The Peak For John Morrison?


Getting Noticed By Management
So when I was 12 or so, I saw my favorite WWE superstar, Jeff Hardy leave the WWE. That was a horrible time, I mean he was the reason I watched the company. I literally hated CM Punk for a while because I used to think he was the reason why Jeff left.

After that, I stopped caring and only watched the WWE because my dad did as well. Then John Morrison started to get built as a serious mid card guy and I thought man this dude is pretty good. I was sure that if the Miz can be the WWE champion than John can be one 5 times. Thats how much I liked the dude.

Now that I go back and watch some of his work I see that he was decent on the mic but fun to watch in the ring. His charisma was also very good and I think he was able to connect with much of the audience.

So if his character was given more depth and he had a few more main event experiences and had stayed with the company, do you think we could see John Morrison being the WWE champion? I certainly do. Maybe not after the titles got unified and certainly not during the reign of Lesnar but he would make a pretty good filler champion to hold the title for a good two or three months and then drop it to the next guy.

Do you think JoMo is of the caliber that I find him to be or do you think he would have been a solid mid carder his whole career?

PS, his work in Lucha Underground seems to be more improved and he seems like a more complete person in that promotion to me and may fit into the WWE well now.
Finally somebody that thinks like me, i absolutly think that Morrison is a MainEvent Calibur superstar, his in ring abillty is better than anyone out there, his look is definetly one of the best, he has more charisma in his little finger then Miz/Reigns have in their whole body, Don't get me started on his selling abillty, when he was in WWE he always got an Awesome Reaction as good as Dolph Right Now, and When he Had the Feud with Miz when they broke up their Team i never understood why Miz won almost all their matches, honestly i've always liked Morrison and i really wish he'd be WWE Champion in the Future.
Morrison had a ton of talent. (Nitro did as well :) ) Honestly Morrison had two successful careers. He had Successful careers as both Nitro and Morrison.
When you think of the talent at that time Morrison should've been champion at least once. He could've won the Elimination Chamber match instead of Jericho. Or he should've won the MITB match instead of Jack Swagger. Heck I would go as far to say that he should've been the World champion instead of The Undertaker around that time(he should've been Punk's next challenger after Hardy left since he was having #1 contenders and championship matches with them any ways)
But Overall I think WWE did a great job with Morrison. He may only ever be remembered as a mid-carder but I enjoyed Morrison's time in the WWE. He had a great rivalries with both Miz and Sheamus that shot him into the Main Event before leaving and he had many great matches against Hardy, Mysterio, Sheamus, Dx just to name a few.

I agree with InZayn almost completely except for the part of Morrison having more charisma than The Miz. Heel Morrison(ECW) was great but face Morrison was bland and showed very little charisma. As good as I thought Morrison was/is, as a face charisma was one thing I felt that he was lacking.
So when I was 12 or so, I saw my favorite WWE superstar, Jeff Hardy leave the WWE. That was a horrible time, I mean he was the reason I watched the company. I literally hated CM Punk for a while because I used to think he was the reason why Jeff left.

After that, I stopped caring and only watched the WWE because my dad did as well. Then John Morrison started to get built as a serious mid card guy and I thought man this dude is pretty good. I was sure that if the Miz can be the WWE champion than John can be one 5 times. Thats how much I liked the dude.

Now that I go back and watch some of his work I see that he was decent on the mic but fun to watch in the ring. His charisma was also very good and I think he was able to connect with much of the audience.

So if his character was given more depth and he had a few more main event experiences and had stayed with the company, do you think we could see John Morrison being the WWE champion? I certainly do. Maybe not after the titles got unified and certainly not during the reign of Lesnar but he would make a pretty good filler champion to hold the title for a good two or three months and then drop it to the next guy.

Do you think JoMo is of the caliber that I find him to be or do you think he would have been a solid mid carder his whole career?

PS, his work in Lucha Underground seems to be more improved and he seems like a more complete person in that promotion to me and may fit into the WWE well now.

John Morrison was World Champion in ECW and had an awesome run with the title. Morrison had a great career that most Superstars would be lucky to have half of, and won numerous championships, but in my opinion he wasn't good enough to be World Heavyweight Champion or WWE Champion. His mic work was sub-par and he couldn't seem to connect with the audience as a face. Morrison can easily headline an indy promotion like Lucha Underground, but in the big leagues he's a great midcard talent and that's all he was meant to be.
Johnny has the real best charisma I've ever seen at the point when we he was red hot. His cool shades and 6 pack abs god I still wonder why he isn't a WWE world champion yet and went on a losing streak before leaving the company!

