The [Official] Movie Review Thread


hbk&triple h

In my honest opinion, there isn't a more enjoyable and better genre of film. There have been some absolute classics and stinkers. I plan on reviewing some of them and please add your own reviews as you feel like it.


First off, people really need to stop comparing this to the original because they are two completely different films. This will never measure up to the original so don't compare them.

Okay I must say that Zombie impressed me so much with this film.

We have the first half of the movie showing young Myers troubled childhood and his downward spiral to complete insanity, thus creating the clod-blooded killer. I must say Daeq Faerch impressed me so much with his acting. The boy was completely and utterly fantastic.

His scene with the boy in the woods is great and totally violent. His killing of the family is brutal as fuck and somewhat funny.

The first half of the movie is completely fucking great. Sherri Moon Zombie is really great and provides a calm side to the movie. Her suicide is a great way to get rid of the mom.

His escape from Smiths Grove was brutal and I must say the killing of Danny Trejo was pretty saddening. His showdown with Joe Grizzly was pretty intense and a great scene of the film.

Scout plays a great Laurie and I am glad to see they gave her some spunk. Zombie made the film his own. I feel the acting was completely reminiscent of a true 17 year old girl in high school.

Zombie starts off with the killing early. I must say they started off early. The movie kept me excited this way because the first half of the film is nothing to huge so he needed to get the crowd pumped.

His killing of the boyfriend of Linda scared me honestly. I love how Zombie threw in some humor here and there. I thought one of the only stupid things to the film was the killing of Annie. Why totally beat the shit out of her and make her live.

Now, the chasing of Laurie and the battle between Michael and her was completely entertaining. The death of Dr. Loomis was shocking. The ending was great and totally suspensful.

Overall, a great film and I love how Zombie made it his own. Definitely one of the better movies to come out for a while.

The decision to keep the original music was great. The camera angles and the shaky camer was great in my opinion. The way he captured the deaths was great.

The only part to the film that needs work was the characters. The acting was fine but we didn't get enough time to care for anybody in the film. So when it came time to die you didn't truly feel for them. Like the death of Laurie's foster parents was out of nowhere and we had barely gotten to even know the parents. The only person that I truly got an idea of who they were like was Laurie. We were introduced to a character and then they were dead five minutes later.

The shocker in the movie was the use of blood and gore. It wasn't too out of control yet there was enough to satisfy us.

Overall, a great film that entertains and shows that Zombie is a great director. Worth the watch.
Awesome thread man, just awesome. I'm a huge horror junkie and devour all of it's many forms and subgenres constantly. I too actually just got done watching the Halloween remake oddly, and I agree without a doubt. Alot of people are hating on this film, including horror critics, and I think it's just bullshit and backlash against one of the most beloved movies of all time.

I mean, the Dawn of the Dead remake was one thing, because as fuckin' brilliant as the original was, it wasn't exactly a box-office smash. Halloween was, and was exposed to millions of more people I'd say. So of course its never going to live up to the original.

But thats what fantastic remakes do---they don't live up to the original, they take the original idea of the story, and bring it to places we've never seen before. This movie was another perfect case of that. Rob Zombie really brought back the tits-and-slash formula that diehard nerds like me love to death. Not to mention they cast Danielle Harris (Jamie from Halloween 4 & 5) which is a perfect nod to the past (and she's ridiculiously hot---I mean, ridiculiously).

<----- Drooling

A movie you should definately check out man, is Hatchet. It's like the movie came straight out of a time capsule of slasher-awesomeness from the 80s. Seriously, its one of if not the best horror flick of the year by far. Check it out.
My first post here! May contain spoilers, sorry.

The Descent:

The best horror film since Scream. No ifs ands or buts about it.

The cast consists of all girls for the most part. They are all adrenaline junkies. After ending a river rafting trip Sarah, the main character, is involved in a horrible accident where poles from another car impale her husband and her daughter.

After a year, Juno, the other main character decides to bring all the girls together for another deadly trip. They are going to up to the Appalachains and explore a cave. Before that we really get to know the characters and feel for them so that when they are in great danger we fear for them. The acting is great. Especially Juno and Sarah.

