The perfect Time To Change John Cena

Mouthy Idiot

Occasional Pre-Show
I hate to even do a John Cena post but I felt compelled by the timing and the current situation with his injury and surgery and time off. A couple of years ago I posted on here that I felt Cena should at some point , take some time off and change his look and image. Of course a lot of people found it idiotic "ironic considering my username" but nevertheless some people understood where I was going with the idea. I felt he should do a "Sting" Steve Borden style change where he changes his tired predictable look and image.

I originally felt Cena could become kind of an 'emo" Cena , he could grow his hair out , maybe lose alittle bulk , not a lot of weight but enough to make him look alittle slimmer and maybe some facial hair and some new ring attire. A darker color , maybe some black.. I felt this idea might work in reigniting his character. Now this injury happens and its the perfect time to make a change. He wont be back most likely until 2014 , unless they use him on tv in a non wrestling role. I feel 4-6 months is a decent amount of time off to change his image alittle and reinvent him. I know its radical and possibly even pointless but its also a big risk that could pay off big time. Society is very dark these days with a lot of teens and kids and even adults more geared toward the darker more vampy emo style. I think Cena is hated a lot because of his "marine robotic" approach.

He seems so bland at this stage of his career, over a decade and counting. At some point you have to change alittle. Its not like he has to do a complete 180.. But what is so wrong with a darker image at this point. Technically he doesn't even have to become "heel" he could just become darker. I think people would probably be interested in this new Cena. I just think hes already accomplished everything he can as his current incarnation. Again I know a lot of you will say its stupid and they wont do it because hes a marketing dream and the little cena fans wont be happy with his new image. Sting was the John Cena of his time and his darker crow character made him even more popular. History DOES repeat itself in this life. I believe it would work for Cena. Its just a hunch.

Vince and Paul and Stephanie probably don't have the balls to do this so it wont happen but I wish somebody would just pitch this idea and really try to open their eyes to a risky bold career move for Cena. Again what do they have to lose,, yeah yeah lots of "cash" right from cenas t shirt sales. Well again those fruity pebbles shirts are getting stale. Imagine the revenue for a John Cena black colored emoish shirt. It COULD work big. The only major concern would be if he went darker how long would it last.. I mean say it flopped he could go back to his old self pretty quick. 3 easy steps. haircut , shave, throw on fruity pebbles colored shirt and jean shorts.

In final I just wanna know if this is a good concept or am I insane for even pitching this. At least its something new and different, Hogan did it and it made more money than any wrestling angle ever and Hogan was the Cena of WWF back in the day. Kids loved him. The dark Hogan made a lot of money and changed the business. I know its a different time and era but cena is so boring to so many people this could be the key to his next 10 years. Or again it flops and he goes back to his clean cut marine image. If he stays the same forever he will never be anything more than what he is now. I always thought Vince wanted to "push the envelope" to reacher Higher Highs and be even better. This would do that. In a big way.
I originally felt Cena could become kind of an 'emo" Cena , he could grow his hair out , maybe lose alittle bulk , not a lot of weight but enough to make him look alittle slimmer and maybe some facial hair and some new ring attire. A darker color , maybe some black.. I felt this idea might work in reigniting his character.

Did you just describe AJ STYLES?

My thoughts:

Cena shouldnt change. If he changes his attire look than sure. But if he changes too much it would just be weird. I think he should return after injury and "save" WWE from the new corporation thingy. In a good creative way instead of a randomly overused team vs team. Cena seems a perfect fit for this as hes suppose to be THE GUY.

On second thought maybe cena could change his look by standing up for the opposite of good for bussiness and change his look in support for Daniel Bryan?
I can just imagine "emo" John Cena at a Make A Wish event and how well that would go.

But seriously, if John Cena is to change anything about himself, it's his merchandise, which I'm pretty sure WWE will do when he returns. A heel Cena has been a topic for discussion so much on these forums it's a damn cliché by now. I mean seriously, Benoit, Heel Cena, and Killing Undertaker's Streak deserve scrutiny by now. If they turn Cena heel, fine. If someone ends the streak, great. But the subjects have been done to death.

