The Other Unmentioned Fact About Last Night

Con T.

Yaz ain't enough, I need Fluttershy
Triple H won. Again.

He outsmarted everyone else, and outsmarted the babyface. This year, have we seen any sort of situation where Triple H gets his?

When was the last time you remember the Authority not ending the Pay Per View on top? Was it Survivor Series, of last year? And how long did that last?

Part of the problem is that the babyface isn't over, but it only gets compounded when Triple H (and yes, Stephanie) have to look good at the end of every event.
Unfortunately (im not saying this is what they are doing in reality) that is a chip they have to save up before cashing it in (The dominance of the Authority) until they have a Daniel Bryan-level person to use it on.

Who on the roster is really worth it? The Authority is effectively the only heel entity whose downfall holds ANY value whatsoever.
Unfortunately (im not saying this is what they are doing in reality) that is a chip they have to save up before cashing it in (The dominance of the Authority) until they have a Daniel Bryan-level person to use it on.

Who on the roster is really worth it? The Authority is effectively the only heel entity whose downfall holds ANY value whatsoever.

Fair, but it's a double edged-sword. Sure, uoi have to have a babyface to unseat the Authority, but you also can't be afraid to pull the trigger if it comes.

The other thing is they have (or had) that guy. His name's Cesaro. You don't think he could work in the Daniel Bryan position, if they gave him a tenth of the booking they give Roman Reigns?
No. Promos are too weak. Doesn't have 1/10th of Bryans charisma. This is coming from someone who is a big Cesaro fan.

I do feel like I would like to see what he could do with solid booking and a taste of the title scene, but he isn't worth cashing in that chip for.
No. Promos are too weak. Doesn't have 1/10th of Bryans charisma. This is coming from someone who is a big Cesaro fan.

I do feel like I would like to see what he could do with solid booking and a taste of the title scene, but he isn't worth cashing in that chip for.

To be fair, is anyone not named Ambrose really all that good at promos?

I guess I just had my question answered. Why not Ambrose?
The ship probably sailed a while back , but yea, he or Owens are your only two who both have some passionate following behind them, can work, and can promo.
Now I'm just spewing ideas out here but if The Authority is waiting for a Daniel Bryan level guy to take them down then why did they simply not go down when it was time for Daniel Bryan to take them down (WM30)? The Authority really had no business staying on the air after WM30 but they stuck around anyways until Daniel Bryan was dethroned (and considering it was always in the plans for Lesnar to take that title at Summerslam you can't use the "he got injured" argument because it really doesn't hold any weight). Not only that let's not forget last Survivor Series when they could've went away for good (again) and use that match to make Ziggler but they didn't do that either (and the crowd was MASSIVELY behind Ziggler when he pulled that win off last year). Point is there has been more than 1 opportunity for The Authority to get conquered but they never let that happen. It's hard to believe they're waiting for someone who's worth it when they:

A) Don't take the time to make anyone worth it
B) Squander the opportunity when they had talent that were worth it

Lets call a spade a spade here, The Authority has done a lot more harm for programming than they have done good, it's old, it's played out, and no one is interested in it because they pretty much refuse to get theirs even when it should happen. The whole story in the 1st place was about Daniel Bryan not being an A+ player so when he proved it once and for all at WM30 (which he easily did) that was the time for Triple H to come out, shake his hand, and end this once and for all. Quite frankly anything after that just comes off like the nWo post Starrcade '97.
The other problem for the Authority is one they started last year: if they lose again, why should I believe they're gone? There was a loophole to bring them back three weeks later so why should I put money down again to see them get kicked out, only to be back for the next pay per view?
The other problem for the Authority is one they started last year: if they lose again, why should I believe they're gone? There was a loophole to bring them back three weeks later so why should I put money down again to see them get kicked out, only to be back for the next pay per view?

The Authority has been a thing for more than 2 years now and when Sting came in last year and they lost, it was a BIG deal. They were great for Bryan's run as well.

The way they came back was tame, and now I dunno if they ever go away really. Unless, there is a balance to the power ala Bisch and Austin, but not like that.

Safest bet, Ambrose, but he needs a good blood feud and now is the time for that.
If Rollins comes back as a face they could possibly do it with him

This is really the only viable option. Rollins is guaranteed to get a face pop upon his return. Reigns, Orton, Ambrose, Cena, Sting and Ziggler have all failed to stop the authority. Neither the Undertaker nor Lesnar care enough to do anything about it.

