The Pope Is Pimpin' His Way To The Main Event


Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
No lie.

He's been hot since arriving, and cuts some of the most entertaining promos we've seen in TNA for a long time. His matches continue to improve, and he's actually getting feuds. I'm sure we'll see him pop up in the 8 Card Stud Tournament, and with a clean victory over AJ last week, it's only a matter of time before Dinero is a legit title threat, and main events a pay-per-view.

I'd say it's a safe bet that he'll be in the King Of The Mountain match.
I was a bit unsure when I first saw the Pope, but he has grown on me and I totally agree with you. His in-ring work is very good, he is way over with the crowd, and his mic work has been excellent. I can easily him moving into a nice upper midcard role, and becoming a full on main eventer by this time next year.
I've been saying for what feels like two years now that letting Elijah Burke walk was one of the biggest mistakes the WWE ever made. I just never understood it – I really didn't. Guys with less charisma and even less talent stayed on the roster over a young talent chock full of both, and the let him walk. Why?

I digress – I couldn't agree more with the OP here. My guess is that he actually ends up facing Anderson in the finals of the 8 Card Stud Tournament and wins at Against All Odds to become the number one contender. AJ & Joe should be relatively busy for the next month or two with their feud, and so long as Pope remains relevant in the story line as he was kept included with the Flair/AJ v. Pope/Joe original run-in save, his title shot won't seem forced at all.
I love me some Pope. He is by far my favorite guy in TNA. He cuts excellent promos and his in ring work keeps improving. How the heck the E missed out on him baffles me. The guy is extremely over with the Impact crowd and he is moving up the pecking order. A clean victory over AJ is a pretty impressive feat. I believe he is the first guy to have defeated AJ this year. I expect him in the 8 card stud tourney and it wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Pope win it and face off against AJ for the title.
Heck yeah, I have been lovin the Pope. The guy has so much charisma in and out of the ring. I can't believe WWE let this guy go!

I had always been a fan of Elijah Burke, but I had no idea he was as good as he's been in TNA so far.

He did this lighting fast combo on Impact to AJ that had shaking my head trying to figure out what I just saw. Then the commentators went:

Tenay: AJ is wondering if he got hit with a right or left
Taz: He got hit with so many rights he was praying for a left.

I started laughing with them, lol.

I really hope to see The Pope as TNA Champion one day because he appears to be worthy of nothing less.
WWE dropped the ball not letting Burke do the Pope in WWE. The Pope is one of the reason if not the reason I love TNA and beyond being a great talent he is a very humble and nice guy. Hope that the Pope has continued success that he deserves.
Elijah Burke was by far my favorite "new blood" member of the new ECW, i thought his work on the mic (if anyone heard him as guest commentator on an early episode of ECW with Joey Styles, tazz had the night off, that was one of the best nights of commentating, ever... i wanted them to stay as a tandem forever) combined with his athleticism and ability to create new moves (or steal them from guys ive never seen before, i.e. japan, mexico, independents) have always put him in a category of guys to watch. When he was abruptly "future-endeavored" my jaw dropped, i knew it wouldnt take long for him to surface in TNA and once he did, i didnt think of him as a WWE never-was, i thought of him as someone they just dropped the ball on, just like WCW did with Jericho, this guy is the black Jericho. now as far as "the Pope" gimmick, not to fond of it, not a fan of the michael jackson mask he wears, nor the john morrison rip-off glasses, but other then that, he has the gift of gab, can entertain in the ring and has the look, id say that makes him the biggest acquisition TNA has ever made (including Angle & Hogan), cause hes a first ballot Hall of Famer to come out of TNA (sorry A.J.!!!)
Just llok at my sig. Haha, that should say enough. The guy has always been one of my favorites since I saw him debut on SmackDown. He just had a presence about him that screamed superstar. And as big of a Punk mark as I am, I found myself cheering for Burke to get the win and the title during their feud. When he debuted in TNA I was stoked and hearing now that Bischoff and Hogan are way into him and Wolfe (another one of my favs) I am very happy to know that Pope signed a 5 year deal and I'm going to guarantee that Pope will be World Champion within a year or two. Hell Booker T can do it, Pope can do it better.
I have to slightly hold off on the POPE... where I do love his in ring and promo work.. I still do not think he is ready to headline a PPV... would you really lay your hard earned cash down to see AJ versus the Pope for the title??? maybe someday but not yet... what happen to Morgan and Hernandez getting shots at main event... also he needs one or two more real good long term feuds before i can buy him as a Main eventer with a legit shot at winning the title
The Pope have one of the best voices in the industry right now. When they want him to be a heel he will become a heel. If they (TNA) want him to be a face, then he will be a face. He cut some of the best Promo. That is what make people World Champions. If you cannot speak on the mic, then you will not make it anywhere. My favorite wrestlers all have natural ability, but they do not have the mic skill ability, beside CM Punk (US and tone down version of KENTA.)
the pope is one of the reasons i watch impact...tna letting pope just be himself was the best thing they could of done...if you remember they had pope debut as a heel only to have the crowd behind him from his debut and of course u had to turn him face bc there wwasnt stopping him.... i hope he becomes tna champ some day, but i think he wont for a while so id like to see him get a run as x division and legends/global title run...building up his resume and then become tna champ...Kinda like they did Joe ...had a few x title runs and tag title run b4 ecome tna champ
I didn't really like him when he first showed up in TNA as I despised him in WWE but then he grew on me and I think he is great now. His promo's always entertain me just because they are silly and funny and gets the message across. His in ring work is pretty good had got himself quite a good moveset. His matches are pretty good as well. He is over with the crowd and has a lot of charisma.