John Cena is more over than ever. I doubt WWE will turn him heel on account that he is the most asked for person in the Make A Wish Foundation. Cena shouldn't change.
Okay so I needs some context in my idea, so bare with me here. Let's assume Triple H puts the WWE title on himself in an ultimate egotastic move and fires CM Punk in December as part of his dictatorial regime. Punk then sneaks his way into the Rumble in a big "return" at #13. After #29, CM Punk is left standing after last eliminating a big Triple H stooge (Kevin Nash?). After that, Cena returns at #30, and has an 8-minute bout with Punk which ends with Punk pushing him over the top. Punk wins and a title match with H is made for Mania.

Cena's character becomes self-conscious afterwards. His return was overshadowed by Punk, and when he comes out for a tag match with Bryan, Bryan gets a bigger pop. They can even do a backstage segment where Bryan gets asked for an autograph by a fan during a double date and Cena is entirely ignored. Cena is still a bonafide face though. He cuts promos about how he is the FACE OF THE WWE and challenges Triple H's business decisions. The Board supports Cena fully and makes a title match against Triple H at Elimination Chamber.

At Elimination Chamer, Cena actually has a match with Triple H. However, after about 10 minutes, John Cena walks out. The crowd boos like crazy obviously, and Triple H acts "in shock".

The main event of the night though is the Elimination Chamber for a shot at Daniel Bryan's World title at WrestleMania. 6 guys are in, let's say Kane, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Dean Ambrose, Sheamus and Evan Bourne. All of them make their entrances, and get into their pods, which are new models with tinted glass. Kane, Randy, Dolph, Dean and Sheamus all make it out, with Evan coming in last. After a couple of eliminations, it's Evan's turn to come out. The clock counts down. The pod lights up. And out comes... JOHN CENA.

The crowd is shocked, and the wrestlers too. Cena cleans house, wins the title shot, and stares down at Bryan who is in the announce desk, baffled at what occurred.

He comes out next night and talks about how Daniel Bryan THINKS he beat him at SummerSlam. Bryan beat a man with a broken elbow. He can't beat John Cena at 100%. He tells Bryan he can't get the job done for real. Bryan calls him out on how he said the night after SS that the elbow didn't matter and Cena brushes it off and says that he lied. He wanted to make Bryan feel special, but Bryan in turn STOLE his spot. He emphasizes that HE is the FACE OF THE WWE and Bryan has to toe the line.

At WrestleMania, Bryan/Cena II for the World title occurs with both Bellas in their corners. At the big show, Bryan takes Cena to the limit, and while the ref is down, Cena asks Nikki to give him the title. Nikki is reluctant but Cena begs her to do it. Once she does, he smacks Bryan with the title and gets the pin. Brie argues with Nikki and tries to help a furious Bryan up after the match.

Cena goes full heel after WrestleMania... but only temporarily. He could "see the light" by the summer, but by then, he would be more badass, cooler, edgier, and have a much better rapport with the fans.
We dont' need to change John Cena. Why would you want to change the face of the company? He have been doing the same routine for quite a while. I understand that.

Too bad, that you want him to take a cab and come back in 8 months with a new gimmick. Sorry, I think his gimmick is just fine. When you do that, you will have kids not wanting his shirts. He won't be on the box of Fruity Pebbles. Nor will he receive the sales like he should.

The only reason why Sting Crow gimmick work so good is that the nWo was the hottest thing. What was the nWo colors? Black and White. What was Sting colors? Black and White. Regardless, he color scheme was the same.
At some point, people are going to realize that these "turning Cena" threads are a rediculous waste of time. I don't care whether it's turning him heel or turning him into a "darker face with shades of grey", its not who the John Cena character is. When Randy Orton turned face, did he suddenly start becoming chummy with the faces? No, he still walked very much alone.

