ring. When you have different superstars going at it you have to try to keep up with whos fighting who, let alone working out crazy rules to a match.

You idiot.
There is literally 3 rules of the match.
1. If you are pinned/submitted you go in the box for a few minutes.
2. Instead of taking it down you hang it.
3. You can only hang it after pinning/submitting someone.

How is that so hard to follow? Elimination Chamber by all rights should be more confusing.

EDIT: Another more confusing match type was that Championship Scramble match.

King of the Mountain if anything is one of the most tamest Gimmick matches there is. Especially by TNA's standards. Come on guys this is the company that has Half Cage matches, Reverse Battle Royals, Lethal Lockdown and whatever the hell a Doomsday Chamber of Blood match is.

You all need to cut KotM some slack. It's a great match.
You idiot.
There is literally 3 rules of the match.
1. If you are pinned/submitted you go in the box for a few minutes.
2. Instead of taking it down you hang it.
3. You can only hang it after pinning/submitting someone.

How is that so hard to follow? Elimination Chamber by all rights should be more confusing.

EDIT: Another more confusing match type was that Championship Scramble match.

King Of The Mountain contravenes one of the basic rules of wrestling: Don't make something more complicated than it needs to be.

It's several match types in one and it changes the most simple and effective aspect of a ladder match. It's probably the dumbest match type in wrestling.

King Of The Montain is more complex than it needs to be.
I didn't really like the KOTM match, but I think TNA needs to set aside one PPV where they can have some type of gimmick match the fans can look forward too. Like WWE does with the Royal Rumble and to a lesser extent Survivor Series. I actually liked the Anarchy in the Asylum match that TNA did back in 2003 where it was like a Gauntlet match, but you could pin them or make them submit anywhere. They could do something like that on the PPV before Bound for Glory and let the winner be in the main event at BFG. Another idea that would be cool is if they had a match like WWE does their tag team turmoil matches. Where two men start and then when someone is pinned or submits another person enters.
Well it made me less interested in the pay per view. I know many people say that it's a very stupid gimmick match but I like how it's unpredictable. NO ONE expected Joe to go heel last year that's one of the things that hooked me on TNA. As stated above someone said that it ruined the event as a whole and I do have to disagree with that. The event as a whole was probably the best PPV since the Hogan takeover. It didn't ruin the PPV but it did make me look at it different
It was an annual match for the ppv...why is stopped? I don't know!! Was it down to Hogan/Bischoff? Maybe...

It should have stayed...they could have done it better this year because of the wrestlers they had....well..although i did find it a bit too much, which all the pinning and hanging of the will be missed....

It's just like the MITB match..if its nt wrestlemania, then its a ppv!! do you see a Kotm PPV? I THINK THERE SHOULD BE!! just like KotR...

Long remember the King of the Mountain match!
It's like sweet relish. Sure, it looks like relish, but then you eat it and are confused. But, some people like that kind of stuff. It's all about different tastes. And at least their stupid ideas were different.

Six sided ring sucked though imo, especially for tag matches. It was like two steps to a tag, and they made it look very contrived as to how hard it was to tag in a partner.
While I usually support annual traditions like this, the KOTM match was always perplexing for me, because I hated the way the match worked in terms of it's gimmicky stipulations.

The fact competitors needed to score a pinfall or a submission to become eligible to win was fine, but the fact that the one who lost was sent to a "penalty box" for two minutes, that more than one wrestler could be in the box at a time and the fact you had to hang the belt as opposed to pull it down was ridiculous to me.

If I had to pick a side, I'd pick the side that lines up with being glad one less gimmick is being used in the company right now. Sorry, Slammiversary, KOTM match and fans of both – I'm glad it's (seemingly) gone.
I'll admit that at first I didn't really care too much for the KOTM match, but after watching it for years it gained a soft spot in my heart. In my opinion there was too much history and tradition for TNA to just completely abandon the KOTM match for no reason what so ever.
King of The Mountain sucked. It made no sense. Penalty boxes, requesting the belt from the referee, hooks and ladders. How TNA managed to take a ladder match and mindfuck it until it's anal rectum was horribly disfigured. No way in hell that match could have stayed with TNA if they wanted to gain popularity. Face it, most of TNA's (or wrestling in general) audience consist of little kids and dumb people. Shit is too confusing. With WWE, the most complex thing you might have is a cage and a ladder. And maybe some tables if they really wanna fuck with you.
I will never understand how this match is so insanely "complicated." Why must the wrestling fanbase continue to live up to its reputed level of intelligence. Oh well. I think it was good to remove it from being the main title match for one of the bigger PPVs. I do hope they build it into another PPV though because it is a fun match if you can remember three things instead of one like most 1st graders. Keep your main title in straightforward, mostly one on one showdowns but there are plenty of other options to keep the match alive.
King of the mountain macth is one of the best macthes in TNA period!!!