I also think he will be in the main event soon enough. As long as he keeps himself relevant for a long enough time then I am certain that it will just be a bit of time until he is in the main event full time and held his first world championship.
I've always been impressed w/ Pope's promos. His voice used to give me chills back in ECW. I feel like the crowd response for him is almost unparrellel in TNA. My concern is that they will try to push him to the title, to soon. Don't think he'll achieve it, then he'll become lost in this mess called TNA.
Because this seems to be a lovefest devoid of controversy, I'm going to play devil's advocate. I feel I can do so because my true feelings are actually that I think The Pope is quite overrated.

WHAT?? How can he say that? Everyone seems to love him, he must be nuts!

I'll back up what I'm saying. I do believe Pope is overrated. For one thing, I don't understand his gimmick. He's a preacher type guy with a lot of money? A street thug who preaches? And what is with the surgical mask? I think I could deal with not understanding his over the top gimmick if he didn't have the mask, but with it, he just looks like a guy that is either insinuating that he stinks or that he is constantly farting and unwilling to inhale his own brand. Either way, it's pretty stupid looking.

I find it interesting that we've all agreed that over the top gimmicks are a thing of the past, yet with this guy, it's being accepted. I'm not sure why, but I think the next point has something to do with it.

Everyone seems to be talking about his promo work and how good it is, but I'm going to completely disagree. For one thing, the most important part of public speaking is your voice, and his sounds like Eddie Murphy with water in his mouth. Not only that, he never changes his inflections, tons, volume, nothing. It is all done in the same voice with no emotion behind it. A promo is not just about WHAT you say but HOW you say it. I'm not sure he's grasped that yet. On top of that, his promos are like run on sentences and they have repetitive jokes. Calling Orlando Jordan "Whoopi" once in a promo is funny, but saying it 4-5 times kills the joke and makes you seem like you half assed the writing of the promo so as not to come up with new ideas. The positive he has is that he does feel comfortable behind a mic and there are no stutters or anything. I just feel the delivery and the context aren't very good. And by the way, speaking in 3rd person is a BAD idea. Given that it was The Rock's thing, your promos will automatically be compared to "the great one" and there is no way his promos will ever come close to that level.