Cena's showed in the past that he can shine with an edgier character, hence the a heel rapper and later, when he turned face, using a similar character. He was pretty successful, wasn't he? Was he also insanely over? It's yes, of course, to both. However, a gimmick such as that one has a shelf life, an the time would have come when people would have grown tired of the rapper gimmick altogether. More importantly, it wouldn't have worked long term for the guy who's the face of the company.

As I said earlier, I truly don't understand these threads where people want to change Cena is some way. I know some people are sick of the "same" John Cena, but in all honesty, most aren't. The proof? He's a cash cow, a huge draw, and whether one likes him or not, he always draws a reaction. So then, until it's shown that:

1. Someone can, long-term, take over as the top guy(No, Daniel Bryan or CM Punk aren't there)
2. Cena is unable to draw and sell merchandise at the top of the card
3. Cena can no longer draw large reactions

Then nothing should change. It's a small minority that wants to see a change in John Cena. Only when he maxes out all he can do as a babyface and stops being a draw will it be time for them to do something else with him. That time hasn't come, not by a long-shot. Cena is not Steve Borden(Sting), so why make him into something that hes not? It's a gimmick I can't even picture on Cena.

To use a sports analogy, Peyton Manning recently tied the NFL record for most TD's in a game without an interception(7). But it would be like the Denver Broncos, with Peyton Manning at QB, running the ball 70 times a game and passing 10. Like WWE has Cena, the Broncos have their guy in Manning, and they know what works best with him. So why go away from what has been established to work for a gamble, in something else that just 'might work'? If you're smart, you don't. It has nothing to do with having balls, it's about making the right decisions to put yourself in a chance to succeed. If you're Denver, you let Peyton call his own plays and throw a lot. If you're the WWE, you let Cena be the guy he's been for the past nine years.

I think it's worked out ok for Cena, with 13 WWE/World championships and all. You don't fix what isn't broke.
I dont know what it is but its like people read my entire post and they don't even process anything I said. They just stare at it and see "turn cena heel" in their minds. I didn't say he had to go "heel" I reference that in my OP that he doesn't have to go "heel" to change. I wish people wouldn't even post if they aren't gonna read the entire post and see what was said. Again people want to harp on the idea he cant be changed and that its stupid to change him and that he does the "make a wish " stuff and it would kill it,. I say that's bull... I bet he would be liked even more if he changed his style alittle. That's my point he can change looks and not be 'heel' . Sting did the same thing. You people are so corporate acting and lack the whole concept of "originality and cutting edge thinking" that's why none of you will ever be writers in the WWE. I simply am saying this would be a major move for his stagnant overdone career. Again as I said in my OP if it bombed they could easily go right back to Super marine clean cut Cena. Just read the entire OP and see what was said. I gave very detailed reasons and counter reasons.
I think Cena can alter his look slightly when he returns, but having him be "THE FACE" of the WWE and heel can work. He can just be heel SuperCena. The guy that does the make-a-wish-foundation. Lives in the lavish life with Nikki Bella. Just have him embellish all of the things that he does for the COMPANY and for the WWE Universe. The Promos Cena was cutting in the feud w/D Bry heading into SummerSlam were the perfect springboard for this. Just have him side w/Vince, HHH, etc. This is another perfect opportunity to turn Cena heel and he doesn't even have to change his character much. A WWE w/Cena, Orton, and Sheamus as heels is what's "BEST FOR BUSINESS".
I dont know what it is but its like people read my entire post and they don't even process anything I said. They just stare at it and see "turn cena heel" in their minds. I didn't say he had to go "heel" I reference that in my OP that he doesn't have to go "heel" to change. I wish people wouldn't even post if they aren't gonna read the entire post and see what was said. Again people want to harp on the idea he cant be changed and that its stupid to change him and that he does the "make a wish " stuff and it would kill it,. I say that's bull... I bet he would be liked even more if he changed his style alittle. That's my point he can change looks and not be 'heel' . Sting did the same thing. You people are so corporate acting and lack the whole concept of "originality and cutting edge thinking" that's why none of you will ever be writers in the WWE. I simply am saying this would be a major move for his stagnant overdone career. Again as I said in my OP if it bombed they could easily go right back to Super marine clean cut Cena. Just read the entire OP and see what was said. I gave very detailed reasons and counter reasons.