The director Neil Marshall, the director of the classic Dog Soldiers, is amazing. The the direction and editing of the film are make the caves look so real. It is amazing. He really plays to the fear of everybody by using the fear of small places and claustrophobia. He strays away from cheap scares and really surprises us.

The entering of the caves deeper and deeper gets bad. They start hinting that something else may be in there by showing saliva oozing and blood. They also use the camera really damn well, making you feel as if there is something there.

In one of the most exciting scenes of the film, the girls are crawling through a small space. Sarah goes last and gets stuck. After this a cave in starts. Things go downhill. We find out that Juno lied to them and that these caves have never been discovered. It is also incinutaed that Juno had an affair with Sarah's husband.

In another amazing scene, the girls must climb over a seemingly endless pit to the other side of the cave. The first girl though must use her strength to get across because there is no equipment for the others. While Samantha is climbing she comes across an old piece of equipment and decides to use it. Bad idea. The other girls make it across fine but the last to go is Juno. She decides that she need to take all the equipment and must do what Sam did. When it comes time to get the old piece of equipment it gives way and Juno falls, only being held by the girls holding onto the rope. The rope caused a huge gash in Sam's hand.

After this Juno is saved and they see an old tribal painting that shows there might be another exit. One of the girls gets excited and runs off because she sees light. They tell her it might be a trick but she falls down a hole cracking her leg open with the bone protruding. Truly nasty and bloody scene when they try to push the bone back in.

After this the star of the movie come in, the Crawler. These things are fucking scary as fuck and are truly amazing. They are so cool and scary looking. They didan amazing job with the monsters. Along the way they find bones and old equipment meaning there have been others down here. The Crawlers have been here for so long that they have evolved to it and hunt by sound because they are blind. These things are vicious.

One by one the girls start getting picked off in gruesome and grotesque ways. The deaths are amazing and gorey and violent.

The great acting and original scares never let up.

Sarah and Juno are left to fend themselves and have both transformed into savages. The final battle between them two and the Crawlers is amazing and bad ass.

After that something truly shocking haapens and I won't say. But the ending is shocking and great.

Overall, the best horror movie since Scream and is a classic. I have yet to see one bad review of this movie.
Big Will's Movie Review: This is the first addition, of what I hope to become a perminate thread for everyone to come view, give feedback on, & offer their own opinions as well.

I figured since Shadowmancer has his Wrestler of the week, Justin has his Music thread, & IrishCanadian offers Best of threads, I figured I'd follow in tradition with my own personal thread. I don't know if it'll be updated once a week, or several times within a week. Just depends on how much time I put forth exploring new, or older movies. So here goes. My first review.



Director:Simon West

Writer (WGA):Scott Rosenberg (written by)

Release Date:6 June 1997 (USA) more
Genre:Action / Crime / Thriller more
Tagline:Get Ready To Fly more

Plot Outline:A newly released ex con and former US Ranger finds himself trapped in a prisoner transport plane when the other prisoners sieze control. more

Awards:Nominated for 2 Oscars. Another 6 wins & 8 nominations more

Main Cast:

Nicolas Cage ... Cameron Poe

John Cusack ... U.S. Marshal Vince Larkin

John Malkovich ... Cyrus 'The Virus' Grissom

Ving Rhames ... Nathan 'Diamond Dog' Jones

Nick Chinlund ... William 'Billy Bedlam' Bedford

Steve Buscemi ... Garland 'The Marietta Mangler' Greene

Colm Meaney ... DEA Agent Duncan Malloy

Rachel Ticotin ... Guard Sally Bishop

Dave Chappelle ... Joe 'Pinball' Parker

Mykelti Williamson ... Mike 'Baby-O' O'Dell

Danny Trejo ... Johnny 'Johnny-23' Baca

M.C. Gainey ... Swamp Thing

Steve Eastin ... Guard Falzon

Renoly Santiago ... Ramon 'Sally-Can't Dance' Martinez (as Renoly)

Monica Potter ... Tricia Poe

Personal Runthrough: This movie offers so much more than your average action movie. It has drama, comedy, & even romance.

The first thing I'd like to point out more than anything, is I'm a huge Nicolas Cage fan. I can't say every movie he's been in, I've loved, but damn near close. Same with John Cusack.

So the general plot of this movie is about a Good guy being sent to prison for a crime of defense. He serves his time, & gets his release. Merely your average person, hitching a ride home on a plane full of the nastiest criminals, thugs & all around general villians the world has to offer.

