The predictability of WWE

Look at last year, they threw in a huge twist...however, I never minded last year's perceived predictable outcome because the matchup was pretty awesome. It didn't have a build, and the outcome we thought was predictable, but it had 1 of these 3 things...the matchup. That was a big one, and it was fresh and interesting. HHH vs Reigns isn't so much. It's lacking in all 3 of these aspects. The same way people miss the point on HHH vs Sting...we thought Sting would win, even though he didn't, it doesn't matter...we thought he was, but the matchup and build was pretty awesome. It had 2 out of 3, and therefore we didn't really care about the predictable outcome... unlike HHH vs Reigns.

Wow you are way off on that HHH vs Sting match. I was at that mania and I can tell you, Sting losing pissed the crowd off in a bad way. Instead of booing it made us have more of a "What? Really?" type reaction. The crowd/people watching at home wanted Sting to win. It was logical for Sting to win. It didn't matter that we knew he would because we wanted him too. It ruined the storyline and made Sting's later comeback really awkward.

This match is an example that should be used for when explaining unpredictability isn't a always a good thing.
Wow you are way off on that HHH vs Sting match. I was at that mania and I can tell you, Sting losing pissed the crowd off in a bad way. Instead of booing it made us have more of a "What? Really?" type reaction. The crowd/people watching at home wanted Sting to win. It was logical for Sting to win. It didn't matter that we knew he would because we wanted him too. It ruined the storyline and made Sting's later comeback really awkward.

This match is an example that should be used for when explaining unpredictability isn't a always a good thing.

Buddy, this seems to be going over your head. I'm not really focusing on the outcomes...I'm focusing on the perceived outcomes...which is what we think it will be going in, and how it affects our opinion on the whole matchup, build, and what we believe will happen...when I say that it didn't matter Sting lost, I'm saying it didn't matter in regards to the way we felt about the matchup and perceived outcome beforehand. Whatever actually happened afterwards is another separate issue.
Predictability isn't bad if the story is handled well. That's where wwe tends to fail - they don't handle the storyline well so we sit there going "geez, i could have done better". You know in the end that Superman and Batman will be allies in the upcoming Batman V Superman movie, does that mean you won't go see it? That's the problem wwe has had for years now - they are so worried about not being predictable that they do bad surprises which we have now become accustomed to and can predict. They forgot that the story is what they are supposed to be selling, not the surprise. Even if you know the ending, a good story(or match in this case) will still draw you in - that's what sells.
He could if they did a good enough story. With the triple threat coming up they could shock us and lesnar get mad because ambrose got pinned and took his title away so he wants to take his away to let him know how it feels. Then they could go 2 directions either have lesnar take it from him at mania or have ambrose win it clean and shock the world.
I was going to do a thread on this same thing but than I realized we read to much into it just enjoy it for what it is. The thing I love is that once in a while while being predictable Vince will throw in a twist like Seth winning last year at Wm31, I did not see that coming.
This year I knew HHH or Roman would win the Rumble and Brock would get screwed by the Wyatt's. We know it will be HHH vs. Roman and Brock vs. Bray at WM32 but what makes it that much better is what Vince might do:
1. Dean turns heel not to help HHH but to make sure Roman does not win.
2. Brock and Bray fight in a cage so there will be no interference but an unnamed female helps Bray defeat Brock.
Just a few examples but first we have to see what will happen at Fastlane, Vince might have something up his sleeve.
I don't care for predictability if I end up becoming entertained by everything I see. It's like watching a favorite movie again and knowing the ending. You know Darth Vader is Luke's father. You know Harvey Dent becomes Two Face in the Dark Knight. James Bond defeats Dr. No in the film and takes down Goldfinger in another. All of these films can entertain somebody, even if they watch it over and over again. Even if you know the good guy wins, a great film will keep you on the edge of your seat like it's the first time.

The concept remains with professional wrestling. Daniel Bryan wins the WWE title and we knew it was coming. The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels and many would've said that the elder was going to take the victory. When the story first leaked out because a booker was hired, the story I read was compelling, even though I saw the ending and had the feud ruined for me. I would've killed to see that outcome on television because the workers involved would've delivered.