So you don't want criticism of the idea, you only want people to tell you how brilliant it is? Sorry, that's not how it works. You put something out there then you have to be ready to get replies you don't like.

You feel like Cena needs to change into something totally different in order to be over. The fact is, he is the most consistently over star on the roster. Yes, Punk has beat his merchandise sales for short periods. Yes, other stars have gotten louder pops from time to time. Doesn't change the fact that long term, Cena is their top guy. Changing his image might spark some short term ratings, but at the risk of alienating the very large fan base that likes his current character exactly the way it is. What you don't seem to understand is that a negative reaction is just as good as a positive reaction in wrestling. Whether he is getting cheered or booed, he is getting a reaction. You don't change a character that is that far over until he stops getting any reaction at all...
don't people understand they do NOT want to change john cena hell they have him come out over and over again saying this is who im i will not change for anyone blah blah blah. so no i dont think we will see a change in him for a long time, do i want to see a change ? HELL YES but dont think it will happen anytime soon.
If there was ever a good opportunity to turn him heel, it was after WM 29 with the Rock. What did Cena do? He gave a speech about how he'll never change.

I would welcome a darker Cena, but I just don't think it's ever going to happen. I see him returning, punching out Trips and winning back the WWE championship, picking right up where he left off.
I know some people want to see John Cena turn heel but it probably ain't gonna happen. The formula WWE has used for Cena has been far too successful financially and in generating the sort of overall family friendly brand WWE has wanted to create.

Now that being said, IF WWE is able to somehow keep this angle going and keep it interesting until John Cena's return, then it would be an ideal time to turn him. Just as his initial feud with The Rock was an ideal time to turn him. The story is simple: Cena returning after taking a long time away from WWE to both heal & rest. During that time, he's had a lot of time to reflect and he's watched the near universal acceptance of Daniel Bryan by the WWE Universe. An all too human feeling of resentment and jealousy bubbles up in WWE's resident Superman. Cena's resentment could grow to have clouded his judgment and even perception, deciding that the WWE Universe and even the Cenation itself has turned its back on him in favor of Daniel Bryan. Bryan has replaced Cena as sort of the new idol of WWE with a level of acceptance that he himself has never seemed to capture. That's when all the various perceived "shortcomings" of Bryan send Cena over the edge. After all, Cena's someone who is "supposed" to be the face of WWE right? He's got the look, he's got the wholesome image, he's got the movie star features, yet WWE fans have pushed him aside for Daniel Bryan? Uh huh...Homey don't play 'dat. :p

Besides all that, Bryan did cleanly beat Cena at SummerSlam. Cena could view SummerSlam as when the fans really "turned" on him. It's only natural for Cena to want to even things up with Bryan and ultimately get the better of him. Joining Triple H's regime, a regime that's trying to ensure the "future of WWE" by doing what's "best for business", would give Cena that opportunity for a grand heel turn and justification for a feud with Bryan.

If anything, this situation MIGHT be an even more perfect time to turn Cena heel than during his feud with The Rock. However, as I said, the odds of this happening are pretty slim. IF, IF, IF, however, Triple H was to have this same idea and managed to convince Vince that this could be a big deal and could work, it could happen. The odds are slim, but not totally impossible.
Err... an "emo vampy" style... no fucking way!

I can't stand the teen boys and even young guys in their 20's these days with their ******y tight jeans, face piercings and long hair, the kids these days all look like punk bitches, even black guys have gone the way of girly jeans. What the fuck happened to gangsta rap black people? You're letting down the team if you're a black dude who's not gay wearing sissy ass tight jeans I hope you realize. What happened to being a man?

