The One Man To Blame For The Stale Main Event Scene

The Brain

King Of The Ring
I've seen a lot of people complaining about of stale the main event scene is in WWE. I agree that Cena vs. Hunter vs. Orton has grown tiresome. The eventual returns of HBK and Batista won't do much to freshen things up either. So why aren't more people able to break through to the top tier? I think it's possible that there is one man to blame; and it's not Vince McMahon. It's Brock Lesnar.

Think about it. When Lesnar came to WWE in 2002 he was pushed to the moon right from the start. Only five months after his debut he was in the main event of the second biggest ppv of the year and winning the undisputed title. Look at the list of legends that put Brock over. Hulk Hogan. The Rock. The Undertaker. The Big Show. Kurt Angle. This was all within his first year! What happened one year later? He left suddenly and unexpectedly. After grooming this guy to be the next mega star he took off with almost no notice.

I know I said there is one man to blame, but a similar thing happened a couple years later with Lashley. Lashley wasn't pushed as hard as Lesnar, but it's obvious he was being groomed for the main event. That's twice Vince was burned by new guys he was pushing big. After these incidents I can see why Vince is hesitant to get behind another newcomer. Imagine Swagger getting a huge push now. He goes over HBK and maybe even Triple H eventually. Then he realizes life on the road is hard. It's not as glamouris as he thought and he bails too.

For the record I'm a big Swagger fan and think he has a great chance to be the next break out star. I am not saying I don't want fresh main eventers. I'm just saying I understand why Vince may be reluctant to push a new guy.
I'd never really thought of it like that before but I can see what you're getting at for sure. Vince might not want to push guys too far, too fast in fear they may get burnt out and leave prematurely (which is understandable) but at the end of the day, sometimes risks have to be taken. If Vince fails to push new people then fans will get fed up and decide enough is enough (as people currently seem to be doing), so I would say push them while they can....who knows, maybe whomever receives a push will enjoy the accelerated lifestyle and choose to continue it? If people aren't pushed then Vince will never know what could have been and generally if Vince thinks you have talent then you will be pushed. Though just because people like Lesnar and Lashley left soon after their pushes to the moon does not automatically mean guys like Swagger would do the same, but I see where you're coming from.
I wasn't surprised when Lashley left. From the beginning he admitted he never watched wrestling as a kid. He got into it when he was older. Other than being a big strong guy, he didn't have the WWE feel about him. I cheered for him and I really did like him, but there was something about him that didn't make him fit with the WWE.

The only guy who should be in the main event that isn't is Morrison. Sorry but nobody on Raw screams main event material. MVP isn't ready for that yet. The rest of them don't fit the bill. Chavo, Festus, Noble, Miz, and maybe even Swagger (for the moment) aren't main event material. I can't imagine the main belt on any of these guys.
WWE is lacking main event material!!!
The only guy who should be in the main event that isn't is Morrison. Sorry but nobody on Raw screams main event material. MVP isn't ready for that yet. The rest of them don't fit the bill. Chavo, Festus, Noble, Miz, and maybe even Swagger (for the moment) aren't main event material. I can't imagine the main belt on any of these guys.
WWE is lacking main event material!!!

I disagree right there. The people you just mentioned, except for Noble, Festus and Chavo are main event material. They just need to get a good rub from someone that is in the main event strata. You're also missing Bourne, but I fear he's fast becoming a lost 'cause unless he blows someone's mind backstage.

Take Miz, for example. He showed he can hang with Cena on the mic, but in-ring wise, he was cming onto his own. So they gave him a PPV match main event with Cena(yeah it wasnt one of the big four but it was something) Now he's contending for the title. From what I remember, Jericho debuted on the E and got into it with the Rock on the mic but after that, he feuds for the Intercontinental title.

Swagger worked a damn fine match with Cena on the draft, and he was main eventing ECW (equaling mid card on RAW/SD) so he showed he can pull it off, even as green as he is.

MVP, he's in the same position as Swagger, as he already had the US title, and to me, they're getting him prepped for the ME.

See where I'm getting at? they're just testing waters with them because of the US title scene on RAW. hopefully, someone gets a rub from this and reaches the Main Event scene.

Back on topic, I say the reason people aren't getting pushed is because they're not Lesnar. No one shot up the pecking order quite as fast as Lesnar, and one did quite as well as he did. Lesnar is just one of a kind in the sense of getting to the ME scene in five months. Vince isn't afraid of pushing someone too early; he's just wary of what happens when you push someone too early: the guy won't connect with the audience, and when he leaves, no one remembers the man(lashley comes to mind with this example).
actually a valid viewpoint i would venture to say many have overlooked but i can definitely see where you are coming from with Vince possibly being hesitant to push newer stars to the big scene for that fear of having them leave.

