Cena is not a face nor heal.
It's spelled as heel. Next, Cena is indeed a FACE. He's no in-between guy. He exhibits honorable characteristics(A fine example could be punching Johnny Ace as he was about to call for the bell back in Money in the Bank and screwing Punk in the process which, have he been a tweener, he would have just let it happen and accept a tainted victory). He always is aligned with face characters going up against the heels of the company. He stands up for what is right and doesn't approve of heelish tendencies. The kids love him for that. He's all about being the ultimate good guy, the hero, the epitome of what's right and orderly/etc. Just because there's a certain portion(At times, a large portion) of the audience that boos him, doesn't make him a tweener character. You don't base that on the reactions of the audience but rather on how his character is booked. The audience's reaction indicate if one's character is interesting enough to elicit a response from the audience. With that said, it's obvious that Cena's character is indeed INTERESTING enough as he gets the loudest reactions.
the Universe that classifies each guy.
It's the creative team that classifies whether a wrestler would be booked as a heel or a face. You analyze their character and tendencies, not the reaction from the audience. Again, the reaction mainly indicates the popularity of a heel or face.(IF you're popular as a heel, that means they boo you whatever you do, if you're popular as a face, every punch you throw makes the crowd goes bonkers)
Anyways, the Undertaker's streak will live forever, whether he retires at 20-0 or beyond.
Wrong thread.
John Cena, the man with mixed reactions, has been acting more "heal-ish" since he lost to Punk at SummerSlam. He has been cutting off the Champion Alberto Del Rio and telling him how little he is basically
I think that's called "a-face-cutting-a-promo-on-a-heel"
. That's what they do, they talk trash to each other. What they say depends on their partner's qualities. Is the other guy big, muscular, and overall a mean streak? Or is he built like Del Rio who is tall but not really quite a physical specimen? What type of heel is he? A monster heel? A chickensh*t heel? A cowardly heel? Is he already an established heel in the industry? Or just a guy who's getting a push and hopes that feuding with the top guy gets him over to the next level? What is the face character's tendencies? Does he tend to insult people's appearances? Does he tend to talk about winning the right way and not the cowardly way? They consider things like that and others when they(The writers and maybe even the wrestlers themselves at times) cut a promo against their counterpart.
As for the thread, uh... I'd have to say no, there's no need for Cena's character to be altered to that extent....
First, Cena is just fine the way he is. He's over with the audience as he elicits the loudest response among the wrestlers employed in the WWE be it boos or cheers(Which indicates that people are engaged with his character). Why change something that isn't broken?
Second, why rush the heel turn? You think that Orton/Punk could surpass/rival Cena's face status with the audience particularly the fans who cheer for him? Orton and Punk are tremendous characters and are over but, to have them be the top guns of the WWE while Cena is still a marketable and a much more proven no.1 guy than those two?
And I've read a poster say that business is about taking risks and Vince should take this risk, I say to you:
There is such a thing as "calculated risks" and turning Cena heel is NOT a calculated risk. Does the WWE already have a big enough face that can connect with the portion of the audience(Apparently, it's a large portion) that Cena turns his back on once he gets a heel turn? Can he be marketable as a face comparable to Cena's marketability as a face?
Turn Cena heel when the time is right. When there's a new face of the company, when majority of the audience even the portion that loves Cena to death already acknowledge this new face of the company as the top guy and when there's already a new cast of wrestlers working for the WWE and Cena's role would likely be what HBK,'Taker,Trips, and the other vets did the past 5 years or so when all they did was help lead and push the WWE into the next generation and create some stars in the process.