The old TNA vs WWE rivarly


Simply Amazing
I haven't seen this come up in awhile, but after reading an article on the main site about how TNA is wanting John Morrison and Melina, then seeing and reading the comments and even responding to a few, its safe to say that quite a few people believe TNA to be second rate and are extremely unhappy if they sign an ex WWE wrestler. Which is actually fine by me everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

However my problem is that many of these people keep bringing ratings into it. The Thing is these ratings are only U.S. ratings they do not reflect what each company gets on a world scale now i have tried to research this and only came up with U.S. ratings. But from what I understand from seeing responses to these types of questions from fans that live in different countries is that on a world scale TNA is more popular the WWE. With that being said I have a few questions for everyone and hopefully the questions will inspire an intelligent debate. I will give my answers a bit later after hearing what you guys have to say.

1.Who truly has the better product and why?

2. Which company do you prefer and why?

3.Why are the rankings of the rest of the world not taken into account?

4. Which company has better rankings overall? (worldwide)
Who truly has the better product and why?

That has to go to WWE. While I enjoy TNA for what it is, when you look at it you are comparing an 8 year old promotion that is stationary in the same arena mostly, to a company that has been around for about 50 years, has all the experience and has the biggest brought wrestling mainstream. TNA does not have as many compelling stories or execution of them as does WWE. Impact is held for the most part on the same arena, and has a decent production crew. WWE has a great production crew and can afford many visual extras for PPVs that TNA seldom exhibits . In terms of just in ring work it is hard to judge, for TNA has the excellent X-division, but WWE has more storytelling. I will go with WWE here since most of the TNA matches are rushed because they do not have multiple shows.

Which company do you prefer and why?

This is basically the same answer as the last question but I will improvise. WWE is my pick because TNA Impact seems so rushed and crammed with things that should be spread out over time like in WWE. TNA does not have multiple brands so WWE gives out more wrestling per week, and that makes me happy. The most important thing is the atmosphere that Raw and Smackdown has due to the crowd and the work of the production staff. It feels all the more special in WWE shows than in TNA.

Why are the rankings of the rest of the world not taken into account

I am not sure on this one. A week ago I would have said that most of wrestling is watched by the US and UK and not many places in the world matter to WWE or TNA. In an overseas PPV thread is was proven wrong so I really do not know why these are not taken into account to much.

Which company has better rankings overall? (worldwide)

WWE and there really is not much of a contest here. You see WWE air packages from their recent tours in some other places in the world a lot of times. When you see TNA do it, it is either in the UK or some other state in the U.S. I maybe wrong but I do not recall seeing another one aired outside of those 2 places other than Global Impact Highlight packages. Based on that both claim that they air and are popular around the world through constant mentions by the commentators but WWE has actually shown it through video packages.
1.The WWE, cause at least they comprehend basic story telling and character development unlike TNA, who took 2 episodes to make Bobby Roode turn heel instead of drawing it out like they needed to.

2. Read #1

3. Now that's a good question. I think it's cause there's only 5 countries that the wrestling industry flourishes in. The US, Canada, Japan, Mexico, and the UK. Sure there's wrestling in South Africa, where Justin Gabriel came from, and how the FWA is taking people from India and training them, but only those 5 spots really matter the most. So it's not exactly the world so to speak if there's only 5 major hotspots.

4. I'd say the WWE only cause of their fame all around the world.

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