I know it seems from what I have written that I feel the guy should be cut or never win a match. That is far from the truth. I see potential in him because he's comfortable in any situation. The best thing he could do would be to drop the gimmick and just be a regular guy. Use his regular, non helium voice in promos, and have a real personality, not a forced, contrited one. If he did that, I'd be a lot more into his character. The truth is, WHAT he says on mic is better than what someone like Mr. Anderson says, but Anderson's delivery blows Dinero's away and Anderson understands how to not just deliver lines but how to play to the crowd. That is important, and it's something Mr. Dinero needs to learn. I suggest they hang out together and pick up pointers from one another. I do think that in maybe a couple of years, the kid could pull it together and be entertaining, but I'd definitely like it to be without the dumb gimmick. Elijah Burke, the regular guy from NY, would, I'm sure, be able to connect to the crowd better than some street pope that no one can truly understand.
i couldnt agree more, how badly did Vince drop the ball on this one. Vince even told the world that Elijah Burke was the next heavyweight champion. The Pimp is so pimpin and his theme music, his promos, his in-ring ability are all unbelievable.
Man, This guy is just something else. I went to the Joplin, Mo show this past saturday and the crowd was hot since it was the first time tna went there. But when his music hit and he came out, all you could see was fans with his glass's cheering jumpin up and down. He's definately Main Eventing by this summer. I think him and A.j could put on the best match of the year nominee.
I'll back up what I'm saying. I do believe Pope is overrated. For one thing, I don't understand his gimmick. He's a preacher type guy with a lot of money? A street thug who preaches? And what is with the surgical mask? I think I could deal with not understanding his over the top gimmick if he didn't have the mask, but with it, he just looks like a guy that is either insinuating that he stinks or that he is constantly farting and unwilling to inhale his own brand. Either way, it's pretty stupid looking.
He's said before that he has it because (as a heel) he didn't feel that he should breathe the same air as everyone else because he was better than that. He may still protray that but most people don't care. If that's a big issue with you, get over it. Not a big deal. Not like he wrestles in the damn thing. His gimmik is a throwback to the "Street preachers" of old. The guys who could be confused for pimps (and in some cases probably were). If you don't know that I understand but you have to think about it before just saying it's not a good gimmik cause you don't understand it.

Everyone seems to be talking about his promo work and how good it is, but I'm going to completely disagree. For one thing, the most important part of public speaking is your voice, and his sounds like Eddie Murphy with water in his mouth. Not only that, he never changes his inflections, tons, volume, nothing. It is all done in the same voice with no emotion behind it. A promo is not just about WHAT you say but HOW you say it. I'm not sure he's grasped that yet. On top of that, his promos are like run on sentences and they have repetitive jokes. Calling Orlando Jordan "Whoopi" once in a promo is funny, but saying it 4-5 times kills the joke and makes you seem like you half assed the writing of the promo so as not to come up with new ideas. The positive he has is that he does feel comfortable behind a mic and there are no stutters or anything. I just feel the delivery and the context aren't very good. And by the way, speaking in 3rd person is a BAD idea. Given that it was The Rock's thing, your promos will automatically be compared to "the great one" and there is no way his promos will ever come close to that level.
You obviously have not watched more than two or three of his interviews and I'm guessing you were passing them by and not paying attention. The guy is constantly changing his voice in his promos. Up, down, high, low. The guys is all over the place and keeps people interested. So what if his promos are being compared to Rock's. The guy is better than 95% of WWE's roster and 99% of ROH's. If you have ever been to a southern church or even some urban churches that's the way the preachers speak. Very quick, very choppy. It's part of the gimmik. Once again you don't seem to understand the gimmik and it effects your perception of the gimmik and the man. And to your point of him calling people the wrong names, it's part of the gimmik again that he feels he is above the guys and doesn't really care what their name is and two, were you ok with Jericho consistently calling others names over and over? And to play advocate on your points, Rock's promos were just as overrated as anyone's in the buisness. Rock's promos are not the end all be all of wrestling promos. People who think so are so damn blind.