Suddenly, all hell breaks loose, as the criminals seize control of the plane, & Cameron Poe (Cage) along with newly made friend, & cellmate Baby-O (Williamson) are deseperately caught in the middle of hell in the sky. So now the choice has to be made. Save the day, or allow the bad guys to win? (hmm, not really a rocket scientists decision)

Poe slowly earns the trust of the main bad guy, Cyrus 'The Virus' Grissom (Malkovich) and then relays messages to Vince Larkin (Cusack) allowing him to know someone on the plane, is on their side.

The movie takes a trip through an abandon air-strip, where the cons were basically meant to split up & go their own ways, until a mini-war breaks out due to the leaked information. After this point, the hell that started in the beginning only continues to increase, as Cyrus begins questioning who the snitch was.

Baby-O takes the bullet (literally) by taking the blame for being the cause, & as a result its now a race against time for Poe to land the plane, not only to save his friend's life, but to save his own.. as DEA Agent Duncan Malloy (Meaney) is hell bent on believing nothing good could come from an ex-con. As well with the personal vendetta on avenging his fallen partner, Malloy only has one goal in mind.. shoot the plane down.

As the drama builds, with both Malloy with his finger on the switch, & both Poe & Larkin pleading with him to stop.. the plane finds itself in a new unique position.. landing on the Vegas strip.

After a complex display of graphics & stunts, the plane finally lands, killing half the criminals on board.. except of course the main ones, who escape & make sure the movie doesn't end, just because the plane has landed. At which point, Poe & Larkin meet up for the second time, this time chasing after the remaining criminals, who've highjacked a Fire truck.

The movie comes to a-head, after Poe takes control of the truck, killing off the last of the criminals, & helping Cyrus to meet an untimely fate with a crushing device. Finally, with all said & done, half the Vegas strip destroyed by the ruined plane, & all things wrong, righted. Cameron Poe finally gets what he was after from the very beginning of the movie.. to be reunited with his Wife & child, that he'd never before seen, except in pictures.

Final Thoughts: I loved this movie, because I wanted so much to relate with it. Of course I'm not going to likely be the type to be any kind of a savior on a plane with the type of criminals that this movie had, however I'd like to think I'm the type of person who'd always strive to save the day, regardless of the situation, & someone who would do anything possible to get to those I loved. And thats what I seen, when I seen this movie.

Someone, in Poe, who only wanted to get back to his loving Wife & beautiful child. Someone who knew only he could make the wrong things right again. A hero.

Also, this movie was the proud reasoning behind the theme song "How Do I Live" by Trisha Yearwood, which happens to be one of the greatest romantic songs around.

All in all, I give this movie a 5 out of 5 rating!
I liked Con-Air, thought it was a great action movie, and I love the cast, Cage, Cusack, and Malkovich are three of my favorite actors, Malkcovich plays the role of Cyrus fucking great, one of my all time favorite movie villains, he was just evil, but had a wicked sense of humor as well, I loved the fact that Steve Buscemi's charecter gets away at the end, without anyone knowing, bottom line good entertaining movie, I liked it
I liked Con-Air, thought it was a great action movie, and I love the cast, Cage, Cusack, and Malkovich are three of my favorite actors, Malkcovich plays the role of Cyrus fucking great, one of my all time favorite movie villains, he was just evil, but had a wicked sense of humor as well, I loved the fact that Steve Buscemi's charecter gets away at the end, without anyone knowing, bottom line good entertaining movie, I liked it

I found that part hilarious, especially because for as bad as he was suppose to be, he was quite possibly the most normal one of the group. He kept to himself, & even had an interesting conversation with that little girl during the air-field segment.

Chances are they chalked everyone up to being dead, even without finding the bodies, as some of the criminals died at the air-field & some may of even took off from that area, that were never known about. It leaves it open to question.

I also think the main three actors played their roles perfectly.

I've had it for years but never watched it. I got it in one of those 3 for £20 deals. I only got it because it was free. But I woke up this morning without an efection, so I had nothing to do. So I said to myself. Jake watch a movie, and y'know what, I did. And I'm glad too. This film rocks my socks. I don't want to give too much away, because I know you guys are going to by this on my recommendation alone.