Ok now I've gotten that out of the way;

In all seriousness I have always hated John Cena even when he was the smart mouth rapper with a comeback for everything just before he went all out hero for the kids.

However he's been like that so long now that even I would feel betrayed if he turned heel and its because all the kids love him, and betraying all the kids is the most heartless thing to do. It should be just like what they did with Hogan in the mid 90's and nobody else really has that same thing Hogan had with the kids going for them like Cena does.

So yes I absolutely agree with the OP that he should return with some kind of heel turn shocker but not emo for christ sake. Jesus!

I think he should just do what hogan did and tell the kids he really could care less about them and he's only there for the money. Give himself like a womanizing rich bastard gimmick. start combing his hair back and wear cool sunglasses for his promos, cheat to win matches, all that stuff.
The womanizing part would especially draw serious heat due to how pussy whipped the world is now. Do you realize woman now recieve equal pay to men in tennis grand slams? they don't even play 5 sets, only 3! its a feminist conspiracy.

Anyway back to the point, give him a kind of like million dollar man but with a bit of Ric Flair and Hollywood Hogan thrown in. He could boast about how he raised the bar in wrestling and parade around like an asshole and get himself some cronies, but for him they should be big name cronies to emphasize is grandeur just like Hollywood had.
For along time I've seen Cena's turn happening against the Undertaker but know I got the perfect plan (in my eyes)

Royal Rumble -Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton
Cena in disguise attacks both men.On both Raw and Smackdown he attacks everyone from heel to face.Then be called out by Daniel Bryan for Elimination Chamber at Chamber Cena Wins but is Unmasked by Bryan (with facial hair) The Next Night He Comes out to explain his actions but just walks away the next week he attacks Kane (Gong) The Undertaker Returns chokeslam him the next week Cena goes to attack Taker but walks away the GM tries to put him in a match only to be attacked the interviewer ask Cena what's going on only to be chokelsammed (yes by Cena) he goes to the ring to expalin his but walks away (Gong) Taker appears calls out Cena for Mania but Cena continues walking the next week Cena comes out to trick the fans again and (Gong) Taker chokeslams him only for Cena to do (The Undertaker sit up tall) while Taker poses then Taker get's up to an AA and Cena count's to 10 on his hand then grabs the mic and say's I accept but it's last man standing the next week (last show before Mania) Taker comes out only to be jumped by the shield then Cena comes out fend's them off he say's better yet let's add another Stip Streak vs Career and say's because that's what's best for Bussiness with a smerk

WrestlemaniaCena dominates the match but can't keep the Undertaker down for 10 so he gets real angry do Kane/Taker Hand Raise thing light's off (gong) The Shield and Randy Orton are in the ring attacks Taker Randy hit's RKO then The Shield put's Taker through the announce Table Cena/Orton leads the Shield and the next night HHH comes out mad even though Randy won him his match but he's mad because they screwed Taker so he calls out Cena/Orton only to be attacked by The Shield then later in the night Taker comes out to Retire only to be attacked by The Shield/Randy/Cena then Cena informs him he's the new COO first things first Taker may not Retire tonight because him and HHH has a match The 2 of them vs The Shield,Sheamus,Randy,Axel,Ryback and their all allowed in the ring but they all refuse to do it and get's fired (kayfabe)...........
Cena doesn't need a gimmick change, a heel turn or anything in between. He is a legend of this business who has achieved incredible success and does a lot for charity. There are more than one reason why John Cena should remain in his current form never mind the Make A Wish foundation.

I'm not saying I would be against seeing Cena in a different form. It is simply curiosity that I'm sure the majority of wrestling fans would like to see. How would a heel Cena work at the very top level? I don't think he should EVER turn heel but it is something that would be interesting to see. One of those things we will look back and say "what if". The same principle applies for him changing his gimmick but I am happy with John Cena in his current form.
There is no need to change John Cena and his character. His whole gimmick is about the person outside of wrestling as well as in the squared circle. I just don;t see any long term benefit in changing him, he is the top draw today after 8 years of being on top and is now on a much deserving break. I am glad Cena is taking time out of the ring mainly because the fans will actually appreciate him when he returns.
Character changes to major stars have to happen for a reason. Sting went darker because he felt he was betrayed by WCW. Hulk Hogan became Hollywood because he was bored by WCW and wanted to lead the new revolution in wrestling, along with the fact that WCW fans rejected Hulk. The list goes on and on.