Rollins, however, has the ability, the connection with the crowd, and the motivation.
Fair, but it's a double edged-sword. Sure, uoi have to have a babyface to unseat the Authority, but you also can't be afraid to pull the trigger if it comes.

The other thing is they have (or had) that guy. His name's Cesaro. You don't think he could work in the Daniel Bryan position, if they gave him a tenth of the booking they give Roman Reigns?

CESARO? :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::lol::lol:

Look, Cesaro is a GREAT in-ring worker, but his stickwork sucks.

When has he cut a memorable promo?

You only like him because he isn't being pushed, and because of McMahon's comments about him on Austin's podcast.

Cesaro is IC-U.S. Title level at best. I can't see him as WWE Champion, and if he ever won it, it would devalue the title.
Anybody who thinks Cesaro is deserving of a main event run is way too smarky for real life. He's a very solid midcard level talent, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Triple H won. Again.

He outsmarted everyone else, and outsmarted the babyface. This year, have we seen any sort of situation where Triple H gets his?
See, thats my problem too. You dont get to have payoff with them. All heel authority figures get some payback. Mcmahon got some. Eric Bishoff got some. Heck, Vickie Guerrero certanly got some. But no, HHH and Steph cant get any payback at all. HHH lost to Bryan at Wrestlemania, thats fine, Stephanie destroyed Bryan and his wife. On Survivor Series 2014 Authority lost. Few weeks later they are reinstated with Rollins and Cena(oh and Edge). Then Stinger tryed. He failed both of times miserable because, dont forget, WCW is and was always under WWE. So, no, no payoff of that angle till todays day.

Oh, FYI, Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan ended Authority. They are so credible and got so much payoff for that thing now, arent they? Because nothing says "Super over" as when high and mighty Stephanie McMahon suspends you for one week.
Even if The Authority loses and disbands, who would fill the role of handling business on air? Any GM type roll would need to be filled by someone to call the shots and make matches & unless Foley or Austin come in I dont really see anyone capable of being the good guy figure. I think HHH/Steph stick around till they either both turn full face or turn on each other. Probably the latter that sees the loser go back behind the scenes. Likely Hunter pits his new class against Steph's old guard & HHH comes out on top.

So for now I dont see anything wrong with The Authority still getting the last laugh anyway they can, especially if there isnt anyone to really take them down.
But why does there have to be a corrupt authority figure? WWF went without it for decades...

Plus, do we REALLY want to see Team HHH vs Team Steph at a Survivor Series?
When has he cut a memorable promo?

Well, if Cesaro fans (myself included) are being honest, "these four ropes...... three ropes." come to mind for the wrong reasons.

Cesaro is IC-U.S. Title level at best. I can't see him as WWE Champion, and if he ever won it, it would devalue the title.

In his current incarnation, I'll agree, but I think good creative can hide poor promos, as long as a star has something else remarkable about him. May I ask if one of your major criteria's for a champion is memorable promo, what's your stance on Sheamus?

Even if The Authority loses and disbands, who would fill the role of handling business on air? Any GM type roll would need to be filled by someone to call the shots and make matches & unless Foley or Austin come in I dont really see anyone capable of being the good guy figure.

No, this is not true at all, and I'm very tired of this notion. Forgive me for saying so, but you've been brainwashed, or your imagination is broken. You're convinced there's no other way of booking matches in a kayfabe environment without the on air authority figure.

For example, an off air authority figure. It is so easy to refer to a board of directors notarizing Wrestler X's challenge to Wrestler Y through social media, announcer plugs, titantron graphics etc. This keeps the focus on the guys fighting in the ring and not feeding heat into a big-bad who won't wrestle much.

Alternatively, don't reference an off air board, or CEO, or League of Shadowy Figures at all. If Wrestler X challenges Wrestler Y, I don't give two tugs about the 'behind the scenes bureaucracy' that confirmed the match. Wrestling is an art form, but it's telling doesn't need to be presented like the prequel Star Wars trilogy. Give me some characters, reasons to care about them and then have some Space Wizards duel and I'm a pleased audience.

That being said, there is still value in Triple H as long as he can still run the ropes, so he needs to pick up the W's for that eventual blow off. But that does not mean we can't move past this tired old Authority figure trope.
But why does there have to be a corrupt authority figure? WWF went without it for decades...

Plus, do we REALLY want to see Team HHH vs Team Steph at a Survivor Series?

Doesnt have to be a corrupt figure, but there is gonna have to be someone calling the shots or upholding "rules". I just see this thing going the same way it has been before it comes down to some sort of rift between the power couple.

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