Forgive the rant, but the point is...predictability isn't bad if other elements can back it up, as others have said.
Once again the road to Wrestlemania is up for discussion and for months we all try and figure out who or what will be the main attraction at the biggest event in the world. Every year when Wrestlemania ends I always think..'Who will be standing tall at next years event?' Last night on Raw WWE basically made two main matches for Wrestlemania. Roman Reigns vs. Triple H and Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt. The main event for Fastlane is a lock with Reigns, Ambrose and Lesnar and it should be a great match. I don't dislike these Wrestlemania matches but its the fact we already know its happening. Roman Reigns will pin Dean Ambrose to go on and face Triple H. Why wouldn't the main event of Wrestlemania be Reigns and HHH? Its been building for months. That match is a lock. I also hope they make it a No DQ match. Brock Lesnar and Bray Wyatt. Why would WWE have the Wyatts attack Lesnar at the Rumble and have no pay off? Lesnar will rule the triple threat and just before he goes for the pin...The Wyatt family appear and beat him down before carrying him (like Undertaker) out of the arena. Look out for Lesnar taking on the Wyatts in the coming weeks. If he beats Harper and Rowan and Strowman then they are banned from ringside at Mania. Its too predictable and Im excited for Mania but again..its TOO PREDICTABLE

Who knows who will win at Mania though? WWE has been unpredictable lately with the title swaps of the WWE WHC and US titles which usually are held for long reigns. For all we know, HHH could retain the title at Mania but Reigns beats him at ER or Bray pulls off an upset and beat Brock.
Its only predictable because we've seen it all before, sure the names and faces have changed over the years but its been a long time since anything has come along to shake things up storyline wise.
I've always felt that at times, predictability is one of the more 'welcoming' aspects of the business, provided that, that predictability is something that you look forward too and would like to see.

Whether you dislike or like that predictability will always come down to whether you want to see something happen or you couldn't care any less.

It's with that being said, I think, we, as well as WWE shouldn't fear predictability, should it lead to more positive results. Predictability should never be looked at as a negative, unless the execution is poor.

An angle could turn out well-done despite the predictability, a match can be great even if we know the outcome of what the match is, that is what matters the most.

That said, what is my opinion on this current situation? I'm liking what they're doing with Ambrose, generally have loved how they've booked Brock, I'm not keen on HHH holding the title, though I knew he would be back in the ring at some point, and I'm still mixed on Reigns at the moment. I however, can't say that I haven't been happy with the product thus far leading up to WrestleMania, and I can say I am looking forward to where things are going.
Once again the road to Wrestlemania is up for discussion and for months we all try and figure out who or what will be the main attraction at the biggest event in the world. Every year when Wrestlemania ends I always think..'Who will be standing tall at next years event?' Last night on Raw WWE basically made two main matches for Wrestlemania. Roman Reigns vs. Triple H and Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt. The main event for Fastlane is a lock with Reigns, Ambrose and Lesnar and it should be a great match. I don't dislike these Wrestlemania matches but its the fact we already know its happening. Roman Reigns will pin Dean Ambrose to go on and face Triple H. Why wouldn't the main event of Wrestlemania be Reigns and HHH? Its been building for months. That match is a lock. I also hope they make it a No DQ match. Brock Lesnar and Bray Wyatt. Why would WWE have the Wyatts attack Lesnar at the Rumble and have no pay off? Lesnar will rule the triple threat and just before he goes for the pin...The Wyatt family appear and beat him down before carrying him (like Undertaker) out of the arena. Look out for Lesnar taking on the Wyatts in the coming weeks. If he beats Harper and Rowan and Strowman then they are banned from ringside at Mania. Its too predictable and Im excited for Mania but again..its TOO PREDICTABLE

Just want to quote this in the hope it comes around.

Predicted Reigns vs HHH - Well Done

Predicted Wyatt vs Lesnar - Nope

So 50/50 in a 'Too predictable WWE' - I assume you'll be adding a comment to show you were wrong about it being too predictable??
Just want to quote this in the hope it comes around.

Predicted Reigns vs HHH - Well Done

Predicted Wyatt vs Lesnar - Nope

So 50/50 in a 'Too predictable WWE' - I assume you'll be adding a comment to show you were wrong about it being too predictable??

I do believe that Wyatt was supposed to face Lesnar if the rumour's where true. At the last minute though they've decided to push Ambrose. Personally I think they did it, just in case they needed to change the main event up depending on the crowds reaction to Roman Reigns. Which I might add really can't be judged right now as they've taken him off TV for who knows how long.

There was even a report that Lesnar was upset at the change, he wanted to face Wyatt. If I'm correct this is the first time Wyatt has attacked someone and nothing came of it. In that I mean no feud for him to ultimately lose.

Wrestlemania tickets went on sale last November and even though the event will sell itself, there are still fans out there who want to know what they are paying for before they put their money down. I for one do, and when we saw which way the wind was blowing decided it wasn't worth it this year. It can still change depending on what happens at Roadblock in a couple of days, but not expecting it too. Maybe if the WWE wasn't run by PPV's it might not be so predicable, but as we have one every few weeks it will always be that way.

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