One other reason they change; they no longer are creating the revenue that at one time they had. John Cena contributes about 20% of WWE's revenue.

Cena is fine where he is. He continues to receive the loudest reaction from fans, he is one of the best performers in the WWE, and contributes huge sums of revenue for the WWE.
I dont know what it is but its like people read my entire post and they don't even process anything I said. They just stare at it and see "turn cena heel" in their minds. I didn't say he had to go "heel" I reference that in my OP that he doesn't have to go "heel" to change. I wish people wouldn't even post if they aren't gonna read the entire post and see what was said.

Giving him an "emo" look isn't exactly what a babyface like John Cena would do. Instead of bashing people for knowing how Cena's character is, you should probably put more thought into your concept before getting upset that people don't like your idea.

Again people want to harp on the idea he cant be changed and that its stupid to change him and that he does the "make a wish " stuff and it would kill it,. I say that's bull...

He's receiving huge credibility as a good guy for doing so. You've got to think like a company would. Your star attraction just happens to be the most asked for person among dying kids. And you're willing to let all of that go, just to "do something different"? I don't see how that's bull, and frankly you haven't really given proof that it is.

I bet he would be liked even more if he changed his style alittle.

Making him an emo character is not changing his character "a little".

That's my point he can change looks and not be 'heel' . Sting did the same thing.

Not for the life of me can I imagine an emo John Cena getting cheered. Sting is an entirely different case; Hogan betrayed the wrestling world and brought the Attitude Era to life. WCW was overrun by mega heels. They needed a dark avenging character. Sting was the man for his time and place.

This is PG entertainment. The children love Cena. Most of us begrudgingly do to. He is over as is. He may change the color of his clothes, but his attitude will never change unless the time calls for it. The time doesn't call for it.

You people are so corporate acting and lack the whole concept of "originality and cutting edge thinking" that's why none of you will ever be writers in the WWE

Making a wrestler "dark" isn't original.

And damn, there went my chance at being a writer for WWE. :shrug:

I simply am saying this would be a major move for his stagnant overdone career.

So that's what this is about. You're hating on Cena. I admit I don't care much for him and never have. Nothing would thrill me more than to see Cena turn heel. But the truth is that's very unlikely, and at this point is very bad for business.

When dying children quit asking for Cena, then maybe I can agree with you. But for someone who sees the common sense in keeping your #1 a clean face, I respectfully think your idea sucks.

Again as I said in my OP if it bombed they could easily go right back to Super marine clean cut Cena. Just read the entire OP and see what was said. I gave very detailed reasons and counter reasons.

1. Super Marine Cena has been over with for years now.
2. Coming back from a horribly bad angle isn't as easy as you think.
3. I've read your OP clearly, and all it's suggesting is an emo John Cena. That's the basic equivalent of making The Undertaker a prep.

I hate to even do a John Cena post but I felt compelled by the timing and the current situation with his injury and surgery and time off.