Anywa the basic story is a guy leaves the army, he finds his father who he's never met, father isn't intrested, revenge is sought. It's not terribly violent, but it's incredibly intresting.

xfear if you're reading​

I've merged two threads and I'm sticking this. It'll be now known as THE [OFFICIAL] MOVIE REVIEW THREAD. It'll be awesome. I watch lots of films.

Planet Terror:

What a total disappointment. It's supposed to be a Grindhouse film. Or a homage to them. But I've never seen a Grindhouse film with that big a budget.

I suppose you could argue that it's supposed to be shit. But I wouldn't say it's shit like a Grindhouse film. I'd say it's pretty average, in my opinion, I can see why others would enjoy it.

Maybe it's a dissapointment because I built it up too much. I wanted to see it as a double bill, that didn't happen, then it didn't get a cinema release near me. So by the time I'd got to watching it, It was inevitable I was going to be dissapointed by it.

That's the poster in case you've never heard of it.

It's pretty good. It's one of those films I bought because I liked the cover. I had no real intrest in watching it. But it was really entertaining. I think you can tell from the poster it's a western. If you don't like westerns then I doubt this will change your mind. But it's a good film.

Man I loved this. There are so many fantasy films around that it's hard to get excited about them. I bought this yet again because I liked the shiny cover. I had no real desire to see it. But I'm glad I did. It's a kids film. But It's good fun. Not terribly memorable, and not much like the source, but still worth seeing.
saw this the other day and was the most refreshing romantic comedy I've seen in a while. IMO it rates right up there with Hot Fuzz. Even though it's a completely different movie. Pegg had a hand in writing it too. Plot summary (from Wikipedia):

"Five years ago Dennis Doyle (Simon Pegg) was about to marry Libby (Thandie Newton), his pregnant fiancée, before getting cold feet and running away during the preparation for the wedding and he's been going in circles ever since. When Dennis discovers that Libby has started seeing high-flying go-getter Whit (Hank Azaria), with their son, Jake, he realizes it’s now or never. He finds out that Whit is running the Nike River-run in London, and to prove himself to his doubting friends and, most importantly, Libby, he decides to run the race himself."

Since this is a wrestling site I figured a wrestling movie would be appropriate. One of my favorite scary/ funny movie right now is WRESTLEMANIAC. Its about a bunch of porn stars being terrorized by an ex-Mexican wrestler who is a killer. He even pulls their faces off when he is done like they are ending a match. I love the movie mostly because it has my three favorite elements wrestling, naked chicks, and scary scenes.
Movie- Any Given Sunday

Most of you guys are naming phenomonal movies but Any Given Sunday is a sports movie that will show you the business side as well as the player/coaching side.

All-Star Cast
Al Pacino- Coach Tony D'Amoto
Jamie Foxx-Willie Beamen
Dennis Quade-Jack "Cap" Rooney
Cameron Diaz-Christina Pagniacci
James Woods-Dr. Harvey Mandrake
LL Cool J-Julian Washington

Others include football legends Jim Brown, Lawrence Taylor, Johnny Unitas, T.O.

Its a fantastic football flick that will open your eyes a little bit to what kind of twisted business sports have become. Oliver Stone is the director and if you like his style youll love this movie. Check it out one night when you have nothing going on you wont be dissapointed....
The Happening: Since I don't wish to give away any type of spoiler, I'm going to do this whole thing in a spoiler code.

The first thing I'm going to say is I have such a mixed reaction to M. Night Shyamalan movies. He has such a way to both capture the thrill and suspense a movie needs, and then piss you off greatly by ending it in such a manner that leaves you asking more questions than what you had going into the movie.

My take on the movie was still that it was a definate 9 outta 10. It surrounded a natural crisis in which a random series of events that all started in Parks spread out across most of the eastern coast. The paranoid events that began happening were that of individuals randomly taking their own lives, without any just cause or reasoning behind it.

The movie centers itself mainly on one couple who seem to be having relationships issues. While I don't exactly feel the movie was about the couple's issues, it does end up bringing them closer together, as only a natural diaster could I suppose.

Mark Wahlberg and Zooey Deschanel play the main two leads, along with co-star John Leguizamo who has a mildly short role, and leaves behind his Daughter in the movie played by Ashlyn Sanchez.