Lesnar IMO didnt have much charisma or character, that was supported for him by paul heyman and i feel similar to Lashley just another big powerhouse type of guy and as stated previously in this thread i agree with bobby lashley seeming to not fit in as well as he could or should have

on the same token i can see swagger getting a push and sticking around for quite a while i have watched wrestling on all promotions for a long time and i can always see when a wrestler is actually enjoying what he or she is doing look at Morrison he goes out there and is smiling ear to ear...he cant help it he legitimately loves what he does, and a man like swagger coming from an amateur wrestling background has got to have a lot of love and respect for the wrestling industry, he isnt someone who is just going to get a push because he is a powerhouse like lashley and lesnar did

so again IMO i believe pushing the likes of Morrison, Swagger, MVP and others who you can actually see love what they do is a great idea, it brings fresh faces into the main event scene, and gets us away from the same boring matches we have seen a million times over by now, if Vince does not continue to push these superstars then people will get sick of the current unchanging main event scene, and also will end up having no faith in the midcard (because they wont be established enough) to continue watching WWE programming

so its risk pushing your new talent and having maybe a couple here and there leave to do other things with majority of that pushed talent becoming a main eventer, or you can be fearful of giving them a push and then you are stuck with boring half assed shows filled with crap
No one can be blamed for that.Because no one is still ready for the main event spot yet.I think it's better to see in main event Triple H,Jeff Hardy,Orton,Edge,Cena,Hbk and Undertaker than seeing
MVP,Swagger,Morrison,Miz.Haven't we seen this example before?Don't you remember Punk's first WH title reign.It sucked badly for various reasons and Punk's being not ready was one of them.WWE should build them up slowly so in that span you have no choice but have to see same guys again.I actually don't have a problem with that I prefer a 25th Triple H title reign more than a Miz reign right now.Please be patient WWE is building their new stars.It's not a new thing for WWE in every era WWE built new superstars and is still building new superstars but first they have to try them in ME water if they can sink or swim.

Lesnar left, Angle Show, Rock followed thus forcing McMahon to push this young guys
so they were stale like when CM Punk won his first Worl title, it sucked, and you cant denie that
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How can a single man be blamed for the lack of a main-event scene? Last I checked, every main-event match in history has involved at a bare minimum 2 people.

Yes...2. we are...over 5 years after Lesnar left the E, and HE is blamed for a lack of main-event talent? No. That's not even close to being logical. Austin left the main-event scene...and people stepped in to cover him...Angle, Trips, Jericho, etc. That was RIGHT after he had to go out because of his knees. So, if someone as monumental as Austin didn't cause a 5 year drought, then how can someone who was around for roughly 2 years be responsible for half a decade's worth of stale bread?

No. It's just a cycle that the business goes through. The industry will peak again sometime...but it couldn't peak without a valley.
You make a valid point, I mean Lesnar had it all and he ended up leaving. I had heard that he was supposed to face HHH at WM21 aswell. I think that's why Morrison has had a slow push so they're assured that they're banking on the right guy. I think one of the reasons why Cena has infact been pushed to the moon was/is because he has that passion that drives him that Vince must've seen, he was popular with the younger crowd, in his days as a vanilla-ice gimmick the raps he done were flawless, which I would say roughly made him popular with everyone, entertaining and had that f-you attitude aspect that he was willing to speak about ANYONE, including the boss at one point. Not the greatest wrestler, and although he is entertaining doesnt hold a candle to the great one, The Rock. CM Punk however hes a different story however hes risen through the ranks, of course was an indy wrestler, then wrestled for TNA and before signing onto WWE to be in OVW he was in ROH, now in my opinion theres a guy whose paid his dues, who doesnt drink smoke or do drugs so WWE know that hes healthy, that he wont be reported to wreck hotel rooms or be arrested for drink-driving and/or being suspended and/or fined for drugs. And he has the talent both in-ring and on the mic, and although many disagree with the MITB win this year, it has clearly been thought out properly, so in some way Lesnar's loss was many a wrestlers gain for the main event scene. I do agree that HHH should step down in the main event scene, maybes feud with Swagger in the upper-mid card, put him over the right way however hes put Orton over by losing to him, but he should keep that up because hes at a point where he doesnt need to win titles or win the big match of the feud. I'm in no way bashing HHH guys one of my favourite wrestlers but I understand when it comes to putting guys over. Back onto Lesnar and he did have everything going for him but he clearly didnt want the schedule of WWE, but he may very well be the man to blame for the main event, of Raw mainly, ECW and SD have young talent or talent who havent held titles multiple times, bar Edge Jericho and Taker on SD, so it provides that freshness however on Raw for quite some time, since 'Mania infact, HHH, Batista, Cena and Orton, who have held there fair share of gold, have main evented PPV's 3 were in 2 title matches at 'Mania and now we're seeing the WM24 Rematch at NOC. MVP needs to be the next guy to be pushed, he could work well with Orton, or he could feud with Cena I dont believe they've had a match before, building him up to feud with Orton over the title.
It's an interesting point.
I mean, he has stuck to just pushing people who have no real interests outside wrestling. Guys like Edge and CM Punk wouldn't leave, wrestling is their lives.

