The Phoneix Rises: TNA TV Returns Jan 7th


Lord And Master
Staff member

They're back! And apparently the black and white poster is a cost cutting measure. OK, that's a mean joke. But TNA is alive and ready to get back in gear as they've announced their next set of tapings. January 7, 8 and 9 from the Manhattan Center in New York City as they continue their trek to the northeast.

While nothing is official yet, it should be noted that January 7 is a Wednesday, meaning the first of these 3-ish tapings might be a live broadcast in the birthplace of Monday Night Raw.

Their next taping session after that is most likely one of the UK Tour shows therefor they need 4 tapings in 3 days. Personally, I'm not a fan of these combo tapings. I far prefer making one big taping in a location, air it as 2 parts on TV and two weeks later rinse and repeat in a different arena. It keeps crowds fresh, talents rested and spoilers minimal and things don't feel dated after 3 weeks. It works for AAA splendidly and helps move more tickets and you're not drinking from the same dirty water 3 days in a row. Hopefully that changes as TNA gets back on track.

Seems like they might tape 2 months worth of shows in a 3 day period. I hope not. That destroys the fresh feel of being on a new network.

Hopefully they promote this during their final weeks on Spike TV to help boost ticket sales.

They will need it as they enter an unknown territory of a smaller network.

If I were Destination America, I would tell TNA to go to the UK and tape Impact there first and let those shows be the first to premiere on DA. Would look nicer with a big arena and a big crowd.
The first set of taping will go down in New York with a Live Destination America premier on Jan 7th. During their New York stop they will film episodes for the remainder of January. TNA will then film for February during a stop on the Maximum Impact Tour.

@Killjoy, it would be great to see TNA return to a bi weekly taping schedule. It would be even better to see every other show go live. Unfortunately that is a hefty expense that TNA might not be able to afford right now. I'd like to see them get on a schedule where they run a Live Wednesday then tape three shows on a monthly cycle and then build towards your idea.

I haven't heard many reports on an updated roster. TNA was holding off on new long term deals with a number of talents working per appearance. They also have a handful of deals coming to a close within the next few weeks. Angle is in their advertisement but no longer with the company, unless I missed the news of him resigning. Any have any news to report?
I'd much prefer they tape every other week, two shows a night. Momentum is easily killed when people can just go online and read the spoilers.

I hope they get a new set, new color scheme, etc. etc. This would also be a perfect time for the name to go back to TNA Wrestling and debut a new logo.

The last shows on Spike were okay so hopefully they keep getting better creatively.
Fuck it, go for it. Change the color, change the presentation, update the logos but keep it TNA. Why the hell not. It'll help the people with hoping that this will be different. Will it? Absolutely not. Same people run TNA, same result will happen. But, we'll at least enjoy some different things. Not saying it'll die (almost) again, I'm just saying that I have little faith in the gears that make the TNA machine go. Cool, you got a network, you won't croak. What about your advertising and marketing team? What about your writers and bookers? Those are the things that make a REAL change that we can all feel. The rest is visuals and those last for about a month before we get used to them.

Get some young fucking people in those positions. Get wrestling fans. Why are all the damn writers middle aged? Seriously, age has so much to do with it. I wish some wrestling company would just hire a couple of wrestling fans with sufficient experience in writing and have them work alongside the old fucks but really listen to their opinion.
Despite the wonderfully dramatic thread title, a very tepid level of response. I think that speaks to the complete loss of faith everyone has had in this brand.

I am hopeful, but only through sheer optimisim.

Will they offer an alternative? Will they get Dixie the fuck off my tv? For good? Will they get away from the same ol' same ol?

Probably not. However, for the first time in a long time, ill give them the chance to prove that to me.
Norcal hit the main point at the end there: TNA has a chance to get something right here, but at the end of the day, they have to actually deliver. Yeah they're on a new network and have a new logo and a new beginning and all that jazz, but if it's the same dull product that fires 50 rounds into their foot every other month, none of this is going to matter. The show has to be different in some positive way. Now no one is expecting it to be Raw in 2000 or Smackdown in 2003, but we need to see good action, logical stories, and none of the same repetitive stuff over and over again. Raw is pretty bad right now and TNA has a chance to make it work. We've seen NXT tear the house down as an alternative to Raw by having well done stories with good in-ring payoffs. TNA has the talent to do something similar, but that's been the case for years. Do something with it already.

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