The [Official] Scrubs Thread

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τδιγλε;1544165 said: has this show not been canceled yet? Zach Braff is one of the lamest comedians to ever (dis)grace the small screen, so, maybe there's hope with him gone. So, now, as the lead of this show (if I read correctly), you have the guy whose career highlight is playing the boyfriend of the African-American girl in Clueless...well, it's better than Braff.

If you want comedy done right, check out the three seasons of Arrested Development. Oh, and to answer your question on whether or not it will succeed, it all depends on its time slot. If it's on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night, then it has no chance of lasting past this season.

It hasn't been cancelled yet because it is quite a big grossing show for ABC. Sure, it may have gone down in ratings from it's forst season but the comedy is fucking brilliant. I like the show and I think you have completely overstated how bad Zach Braff is. In fact, I like Braff and his character in Scrubs fits him to a tee. I think that it has made him a star and rightly so. He is fantastically funny in Scrubs and I think that anything he does from now on will be overshadowed by his performances on the show. He is fantastically witty and I really enjoyed him on Scrubs. Also, don't diss the Donald! Donald Faison is also a very funny person but please so not knock someone for playing someone in Clueless. All actors have shows that they are ashamed of and I am sure that your favourite actor has did a bad show in his career. Plus, I would say that Scrubs has been the highlight of his career anyway.

Although, I absolutely agree with you about Arrested Development. I never watched it when it was airing and I got it for Christmas last year. They really should bring this show back and failing that, they should definitely do the movie. Bateman and Cera were fantastic in that show and hopefully it will come back.

But back on topic. I am really hopeful that that the show will be good tonight. I probably wont be able to stay up to watch it but I will watch it tomorrow and I am sure that I will enjoy it still. My fingers are crossed.
I'm a big fan of Scrubs. The show is sophomoric, sure, but I've been following it for years and it's grown on me like very few other shows have, particularly during some of the more serious and dramatic moments in the show's history. That said, this will likely be the last season of Scrubs, or at the very most the second to last. Once JD is gone, the show just isn't going to be the same. Maybe if they got a new cast member who's particularly well known, like how Spin City replaced Michael J. Fox with Charlie Sheen, then maybe the show could be successful for a while longer. But it appears they're just adding a bunch of no-name people, and I simply have to ask, why the fuck should I care about this characters? None of the new characters from the last season are particularly memorable. I'm just going to enjoy the last we get to see of ol' Turk and JD together in all of their glory, and I'm confident Turk and Dr. Cox and other characters can continue to instill the show with some laughter once Braff is gone. It really probably would have been best had the show ended last season though, the ending was very, very well done.
I have to agree with you, X.

I am very worried about the new people that they have brought in I have watched a couple of the trailers for tonight's show and I am quite underwhelmed. I think the one with Lucy is funny in parts but kinda basic and not particularly enjoyable when it comes to comedy. Hopefully, this is just a weak moment and something can be added to the show to give it something extra in terms of big name talent. You could argue that Zach Braff is the best comedian on the show and if he is leaving, so does a lot of the physical comedy and a lot of the great delivery that the show is known for. My fingers are crossed that Lawrence has discovered a talent like Braff in the same way he did 10 years ago. No one knew of Braff back then and he really made the part his own and excelled himself towards super-stardom.

With that being said, I think it is funny that you mentioned Michael J. Fox. Think how great the show would become if MJF joined as a regular. He has been on the show before and took a teaching role, so it would be really logical if he indeed joined the cast as a full-time member. He is also great friends with Bill Lawrence and so it's not as if there is completely no chance of it happening. Personally, I would completely fall in love with the show if it happened but I realistically know that it probably wont.
I'd love to see MJ Fox in any role on Scrubs on a regular basis as well Dave, but it's not going to happen. The reason I brought up Spin City was because that was Bill Lawrence's first show that he produced (and another underrated classic) which is why guys like Fox, and every single other main cast member of Spin City appeared on Scrubs over the years in some guest starring role. It won't happen though, not with Fox's health, he's pretty much retired from any kind of regular acting work, he mainly just does voice work now if I'm not mistaken.
That is seriously too bad. Michael J. Fox was just tremendous as Kevin Casey and I would have loved to see him reprise that role. It's funny, he was in it for two or three episodes and people still talk about them as if they are the greatest episodes that were created. In some sense, I think that they have something special about them and I think that Michael J. Fox added something extra to it. He was hilarious and showed a lot of emotion in the latter episodes he was in. I really do think that he would be such a fantastic addition to Scrubs but then again, we would walk onto most shows that are out there at the moment. A great acting and comedic talent, Scrubs would be the perfect place for him. However, as you have said, his health is the huge stumbling block that has hindered him for years now. I remember hearing on a Scrubs commentary a few years back that he just called up Lawrence and said "yeah, I'm feeling pretty good, let's do it!"