So are we only going to see guys who live wrestling get pushed from now on? How do you determine whose lives are totally into wrestling. Well I guess whoever was willingto wrestle in front of like 20 people in their early career. Guys who worked the indies before going to WWE. You know if wrestlers work in the indies and truly love it, they won't leave wrestling, especially if they become world champions of the biggest companies in the world.
Brock Lesnar went straight from college into the WWE. The Rock went straight into WWE thanks to his family. So it's easy to be suspicious of whether or not their hearts were truly in wrestling, there's that feeling that they merely wanted to be stars.
Triple H started in IWF before going to WCW. Undertaker worked in WCCW and CWA. Shawn Michaels worked in Texas and the mid south and Bret Hart started in Stampede.
Any of those guys could've gone on to make movies and quit wrestling, they were all big stars at some point.
You've just got to wonder, if The Rock and Lesnar had hadto work in the indies for a few years before joining the WWE, with no guarentee that they would make it to WWE, would they have started wrestling?
Not another one of these threads...

How can a single man be blamed for the lack of a main-event scene? Last I checked, every main-event match in history has involved at a bare minimum 2 people.

Yes...2. we are...over 5 years after Lesnar left the E, and HE is blamed for a lack of main-event talent? No. That's not even close to being logical. Austin left the main-event scene...and people stepped in to cover him...Angle, Trips, Jericho, etc. That was RIGHT after he had to go out because of his knees. So, if someone as monumental as Austin didn't cause a 5 year drought, then how can someone who was around for roughly 2 years be responsible for half a decade's worth of stale bread?

No. It's just a cycle that the business goes through. The industry will peak again sometime...but it couldn't peak without a valley.

You're missing the point. Austin was totally different than Lesnar. Austin put years into wrestling. He left because of injury. He was a trusted member of the company. Lesnar was a young hot shot. He was given everything and walked away anyway. He was not dedicated to wrestling. Being around only two years is exactly why he can be held responsible. It's a trust issue. A newer guy is going to have to prove his dedication before being given an opportunity at the main event. That takes time. During that time the existing group of main eventers can grow stale. I'm not saying Lesnar leaving caused ratings to drop and things got boring. I'm saying the way he left may have caused Vince to look at new stars a little different.
But equally, where you say that Lesnar could be blamed, the main event has always constantly changed in the WWE. Look back at the Monday Night Wars, Vince pushed Hogan, Savage, Nash & Hall to the max and they all jumped ship to WCW. He was relunctant again there, but he found Taker, Austin, HBK & Hart to be the next guys to forwards, not necessarily in this order, but this has happened for ages. I mean because of Hart jumping ship, Vince reacted and took over with Mr. McMahon, pushed Austin and started forming a new main event and an event more solid mid-card with Rock, Triple H, Mankind, Kane, etc and then they went on to the main event.

Back when Lesnar was around, they had Cena, Orton, Edge, Batista, Rey Mysterio, to name a few, backing him up on the midcard and Triple H, Angle, Taker, Benoit, HBK, etc on the Main Event scene. So to say that Vince stopped pushing people cause of Lesnar is ridiculous because the midcard was consisting of those who are currently on the main event scene! There isn't a lack of main eventers, simply because the midcard is slowly starting to get solid again after a while a of it being inconsistant.

