The Olympics; Too ugly to sing


Shawn Michaels ❤
I'm sure most people saw the opening to the Olympics ceremony, which featured a young Chinese girl singing. However news has come to light she was miming during the performance, and a recording of another girl was played. However when asked why the original girl didn't appear to sing instead, press were told it was because she was too ugly.

Personally, this disgusts me. I think it's totally unfair, and will only make the girl with such a good talent feel awful. She deserves better than to be shunned in front of millions for not haaving perfect looks. It's things like this which feul unhealthy body image as well as eationg disorders.

However the company responsible for using a different girl say it was to uphold the class of the ceremony and make people remeber the 'pretty' girl more.

Do you think it was right another girl was taken to mime just because she was deemed prettier than the girl with the great voice?
I heard about this too. And I am also disgusted. So you have an amazing talent, but you're not allowed to showcase it because people think you're ugly? And a girl who is prettier than you, but probably can't sing better than you, takes all the glory and you don't get acknowledged at all? This just makes girls think that if you're pretty you can make it anywhere, and this image is being thrust upon all the young kids too much. I think that it doesn't matter how you look, it matters if you've got talent.
This s down right FUCKING disgusting. I heard about this earlyier and it made me sick. faking the fire works was fine. but this was bullshit. Looks mean nothing. Can you imagine how this poor girl feels? Oh we want to use your voice but this girl is prettier. This poor girl is going to grow up for the rest of her life thinking about this.

Seriously at an age like these two girls are wtf does it matter how they look? That girl sounded like an amazing singer and she deserved to be there singing it in person. Not getting a phony "pretty" girl to MIME to her words. It shouldnt matter if she has three arms and two heads she should of still been the one to sing there. that pretty girl had no right to be there.

China I am downright Disgusted!
What do you expect, it's the Chinese. Everything is about image with these people. The whole point of the Olympics in Beijing was for the Chinese to show the world that they are a super power and belong as a world leader.

The Truth is, they shipped out all of the poor people in the city to the outer provinces so they wouldn't bug the tourist, they shut down the factories weeks ago to attempt to hide the pollution, yet two weeks later the city is still in a constant haze. China has an image problem, that they are trying to hide.

It's no different then the Gymnastics team last night. Are you going to tell me that any of those girls were over the age of 16 like I think those girls are supposed to be? No way. China isn't a very honest nation when it comes to anything, this is just another case of the Chinese being the Chinese.
This is what the world is like now. Everything has to do with a certain image and it makes the world a little bit colder. First off how can they call a child ugly? What makes her ugly isnt beauty in the eye of the beholder? Also this poor child's self esteem(and many other children who arent conventional) has to be really low. I think it's stupid that beauty is the first thing people think about. This child has an amazing talent(singing) yet since she doesnt look a certain way it means she's lower than everybody else. It takes alot more to be a great singer than to look good. But like others I'm not to surprised. China wants their country potrayed as "beautiful" and they seem to be anything to make it so. It was also reported that all "ugly & bald" taxi drivers were either made to go on leave until the olympics were done or were fired. This is what the world has turned into one big superficial, image concerned, "ugly" place.
The first thing I thought of when I heard about this was children in general. At that age, what girl isn't cute? Every little girl in the world looks adorable as a young child. She could sing, she was cute. It's not like there's a real difference in looks when you're that age. This is something that has blown up in China's face and I couldn't be happier. Their reasoning was that it was for the better of the country. How is this better? It's hard enough explaining to a young girl that the tooth fairy doesn't exist, but how do you tell her that? "little girl, we'd love to have you sing where billions of people's eyes would be on you, but your face makes people wish they were blind, so go sing while this girl's face is matched with your voice?" Awful.
Thats pathetic. I find that downright disgusting. Image is nothing when someone can sing as good as that. Nobody in this world is perfect. Even if she isn't the cutest, who really cares? People will remember her voice and talent because it stands out the most. I had a feeling the cute girl was miming because I noticed her lips werent totally singing the words of the song. This is what is hurting the world today. Image has become a big thing and girls in partucular, always want to look the best to get recognized.

Image isn't everything and as Shocky mentioned, China obviously isn't a very honest nation. What exactly were they trying to accomplish by having a cute girl miming? Will that make people think "oh wow that girl is cute, I must go to China someday"? No, it wont. Its ridiculous how that girl is getting all the fame and fortune, even though she probably can't sing for shit but was only there for eye candy.

This saddens me greatly. I now have lost quite a bit of respect for China. I didn't know they would do something this low.
I could honestly not give a shit less, I know that sounds bad but it's the truth, why the hell should I care?, I don't think I've even watched more than five minutes of the Olympics this year, in fact I don't think I've watch more than five minutes of the summer Olympics in my entire life, I have just never found them interesting, and as far as some little girl being deemed to ugly to sing on TV, so fucking what?, why should anyone care?, we don't know this girl, we'll never ever meet her, and it's not like she didn't get to sing, for fuck sake her voice was heard by everyone in the world that does watch the Olympics, that right there is a huge accomplishment that none of us will ever achieve
Appearances are nothing. People look like what they look like. Basically, that is a pretty disgusting move by the Olympics guys. Granted, I didn't watch it because real sports suck ass, but from the sound of it, that's pretty much against all my principles.
Well on this I'm really torn, one part of me, like Justin, really couldn't give a shit, but the other part of me, the one that actually likes people sees this as positively disgusting. How old are these children anyways? Know how fucked up it'd be to tell a child, "i'm sorry, you can sing, but you're just too god damn ugly, blame your parents?" Good luck explaining that to them. Just proves to me how fickle I thought China to be, and how cold they can be to others feelings at times. Would the rest of the world care if the child was ugly? They'd be caught up in her voice, not her face.

It's just unfair, and proves that this world is all about image. Guess I should be happy I'm not ugly:rolleyes:
It is just another example of China trying to hide every negative looking view that they have against them. The clearing of the poors' houses, the removal of troublemakers, the stop on industry to clear pollution, and the hiding of ugly children. What China has done is sold their soul for a perfect world view. I just hope that people can see through China's hidden problems and see how dirty the place is actually. Vancouver will have to do the same with a crumbling sea to sky highway and drug and prostitution problem.

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