The Push We've Been Waiting For?

Motor City Mayhem

The Canadian Rover.
So at WWE Breaking Point it will be Chris Jericho and Big Show vs Mark Henry and MVP for the Unified Tag-Team Titles.

Now for months people in the IWC have complained that MVP hasn't had a good push yet, and that Mark Henry deserves a push. So here it is.

Now they are in a feud with the Unified Tag Team Champions, one of whom is arguably the Best Wrestler in WWE, and Chris Jericho...Haha just kidding, and Big Show.

So is this there push, together if they can put on a good feud that can possibly last a good while, maybe 2 PPV's is this the push both Mark Henry and MVP need or is it just a filler for WWE to have Jericho and Show have a Tag-Team until The Hart Dynasty is ready for the titles.

In my opinion this could go two ways, either they have a good feud were for the next 2 months, were at the end, they possibly Win the Tag Titles. But if they don't, then as long as they have some solid matches, I think this could elevate MVP to Main Event status and put Mark Henry into the Mid-Carder or even Upper-Mid Carder status.

Or this could be a total squash and Jericho and Show completely dominate this.

Your Take?
I think its a perfect match-up. There's exactly one face tag team in the WWE (I'm pretty sure Hart Dynasty are heels, but they are so un-over (under?), its hard to tell). MVP and Mark Henry, like Crymetyme, are similar in design to JeriShow with the big man/small(er) man combination. There's good symmetry with the World's Strongest Man vs. The World's Largest Athlete, even if a feud between just the two of them would be Kane-Khali level brutal. Maybe even worse. Thankfully, we have 2 solid promo guys and technical wrestlers in MVP and Jericho to balance thing, although, yes, Jericho is 100x the entertainer that MVP is, which is a compliment to MVP, btw. If I were to guess, JeriShow will keep the titles, but make MVPHenry look dynamite in the process. If I were to guess, MVPHenry is merely PPV fodder, and it will end in one of them in the combination camel clutch/Walls at Breaking Point. I think it would be a fresh twist though to let MVPHenry win the belts, than see how the JeriShow dynamic changes as they chase rather than hold the belts.
Jerishow could be the thing to put MVP up in the big leagues. You have two well seasoned, well heated wrestlers in Big Show and Y2J. Both who bring more credibility to the ring than most of the lockerroom does. Both major stars since the Attitde Era.

And we have the new combined team of Mark Henry and Porter. Henry is as well seasoned as Jerishow to a degree (that being he's been around since the Attitude Era) and gives MVP more star power going into this matchup that we'll see at Breaking Point.

Now when it comes down to the results, I don't see MVPHenry coming out on top. I could be wrong but I just don't see it due to Jerishow not being an old team just yet. But anything could happen, whether MVP slaps Y2J with his own Walls Of Jericho (prediction of mine) or they just make him stand out in that match, idk. But I see this as MVP's time to shine, whether or not they walk away Breaking Point with the Championships.
its funny you made this thread, cause after raw tonight i was saying to myself that the wwe is moving in the right direction. last nights summerslam blew me away (minus kane vs khali). i really did not think that cryme tyme was going to win, which they didnt, so i dont know what is next for them. but onto the subject. when mvp said he had a partner picked i thought oh christ, who can it be? when mark henry walked out i thought nice. i mean i think they could make a really good tag team. they compliment each others styles in a way. i can see them winning and making the tag team division interesting again. i really like it.

p.s. i would like to see this branch off into a mvp vs. jericho feud. i think that would be great.

p.p.s. - where in the blue hell is savage taker?
I must say I am quite pleased with this development. Jerishow was created for one reason and one reason only... to put others over that deserve the tag titles more than them.

There's too much going on in the wwe title scene for MVP to get involved. If he did, he would surely get squashed. This is definitely a round about way of getting MVP over so he can have the inevitable main event push most of us, including me want to see him achieve.

I will say that this whole tag feud will surely be in vein if MVP and Henry don't win the tag titles. I for one would be pissed the fuck off if that happens.