This is possibly the dumbest opening statement for any thread ever. You already say you don't really want to start a thread about John Cena. That's reason enough for people to criticize you. Then you say "I felt compelled", you wanted to see how quickly people were going to shit on your idea. No critical thought was put into this thread, and the only redeeming quality of this whole thing is the idea that Cena will bring about new merchandise, which truthfully we all know he is going to do anyways. But he sure as hell isn't coming out in all black with a devil cut and a self-pitying attitude.
If they were going to have Cena be "dark" the perfect time to do it would have been during the embrace the hate story line.
Cena doesn't need to become "dark". It doesn't fit who he is.
Change to black attire you say? He did have a black t shirt for a while. I guess some black jean shorts wouldn't hurt him in any way. They wouldn't help him in any way either though.
I have the perfect idea for what they should do. They should make him a bad ass with black trunks, a bald head and a goatee. He can either defy authority, drink beer and swear or he can go on a major undefeated streak. It's your call.
Wish you guys would stop hating on the OP and express your own ideas. Anyways I don't care much for an emo Cena however a darker Cena works for me. Or even a change just a less corny but also more smarter Cena. Like it would be awesome if he expressed who he really is in the company. Like he tries to say he is who is he is always for the kids blah blah which is ok but he is also an insecure man when it comes to marriage and he also knows what he is in the company. He know he is the franchise and he should express that. Express that people want to see him. Express that the haters put money into his pocket to boo him. Let him express that it ticks him off to get the boos but the money the mansion he lives in, the sweet cars and the star service makes it all worth it while also expressing that he loves the sick kids and appreciate those that are there for him. It would be more or less who he really is but adding an even more real factor. People seem to only express the innocent good guy Cena but he is human and have many different good and bad sides and should all be displayed. I would just like a more confident almost arrogant Cena that doesn't act like an underdog or always try to make it like everything is a sacrifice and it's always worth it in the end. Because alot of times you do fuck up and you also get full of yourself. If he wants to show reality. There it is and it makes him the same fan favorite with the kids and relatable with everyone else. You don't agree oh well didn't ask you, just giving my opinion
I dont know what it is but its like people read my entire post and they don't even process anything I said. They just stare at it and see "turn cena heel" in their minds. I didn't say he had to go "heel" I reference that in my OP that he doesn't have to go "heel" to change. I wish people wouldn't even post if they aren't gonna read the entire post and see what was said. Again people want to harp on the idea he cant be changed and that its stupid to change him and that he does the "make a wish " stuff and it would kill it,. I say that's bull... I bet he would be liked even more if he changed his style alittle. That's my point he can change looks and not be 'heel' . Sting did the same thing. You people are so corporate acting and lack the whole concept of "originality and cutting edge thinking" that's why none of you will ever be writers in the WWE. I simply am saying this would be a major move for his stagnant overdone career. Again as I said in my OP if it bombed they could easily go right back to Super marine clean cut Cena. Just read the entire OP and see what was said. I gave very detailed reasons and counter reasons.

I did read your post bro and I believe other people did and they did give you all the right answers. Now you have to understand is not about what the internet wants in the end for Cena nor the crowd who is constantly booing the crap out of the this is about who makes the decisions for guys like him and that is Vince McMahon. Do you personally believe he will change Cena as long as he makes him money?

I mean seriously Cena has been injured before and yes people made threads like yours before and how he should change up and come back. Has it happened? No he came back as Mr. Hustle, Loyalty and Respect like he always does.

Nobody is saying what you are saying is stupid but people are saying logically the most logical ting is he will come back with new color on his shirt and that's how far this change will.

Bro just because we want something does not mean it will happen. It's more about what McMahon thinks is best for business. Thinks what you want. As far as this cutting Edge thinking goes I believe just about anyone on this site can do it.

But the men over 67 aren't capable of fresh thinking. You need to realize the obvious.
I wish Hollywood would start throwing boat loads of cash at him to quit wrestling. That's the only thing that will save us from the Super-Cena-Cycle every 4 months.
I would like Cena to take a darker edge and stop being a stand up comedian and belittling the heels he works with, it's like the exact opposite of what plagued Triple H's career when he just made the faces he worked with look like complete idiots. However as a worker he doesn't bother me nearly as much as he did years ago, he's actually more enjoyable to watch than Orton as proven with the last two PPV main events.

I wish Hollywood would start throwing boat loads of cash at him to quit wrestling. That's the only thing that will save us from the Super-Cena-Cycle every 4 months.

Can't see that happening his whole deal is that he's not the Rock and even if he carries on acting he'll work it around wrestling and not vice versa.

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