Moreover he isn't a professionally trained Wrester from his childhood or teen. He was graduated in filming. He's a tough enough winner. The progress he had made in his inring ability will never be achieved by The Miz or any other WWE superstar (I clearly meant the progress)

He was pro-illustrated most improved wrestler of the year and can cut decent promos. He's one of the guys who fell into the WWE's "Right Man in the Wrong Place" category.

John Morrison was World Champion in ECW and had an awesome run with the title. Morrison had a great career that most Superstars would be lucky to have half of, and won numerous championships, but in my opinion he wasn't good enough to be World Heavyweight Champion or WWE Champion. His mic work was sub-par and he couldn't seem to connect with the audience as a face. Morrison can easily headline an indy promotion like Lucha Underground, but in the big leagues he's a great midcard talent and that's all he was meant to be.

I think we can all agree that John Morrison has the tools to be an upper midcarder during the time he left. But, unlike The Miz, I think he had a much higher ceiling in that there was so much talent that he had the potential to be the top guy or a top guy (i.e. Edge, Mick Foley, Kurt Angle).

Morrison turned pro around 2002/2003 and between that and during the time he left he would steadily improve (there was no regression with Morrison's performance). I mean Miz vs. Morrison could have the feud of the year if they just decided to build it up anytime between 2009 to 2011.

Essentially he was in the WWE for 7/8 years as a pro. Daniel Bryan became a top guy after 14 years as a pro, CM Punk 12 years, Bret Hart 16 years, Shawn Michaels 12 years, Foley 17 years.

I believe if Morrison just stayed in the company for a few more years he would have been a top guy. The guy had a great look and entertaining matches, his mic skills needed a bit more seasoning but even that his promos were pretty good too (he just has to work on putting over his character instead of his gimmick).
Great topic.

I have always been a huge fan of Johnny Mundo and as a TNA fan wished he would someday go there. The guy is talented, athletic, has charisma and a great look.

I said this once and I will continue to say this forever:

Johnny Morrison is good enough to carry EVERY wrestling company today.

Johnny Morrison can carry WWE.

And as a TNA fan, Johnny Morrison can carry TNA.
Do you think JoMo is of the caliber that I find him to be or do you think he would have been a solid mid carder his whole career?

Solid mid-carder.......which is not intended as an insult; lots of people spend their entire careers this way and do very well.

I don't know what it is Morrison lacks (imo) that keeps him from main event level, yet I have the feeling WWE management conveyed to him they felt he was set at that point, possibly causing him to leave, since there didn't seem to be any obvious reason for his departure. He had worked hard to achieve the pinnacle; working for the most prestigious wrestling company in the world, so the fact he chose to leave might have revolved around disappointment that his employer had communicated he had risen as high as he was going to get.

Morrison had a great look and superb body control; he looked great running around the ring....and spectacular when performing his Spiderman routine.

Still, while his promos were decent, he seemed to lack the charisma necessary to get folks to rally around least at world championship level.

I hope he comes back to WWE....and if he can be satisfied with upper midcard level, maybe he will.
I was never really that impressed with Morrison's mic work in WWE, certainly not as a face. He is far more suited to play the arrogant heel role in my opinion.

But as an in-ring talent, he has few peers. John Morrison was an unbelievable athlete, a great seller and his look just screams "superstar". When you look back and see the fact that The Miz, Jack Swagger, Alberto Del Rio etc have all had at least 1 World Title reign (and I'm not counting ECW titles in that, just WWE or WHC), then it's a crime John Morrison never did.

I class him as similar to Dolph Ziggler, Chris Jericho or Jeff Hardy. Great look, great seller, great athlete but not someone who'd be THE man, but a definite main eventer who is equally capable of dropping to the IC/US Title level when needed.

I really hope we do see JoMo return to WWE sometime. He's still young enough to really make an impact and is better than ever in Lucha Underground. Matches against the likes of Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and others would be awesome!
I always thought of him as being just ok where I'd watch his matches and they were reasonable but nothing overly impressed me and to be honest I hadn't missed him and barely even noticed any difference once he left or even thought of him untill this topic came up, I've seen less talented world champions (Khali, Russco, Arqutte) for example but comparing that way I guess most of the roster past and present is capable of being world champion at some point.

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