The general feeling of this movie is that.. PLANTS are working together, along with the wind, trees, and grass to destroy a common threat.. Humans. One theory that was presented in the movie is that because plants, trees, etc, can not simply pick themselves up and movie away from what they feel would be a threat to them.. they have to defend themselves and destroy those they feel would be a threat.

Perhaps the reason this movie's ending was rather disappointing to me and left me with a "So was it plants, is that what I'm suppose to believe? Where's the surprise twist at the end?" type of feeling.. is because the answer to what the issue was, was presented throughout the entire movie, several times over. Infact, according to one website the very first lines of the movie were..

Woman Reading on Bench with Hair Pin: I forgot where I am.
Woman Reading on Bench: You're at the place where the killers meet to decide what to do with the crippled girl.

With that being said, the first lines of the film should've given away exactly what the whole movie was about. Since they were sitting in a park, and the trees "crippled" the girl and then caused her to kill herself.. it explained exactly what it was setting out to do.

In closing, my personal opinion is this is actually M. Night Shyamalan's way of saying that we as a population are destroying our planet with how we destroy and kill innocent trees, and plant life without them having the ability to protect themselves. So in theory, they took it upon themselves to fight back the only way they could. (seriously, thats all I got.)

Again, I loved the movie as I was anticipating viewing it since even before it came out. I have to say I'm a bit disappointed with the ending however, mainly if only because it never had that surprising "a-ha" twist. Unless the twist itself, ironically, was the fact that unlike all his previous movies.. this twist was that infact there was none. (Don't try to think that out.)
Not wanting to ruffle any feathers I will follow BigWill's lead and post my review in spoiler tags. BTW I enjoyed "The Happening" as well! :icon_smile:
I'll start with a brief overview of the film.

"My Cousin Vinny" stars Joe Pesci and Marisa Tomei in a courtroom comedy which sounds like a bit of a dodgy genre but I was surprised by this very funny film.

So the premise is that these two NY students are travelling through Alabama when they get framed for a murder. They get a lawyer who is one of the students cousin, Vinny (Pesci). Vinny has no experience in court and has many a run in with the Judge (Fred Gwynne) who is suspicious of VInny's qualifications and his unusual behaviour in the court. Vinny's direct and abrasive style of questioning win through in the end when he disproves the prosecutions case and all is well.

In this film Joe Pesci is simply hilarious, it's a pity he doesn't do many roles in films anymore because I loved him in JFK and Goodfellas. Particularly his conversation with one of the students in prison when he is mistaken for a prison rapist is priceless. I've enclosed the link for the video of this quality scene.

Fred Gwynne plays the judge role to perfection in his exchanges with Pesci. Especially the confusion when Pesci in his distinctive accent refers to "yutes" rather than "youths".*

Overall I loved this film from start to finish although I don't really think Marisa Tomei's role was worth an Oscar, but it was still a great film.
Watched "The Ice Storm" today for the first time. Very good movie. Surprised it took me this long to ever check it out.

Anyway, it has an all-star cast that features Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Christina Ricci, Tobey Maguire, Elijah Wood, and Katie Holmes, and it was directed by Ang Lee, the same guy who directed "Brokeback Mountain" and "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". The plot is basically how suburban families were during the early seventies. How people were finally realizing that the government could indeed be corrupted. How affairs started happening so frequently around this time. How parents didn't know anything about their children. It's a lot like that today (though much worse because of the millions of deadbeat fathers out there), but this is really where the downfall started in this country. Where things like rebellion became "cool", and divorce and cheating on your spouse became accepted by the masses. The early seventies was definitely the starting point of all that, and that's what this movie is about.

Ben Hood (Kline) has two kids who he knows nothing about, sleeps with his next door neighbor Janey Carver (Weaver) regularly and is married to a very unhappy woman who senses something is going on with him. His son, Paul (McGuire), attends a boarding school and is a virgin in love with Libbets (Holmes) and plans on losing his virginity to her, but he's not good with girls and his roommate, Francis (David Krumholtz), basically sleeps with every girl Paul ever has a crush on. Paul also narrates the movie and gives a bunch of analogies that involve The Fantastic Four comic book. Ben's daughter, Wendy (Ricci), hates the president, fools around with both of Janey's sons, Mikey (Elijah Wood) and Sandy (Adam Hann-Byrd), and is very isolated from her parents. Wendy and her parents are cortical and get along it seems, but they don't know each other one bit and that leads to problems. Mikey is the older of the Carver boys (14) and is just as strange and sexually curious as his little brother, Sandy (12, I think), who loves Wendy even though Wendy messes around with Mikey.

