The Perfect Storyline For Cena....

He seems to be at least heading in that direction lately, showing more anger and arrogance. I seem to remember he got in a bit of trouble a while back when he was rapping at the Rock, using cetain innuendo/slurs (people are too sensitive!). That was the most entertaining thing he has done in a long while as far as I'm concerned. Lol Am I the only one who misses the raps? Not saying that's the answer but I do think some sort of shift is necessary.The Clark Kent routine is way past stale. Only problem is who can/will seriously fill that true good guy void?
Check this out , I should be a WWE writer because I just thought of the best storyline ever. Ok now that Raw/Smackdown is a supershow heres the idea. The two biggest faces in WWE currently are Cena and Orton , both on different shows. So Cena and Orton start tagging for a couple of shows beating some heel combos like say Christian and Del Rio or whoever else and Cena of course keeps stealing the 'hot tag" and winning the matches. This of course leads up to a huge tag team PPV main event and Cena loses the match because he tries to run the show and steal the glory again. This finally sets Orton off and after the match after Orton runs the heels off to save Cena from a beatdown all of a sudden Orton punt kicks Cena to the skull to the shock of the crowd and IWC. Orton then becomes either more popular to the cena haters or hated by the cena lovers.

John Cena takes an extended break after the kick for storyline purposes and vanishes from WWE TV to finally take a much needed break. John Cena then begins growing his hair out and changing his persona to a more darker grunge type transformation , maybe even drops about 20 - 30 pounds to really sell the switch. Kind of pulls a 90's WCW Sting type transformation. They could also do this in a similar way to Sting when he became the 'crow sting' after the NWO arrived and the fans thought Sting had turned when he hadnt and he vanished and transformed. The WWE could do the same thing if this whole new "NWO" angle did happen. Cena leaves when the NWO takes over and he returns months later and looking different. It would refresh the Cena character and give new life to the WWE.

Of course all this could happen after Wrestlemania because they cant lose the big Rock vs Cena money grab match. But once that little angle is over , it would be perfect timing to reinvent John Cena. He cant keep being this same dude year after year , people are burnt out on him and he needs a change in his career. Plus taking time off would give him time to rest his neck and back and other nagging injuries he has developed. Him just turning heel wouldnt be that invigorating and would probably flop and not last anyway. But a transformation of look/attitude/character would be a big bold move.

Is this a joke thread? Ok I'll bite. First of all, you're not really pitching a storyline so much as a complete repacking of wrestling's most recognizable superstar. No matter how tired you and a handful of whiny wrestling fans are you will never in a million years see the WWE tell their top guy to lose his massive prototypical main eventer build and take on a look that is a throw back to the early to mid 1990's. Why don't we have him wear bell bottoms and grow an afro? And if he can't grow one we'll just glue one on. Turning him heel is stupid, changing his look is stupid. Just give him something interesting to do and put your ear plugs in when the Cena haters open their mouths like they always will, because they've fooled themselves into thinking the WWE or other fans have any interest in anything they have to say.
Well your Log In helps understand why you would first off consider yourself a WWE Writer. I mean that idea you had is so brilliant that WWE should hire you as their HEAD writer just like APPLE should hire me as their new CEO! Dude, no offense, leave the creative writing to the professionals...and by that I mean Vince and Steph. Orton is probably the only FACE with credibility on Smackdown and Cena is the only FACE with credibility AMONGST CHILDREN on Raw. I highly doubt WWE only considers "storylines" as their top draw. I am pretty sure Merchandising along with popularity has a lot to do with why Cena is still a face. As for Orton...he makes an awesome HEEL but they need him badly as a FACE on Smackdown. Sorry dude, but your idea for a career changer for Cena seems more like a One way ticket to the unemployment line for Cena (which personally I don't think the WWE wants)!
How about something we have never eeeeeeever seen before? What if they developed a talent that went undefeated and HHH takes notice and puts him in a match against Cena at some random Raw. Here's the twist: he actually beats Cena clean and everyone including Cena is shocked. Cen then starts to say how he knows he is better than him and needs to prove it to everyone and himself. But this guy just keeps beating Cena clean over and over until finally Cena has to resort to pulling the tights or putting his feet on the ropes just to beat this guy. This will force Cena to go heel by stealing matches and replaces this new guy as the top face for the time being. This is just an idea. I have no idea who this guy would be but it could be any type of wrestler from a powerhouse Goldberg type to a more technical Drew McIntyre type. My personal pick would be Rob Terry from TNA or maybe Colt Cabana or maybe just an indie guy that no one has ever heard of before. Sidenote: John Cena really needs to just quit wearing jean shorts.
I have 2 things on this topic to bring up, for and against what the creator of this topic said.....