I know it seems from what I have written that I feel the guy should be cut or never win a match. That is far from the truth. I see potential in him because he's comfortable in any situation. The best thing he could do would be to drop the gimmick and just be a regular guy. Use his regular, non helium voice in promos, and have a real personality, not a forced, contrited one. If he did that, I'd be a lot more into his character. The truth is, WHAT he says on mic is better than what someone like Mr. Anderson says, but Anderson's delivery blows Dinero's away and Anderson understands how to not just deliver lines but how to play to the crowd. That is important, and it's something Mr. Dinero needs to learn. I suggest they hang out together and pick up pointers from one another. I do think that in maybe a couple of years, the kid could pull it together and be entertaining, but I'd definitely like it to be without the dumb gimmick. Elijah Burke, the regular guy from NY, would, I'm sure, be able to connect to the crowd better than some street pope that no one can truly understand.
You seem to be the only one who doesn't understand the character. HE was himself in the WWE and they had no idea what to do with him and if he did go back to being himself in TNA, people wouldn't buy it after being "THe Pope". Some people need that larger than life character to get over, including your apparant #1 hero, The Rock. Rock was Dwayne turned up. Same with Pope. If you want people being themselves and boring most of the time go watch ROH. I like the guys there but Aries is the only guy who really entertains me character wise and that's because he has turned himself into that cocky arogant guy that you love to hate as opposed to most of the guys who are just tights and boots guys. ANd I'm sorry it's damn disrepsectful to call someone in his thirties Kid like you are some damn legend in the buisness. He's connecting with the fans better now than ever before.
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I've gotta be honest, and I know I'll get people saying that I'm crazy for this, but he is the closest that I have seen to anyone being the 'next Rock'. And by that I don't mean he should be The Rock. He's just that little bit different from everyone else. He has that very unique blend of ring ability, charisma and promo-cutting. I think that he is amazing, and the WWE must be kicking themselves over it. His matches vs Desmond Wolfe (who I think is the arm-submission version of Kurt Angle, and who is another guy who is very VERY talented) have been absolutely fantastic. I can't wait for him to get a world title, because at this rate, he will. Doubtless.
Ill say this much, I didnt like the guy all that much when he was in WWE, on ECW. He seemed, uncomfortable, i guess would be the right word with his giommick, like he was straying too far from "himself."

But he also wrote a weekly column on the ECW page that was highly entertaining. He called himself ECW's "Guiding Light" and "Your Pope of Popes". The column was wel done and he really seemed to be himself, and "connected" with the fans. Then he got sick and WWE said they didnt have a storyline for him when he recovered, so they cut him. I didnt care really.

Then he shows up in TNA, and consistently match after match, promo after promo, keeps getting stronger on the mic, and better in the ring. He came in as a heel, and basically turned face because the crowd was so behind him and loved and appreciated his work. If that doesnt scream "IT" factor, I dont know what does. Most guys are predetermined heels or faces, and can usually just do one or the other well. Its the great ones(Angle, Jericho, Flair, HHH, HBK,) that can pull off either with as much intensity. And while Im not suggesting hes intheir league yet, I think hes well on his way. Hes funny, his ring work is phenomenal, and he gets the biggest face pop in TNA at the current moment. I think the match we got with him and AJ was just a tease of bigger and better things to come from him, and I cant wait to see it. I loved that he beat AJ clean. That alone was enough to show me that Hogan and Co. have enough faith in him that he can hold his own in a main event match.
Figures a gator fan would be the only anti-Pope guy on the board.

I agree with everybody else. I don't have a problem with people comparing him to the Rock; at this point it might be a pretty good comparison (albeit, it remains to be seen if TNA will ever be big enough for him to ever reach the heights of popularity.)