Because lets be realistic, Mark Henry is way too big to job to Orton and have it look believable. And MVP is like a pot of simmering water on the back burner of the stove. If Vince takes that pot off the burner before it starts to boil, I can assure you many in the IWC will be livid.

On a side note... I don't know about all of you, but I would absolutely love to see the Hart Dynasty get involved in this somehow. Maybe in month 2 of this feud or something. IMO this will last at the very least, 2 months. 2 tag teams vying for the belts on the two best shows. Can you say... RATINGS!!!
I was happy enof to see mvp come out during the Jerishow promo with mayweather, and accepted henry as the partner. since i enjoy tag wrestling this can be fun, wwe has to watch out tho for making too many mashed up teams without being a named team, a la cryme tyme

now dont get me wrong..this is a good thing for the black xchange here if they can pull off not only good matchs, but win the straps, I like both wrestlers. i think it just is a push for the faces..with mvp maybe moving up while miz will soon challenge kingston in the mid-card division.

the next ppv shld prove interesting, since it is in montreal, home of the u know wat job....will dx or hbk get wats coming to them? either way....along with this match, i'd like to see the harts face cryme for another #1 contenders the harts have a spot on the card.

as always, time, and the writer's creativity, will tell!
did anyone else notice how much MVP sounded like the Rock during his promo?? i wouldnt mind seeing MVP/Henry win the titles, maybe have MVP use a dirty trick to win, have JeriShow challenge back for a while, and then have the Hart Dynasty challenge also.
Mark is getting old and really dosen't need to much of a push but him working with mvp is great. I'm actually kind of glad to see it because he could teach mvp some of the ways that possibly elevate him to the next level and pop him up in the main event status.
This whole feud helps MVP in multiple ways. If they can make MVP look credible against Show and Jericho, it'll help skyrocket his career even more. If they can somehow work a Jericho/MVP singles feud out of this, it would be even better.

Jericho is the perfect "opposite" to help MVP get over IMO. Much like putting CM Punk against Hardy worked for Punks Heel persona, putting MVP against Jericho will be a huge boost for MVP's Face persona. The two seem like they would work well together, and Jericho can make MVP look like a million bucks.

Having them in a lengthy, one on one feud with MVP eventually coming out on top would catapault MVP into the main event scene in my opinion.
JeriShow should win this.

I think MVP/Henry will just be fill in like Cryme Tyme were. Something for JeriShow to do until either Legacy finish up with DX or Hart Dynasty are ready. It should be entertaining though and should give us a few good match's other than a Show/Henry match which will probably happen.
wow im really impressed at how many tag teams are creative. this is amazing. i think MVP and Henry will be a team alot like cryme tyme and JeriShow (not sure if someone stated that, if so i apoligize) with a big guy and a quicker, smaller guy. the fued will be much like the CT fued with big show against henry and jericho against MVP
I have a feeling that everyone involved in the feud is going to come out of it looking great, no matter who ultimately comes out on top when the feud comes to an end. The WWE is doing exactly what it needs to do overall, which is build new stars and bring some prominence to the tag team and mid-card titles.

This could ultimately get MVP over the hump. I'm not really a huge fan of the guy as a face, but he is talented and I'm glad to see put into some sort of a meaningful situation. For the first time in forever, I give a damn about the tag team scene in the WWE. They still have some work to do of course, but I'm very pleased to see such an improvement in such a short span of time.
I agree, both MVP and Mark Henry need a push, and RAW need some more Main Event talent, but theres just one thing that bothers me. As someone else said in a previous thread. 'Can you imagine MVP beeting Big Show for a Title at a PPV with his current finisher? I mean a flick would do more damage than that.

Also, Mark Henry needs to sort out his gear. Bright Red?! one things for sure, that does NOT suit him, in my opinion :disappointed:
I'm looking forward to seeing how this will play out. Henry has been loyal for years and MVP is getting the right push for now. This will help both guys I hope and Jericho and Big Show are doing a great job at making the other teams look really good. Henry has needed something to since he left ECW and MVP has been kinda lost since losing to Orton. This is great for both guys and I'm looking forward to these two teams facing off.

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