1. As much as most of the IWC bashes Cena, Vince and the creative team dont take a scrap of notice what the IWC say. Purely because its not good for business to turn Cena heel! as i'm from England i'm not sure exactly how much Cena merch is sold for in the USA, but if you watch RAW every week, you will see that a good 80% of the younger audience members are all in Cena shirts, caps, wristbands etc. not this younger audience margin will more than likely equal 25-30% (give or take) of the entire arena of fans. the maths is easy to work out from that. I am not a fan of Cena, but the WWE is a business aswell, and if Cena is selling the shirts etc, nothing is going to change in his character until the next "new hero" comes along.

2. The idea you come up with, with some tweaking could work (in theory), Cena could take a few months off just after NOC and return on the Road to Wrestlemania. It's simply done, he becomes a problem for Nash too, CM Punk continually gets beat down by Nash and HHH at the PPV, Cena intervenes and takes them out with Punk. After Cena's match with Del Rio, Nash lays Cena out and really destroys him. Thus giving Cena the time to recover before the RTW starts and he can focus on the Rock.

Now, looking at the way the WWE is structuring its shows now with the "supershows" where both sets of superstars can appear on each show, this could be a test to see how well Punk and Orton could carry the shows while Cena takes a well deserved few months off. Imagine if Cena got beaten to a bloody mess by Nash and maybe HHH, and Returned at the Royal Rumble? the pop would be enormous because, as much as people dont like him, he is the biggest selling commodity in wrestling today, everybody will go nuts on his return.

Not likely to give him a break, which he needs, but it would certainly give others chance to step up to the plate and work to main event level ready for when he returns.
Right; look at the opening of your thread. Now, imagine what follows is one of the most ridiculous ideas ever, and you cannot believe that the person suggesting it would have the audacity to suggest that they should be WWE creative-bound.

Now you know how 95% of people reading this feel.

Yes, Cena has been the same for about 5 or 6 years now (since the rapper element has dropped). Yes, some think he's getting stale. But never, EVER say something stupid like "I should be on creative". But Cena has now reached a point where he doesn't need to change his look. It's one of the ways he's recognised, and its part of his market-value.

Maybe down the line he can change his look, like Sting once did. But look at all the megastars in pro-wrestling, and point out as many as you can to me that, after reaching a similar level that Cena is at now, then decided to change his look. There are a few, yes, but not many. Not many at all. Cena doesn't need to do it. It'd be shock for shock sake, and thats the worst kind of shock.
I don't really see how it's that different from what WWE normally does, it'll definately seem like a forced tag - and EVERYONE will see that turnaround coming. It's been done to death.

Honestly, the best way to use Cena is to milk his current status to no end - he has both a devout following and a core of haters. USE THAT. And I don't mean by having someone like the rock tease him, that doesn't change anything.

Use the crowd as the storyline, since their so vocal with Cena at the moment. Get the crowd into it, to the style that hasn't been seen since the original ECW.

Have some heel tag team, maybe with R-truth (I love his character) and just have this tag team mess with Cena fans, especially the younger fans, the kids - screw with their signs, throw shit at them, mock them, shout at them, taunt them - be brutal with it. have R-truth just walk up to a little kid and sign cena sucks on his cap. Cena then wins the match, walks over with a pen, signs his cap and gives it to the kid. So simple, but so symbolic. The Cena haters will love the bluntness of it, and these two wrestlers doing the work will get a huge fan base, and the young kids that idolize Cena (his true fans, that I know he loves) will love him more when he comes in for the rescue.

Let the young kids get involved with Cena, have them taunt the tag team - give Cena the mic and just launch Cena into the crowd, let the kids with the cena caps say some words, anything.

Sometimes if a crowd is so vocal and split on a wrestler to a point that I don't think WWE has ever seen - that is the cure. USE IT. It could really spice things up if they don't fear the consequences all that much for a few weeks/months.
Cena is not a face nor heal.
It's spelled as heel. Next, Cena is indeed a FACE. He's no in-between guy. He exhibits honorable characteristics(A fine example could be punching Johnny Ace as he was about to call for the bell back in Money in the Bank and screwing Punk in the process which, have he been a tweener, he would have just let it happen and accept a tainted victory). He always is aligned with face characters going up against the heels of the company. He stands up for what is right and doesn't approve of heelish tendencies. The kids love him for that. He's all about being the ultimate good guy, the hero, the epitome of what's right and orderly/etc. Just because there's a certain portion(At times, a large portion) of the audience that boos him, doesn't make him a tweener character. You don't base that on the reactions of the audience but rather on how his character is booked. The audience's reaction indicate if one's character is interesting enough to elicit a response from the audience. With that said, it's obvious that Cena's character is indeed INTERESTING enough as he gets the loudest reactions.

