The problem with ECW: Nobody is ready to overtake Christian for the title.

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I have been watching ECW ever since it started up again with the WWE, and ECW has always lacked a big roster, which is fine. But with Christian having the longest championship reign in the history of ECW, there is still nobody ready to take the belt away from Captain Charisma.

Lets take a look at the roster:

Abraham Washington - Hasn't wrestled yet

Caylen Croft - Just started a tag team push

Ezekiel Jackson - Has no character and his just big. He isn't there yet, but Regal is doing a good job with Big Zeke.

Goldust - Is career is just about over

Gregory Helms/Hurricane - He can't take a main title and now he just got arrested.

Shelton Benjamin - Could never make the big jump to the main event and is nothing but a spot monkey.

Trent Barreta - See Caylen Croft

Tyler Reks - Haven't seem him in a while, I think he is getting repackaged

Vance Archer - He is too intense for the title. But he just made his debut and has no character really at all. But did you know he is intense?

Vladimir Koslov - Just turned face and it seems his career his heading the wrong way.

William Regal - He is the only one who could beat Christian IMO, but one problem... He is no longer allowed to challenge Christian for the title.

Yoshi Tatsu - He is good but he doesn't have the development yet, and I can't picture him ever beating Christian.

Zack Ryder - This guy is good, I like him a lot but can anybody imagine him the face of ECW? I can't.

Well that is the entire roster and everybody besides Regal, I don't see unseating Christian.

Do you guys agree that you can't see anybody beating Christian, and if so when and by who?
It's being strongly rumored that ecw will end soon. I wouldn't mind if Christian was their last champion. Nobody else on the roster would be a suitable "last ever" champion (unless Dreamer was still around). That's my opinion of course, as I'm sure there are a lot of you who like William Regal and wouldn't mind seeing him hold the belt.
I thought for sure Zeke would win last night at the Rumble. Sure he may not be ready to hold a title, but ECW is all about testing the waters with new talent. And I kept thinking after Zeke won,he would feud with Regal due to Regal becoming jealous of him. Looking at the roster though, I think Zach Ryder could hold the title and do it justice.

See right now, my mindset is that Christian will lose the belt either by Mania or at Mania, and get drafted to Smackdown. But he needs to lose the belt to someone who has personality and charisma, someone who can entertain the crowd, and I feel that man is Zach Ryder.
Jackson will win the belt at Elimination Chamber and then he will move forward as champion for a while, probably before turning face and facing Regal. There isn't a problem there at all really. In addition, Benjamin is always adequate for a midcard title reign, and you could even argue a case for Regal, Kozlov, Archer and Ryder. I think the ECW title is quite obviously a low level belt these days, and as a result it isn't very hard to make someone a contender.
I think if Christian lost the belt to Ryder, a small guy who's just getting started, he would lose some credibility, which isn't what he would need right before moving to a bigger show.

I was--and maybe still am--expecting a lost against Zeke, because the dude is hyooj. Losing to him is more forgivable.
Three guys that come to mind that should be eligible for the ECW Championship are William Regal (despite the whole inability to challenge for the title stipulation), Shelton Benjamin and Goldust (only guy to have a clean victory over current WWE Champion Sheamus).

While you're here saying that Shelton Benjamin could never make it to the main event stage, I say that's the perfect reason as to why he should be able to attain the ECW Championship. If Matt Hardy or Tommy Dreamer can become ECW Champion, then why not Shelton Benjamin? Shelton Benjamin did defeat Matt Hardy for the US Championship, did he not? As for the spot monkey comment, are you serious? SB has shown time and time again his technical prowess and agility. Aside from Yoshi Tatsu and Christian, there's really no one as exciting on the ECW roster.

Like you, I also can't see Yoshi Tatsu becoming ECW Champion anytime soon, because he just seems like a face that's out there to win some and lose some while catering to the crowd with typical babyface fashion (like Funaki). I can't take him as a serious title holder/contender, yet. As for Goldust? He's a veteran that may not necessarily need a Championship anymore and only needs to put others over, but to be honest, he has never been better. He's in good shape, he's got good speed for his age and he still brings the intensity. I think an ECW Championship would be a good career topper sendoff for him since he doesn't have long before hanging up the boots.

And for Christian losing the title without losing credibility? Make the match a 3-way with Christian defending it against Shelton Benjamin and Goldust, or a 4-way (add Zack Ryder) if the absence of a heel makes it a little unusual. That way, Christian doesn't have to lose the title to anyone by pinfall. But, seeing how things are flowing right now, none of this seems likely, which is a shame for the guys I mentioned never tasting the closest to a World Championship.
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