The [Official] Scrubs Thread

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I Am The One Who Knocks
Seriously this show has it all. Superb acting,funny moments,serious moments, real life situations, outlandish comedy. Whats not to love about this show. All the characters were cast with perfection. With John C. McGinley being my favorite actor and very underrated he steals the show with his rants. This is the best Sitcom on tv right now and second only to The Simpsons Of All Time.
Monkey, what are you smoking? Yes, I enjoy the show, but there are a lot of shows out there that are better then Scrubs. Family Guy when they get a new episode it'll be a hit, South Park has always been a very funny show, and the Simpsons keep bringing in new episodes every year. Scrubs is an alright show, but any of those three I named are 10 times better.
Scrubs is fantastic, awesome show. I've had a man-crush on Zach Braff ever since I saw Garden State (amazing film). But best show on TV? No. 2nd ALL TIME?! Not even close.

The best show on TV right now would be Lost. No doubt about it. There isn't a more intelligent or well-written show on TV right now. I'm not sure if it got picked up for the second half of it's season, but "Breaking Bad" on AMC is an awesome show as well, starring Bryan Cranston (the dad from Malcolm in the Middle) as a chemistry teacher who decides to start cooking crystal meth to leave behind some money for his family after he discovers he has unoperable cancer. Awesome show.

Come on man, 2nd all time though? No way man. It's not even the funniest show on TV right now.

That being said, I still love Scrubs. Did you see last nights episode? It got to me big time, seeing Kelso leave. He was by far my favorite character on the show. I was actually really sad about it, but I guess the actor who portrays him isn't going to be on Scrubs anymore. That sucks so badly, and it depresses the hell out of me. But they wrote that episode perfectly, it was the perfect way to say goodbye to Kelso.

So yeah, Scrubs is an amazing show, but not the best on TV.
Well it is my opinion and I Respect all of yours. Except that for Randy Orton Marks comment on Family guy being funnier....No way Family guy is funnier. It is funny but they try too hard with their jokes.

Yes xfear i actually just watched it. Very sad I hope it doesnt mean the end of Kelso but it probably will. Anyways as long As Dr.Cox is on the show it will be fine.

Dr. Cox>All
I am a big fan of Scrubs, but I would put it in the top 10, maybe top 5 depending on my mood that day. As someone mentioned above, LOST is my number 1 show, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation is number 2, there are a few others that depending on how I feel will usually go up and down in my opinion.
I haven't been keeping up with Scrubs lately, but it is an amazing show. Amazing cast, good blend of comedy and serious acting, great writing, awesome soundtrack. But I wouldn't put it as the first or second best show on TV. I also agree with whoever said that Family Guy tries too hard sometimes, but I still love it!
I do love Scrubs but wouldnt say its the best show out there, that title would have to go to Dexter, everybodies fave serial killer! I mean when you tell people its about a serial killer they always think what the fuck but the fact is its so well written, smart, funny that its pulled off with perfection.
The second half of season 2 has to some of the most dramatic episodes i have ever seen form a show.
Scrubs has trailed off so badly since the addition of Kim Briggs. Anything from the show before the final two episodes of Season 5 were amazing - the show now is just a mockery of what it once was.

That being said, I still watch it, and it's funny from time-to-time. Not nearly the best show on TV. That goes to "The Wire" (even though it just ended). No show more accurately portrays the failure on the war on drugs and the failures in the public school system.
What a kickass thread. Great call. I know a lot of people enjoy shows like South Park and the Office, but they just don't cut it for me. Scrubs is hilarious.
Well, I'm excited as I found out today that Scrubs has been picked up for one final season. Thats a good thing because the writers strike really fucked this one all to hell. ABC has actually picked up the final season which is very cool. Say bye-bye NBC one of your best comedies is leaving your network.

Its funny though. ABC has always owned the rights to Scrubs but it was shown on NBC. Go figure. Anyways I'm super stoked for the final season. Not sad though because its had a good run.
Well it is my opinion and I Respect all of yours. Except that for Randy Orton Marks comment on Family guy being funnier....No way Family guy is funnier.