the Universe that classifies each guy.
It's the creative team that classifies whether a wrestler would be booked as a heel or a face. You analyze their character and tendencies, not the reaction from the audience. Again, the reaction mainly indicates the popularity of a heel or face.(IF you're popular as a heel, that means they boo you whatever you do, if you're popular as a face, every punch you throw makes the crowd goes bonkers)
Anyways, the Undertaker's streak will live forever, whether he retires at 20-0 or beyond.
Wrong thread.:p

John Cena, the man with mixed reactions, has been acting more "heal-ish" since he lost to Punk at SummerSlam. He has been cutting off the Champion Alberto Del Rio and telling him how little he is basically
I think that's called "a-face-cutting-a-promo-on-a-heel":rolleyes: . That's what they do, they talk trash to each other. What they say depends on their partner's qualities. Is the other guy big, muscular, and overall a mean streak? Or is he built like Del Rio who is tall but not really quite a physical specimen? What type of heel is he? A monster heel? A chickensh*t heel? A cowardly heel? Is he already an established heel in the industry? Or just a guy who's getting a push and hopes that feuding with the top guy gets him over to the next level? What is the face character's tendencies? Does he tend to insult people's appearances? Does he tend to talk about winning the right way and not the cowardly way? They consider things like that and others when they(The writers and maybe even the wrestlers themselves at times) cut a promo against their counterpart.

As for the thread, uh... I'd have to say no, there's no need for Cena's character to be altered to that extent....YET.

First, Cena is just fine the way he is. He's over with the audience as he elicits the loudest response among the wrestlers employed in the WWE be it boos or cheers(Which indicates that people are engaged with his character). Why change something that isn't broken?
Second, why rush the heel turn? You think that Orton/Punk could surpass/rival Cena's face status with the audience particularly the fans who cheer for him? Orton and Punk are tremendous characters and are over but, to have them be the top guns of the WWE while Cena is still a marketable and a much more proven no.1 guy than those two?

And I've read a poster say that business is about taking risks and Vince should take this risk, I say to you:
There is such a thing as "calculated risks" and turning Cena heel is NOT a calculated risk. Does the WWE already have a big enough face that can connect with the portion of the audience(Apparently, it's a large portion) that Cena turns his back on once he gets a heel turn? Can he be marketable as a face comparable to Cena's marketability as a face?

Turn Cena heel when the time is right. When there's a new face of the company, when majority of the audience even the portion that loves Cena to death already acknowledge this new face of the company as the top guy and when there's already a new cast of wrestlers working for the WWE and Cena's role would likely be what HBK,'Taker,Trips, and the other vets did the past 5 years or so when all they did was help lead and push the WWE into the next generation and create some stars in the process.
Check this out , I should be a WWE writer because I just thought of the best storyline ever. Ok now that Raw/Smackdown is a supershow heres the idea. The two biggest faces in WWE currently are Cena and Orton , both on different shows. So Cena and Orton start tagging for a couple of shows beating some heel combos like say Christian and Del Rio or whoever else and Cena of course keeps stealing the 'hot tag" and winning the matches. This of course leads up to a huge tag team PPV main event and Cena loses the match because he tries to run the show and steal the glory again. This finally sets Orton off and after the match after Orton runs the heels off to save Cena from a beatdown all of a sudden Orton punt kicks Cena to the skull to the shock of the crowd and IWC. Orton then becomes either more popular to the cena haters or hated by the cena lovers.

John Cena takes an extended break after the kick for storyline purposes and vanishes from WWE TV to finally take a much needed break. John Cena then begins growing his hair out and changing his persona to a more darker grunge type transformation , maybe even drops about 20 - 30 pounds to really sell the switch. Kind of pulls a 90's WCW Sting type transformation. They could also do this in a similar way to Sting when he became the 'crow sting' after the NWO arrived and the fans thought Sting had turned when he hadnt and he vanished and transformed. The WWE could do the same thing if this whole new "NWO" angle did happen. Cena leaves when the NWO takes over and he returns months later and looking different. It would refresh the Cena character and give new life to the WWE.

Of course all this could happen after Wrestlemania because they cant lose the big Rock vs Cena money grab match. But once that little angle is over , it would be perfect timing to reinvent John Cena. He cant keep being this same dude year after year , people are burnt out on him and he needs a change in his career. Plus taking time off would give him time to rest his neck and back and other nagging injuries he has developed. Him just turning heel wouldnt be that invigorating and would probably flop and not last anyway. But a transformation of look/attitude/character would be a big bold move.