The other reason is because you have 4 of top guys injured right now, simply the same thing as Austin and Rock leaving, they had the guys to back them up after they left, despite the hole made by these two. Vince is only going to the reliable people while he's stabilising the after effects of the injuries accuring. A push will come, he's just waiting to decide on who, you don't want him to pull an Orton like in 2004, a push that came too early!
You're missing the point. Austin was totally different than Lesnar. Austin put years into wrestling. He left because of injury. He was a trusted member of the company. Lesnar was a young hot shot. He was given everything and walked away anyway. He was not dedicated to wrestling. Being around only two years is exactly why he can be held responsible. It's a trust issue. A newer guy is going to have to prove his dedication before being given an opportunity at the main event. That takes time. During that time the existing group of main eventers can grow stale. I'm not saying Lesnar leaving caused ratings to drop and things got boring. I'm saying the way he left may have caused Vince to look at new stars a little different.

How so? Angle, Goldberg, and Lesnar are the only guys I can, off the top of my head, think of that had so much success so soon. The first two proved to be pretty solid investments. There's a saying...2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Furthermore, my primary gripe was in the name of the thread. If anyone is to be blamed for Lesnar and his fallout, it has to go on Vince. He made the decision to put his trust in a green worker and it's ultimately his responsiblity to deal with the consequences of him leaving. Whether or not he has managed that successfully is up for debate.
But... Randy Orton, John Cena, and Batista all debuted within months of Lesner and all three of them were given the main event pushes within a year of Lesnar leaving. If Lesnar's resignation shook Vince to the core like you suggest, then he wouldn't have pulled the trigger on these three still relatively new guys so soon afterwards.

The real problem with the main event scene right now is that for the past few years Vince started to groom the wrong guys. Lashley wasn't passionate or good enough. Kennedy was bad in the ring. Kahli was too immobile to carry the company. Kovlov wasn't that great.

The only one Vince has gotten right since 2006 was Umaga. Umaga was fucking amazing, but Vince pulled the trigger too quickly, feeding him to Cena and Lashley and thus ruining his credibility.

So all of the people from 2006/07 that should be upper midcarders or main eventers by now, are gone, and there's no one left that the current mid-carders can get the rub from.
I've never thought of it like that before, but it does make sense that Vince is afraid that they will bail if they do get pushed to fast. I wouldn't say thats the entire reason why Vince won't put new guys in the main event, but that sounds like one of the reasons in my opinion. I think one of the other reasons is that the younger stars aren't ready yet. I'd give them a few more months and then give them a push.
How so? Angle, Goldberg, and Lesnar are the only guys I can, off the top of my head, think of that had so much success so soon. The first two proved to be pretty solid investments. There's a saying...2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Furthermore, my primary gripe was in the name of the thread. If anyone is to be blamed for Lesnar and his fallout, it has to go on Vince. He made the decision to put his trust in a green worker and it's ultimately his responsiblity to deal with the consequences of him leaving. Whether or not he has managed that successfully is up for debate.


Lesnar may have been pushed to the moon, however there was one man that made the decision to do that. Lesnar certainly doesn't have the power to push himself to the WWE Championship. That person's decision was Vince McMahon.

And for the record, with it being Vince's company, and given how hands-on he is, Vince McMahon is the ultimate person responsible for the stale main event. I honestly don't see how that topic is really up for debate, other than fans are such marks for Vince, they can't bring themselves to actually criticize the guy, even if the criticism is valid.
Who said the main event is stale?, The fact is if you compare Raw to the entire WWE main event then no wonder so many people complain....

The main event scene on Raw is crowded and the WWE brass are attempted to sell a white hot heel to the crowds every night, Ortan for now is the forefront of the WWE main event scene because the company has got behind him, as for other alternatives you have Smackdown which is filled with ripe young talent that is getting over and scoring big witht he crowds, we finally have CM Punk as a credible world champion, we have Jeff Hardy who the crowds explode for, the list of talent is longer then any promotion at this time because the Main event has more to it then it ever did in the WWE and that is because of the fact that they are concentrating on wrestling, wrestling is what us in the IWC wanted but yet its being called stale?

Yes Brock was the first green athlete to be pushed to the moon but now WWE has a system in place that will eventually help talent get over (ECW) it helps talent come to terms with the WWE schedule and give green talent a chance to polish up before going on to greener pastures on Raw and Smackdown, so now we have no mistakes, there will be no super green talent getting main event pushes until their ready and I for one am happy with this system and am happy overall with the WWE product because now i get to see what i never did in the attitude era of even the start of the brand extension and thats wrestling lots and lots of wrestling.

And if you don't like that there is always the alternatives...