Thanksgiving night, a huge storm hits the town while Ben and his wife, Elena (Joan Allen), attend a party that turns out, much to their displeasure, to be a "Key" party, Paul has a date with Libbets, Mikey roams around the little suburban town fascinated by the storm and how it turns everything into ice since it's so freezing, and Wendy visits Sandy while Mikey and the parents are out. This is the night where all the shit hits the fan, and what the movie revolves around.

Overall, great movie. I highly recommend it. It's well acted and very, very entertaining.
The Wrestler: Since I don't wish to give away any type of spoiler, I'm going to do this whole thing in a spoiler code.

I'm honestly not even sure where to begin, so I could jump around a bit. I'll start by saying that if you truly want a darkside look at what the Wrestling industry is like, then this movie is definately one you'll want to see.

While I can't say with any fact that this is what it's like for Mainstream Professional Wrestlers, I do know for a fact this is the grime reality of behind-the-scenes stuff for the minimum of indy workers. I know this, because I've seen it personally.

The movie starts off with a generic rundown, or history lesson, on who exactly Randy "The Ram" is. It shows in old-school newspapers that he was basically a major name in the industry. Then it jumps to a "20 years later" format in which he's a rundowned Superstar, still trying to get by in doing the only thing he knows how to do. Wrestle.

This movie is very dark to the point of several things involving recent events in the Wrestling industry we know. For starters, I found it very chilling that the Main character is seen taking what is to be considered illegal drugs, including steroids.. only to then connect that with his finishing move, which is very similar to a diving headbutt. (ie. Chris Benoit)

The one thing I kept thinking when I watched this movie was, "Its no wonder Ric Flair adapted to everything about this movie, it's because it's more or less HIM."

Toward the beginning of this movie, Randy has a heart-attack and is told that if he wrestles again, it could very well kill him. At that point, he tries to retry life outside of the business. He tries to reconnect with his Daughter, take on a full-time position in the Supermarket, and basically walk away from the industry that he's only always known.

As the movie goes forward, Randy is hassled by his Boss at a part-time job at a Supermarket. That's the grime reality of what happens to anyone who gets into this business, but can't afford to live off it alone.

The main character also lost base with his Daughter, which is the movies way of showing that Professional Wrestlers don't have great Family lives, because more or less they can't. You're on the road constantly, and as result you miss everything important in a Family setting. In this situation, Rourke's character merely left his Daughter when he realized things weren't going the way he'd wanted to them go. (ie. He gave up)

You're also lead into a type of crush he has on a stripper. And the ironic issue of both Strippers and Professional Wrestlers being one in the same through many ways. (ie. Both use stage names, and aren't the characters they are while performing)

The one major issue I have with the movie, is the ending. It more or less ends on the note of him coming off the top rope. After having a rematch against whom everyone considers his arch-rival, after suffering clear health problems within the match. In other words, it sets up several questions that go unanswered.

Did he have a heart-attack and die? Did he have one and live? Did he simply hit the move and retire completely? Did he hit the move and continue trying to go one more match, until it does kill him? Did he ever end up with the female? All of these questions were left unanswered to an extent. With the only question the movie left you with, was the understanding that for some Professional Wrestlers.. the business, throughout life into death, is all they'll ever have.. or want.

In the end, I'd give this film a definate 9.5 outta 10 with the only half mark not being made, simply because of the way the film ended. It was a very dark look, but in the end, more realistic than most people wish to know.

In my personal opinion of the entire thing, I think it hits on a lot of facts. After viewing this movie, it may also make a lot of kids who have dreams of being in this business change their mind.

For me personally, this wasn't a wake-up call, so much as a reminder. This is reality, this isn't fake, and it isn't just another script. While the names of the characters may not be real, the story is indeed every bit of the harsh reality of Professional Wrestling. At least from a stand-point of what I know for a fact Indy talent goes through.