Remove all of the bolded parts, and it's a good idea.

And no offense, but in reference to the bolded parts. . .wtf? Were you high or drunk when you thought that up? Again, no offense. . .but I'm asking seriously, not joking.

Anyway, basically yes. Cena needs a vacation so we can all recover from the Cena fatigue that has seemingly developed. I know this is selfish, but I'm quite frankly just tired of him always winning, always supermanning, always being the "hero" of the show every week, and always being the champ or #1 contender unless is having some 3 week fued with some entire group by himself which he of course seems to always win anyway. Having a break from Super Cena would be great.

Maybe heels could start to take over while he's gone and Cena coming back might actually even be welcome (Some combination of Nash, Miz, R Truth, HHH, and possibly also Mark Henry). Wouldn't even have to wait until after Wrestlemania. It could be done starting next week. Then Orton can kick Cena's dome into vacation time, then Cena can come back as his superman self in like January. Then as soon as he starts to get annoying again with the incessant winning (they can even go over the top with it on purpose), The Rock's music kicks in immediately after Cena easily wins another match against the top heel, and he begins his 1-2 month fued with Cena leading into Wrestlemania.
I really dont understand why so many of you hate the idea of Cena changing his look and attitude. I am getting bashed for suggesting something that would indeed work in the long run. Honestly in this life , everything goes , its balls to the wall. You have to reinvent yourself sometimes in order to reach a new peak. Too many of you guys on here live inside a box and are afraid of bold gutsy risk taking. Sometimes the most bizarre suggestions turn out to be major successes. He doesnt even have to go "heel" , I am mainly suggesting a new look/attitude from the guy. Maybe the 90's sting idea wouldnt quite work but something similar would have a chance. The basic idea is maybe as someone suggested ,. he drops the jean shorts , grows his hair out alittle longer maybe with some bangs and darkens it and maybe some facial hair. Then he drops some weight not a ton but enough to make him look kinda 'emo' or uncaring to really sell the new attitude.

Im not saying he has to get skinny but maybe trim down some of the bulk. He could even possibly get "more" fans and his new colors like black would still sell and the kids would still like him if he isnt bashing them and being a monster sicko like kane. Its honestly not gonna kill the WWE or the product. I mean what if John Cena died or something , you guys act like WWE would go out of business. He is only 1 man and changing his look would not kill his career. And yes I should be on WWE creative because at least I could come up with stuff outside the box thats not boring and been done over and over. And by the way if i was the head writer the first thing I would do is have "The Big Show" Paul Wight become a monster and just start crushing people. He should have a lengthy run as WWE champ. JBL got a 1 year run , thats pathetic. The Big Show is the most underused and devalued guy I have ever seen in the WWE. There is no excuse , in fact im gonna make a new thread soon about Big Show and his being overlooked.
This doesn't even make any sense. The "new Cena" mentioned in the opening post is just a change in appearance. How would he act? What would his promos be like? Face or heel? Also, why would he come back to face a new version of the nWo as opposed to Orton? The whole thing makes no sense. I say keep him the same until he turns heel, which will not be for a very long time because someone else would have to be built up to be the next face of the company.
I really dont understand why so many of you hate the idea of Cena changing his look and attitude. I am getting bashed for suggesting something that would indeed work in the long run. Honestly in this life , everything goes , its balls to the wall. You have to reinvent yourself sometimes in order to reach a new peak. Too many of you guys on here live inside a box and are afraid of bold gutsy risk taking. Sometimes the most bizarre suggestions turn out to be major successes. He doesnt even have to go "heel" , I am mainly suggesting a new look/attitude from the guy. Maybe the 90's sting idea wouldnt quite work but something similar would have a chance. The basic idea is maybe as someone suggested ,. he drops the jean shorts , grows his hair out alittle longer maybe with some bangs and darkens it and maybe some facial hair. Then he drops some weight not a ton but enough to make him look kinda 'emo' or uncaring to really sell the new attitude.

Im not saying he has to get skinny but maybe trim down some of the bulk. He could even possibly get "more" fans and his new colors like black would still sell and the kids would still like him if he isnt bashing them and being a monster sicko like kane. Its honestly not gonna kill the WWE or the product. I mean what if John Cena died or something , you guys act like WWE would go out of business. He is only 1 man and changing his look would not kill his career. And yes I should be on WWE creative because at least I could come up with stuff outside the box thats not boring and been done over and over. And by the way if i was the head writer the first thing I would do is have "The Big Show" Paul Wight become a monster and just start crushing people. He should have a lengthy run as WWE champ. JBL got a 1 year run , thats pathetic. The Big Show is the most underused and devalued guy I have ever seen in the WWE. There is no excuse , in fact im gonna make a new thread soon about Big Show and his being overlooked.