Im Just saying....
Yeah.It is Lesnar's fault for the most part,but Vince gets some of the blame as well.Think about it,Cena's matches all finish the same way.Triple H and Orton are absolutely terrible in the ring against each other,because Trips will never let Orton go over cleanly.Either Legacy interferes,or Batista is about to mash a motherfucker with a chair where if HHH gets DQ'd, Orton wins the title,and Orton is behind him,RKO,what the fuck ever.I get tired of Raw,and we all know Smackdown is so much better,but it's not live so we just read the spoilers because we have shit to do on Friday's,and I could give a fuck less about ECW,I don't care about Superstars on WGN, and ZZ Top fucking sucked!:banghead:
Also, Deej mentioned Punk being a credible World Champion,but he has one only two matches since winning the WHC.He beat Mysterio,won the Triple threat at the Three-for-all,lost to Morrison,Edge,the tag team of Jericho and Edge,Morrison,Hardy,Got Speared as a special guest ref,no contest against Khali, I mean he is turning into a good heel,but being booked like a fucking bitch!
I can somewhat agree with you on the person to blame for what you call a lame main event. I personally think they are doin well at this point in time, we are not going to have to wonder what the battles could of or would of been like in 5 years like we do now in other threads.
Now here is why I think Vince is to blame. He was a monopoly for years. Just because he owned three different wrestling programs doenst mean that anything was really different. The formatting was all the same, the writers and swaps did what they could to shake things up and there were always afew exciting things to watch but they juiced those battles we wanted to see as soon as swaps/trades were made leaving us with a "whats next" attitude.
We are also to blame. We have another program that is beggin all wrestling fans to watch it, TNA. But as ratings would indicate we are not watching it enough, or else they would be jumping to monday night to start a new war with WWE. That is what made the attitude era so great to watch and why WCW was so successful is that they were trying to one up eachother all the time. untill we give the WWE a reason to up their game we are just going to get the same things everyone on here bitches about.
So If you want better WWE programing then turn to spike on thursday nights and watch TNA. Let the up and coming ratings and money to TNA make Vince want to give us a good reason to turn into RAW, ECW, or Smackdown. A challenge always make something better!!
If we really wanna go down this route then we could blame The Rock as well, I mean this guy was the future right? Imagine if him and Lesnar were still in WWE today, they'd be going through their 60th fued and people would still be eating it up. I mean, he was only about 30, he'd still be active drawing in huge numbers.

Still at least unlike Lesnar Rocky put a few people over before he left so that the void could be filled, namely Lesnar and Goldberg. Just because that didint work out. Lesnar didnt actually do that for anyone, nobody say Eddie please, that could well have been the dirtiest face victory ever.

I still think that Vince missed a trick with Lesnar, I mean is it true that Brock wanted to resign with WWE after his NFL thingummy failed? If so Vince should've taken him back, and jobbed him out like a motherfucker to all the people that went to great lengths to make him look great, they could've used him to make Cena a big name as well.
How so? Angle, Goldberg, and Lesnar are the only guys I can, off the top of my head, think of that had so much success so soon. The first two proved to be pretty solid investments. There's a saying...2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Furthermore, my primary gripe was in the name of the thread. If anyone is to be blamed for Lesnar and his fallout, it has to go on Vince. He made the decision to put his trust in a green worker and it's ultimately his responsiblity to deal with the consequences of him leaving. Whether or not he has managed that successfully is up for debate.

I'll admit the name of the thread was to get attention. I will also admit it is not really Lesnar's fault specifically. I do think Vince's experience with Lesnar and Lashley are making him more selective as to who he pushes. As you said Vince put his trust in a green worker. That's my point. I don't think he is going to do that again. Because of this it may take longer for guys to reach the main event making the current main event scene seem stale.

Honestly I don't have a problem with the main event scene right now. I am responding to a lot of people on these forums that are tired of it. I am a little tired of Triple H vs. Orton right now, but I think that's coming to an end this Sunday.

I couldn't end this without saying I think it's 1 out of 3. Goldberg was not a good investment. At least you knew what you had with him. One year. God forbid the guy pick up one or two extra dates to hype his mania match with Lesnar. Goldberg's time in WWE was nothing significant as far as I'm concerned.
I'll admit the name of the thread was to get attention. I will also admit it is not really Lesnar's fault specifically. I do think Vince's experience with Lesnar and Lashley are making him more selective as to who he pushes. As you said Vince put his trust in a green worker. That's my point. I don't think he is going to do that again. Because of this it may take longer for guys to reach the main event making the current main event scene seem stale.

