"The Pub" with IC25

IC25's Greatest Moments

  • The Original Music Tournament

  • Getting Vader to the Final 4

  • Imprisoning Sid

  • G-Modding Becca

  • Meeting NorCal & Making it "Cool"

  • Getting D-Man to Register

  • Redoing the End-of-Year Awards Format

  • Adminning Luther

  • The Santino Marella Fan-a-Club

  • Other - Please Post

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White guy, fake brogue, probably could leave your kids with and think they'd be safe, would NEVER leave your wife with and think she'd be safe. The bartender you'd say to yourself "I think I could take him if I had a weapon, but he looks like a guy who can blow up my car."

Brilliant :lmao:
Some of IC25's All-Time Fave TV Shows

(in no particular order)

Perfect Strangers
Knight Rider
Darkwing Duck
Saved by the Bell (when I was in High School, now I think its shit)
Dog the Bounty Hunter (my wife got me into it)
Get Smart
Welcome Back, Kotter
Mork & Mindy
Dick van Dyke Show
The Price is Right
Press Your Luck
Family Feud
Boy Meets World
South Park
Iron Chef
Who's Line Is It, Anyway?
Can we have Tennants on tap for me?

Either way, what is the most entertaining thing you think you have done on here?
Either way, what is the most entertaining thing you think you have done on here?

Well, let's see.

The WZF Invasion of WWE Universe Forums was fun.

"BritishAmerican52" was okay.

Banning KB and imprisoning Monkey was awesome, especially because it upset so many people. Even though I felt bad.

The Rock Tournament was pretty active.
Good man,i'll have 2 Tennants Ice Cold,im a fast drinker and i hate waiting for ages to get served and it is getting busy in here.
Umm Can I have Southern Comfort and lemonade?

And I voted meeting Norcs...ah the pictures <3

You're damn lucky. I keep a SMALL bottle of SoCo (piss-flavored viscous syrup that it is) because my sisters like it. They don't have very good taste either. It's why they like D-Man.
You're damn lucky. I keep a SMALL bottle of SoCo (piss-flavored viscous syrup that it is) because my sisters like it. They don't have very good taste either. It's why they like D-Man.


And a small bottle won't do babes, I need that to get me drunk enough to drink all the other shit.
&#1041;&#1072;&#1088;&#1073;&#1086;&#1089;&#1072;;2105539 said:
You're not welcome here

I've seen some shocking pints of Guinness being served. Watched in horror as someone in my local, which normally does a really good pint of the black stuff, fill the entire glass upright and then leave it to settle... such a waste

Watching Rugby in an "Irish" pub in Austria this winter was somewhat surreal

I got a really bad pint of Guiness here once, in Temple Bar. My mistake was to get it where they were serving food rather than at the bar. I felt really sick for the rest of the day- something was off in it. A friend of mine gets outraged when tourists come over and buy a pint to take a picture with it and then abandon the pint :p

We were in Germany last year during the GAA semi finals and so had to watch it in an Autralian/Irish pub. Really I think it was an Aussie owned bar but they claimed to have Irish roots too and that sells better. Filled with Kerry fans as always.

Also in Geneva we were directed to an "Irish Bar" named Le Lion Rouge which was decorated firmly in red, and only sold ale or American beer :D
Thanks for posting in my CL thread, IC. Nice to see you in there. :)

I posted in your Jobber thread.

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