Please don't start a thread on Big Show being overlooked, because he hasn't been. Why is it you think you know what people want, yet you give your opinion, people tell you they don't want that and you argue with them anyway? It's not that people just don't get your grand vision, your idea isn't good. I don't mean that as an insult and please don't take it that way, but you're pitching a whole new character even going so far as making a guy who is already insanely over change his body. Why would you think this would get him more over "Long term" in the first place? Just take what the other posters have said and accept that your idea isn't as good as you first thought.
Mouth, the reason a lot of people seem to think your idea is awkward is because quite frankly, it's an extreme and unnesseccary step. John Cena doesn't need to turn into some weird awkward looking grunge character to get fans. That doesn't even make any sense. He also doesn't need to change to black colors to mimic Hollywood Hogan either.

Cena's character is already over. He doesn't need an image change. What he needs is to just take a vacation so we can recover from Cena fatigue, or he needs to actually just start losing matches for a change. Personally, I think an extended vacation while WWE gets taken over by heels, then Cena returning to help out would be the best thing for older fans to enjoy his presence again. . .at least in the short term, that'd work. Maybe even for the long term if he isn't instantly injected back into the title picture again.

Either that, or they need to run Cena in non-title storylines, perhaps involving humor rather than more Superman Cena antics. 'Cause in the end, the problem people who hate Cena seem to have is the invincble superman, always champion or #1 contender stuff. That needs to change, not his look. His look isn't what's annoying, especially not his muscles. How is Cena going to lose 30 lbs when he barely has any fat on him? Cut off an arm?
I really dont understand why so many of you hate the idea of Cena changing his look and attitude. I am getting bashed for suggesting something that would indeed work in the long run. Honestly in this life , everything goes , its balls to the wall. You have to reinvent yourself sometimes in order to reach a new peak. Too many of you guys on here live inside a box and are afraid of bold gutsy risk taking. Sometimes the most bizarre suggestions turn out to be major successes. He doesnt even have to go "heel" , I am mainly suggesting a new look/attitude from the guy. Maybe the 90's sting idea wouldnt quite work but something similar would have a chance. The basic idea is maybe as someone suggested ,. he drops the jean shorts , grows his hair out alittle longer maybe with some bangs and darkens it and maybe some facial hair. Then he drops some weight not a ton but enough to make him look kinda 'emo' or uncaring to really sell the new attitude.

Im not saying he has to get skinny but maybe trim down some of the bulk. He could even possibly get "more" fans and his new colors like black would still sell and the kids would still like him if he isnt bashing them and being a monster sicko like kane. Its honestly not gonna kill the WWE or the product. I mean what if John Cena died or something , you guys act like WWE would go out of business. He is only 1 man and changing his look would not kill his career. And yes I should be on WWE creative because at least I could come up with stuff outside the box thats not boring and been done over and over. And by the way if i was the head writer the first thing I would do is have "The Big Show" Paul Wight become a monster and just start crushing people. He should have a lengthy run as WWE champ. JBL got a 1 year run , thats pathetic. The Big Show is the most underused and devalued guy I have ever seen in the WWE. There is no excuse , in fact im gonna make a new thread soon about Big Show and his being overlooked.

It's a shite idea for Cena. Might work with someone else, but not Cena. And let's get one thing straight man; outside the box doesn't always equal good. David Arquette winning the WCW title; that was outside the box. Kane taking his mask off; that was pretty outside the box. Two examples of outside the box thinking that were, in all honesty, fucking awful when followed through; Arquette was bad in all senses of the idea and Kane ended up a shadow of his former self.

I'm sorry but I really have no time to put things nicely to idiocy.

And if you honestly think that thinking outside the box is all you need to be on the creative team then not only does your name suit you, but it actually understates how much of an idiot you are.
I'm probably going to be the shortest reply on here caz I dont have much of a reply. I liked the idea of Orton punting Cena. Great typical heel turn for Orton:D no but seriously I did like the idea of getting rid of Cena and bringing him back later after an extended break. Actually lets not bring him back at all!!!! Yes I know WWE would never get rid of the money maker and never change him and never get the title away from him but you all r living in boring old reality. I'm here in my fantasy and let me tell yuh lifes great.

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