The movie, I found out, is actually a remake of an older movie called "REC". The basic plot of this movie is that a Female news reporter and her cameraman are "shadowing" a local Fire Department. They get a medical call of a Woman who's sick, in an apartment complex and suddenly they get locked inside the building.

This movie is what I would call a bad attempt by Americans to try and steal thunder from the "28 Days/Weeks Later" series. The "sickness" an elderly Woman has, turns out to be something called the "Armageddon Virus" which is roughly nothing more than an advanced case of Human rabies.

Upon coming into contact with anyone infected, via their blood, saliva, or bite.. that person then becomes infected within a matter of minutes.

In the end, one by one everyone dies. The movie ends on what you seen in the Preview, with a night vision shot of the Female reporter being drug off into the darkness. Cut to credits. That's it.

Overall Final Thoughts: At most it's barely watchable. It's shot in "Blair Witch" format, which means the entire thing is on a cam-corder. The only difference is, this cam-corder has a little bit better quality. The jumpiness and shakiness of the camera during "running scenes" is pure shit though.

I assume they wanted to make you feel you were "there", but the only thing I could feel sick to my stomach. I watched the movie in the dark for the "extra effect" but not even that saved it, in my opinion. I'd give this movie a 2 outta 5 stars.

The movie, I found out, is actually a remake of an older movie called "REC".

Yeah, one year older. As soon as it came out the remake was almost on the way.

I've seen both. Quarantine is good. But it's redundant if you've seen [REC]. It's got that shitty hand held camera effect. It's all well and good for a couple of times. But the effect is tired now. It's like Bullet Time. Too much renders the whole process useless.

Watch Quarantine if you've not seen [REC], but if you've seen [REC] don't bother with Quarantine.

First and foremost, this is based off the book. So in other words, people are naturally (apparently) going to be very disappointed with the way the movie alters things. I can't say what, exactly, as I never read the book. So luckily, I just have a movie review up-coming.

The plot was basically about a Vampire who isn't like any other. He's good and falls in love with a Teenage girl who's sent to live with her Father, as her Mother goes on the road with her Step-Father who's a baseball player. (trailing from the main point, I know)

So upon entering a new School, she meets the "clique" it seems, and the first series of questions she has is all about the Mysterious group of pale-skinned individuals. The Cullens.

Bella, the Main girl in the story is completely intrigued by Edward, the Main guy. The form an unlikely relationship where Bella comes to learn the truth about Edward's odd behavior, and pale skin. But with uncovering every truth, comes the danger with knowledge.

After Bella comes to learn of Edward, she is embraced by his Family, as they aren't like normal Vampires and choose to live off animal blood, instead of Human. However, another group of Vampires find out Bella is a human, and it sets one off more than the rest.

In the end, James (the evil Vampire) almost turns Bella, but Edward sucks the "poison" out and she remains Human. James dies via being burned, but the movie ends on the note of showing the Female who was with James, Victoria, walking away with a somewhat obvious thought of vengeance coursing through her vains. Possibly setting up a sequel.

Overall, I felt the movie was very good. I'd tell people to watch it, and possibly even buy it considering their love of Vampires. It's definately not what I expected, and several things within this storyline of Vampires doesn't go with the traditional aspect of them, so if you're big into regular myths about them.. you'll likely be disappointed. I'd give this movie a 4 outta 5 stars. Only not receiving a full 5 outta 5, because even at 2 hours long.. I still felt a LOT was left out and untouched.
Step Brothers

If you love Will Ferrell, you'll absolutely fall head over feet for this movie. In my opinion, it's one of his very best. And I was disappointed with movies like "Blades of Glory" & Semi-Pro. So this is a nice change of pace to laugh my ass off at every turn.

The plot is basically two fully grown Men, in their 40's (39 & 40) still living with their respective Parent. One's Mother left them, the other's Father passed away. Upon their Parents meeting and marrying, they're forced to move in together and become "one, big, happy Family".

The movie in and of itself is nothing but laughter and stupid humour of both men going at each other's throats, until Will Ferrell's younger, and cockier Brother comes to visit and attempts to force the two Step Brothers out from the "nest" so to speak, forcing both unlikely allies to become Partners against a common enemy.