I really don't interpret the gimmick to be over-the-top or silly. He isn't a member of the Undead, a necrophiliac burn victim, a cross-dressing movie director, a crazy dentist (poor Glen Jacobs), a tax agent, A Hanson-esque hockey player, an inbred farmer who happens to have porcine initials, or hmm, what's the absolute worse, a porn star who runs around everywhere in a bath towel like Bellini. He's just a street preacher.
I really like the pope as a maineventer i will like to see that happend but dont you think that TNA has alot of maineventer for right now,They have angel,aj,anderson,wolfe,joe,lashley.Hopefully pope gets in the main even in against all odds and win that will be the only way for pope to become a major star and maineventer in TNA
He's said before that he has it because (as a heel) he didn't feel that he should breathe the same air as everyone else because he was better than that. He may still protray that but most people don't care. If that's a big issue with you, get over it. Not a big deal. Not like he wrestles in the damn thing. His gimmik is a throwback to the "Street preachers" of old. The guys who could be confused for pimps (and in some cases probably were). If you don't know that I understand but you have to think about it before just saying it's not a good gimmik cause you don't understand it.

First off, you should probably spell gimmick right, but I'm just saying that because I respect your opinions and I like busting balls. However, on the main point in this paragraph, I think you missed my point. What I was trying to get across is that this is 2010. This day and age, I believe wrestling has gotten to a point where things don't need to be over the top to work. I believe that someone should be able to "turn up the volume" and be a persona as opposed to a character. The Pope is a character and one that doens't make a lot of sense. He's actually supposed to be a street preacher from New York. I'm from NY and I've never seen a street preacher look like that. Not to say a street preacher COUDLN'T look like that, but I feel that in today's wrestling business, the more reliant you are on an over the top character to get you over, the less likely you are to get over as a persona which is what sells today.

You obviously have not watched more than two or three of his interviews and I'm guessing you were passing them by and not paying attention. The guy is constantly changing his voice in his promos. Up, down, high, low. The guys is all over the place and keeps people interested. So what if his promos are being compared to Rock's. The guy is better than 95% of WWE's roster and 99% of ROH's. If you have ever been to a southern church or even some urban churches that's the way the preachers speak. Very quick, very choppy. It's part of the gimmik. Once again you don't seem to understand the gimmik and it effects your perception of the gimmik and the man. And to your point of him calling people the wrong names, it's part of the gimmik again that he feels he is above the guys and doesn't really care what their name is and two, were you ok with Jericho consistently calling others names over and over? And to play advocate on your points, Rock's promos were just as overrated as anyone's in the buisness. Rock's promos are not the end all be all of wrestling promos. People who think so are so damn blind.

I've watched most of his promos in WWE and TNA. Truth be told, his promos in WWE were better. I sensed feeling in them. I haven't felt feeling in any of his TNA promos, which I find ironic since part of the gimmick is to "preach" which is usually an overexaggeration of feeling. As for the wrong name thing, I do enjoy that sort of thing, and the first time he said it, it COULD have been funny if he said it in a better voice than the one he uses, and even in that voice, I had a small chuckle. The point was, by continuing to use it, it showed a lack of creativity/spontaneity/originality in the rest of the promo. To say he's a better promo man than essentially 95 percent of the business today.............I'll give you some names to ponder. The Miz is miles ahead of him. Jericho is too, though his set promos lately have become a little stale. CM Punk has done a nice job lately and might be the best today at staying in character at all times (probably because he lives his gimmick). I would also put money on MVP, Cena, Orton, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, among others at schooling The Pope on the mic. On the TNA side, I would certainly expect Kurt Angle to school the kid, and as I stated in my first post, though I think his mic work is overrated, Mr. Anderson has done a nice job at creating heat for himself so I have to give credit where credit is due for that aspect.

I would liken The Pope to R-Truth in the WWE. Short, choppy promo style (when Truth actually talks, not raps) where they have a creative line every now and again that gives people hope that they will rise to great mic heights. Then the next 5 promos that stink are ignored because he had one great line.

As for The Rock, while he was my favorite wrestler of the Attitude Era, it was not because of his catchphrases. It was the unpredictability of the rest of his promos. He was entertaining and just owned any area he was ever in. I challenge you to watch any promo he cut from 1999 on. Listen to the crowd eat up every word. Watch as he merely says that the fans are chanting his name and they all respond by doing so. Not many had that ability. However, there are others I have thorougly enjoyed in my life. I love watching old school Piper, Macho Man was interesting, among others. However, most of the old character I enjoyed wouldn't work today. It's a different skill set in being a bit more "regular" and "relateable". Also to note, I judge comedy style promos in a different category than utterly serious ones because it's not fair to compare the two. Thus, comparing vicious heels and funny faces is not a fair comparison. The point is, there's plenty of quality mic men in this business today (and plenty of lousy ones), and I think Mr. Dinero is closer to the middle than the top. That is to say he's above average but not anywhere close to elite.