I'm not saying that he would ever come back but I would love to see it happen.

However, there is more questions that are springing to my mind at the moment. For instance, is Neil Flynn going to be a part of the newly revamped show? I fucking hopes o but as far as I am aware, he is working on something different. Secondly, is Sarah Chalke staying on the show as a regular when Braff leaves? The last I had heard was that she had been offered the same role as Braff.
I love scrubs, bu it just won't be the same without JD. I'm thinking it will be like Joey, except the other way around. The only thing I can hope for is that the new Interns are actually funny, and not boring as fuck. Some of the Interns from last season were funny, especially Ed who they fucked up by firing him. The ending of last season was absolutely terrific, it touched me deeply. And then to hear that there's a new season, without the main man.

Not only will he be gone, but Turk and Dr. Cox won't be the same without him. No more Bromance. Or "hatred"
Well, that was it.

After a long wait and arguments over whether it would work or not, I finally have an answer... It does.

Personally, I loved the new episodes. They were witty and charming and gave us a great indication of where thw show iwll more than likely be heading. I thought that the new characters were very good and I think that making the show open ona double episode really helped us get to know them a bit better. With all of that being said, I think that show is pretty good. I liked the first two episodes and thought that the Lucy and Drew characters stood out as new faces. I also think that Cole is an absolute D-Bag that I will genuinely hate until he is finally axed from the show because so many people share my sentiment, especially when the exact same storyline has been done before. Of course, Braff and Johnny C were incredible in their roles and I think that Johnny C wil likely be the star of the show, with it's future hanging on how well he can carry the rest of the characters until they are established.

What worries me about the show is the storylines though. I know it is only the first couple of episodes but I am very worried that they are going to keep recycling storylines until they have managed to get all of the new faces stabilized as individuals with their own merits. I mean, how often have we seen the scamming for drugs/money storyline and how often have we seen the "you learned a valuable lesson" one too. Hopefully, this is just a minor blip on the radar and the fix them... Along with that ghastly rendition os the opening theme song.
I haven't watched the new season yet but once JD leaves i don't know how to react but the bromance from Turk and the teasing from Dr.Cox is sorely going to be missed, i was touched and cried at the ending of season 8. But i think its a good thing JD is there for the for the first 6 episodes to transition the new characters in. But from what is known change can bring a new experience for us viewers of such a great show.
I haven't watched the new season yet but once JD leaves i don't know how to react but the bromance from Turk and the teasing from Dr.Cox is sorely going to be missed, i was touched and cried at the ending of season 8. But i think its a good thing JD is there for the for the first 6 episodes to transition the new characters in. But from what is known change can bring a new experience for us viewers of such a great show.

The thing is, there is plenty of new characters and new personalities to replace the chemistry that Turk and JD have. The problem that I think is going to occur when JD leaves is that Turk will probably be at a loose end. I really cannot see Turk being a great personality without JD. I mean, most of the great scenes with Turk come when he is paired with JD and without it, I don't really know what will become of him. However, you should not worry yourself over the teasing factor. Dr Cox is as good as I have ever seen him before, if not better. I personally think that the new batch of Med Students are good enough to fit into the show and how the character of Dr Cox will fit around them.
Just watched the new eps and was genuinely surprised about how good they were. Of course, the big question is how will it go after JD leaves, in particular, how the Turk character evolves without him but it is off to a good start.

Dr Cox was great as always and his interaction with the med students will likely continue to provide some gold.

I am also happy to see Denise back. I thought she was one of the real highlights of Season 8 and hopefully she will continue to be so.

Occasional appearances by Elliot, Kelso and the Todd will remind everyone that this is Scrubs but with the new breed of med students we may get something different too.
Yeah I was pleasantly surprised by last night's new episodes as well. First things first though, they need to get rid of that revamped theme song, because it's fucking terrible. It was simply awesome seeing Turk and JD back to their old ways together (along with Dr. Cox), albeit in a new environment. It's going to suck massively when Braff does leave the show for good, but I have confidence in Donald Faison and John C. McGinley that they can carry this show together and keep it hilarious. Some of the new characters were genuinely interesting as well, particularly the new guy that appears to be the new "main guy" and his relationship with Denise. The Lucy character seems far too much like Elliot for my taste, but she appeared to have pretty good comedic timing and delivery.