If you don't understand the rules then you should not be watching TNA and I will give an explanation on how the match works

1. You must pin or make someone submit to be able to climb the ladder and that someone must stay in the box for 2 mins

2. Once you are ebiable to climb the ladder then you must hang the belt up to win the match

3. You win the match and get the belt simple.

but well I was scared that this man might win :hogan: or :flair:or :robvandam: who is overrated.
the KoTM Match would've been better if they'd just had it be a ladder match, with pinfalls/submissions being required before climbing and "maybe" the penalty box. But the whole belt hanging aspect was silly, it wasn't terrible but it seemed a little unecessary.
King of the mountain macth is one of the best macthes in TNA period!!!

KOTM sucked.

If you don't understand the rules then you should not be watching TNA and I will give an explanation on how the match works

1. You must pin or make someone submit to be able to climb the ladder and that someone must stay in the box for 2 mins

2. Once you are ebiable to climb the ladder then you must hang the belt up to win the match

3. You win the match and get the belt simple.

Do I have to explain to you how stupid the concept of a reverse ladder match is? And with the inclusion of penalty boxes and pinfall/submissions, it just got too easy to over book and become a clusterfuck. Now I know this is what TNA does best but still.

but well I was scared that this man might win :hogan: or :flair:or :robvandam: who is overrated.

Ridiculous. You resort to smilies when you cannot explain yourself. You = :banghead:

KOTM sucked.

Informative insight.

Do I have to explain to you how stupid the concept of a reverse ladder match is? And with the inclusion of penalty boxes and pinfall/submissions, it just got too easy to over book and become a clusterfuck. Now I know this is what TNA does best but still.

Yeah, imagine someone climbing up a ladder to hang something up. What a crazy idea. People definitely do not do that everyday. Oh wait they do. All wrestling companies have clusterfucks. Is six people in a cage with glass chambers randomly coming out and the first few pinfalls do not even win so very different?
Most people in this thread are just ignorant. They have to take one little aspect of the match and say it's a bunch of shit & a crazy idea but there's nothing wrong with the match at all, it worked absolutely fine for years. A reverse ladder match with penalty boxes and having to pin or submit your opponent to be eligible to climb the ladder is creative and never been done in wrestling before which is a refreshing change from just seeing the same old climb the Ladder to hang the belt rule over & over again. The wrestling business needs to come up with new ideas even if that means modifying an old match. And yes this year was pretty shit due to no KOTM.

However on the other hand, it could be a good decision to remove it from the PPV but only if they would spread it around on other PPV's like have King Of The Mountain at Bound For Glory.
King Of The Mountain contravenes one of the basic rules of wrestling: Don't make something more complicated than it needs to be.

It's several match types in one and it changes the most simple and effective aspect of a ladder match. It's probably the dumbest match type in wrestling.

King Of The Montain is more complex than it needs to be.

I agree. KOTM was over-complicated. And no, that doesn't mean I couldn't follow the rules. I DID understand the rules... what I DIDN'T understand is why make it so dang complicated?

Penalty boxes? Really? Next thing you know, TNA will introduce a radical new match that features the use of demerits.
I was disappointed that they removed King of The Mountain from Slammiversary. It was a strange and complicated match, but it was a unique TNA match. Something that exclusive to TNA. Not many things are, but that match type was one of them. I hope it comes back in the future because even though it's a strange and complicated match, it's something that is unique to TNA and they need more things like that to keep them standing out from other organizations.
They have a nice opportunity to do that, too, with Jarrett returning to active status. You could either put him in the match or have him act as the "sponsor" for the match, bringing it back in his own honor while also coaching Hardy or some other handpicked Immortal representative to win the thing for the team. It'd be a great way for TNA to play a small homage to its history without blowing the "takeover" angle.
I always liked the King of the Mountain match. I think Bischoff and Hogan came in and in an attempt to completely overhaul everything, they got rid of some of the things that worked too.

There was nothing complex or silly about this match. In order to become eligible to "win", you had to score a pinfall or submission. Why is that such a terrible stipulation? If you get pinned or made to submit, you're out of the match for 2 minutes. Not much different from an elimination match, other then the elimination is temporary. Finally, you had to climb a ladder and hook the belt, rather then unhook it. Again, not much different from a standard ladder match.

I, personally, was disapointed to see the match go. It gave several men the opportunity to compete for the World Title that otherwise wouldn't get the chance, and even coined a nickname for one in Jeff Jarrett. It seems rather silly to call him the "KIng of the Mountain" now, with the match no longer in existance. This was one match I wish they would have kept around. It was something unique and exclusive to TNA, and another way they've stripped the product down and made it more like WWE.
i loved the match. Sure it does sound stupid but it worked for what 7 years as one of their home made matches. It was also good as it had 5 of the top guys in TNA fighting in a ladder match for the world title. now tell me thats not stupid.
I for one,liked the match. No matter how bad the rest of the card is the KoTM is always good. I wish it would return but i know it wont. However, TNA dose do ladders very well so i would be ok with a Special ladder match to replace it.

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