The Only Reason I Tune Into Raw is...

Dirty Spamchez

Pre-Show Stalwart
Maryse and Santino. I'm being serious. The rest is so boring and stretched out. Nothing is interesting anymore. Ok, Orton RKO'd Sheamus then Cena gets the upper hand and FU's Orton... A tag team fight over something... Kofi Kingston wins a match that gets him nowhere... Big Show is stuck in the middle of nothing... Jack Thwagga beats the crap out of a jobber... Mark Henry still didn't get fired... YAWN...

Seriously, when are they gonna do something interesting? Cena has to leave the Title picture, the main event picture even, just get him him the fuck out of there. He was good being serious against McMahon, maybe they should put him there. I'm pretty sure Cena is the problem for all this boringness. Oh yeah, it is. That PG shit.

What do you tune in to Raw for?
Now mostly for the Bret Hart storyline. Santino an Maryse too and well just because its the road to wrestlemania now after wrestlemania I probubly will tune out til next year again. Oh yeah and that PG shit is getting on my nerves too.
yea RAW is definetly getting way too boring to watch. I used to tune in to RAW just to see Beth Pheonix but now since she got booted over to SMACKDOWN it gets me mad that I can't see her on RAW! But I do agree that MARYSE is good enought to watch but I gotta disagree with Santino. I think he's getting very old, but he is still funny.... at times....
Seriously, when are they gonna do something interesting? Cena has to leave the Title picture, the main event picture even, just get him him the fuck out of there. He was good being serious against McMahon, maybe they should put him there. I'm pretty sure Cena is the problem for all this boringness. Oh yeah, it is. That PG shit.

Brilliant. Take the sports top face who sells millions and millions of dollars out of the title/main event picture. Right.

You silly kids and your drugs...when will it ever end.
Brilliant. Take the sports top face who sells millions and millions of dollars out of the title/main event picture. Right.

You silly kids and your drugs...when will it ever end.

so you're saying that you like John Cena and enjoy seeing him win evry time he has a match. Yes he did lose to Sheamus but he'll win it back in no time, it's too predictable.
Santino is great and I totally tune in to see him. But then they ruin him by throwing Jack "suck the life out of the arena" Swagger come down and beat him up. More of Santino on Raw is a good thing. I wish he could get a more serious push.

When he was doing his IC belt challenge and saying he would break the HTM's record, that was seriously some of the best Raw stuff in awhile. WWE really screwed the pooch ending that one.

I also love looking at Maryse, but I find her to be very annoying. Her whole character just reeks of TNA's Beautiful People.

The Big Show is one of my favorite all time personality's, so I like seeing what he is doing. He's another guy I wish could get another title run.

I also would tune in for Jericho, but obviously he's not on Raw now, which is a shame.
so you're saying that you like John Cena and enjoy seeing him win evry time he has a match. Yes he did lose to Sheamus but he'll win it back in no time, it's too predictable.

I like Cena. He doesn't win every match. He lost the strap almost two months ago, and there's no indication he'll be regaining. How you stop being predictable? What next, Czena only knowz Fyve movez?
just to go with the maryse comment, she is naked in playboy if you just look it up. so if you wanna see her naked, go look it up, seriously, you wont be disappointed!

as for watching RAW, I watch it for the Miz now and Randy Orton. Miz's promos are awesome (no pun intended) and Im just an Orton fan. so there ya go!
personally cena is a cash cow nothing more, if you can sell a t-shirt your a world champion material that's what wwe has become today. there use to be a time when you had to be just a good wrestler like Bret hart or even Shawn.

wwe is way to business & hardly wrestling any more especially RAW. when i choose not to watch raw i know for a fact I'm not missing anything. honestly the only time i even tune to raw is post PPV to see if any title's changed
"Super Cena" is the Hulk Hogan of this generation, when are people going to realize that and stop shitting on him while drinking the Kool-Aid that says that Hogan was the best thing EVER in wrestling. The difference between Cena and Hogan is that Cena got into the upper echelon a lot younger.

Watch old WWF shows during in mid-late 80s, who was, more often than not, the Champion during those years......HOGAN. Who had about 5 moves and was champion during those years......HOGAN. Who was making guest spots on TV shows, being featured on records (those black vinyl disks with grooves that came out before CDs for the uneducated), and making completely unwatchable movies during those years......HOGAN!
I tune into raw for orton sheamus the miz and the hope that theyl finally do something with kofi. Theres alot of talent on raw and I refuse to miss it because there are some guys who are incredibley fun to watch. That being said I agree raw is often times boring but it also shows flashes of turning the corner at times. In the end I guess the biggest reason I watch is I am and always will be a wwf/e fan and Il watch raw and smackdown basically no matter what
"Super Cena" is the Hulk Hogan of this generation, when are people going to realize that and stop shitting on him!

cena sucks and hogan is not the best thing that happened to wrestling. he helped it cena is just butchering it! i'm sorry i'm just a 100% John Cena HATER!!

And i'll stop shitting on CENA when he's gone and forgotten!
I actually don't watch Raw anymore, or wrestling in general. I used to watch Raw until Maryse came out , than i turned it off when she was done. She's the only Diva with personality (and she's from Montreal). But yeah and think its time some of you stopped watching. Believe me , say you stop watching for a few months, than when you go back it'll feel so much beeter. OR you'll still really dislike it and in that case you'll finally part from it. You like what wrestling was, not what it is.
Hmmm in all honesty i find myself recording and skipping a lot of Raw now just to a few potential good bits, i probably say the only bits i enjoy watching, or hope for something good to happen is anything to do with Orton.

The Miz lately has grabbed my attention to, Swagger i had hope for but well bleeeeeh, Santino is hit and miss, Cena ... enough's been said.
so you're saying that you like John Cena and enjoy seeing him win evry time he has a match. Yes he did lose to Sheamus but he'll win it back in no time, it's too predictable.

Yes, I do. Wrestling, in it's most simplistic design is good vs. evil. You cheer for the good guys to beat the bad guys. That's how it's always been. The hero chases the villian, and in the end comes out on top. It's the entire basis behind the Hulk Hogan character and "Hulkamania", which all the TNA fan girls wet over 26 years later all of a sudden. It'also the basis o which great villains are made. When the unstoppable hero is defeated, it's a big deal. It's the basis of which HHH got over when he retired Mick Foley, Angle beat the Rock clean for the belt and Brock Lesnar killed everyone clean.

And sorry but I don't buy your "it's too predictible" argument. You didn't have Sheamus vs. Orton and UT vs. Rey penned into your Rumble predictions and you know it. Is it predictble that the best and most over guys are eventually going to wear the WWE and World Titles? Duh. An armadillo in a top hat could predict that. It's called smart business.

Further more, Cena= $$$. Vince McMahon is in business to make it. Not please the 1% of all wrestling fans called the IWC. Taking him out of the main event scene is straight up brain dead thinking.

I'll give you that TNA is unpredictible. Hell, when Homicide couldn't get his fat ass out of that cage that ended in a DQ then fell to the mat like a pile of shit - who the fuck saw that coming...? lol...yeah guess if that's the kind of surprises you mark for then more power to you.
i tune in for [sarcasm]hornswoggle, john cena and DX merchandise[/sarcasm]

i am being impressed by the Miz lately, and santino never gets old.
the top reason i tune in is that i hope that my feelings againts raw change, i keep giving it a chance

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