"The Pub" with IC25

IC25's Greatest Moments

  • The Original Music Tournament

  • Getting Vader to the Final 4

  • Imprisoning Sid

  • G-Modding Becca

  • Meeting NorCal & Making it "Cool"

  • Getting D-Man to Register

  • Redoing the End-of-Year Awards Format

  • Adminning Luther

  • The Santino Marella Fan-a-Club

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I never mocked religion. Dare you to show me where I mocked religion.

I mocked the newb. Had that same newb come in and made the exact opposite point in the exact same manner, I'd have done the same thing.

Besides, I'd have thought you'd have toasted my Dragon Warrior style Old English. Geez, when you think you know somebody...

And I'll thank you to leave my old personal e-mail out of Wrestlezone. If you don't mind. Not that you got it right anyway, there, Leeland.

That was the point so I didn't actually post your personal e-mail on wrestlezone
:rolleyes: Oh who might that be, I couldn't possibly guess it!

So what do you mean honest Tiger?

Well, I don't date friends, no matter how close they are to me. She has feelings for me, I told her it wouldn't happen, she assumed I was she saying she was ugly and disgusting, I said no. No word from her since.
Well, I don't date friends, no matter how close they are to me. She has feelings for me, I told her it wouldn't happen, she assumed I was she saying she was ugly and disgusting, I said no. No word from her since.

Ouch, rejection sucks.

But let's hope she understands eventually, you tried to explain your situation to her right?
Барбоса;2117295 said:
Ah, the old "truth hurts" problem. Had more than enough experience with that. Mainly because I refuse to bullshit anyone and using come off as as subtle as a kick in the balls

I'm the same way, she should have seen it coming. I'm just saying.
That was the point so I didn't actually post your personal e-mail on wrestlezone

I appreciate it.

So did you delete my response to you in the Cigar Lounge because you honestly felt it was spam? Or because you had no response?

I'll go re-post, I guess with more detail about how your response to me was fruitless and WAY off the mark...

Ferbs, tend bar until I get back, please?
Ferbs, tend bar until I get back, please?

I shall not disappoint.

*starts cleaning glasses*

I hate it when they refuse to respond, simply ignoring you, I haven't heard shit from my best girl-friend in a week, and it's a week since we met face to face for the first time.

Talked to her online, got to know her through MSN and text messaging, finally decided to meet, went fine I guess, don't know why I haven't heard anything though.
One of my best friends was on the receiving of that "subtleness" recently. Her boyfriend dumped her when she was 4 months pregnant and she was stupid enough to ask me why I hadn't warned her about him being an asshole despite me telling her exactly that every time she asked me what I thought of him over the previous year...
I shall not disappoint.

*starts cleaning glasses*

I hate it when they refuse to respond, simply ignoring you, I haven't heard shit from my best girl-friend in a week, and it's a week since we met face to face for the first time.

Talked to her online, got to know her through MSN and text messaging, finally decided to meet, went fine I guess, don't know why I haven't heard anything though.

No communication at all? Does she at least get online MSN or is she always offline now?

Барбоса;2117324 said:
One of my best friends was on the receiving of that "subtleness" recently. Her boyfriend dumped her when she was 4 months pregnant and she was stupid enough to ask me why I hadn't warned her about him being an asshole despite me telling her exactly that every time she asked me what I thought of him over the previous year...

Your friend sounds like an idiot who refuses to listen, thereby making her accountable. No offense to your friend of course.
OH SHI.. wait.. how did that playboy actually end up there? *Innocent whistle, starts cleaning glasses again*

She's online and everything, but she doesn't reply to my texts at all.
OH SHI.. wait.. how did that playboy actually end up there? *Innocent whistle, starts cleaning glasses again*

She's online and everything, but she doesn't reply to my texts at all.

Online and no response...Manners aren't her strong suit I take it. Not very nice leaving someone you considered a friend hanging like that.
Барбоса;2117357 said:
She was a total idiot. The whole relationship was a MEGA-rebound affair and doomed from the start. I hate to say it as she is one of my favourite people in the world but she let him ruin her life

Don't you love it when your friend enters a terrible relationship that has no chance of getting any better, but refuses to listen to those close to them because of their emotions and arrogance?
Online and no response...Manners aren't her strong suit I take it. Not very nice leaving someone you considered a friend hanging like that.

I didn't write to her on MSN because she's rarely on there anyway but when she came online it had already been 4 days since I had heard from her, I usually write the daily "good morning" and she usually responds, there's never just 4 days of no response, so I felt I probably shouldn't push it.
I didn't write to her on MSN because she's rarely on there anyway but when she came online it had already been 4 days since I had heard from her, I usually write the daily "good morning" and she usually responds, there's never just 4 days of no response, so I felt I probably shouldn't push it.

As opposed to being a human being that doesn't deserve to be looked over and forgotten like a plaything? You should have pushed it, think George Costanza from Seinfeld kinda push.
As opposed to being a human being that doesn't deserve to be looked over and forgotten like a plaything? You should have pushed it, think George Costanza from Seinfeld kinda push.

I don't watch Seinfeld :)

But I've never been too much of a pushing person, besides I could probably live without talking to her for a decent period of time, best friend and all but I'm not desperate for her to stick around.

No matter how sad it might sound, I got plenty of joy in chatting with you guys on here.

So IC how did the chiropractor go by the way?

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