Honestly I don't have a problem with the main event scene right now. I am responding to a lot of people on these forums that are tired of it. I am a little tired of Triple H vs. Orton right now, but I think that's coming to an end this Sunday.

I couldn't end this without saying I think it's 1 out of 3. Goldberg was not a good investment. At least you knew what you had with him. One year. God forbid the guy pick up one or two extra dates to hype his mania match with Lesnar. Goldberg's time in WWE was nothing significant as far as I'm concerned.

False. Goldberg was a TREMENDOUS investment for WCW. They took the most over bad guy in the history of wrestling and they had him do the job to a relatively out of nowhere, completely inexperienced phenomenon. Goldberg was easily the most popular babyface in the company from 1998 until WCW's demise. He made them A LOT of money (which was then spent, obviously), and he made Vince a decent penny, as well, even though it was only a year. Also, Goldberg got big over in Japan. You have to look at Goldberg's entire body of work...not just his stint with the E.

In terms of Vince not doing that ever again...I say that is a flawed outlook. Vince, in his entire career, has had but one constant:

Vince will do whatever is right for business.

If business says to push some green guy because he is getting over like nobody's better believe that Vince is going to push that superstar to The Moon...maybe even Mars.
I'm not 100% sure if you're blaming Brock Lesnar, Bobby Lashley, or Jack Swagger in this thread.. but overall, if we're gonna point fingers I'd point a whole hand at Lesnar. The guy was a whiny little bitch.

He got everything handed to him on a silver platter, he was built as this huge guy who was pretty much unstoppable and the W.W.E's (late) answer to Bill Goldberg, only without having a streak go stale like Goldberg's did. In the end, after Lesnar had climbed so quickly to the top.. there was suddenly nothing left for him.

Look at his final year. His victories weren't as impressive. His losses were doubled. And his overall value was dropping. He dropped matches to Kurt Angle, Big Show, and even smaller matches to the likes of Eddie Guerrero & to my knowledge, Hardcore Holly. While the latter two were because he hadn't resigned and was believed to be leaving, the fact remains.. even had he of stayed, he didn't have anything left to accomplish so it would've just caused him to stay and "spin his tires in the mud" so to speak.

While I can't stand the guy.. I blame the overall company on pushing him to the moon the night he debuted pretty much. They brought him out, had him destroy mid-carders for about 2-3 months before handing him the KOTR crown, then a squash defeat of The Rock along with the Undisputed Championship.

As for Lashley, he wasn't nearly as pushed. And he paid more "dues" to get to where he got. He was in the mid-card for a longer period of time. Didn't have any type of major undefeated streak. Won the United States Championship, but didn't have an impressive run as Champion. As this point, he was more or less lost in the shuffle before jumping to E.C.W and instantly winning the Heavyweight Championship there.

More or less, Lashley was in the Company for a slight bit longer than Lesnar, technically 3 years, but he was injured in 2007 and never returned from 'said' injury. Soon there after, Lesnar announced leaving the Company and then the Company released him.

Now, finally, as for Swagger.. to say he hasn't been pushed better than some would be a lie. Upon his debut, he was pushed as being undefeated at which point he came to win the E.C.W Heavyweight title. More or less, he took the impressive beginning that Lesnar had, along with the mediocre joke of a title reign that Lesnar had. (E.C.W's Heavyweight title)

Swagger has been moved to the top show of the three, and he's not even finished with his first official year in the Company. And some believe he could be in-store for a United States title victory, as early as this Sunday. So, Swagger could very well be receiving a huge push and people just don't want to see it as such.
False. Goldberg was a TREMENDOUS investment for WCW. They took the most over bad guy in the history of wrestling and they had him do the job to a relatively out of nowhere, completely inexperienced phenomenon. Goldberg was easily the most popular babyface in the company from 1998 until WCW's demise. He made them A LOT of money (which was then spent, obviously), and he made Vince a decent penny, as well, even though it was only a year. Also, Goldberg got big over in Japan. You have to look at Goldberg's entire body of work...not just his stint with the E.

In terms of Vince not doing that ever again...I say that is a flawed outlook. Vince, in his entire career, has had but one constant:

Vince will do whatever is right for business.

If business says to push some green guy because he is getting over like nobody's better believe that Vince is going to push that superstar to The Moon...maybe even Mars.

I never said he wasn't a good investment for WCW. I'm talking about WWE. I just don't think his run with WWE was anything special.

You are right that Vince will do what is good for business. Someone may get the push again. One thing I know for sure is to never say never in this business. I'm just saying it may not be as easy as it was before.

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