These first two episodes were great though, particularly the second one. We'll have to wait and see if the season continues to be great like this once Braff leaves.
Personally, I think that they are going to build Lucy to replace JD as the conscience of the show as well as pick up some of the slack of Elliot's departure. Denise will hopefully continue with her quirkiness while her and #1 may become the new Turk and Carla. Cole looks set to become a mentee of the Todd
I think that the series will only get worse form here on out and that is a shame. I am really hoping that I wrong because of the promising start that it has made. Truly, it was the highlights of my television week. Seeing Braff and Faison back as JD and Turk was a wonder to behold. I am legitimately happy that the show is back and I am looking forward to seeing what it gives us over the next few weeks. However, there is no escaping that people are going to switch off when Zach Braff leaves. I, for one, think that the show will struggle after he leaves and I am very much hoping that I am wrong.

The good news is that I heard that Neil Flynn will be returning to the show after he is done with The Middle. Although, The Middle will take precedence.
I was so excited after watching the first two episodes. I thought a couple of the new characters were good, mainly Lucy and # 1. I was hoping though that #1 would buck on Dr. Cox more. I was so excited JD was on there and thought maybe he had signed on for the year but then I come in here and find out it is only for 6 episodes. I hate that I'm not sure this will be must watch for me anymore but it will still be a show I keep up with. Good luck staff.
Did anyone watch last nights episode. I was a little disappointed. There wasn't much humor to it and I know they are trying to build the new characters and all but where's the bromance. What were your thoughts on the episode?
Last night's episode was actually pretty good for the most part I thought. The humor elements to the show were actually the part that I thought was best, particularly some of the scenes between JD and Turk (I burst into laughter when Turk and JD both looked at each other and said "CANDY HANDS!" at the same time), it was the dramatic elements though that drug the episode down I thought. Some of the stuff was a bit cringe-worthy to be honest, specifically the storyline with Denise and the boy who's mom is about to die of cancer "bonding". That was literally painful to watch.

Aside from that though, I thought it was a good episode. I actually like that the show is evolving a bit now that it's about the travels of JD, Turk, and Cox as teachers instead of just the same-old resident medical comedy show that had been growing a bit stale. Once JD leaves though I'm really fearful the quality is going to plummet, I really hope I'm wrong because the comedic writing so far has been pretty top notch (to make up for the kind-of atrocious dramatic writing).

I enjoyed last night's episode thoroughly though. Perhaps because I've been watching this show for so long that it can almost do no wrong in my eyes, but I didn't think it was bad at all. I would give it a rating of somewhere around a 8, maybe an 8.5 out of 10.
Yeah, I have to agree wit you, X.

I watched the episode and thought that it was pretty similar to the last few in terms of comedic quality. It seems that they really do have a group of people that can make things funny. I think the Lucy character is great and I also think that the supporting cast are fantastic too. "Number 1" is a pretty good twist on the show and I am very much looking forward to seeing how the relationship between him and Dr Cox evolves.

As for the episode's story, I thought it was a little bit of a cliché. You mentioned the part with Denise and I have to agree that that was pretty cheesy. It is especially so when she spent most of last season trying to get some bonds with patients etc. All in all though, it was a pretty good episode and I am really enjoying the new revamped system. However, the big question on everybody's mind is what is going to happen when JD leaves and right now, I am a little bit fearful.
As soon as I read the description to tonight's episode on my TV, I was expecting an epic episode. What I got instead was an average-to-good episode of Scrubs. The whole story of there being a big party had me excited for a classic party episode, but instead almost everyone got stuck back at the hospital doing work. Another "life-lesson" episode that we've already seen before with much more interesting characters.

But, we saw the farewell of Ted in this episode, and that sucks. I always loved his character and thought he was probably the most underused of them all. His suicide attempts were quite funny. He and Kelso had a nice little goodbye at the end. I guess that's the last we'll be seeing of Ted on Scrubs. No more acapella songs.

The whole war-veteran telling his life story thing seemed a bit cliche, but atleast the actor who played the vet was pretty good. Nothing of real substance with the dramatic element of the show here, it's like superficial popcorn or something, just entertainment fluff really. The comedy is still pretty spot on in this episode, though not as funny as the last episode. Still not a bad episode by any means, always good to see JD and Turk together and raising awkward heck.

Man this show is going to be bad once Braff leaves...
This episode was good. This the first time I've watched the new season of Scrubs. I notice no Elliot Reed, which sucks. But most of the main characters are still around. Fair enough. I like the new concept though. The Med school is a great use of these guys as there was only so far they could go in the hospital.