I agree with RKO Orton on the fact that Family Guy is funnier than Scrubs, but it is not a better show... seeing as it's not a show but a cartoon. IMHO I think House is the best show, not Scrubs. I'm sure many people will agree with me, Monkey will disagree... but that is my brutally honest opinion. But I can say that Scrubs is a good show, just don't watch it as much as I use to.
Ive never seen a full episode of Scrubs or House or even Lost. Given them each a try, just arnt to my liking.
I love Tyler Perrys House of Payne. Has an amazingly talented cast. And outside ATHF I think is the funniest show on TV.
Best quality wise I say is Psych or Monk. Enjoy both so much. Just high quality and such well thought out scripts.

By chance is anyone else eagerly anticipating that biker gang show "Sons of Anarchy"?
Ive never seen a full episode of Scrubs or House or even Lost. Given them each a try, just arnt to my liking.
I love Tyler Perrys House of Payne. Has an amazingly talented cast. And outside ATHF I think is the funniest show on TV.
Best quality wise I say is Psych or Monk. Enjoy both so much. Just high quality and such well thought out scripts.

By chance is anyone else eagerly anticipating that biker gang show "Sons of Anarchy"?

Oh yes, House of Payne would probably have to be my second favorite show on television. I almost forgot about that... Tyler Perry always makes funny movies, now he has a great show. It's just kinda gay that I've only seen Madiya(sp?) once in the whole show... and that was in a dream sequence.

But I'm still sticking with House as the best show on television... just classic. And before I forget...

I personally have not watched a single episode of Scrubs...not really because I did not like it more so because it was on the same nights as Greys Anatomy (yes I watched that) and the OC (again, yes I used to watch that in the first 2 seasons because Micsha Barton and Rachel Bilson were hot!!). But I do remember a clip that popped up on Youtube. It was called Guy Love. It was hilarious as the two lead characters (both males) were singing about what they mean to each other and at one point in the song, One of the guys goes "You're the only man whose ever been inside of me!!!" and Donald Faison's character quickly tells the girl that they are singing in front "I was taking out his appendix" That was hilarious!!! But yeah its not bad. I think that there are other shows that are better such as Married with Children (past) and Two and a Half Men (Present). They always get me laughing because Al Bundy is a God and Charlie Sheen is unbelievably funny.

So Scrubs returns for a new series...... but without JD and Elliott. What the hell are they thinking of? I can't see it working. They could potentially ruin a superb tv show by over killing it. (It's my Overkiiiiilllll).

Scrubs was JD's programme, I can't see it working at all without him. if Zach Braff is doing a runner, they should cancel it. Series eight was meant to be the last, so i presume it will have been scripted as a last-ever show. They should have left it there. By all means do a run-off, but don't carry ont he programme.

I won't actually participate in this thread, in case someone talks about series eight, which doesn't air in Britain for a while yet, and ruins it.

So Scrubs returns for a new series...... but without JD and Elliott. What the hell are they thinking of? I can't see it working. They could potentially ruin a superb tv show by over killing it. (It's my Overkiiiiilllll).

Scrubs was JD's programme, I can't see it working at all without him. if Zach Braff is doing a runner, they should cancel it. Series eight was meant to be the last, so i presume it will have been scripted as a last-ever show. They should have left it there. By all means do a run-off, but don't carry ont he programme.

I won't actually participate in this thread, in case someone talks about series eight, which doesn't air in Britain for a while yet, and ruins it.

I think its brilliant, the fact that the series will see a new set of interns for new scenarios will enable the show to work better and better, the fact is the series still has some momentum left, with or without braff the series will enable itself to grow, I hope that it will continue for at least three more seasons or it may have the same fate as that seventies show and end up a victim of its own success.
So without the two cornerstones of the TV show, they move on...I say it lasts one more year, then it's cancelled. I dig Turk, the Janitor, Perry Cox, and the rest of the crew as much as anyone, but it's like having Seinfeld without Jerry or Elaine. Or Friends without Ross or Rachel. Or Cheers without Sam and Norm. It just won't work. I'll always remember JD and that luscious Elliot.

Well Braff will make appearances here and there the article mentions (for 6 episodes), so atleast those episodes may be pretty good. But honestly, after the season finale, that should be the end of the series. It summed up the whole series quite perfectly.