You seem to be the only one who doesn't understand the character. HE was himself in the WWE and they had no idea what to do with him and if he did go back to being himself in TNA, people wouldn't buy it after being "THe Pope". Some people need that larger than life character to get over, including your apparant #1 hero, The Rock. Rock was Dwayne turned up. Same with Pope. If you want people being themselves and boring most of the time go watch ROH. I like the guys there but Aries is the only guy who really entertains me character wise and that's because he has turned himself into that cocky arogant guy that you love to hate as opposed to most of the guys who are just tights and boots guys. ANd I'm sorry it's damn disrepsectful to call someone in his thirties Kid like you are some damn legend in the buisness. He's connecting with the fans better now than ever before.

To start, I'm not a ROH fan and never will be. It's character development is very weak and I'm a fan of stories and storylines. It's what drew me into the business in the first place and what continues to keep me watching. With that said, while I look for the best stories to further each week, I also tend to look forward to certain segments. In the Attitude Era, while everyone was intrigued with the Stone Cold/McMahon never-ending saga, I would argue that many people felt you could not miss a Rock promo. I, however, feel that the Rock's better stuff was yet to come. I actually think he was at his best later on when he become more human, more relateable. When he started talking about his roots in Miami, his actual life, he become more normal and I think it was probably just natural progression as well. Ultimately, no matter who you are, you should always be striving to get better. I think that's why I'm down on the Pope. I felt he had potential in WWE and I still think he has potential, but I think strapping him with a lame gimmick that I can kind of liken to a bad knockoff of Brother Love is a step in the wrong direction. The best thing that could happen with the kid is to have this cheery Pope thing go for a little but start losing a little bit. He would continue being happy to insult people and put on a show, but slowly realize that he's getting nowhere. This would lead to a revelation and his becoming "himself". Perhaps the name D'Angelo Winters could work so he could keep part of the name. This person would be one who realizes that, while he is a survivor of the streets of New York, he doesn't need to do these ridiculous things for the fans to like him. He needs to show them that anyone can survive and that being from New York makes you tough to the point where you can take anything. I believe this pro NY thing could be a prelude to a great feud with the brit, Desmond Wolfe, who could knock NY and the US to get heat and thus, get the now Winters a lot of cheers to beat the evil Brit. I would certainly be more into this character than this over the top Pope thing. Again, I'm not sayiing the kid can't succeed, but I am saying that he's nowhere near tapped into his potential. In a few years, you might look back at this conversation and be like "wow, i thought he was good then, boy, he's improved leaps and bounds". And that is exactly what I hope happens. I do hope for the best for any talent, but I do prepare for the worst. Here's hoping the former Elijah Burke doesn't buy the internet hype and continues to improve as he matures in his wrestling career.
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Easy on the gator fan stuff cause Pope is a gator fan himself lol. The guy that made those comments just don't get the street preacher thing. His promos are great his line alone about someone get the pope a sundae was a good line he has that southern tone in his voice that gets the street preacher promos over.
Easy on the gator fan stuff cause Pope is a gator fan himself lol. The guy that made those comments just don't get the street preacher thing. His promos are great his line alone about someone get the pope a sundae was a good line he has that southern tone in his voice that gets the street preacher promos over.

The only issue with the "southern preacher" thing is that he is billed from "The Streets of Harlem" and sounds like he's from the streets of Birmingham. Either play the part of a New Yorker or bill yourself differently. Otherwise, it's just inconsistency.
News flash people do move heard a many a people where I work from New York that talk with a southern draw in there voice so your looking into the New York thing to much and how are you a Gator fan in NY

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