I'm sure going to miss this show when it's gone. It should get a good run in the Sitcoms tourney, too.
I think that the latest episode was very average to say the least. Not that it was not without it's charms, it's just that it seemed very routine and felt as though it had been done before. I found it very funny that they referenced the episode from last season about George and how Turk and JD counselled him on his death bed because it reminded me of that in so many ways. That was a fantastic episode and I to be honest, this one never really lived up to that standard. To be honest, I found it very similar to a lot of episodes and although the characters are really coming along nicely, I could not help but to find it very similar in ideas to a lot of other episodes from the past.

JD and Turk were not their usual selves and I found it a little bring in some points. However, I do really like some of the new characters and when JD disappears in two episodes, I am continually hoping that they will have grown on me much more than what they have done thus far. However, I did find the episode to be very preachy and the lesson that is always prevalent in Scrubs to be very similar again. It was decent but I am not excited by the thought of JD leaving as this seemed to be a prelude to that and it seemed very bland and average at times.
So for those who may have lost touch with this show after a short break from airing new episodes (What was it, about 2 weeks?) Scrubs aired a new episode last night (Friday) on ABC. Yeah, I know, random how they just moved it to a random Friday but whatever, my DVR picked it up so that's good. I don't think is a permanent move for Scrubs though, just a one-time thing on New Years Day.

Anyways, I actually enjoyed the episode quite a bit. It was the first episode without Zach Braff and I've been such a big fan of the show for so long that all of the characters they do have left really interest me usually. This episode featured alot of Elliot (Sarah Chalke) for the first time this season after a few cameos of maybe a few minutes time, and that was enough to keep this episode interesting. If they're able to incorporate the older characters along with the new ones like this all season long I'll be quite happy. The new characters have all kind of grown on me already infact. Some of Lucy's unfiltered thoughts were funny in a disturbing kind of way, and the character of Cole always seems to make me chuckle. Denise and Turk becoming more of friends was kind of interesting as well.

Yeah, Braff is gone, and so is alot of the other main cast members from over the years. But we still have Kelso, Turk, Cox, and various cameos from other characters from season's past, and with the new characters being pretty amusing, I don't think this season is going to be the big failure I thought it would all along.

Not a great episode or anything, but a good to very good one. I continue to look forward to watching the show find it's new footing without Braff.

Oh and for those who may have missed it because it was on a random Friday instead of at it's usual Tuesday time slot, the episode has been posted on Hulu already:
The new season of may not be near the quality of previous seasons. Yes the absense of Zach Braff is very noticeable and quite upsetting when you have been following the show for the last 5 or 6 years. I didn't want Ted or Janitor to leave either.
I also would have loved if they kept all the interns from season 8 as they built up their characters so much and we really got to know the characters.
All complaining aside the new show is a desent watch. I've been following the episodes each week and I am beginning to like it more and more. Last weeks episodes to be precise, the one with Elliot in it, was the seasons funniest episode so far. Hats off to Bill Lawrence for not sending 100 or people to the welfare office and instead trying out the new show!
Tuesday night's new episode was a good one, mainly because it was centered around JD and Elliott once again. Thank god we've been getting to see Braff so often because it's really helping transition the show to these new characters, who are all starting to grow on me, even the annoying Lucy. Cole is probably my favorite new character, the guy spits out brilliant one liners.

Oh and not only did we get to see JD and Elliot together for a new episode, we also saw some minor returns of other older characters like Jordan and best of all, THE TODD! I loved seeing The Todd again.

Solid episode, really enjoyed it. I wonder how many more episodes Braff is going to be featured in though.
So to all who have been watching Season 9, any regrets? I've avoided watching it online because I felt it would cheapen the perfect end to Season 8. Was I right or wrong?
So to all who have been watching Season 9, any regrets? I've avoided watching it online because I felt it would cheapen the perfect end to Season 8. Was I right or wrong?

Not really, because really it's a different show, almost a spin-off. It's "Scrubs: Med School", and that's exactly what it should have been called, but the network execs didn't think changing it to a spinoff would win them any viewers.

I haven't regretted watching this season at all, in fact I've quite enjoyed almost every episode so far. Doesn't really weaken the first eight seasons because I look at that as a different period in the lives of JD and the gang, and this new season is a whole new chapter in their lives.

It hasn't been excellent or anything thus far, but it's been consistently entertaining and that's really all you can ask out of the show at this point.
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