I'll still watch it of course, but my hopes are not very high.
I've been disappointed in this most recent season, I can't understand why though. Maybe I've finally gotten tired of Zach Braff and his constant whining. Or maybe I was entirely burnt out from watching reruns on Comedy Central too much. Huh.

I think this new season could go either way. Either this could be the breath of fresh air Scrubs needs, and the new interns/the old guard that stays take the series to a new height, or everyone realizes just how much Elliot and JD brought to the show and run after the first few episodes.

I hope it works out, for I've always been a Scrubs fan at heart. But hell. If it doesn't then Elliot and/or JD are going to be courted for hella amounts of money, we can all be sure of that.
As you may or may not be aware of, Scrubs is one of my favourite shows to ever hit the airwaves and beamed directly into my house. Now, I don't mind telling you that over the last 9 years I have laughed, I have cheered and I have shed tears when watching the show. The greatest episode of the show was aired at the end of season eight and really should have marked the end of the show. However, it didn't. The show continues and on December 1st 2009, Scrubs will be returning to our screens in a newly revamped formula.

The first thing of note is that Zach Braff will only be in the show for the first 6 episodes of the new series. He has agreed to help the show transition into a new phase, where the show is centred around some old cast members and some new faces. You may or may not be happy to hear that the inner monologue remains in place for the new series but, from what I have seen, it is not as funny and doesn't work as well.

Now, I was happy when the show was renewed, make not mistake! I as happy that Braff was coming back and that they had gotten Donald Faison and Johnny C to sing up and really be focal point of the new series. However, my question is "will it work"?

I guess we will have to tune in tomorrow night to find out. However, I want to get your thoughts on how you think the show will get on as it faces a new challenge ahead.
I hope it does, last season was one of the best seasons yet and the new interns were brilliantly funny, but I can't see it happening. Without Zach Braff the show is going to struggle and unfortunatly I can see it being cancelled in the not too distant future.

I hope I am wrong though, and it becomes a breath of fresh air into the series. I am also wondering how it will work, I think the inner monologe will work if its shared around between the interns. Hopefully Turk and Cox will remain the same characters they were but I havn't heard if Judy Reyes has signed up so how will they explain Turk not being with his wife.
Ugh, this does not sound good. Scrubs is in my top 5 shows of all time easily, the cast was great and was made even better by good writing. I hope the new cast brings it but it won't be easy to fill the shoes they are filling. From the commercial (That's right commercial, they have under advertised this thing) I think they're teachers or something. This is almost a new show with the same cast. I won't be boycotting it or something stupid, bad Scrubs is better than no Scrubs, but the ending was good as it was. has this show not been canceled yet? Zach Braff is one of the lamest comedians to ever (dis)grace the small screen, so, maybe there's hope with him gone. So, now, as the lead of this show (if I read correctly), you have the guy whose career highlight is playing the boyfriend of the African-American girl in Clueless...well, it's better than Braff.

If you want comedy done right, check out the three seasons of Arrested Development. Oh, and to answer your question on whether or not it will succeed, it all depends on its time slot. If it's on Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night, then it has no chance of lasting past this season.
Yeah, I hope show succeeds but it will be an upward battle from this point on. Fans are so set in their ways and hate changes like these. I for one am excited to see where they take the show and actually did like the new interns but them in place of the originals? I'll take the originals. I agree that last season was really good and the finale should have been the final episode, seriously it was like the perfect ending all the way around, but what can you do. I hope Scrubs can catch lightning in a bottle again and continue as a great show, but we will see.
I love Scrubs. My favorite TV show of all time without a doubt. Alot of people condemned this show before it always airs, I hate when people do that. Last season was brilliant. I laughed my ass off and legitimately shed tears during the finale. Bill Lawrence is a genius, he took this group of relatively no name actors and actresses and made them into stars. John C. McGinley is a terribly underrated actor, he's fucking hilarious and he's never failed to entertain me as Dr. Cox. It's a shame that Braff's moving on, but he'll be moving onto greener pastures. He entertained me and millions of others for 8 seasons, that's pretty good. I can't wait for the season premiere and I know i'm in for some serious laughs.
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