Basically put, the Father in this relationship of laughter can't handle the fact that his son, and new step son, aren't like his other new step son. So he begins getting angry and upset and everything they do, that's child-like.

When the Mother and Father of each respective Parent finally split up, 3-4ths the way through.. but are faced with being forced to grow up. Upon doing so, they all come back together at an event and basically put, reunite and end up together, along with the cocky brother also joining them in trying to be more family-friendly.

My overall opinion is that while the movie is nothing more than stupidity and comedy, its still funny enough to see. I'd give it a 5 outta 5 as far as Will Ferrell movies go. It's no "Anchor Man", but it's definately some of his greatest work since.
Swing Vote

So the movie's plot is very basic. Its somewhat of a mocking of the Original Gore/Bush election, in my personal opinion. Its roughly about an uncounted vote being thrown into a dead-heat/draw in which effectively, one person, is given the chance to decide the next President of the United States.

It just so happens, that one individual is the worst possible choice for someone to have the chance, because he doesn't have any opinions on the Two men running for the position, and furthermore doesn't care.

Long story, summed up. Its his little girl who started this downfall of everything. She plays a type of responsible child, whereas her Father is more of an irresponsible slob. She wanted him to vote, he ended up drunk and unable to get to the poll's in time, so she tried voting for him, but the machine's power was cut.. thus not counting the vote everyone assumed he was trying to make.

This thrusts him directly in the middle of the Current President and the Presidential hopeful, both trying to win his vote, by any means necessary.

In the end, Costner is forced to grow up and finally pay attention to something meaningful for once. Because like it or not, he is forced to decide who our next President would become.

The movie actually ends on him learning more about each man, then going to cast his vote only to end the movie without actually showing you, or leading you on, as to who he actually voted for.

My overall opinion of this movie is that its actually good. Its touching in a couple ways. First, its a light-hearted look at the Political 'whoas', not to mention the comedic touch of how some Presidential hopefuls will actually lie, cheat and do anything needed.. just to be in that spot.

On the flip side, the other touching moment of the movie is about a Father who comes to realize just how much his Daughter is actually more of an adult than he is. As a result, he comes to have a whole new outlook not just on life, but on his Daughter as well. Very touching.

As for the ending, some people may or may not like how it ended. I personally loved it, because they did it the only way they truly could've, without adding even more (in my opinion) useless, information on why he picked who he picked. So I loved the ending. I actually called it during the middle of the movie. 5 outta 5, I would definitely advise anyone to see this movie.
I&#8217;m going to make it a point to post in this thread regularly from now on. So, with that, I have two reviews. The last movie I actually watched was the new Wolverine film, but I&#8217;ve already gone over that piece of shit in the Bar Room, so I&#8217;ll review two other films right quick; one good, and one God Awful. First, the good:


Fools Rush In

Okay, so after the basketball game Sunday, I went and picked up some Chinese food and when I got home, I turned on the tube to find something good to watch while I ate. And luckily for me, a movie was just starting on Cinemax called &#8220;Fools Rush In&#8221;. I pressed info and saw that it starred Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek. I didn&#8217;t need to read any further. A film starring these two had me hooked right away. I mean, Matthew Perry is without a doubt one of my favorite comedic actors, and not only is Salma Hayek a terrific actress, but I&#8217;ve wanted to stick my penis in her for as long as I could remember now. But enough of that, on to the film itself.

The movie is basically &#8220;Knocked Up&#8221; before there was &#8220;Knocked Up&#8221;. That right there should tell you what it&#8217;s about. But if you&#8217;re one of the very few to have never seen &#8220;Knocked Up&#8221; (which, if you haven&#8217;t, do so right away), &#8220;Fools Rush In&#8221; is about a young man by the name Alex (Matthew Perry, of course), who is a New Yorker sent to Las Vegas to oversee a construction project. One night he&#8217;s eating at a Mexican resturant and while waiting in line to use the restroom, he meets Isabel (Salma Hayek). Well, to make it short, they hit it off and have sex. Isabel leaves the next morning without saying good bye. Three months later, she shows up back at Alex&#8217;s house&#8230; pregnant. And the movie goes from there.

Personally, I thought the film was great. I LOL&#8217;d a couple of times, and there were tons of sweet, genuine moments throughout it that just make you feel good. Matthew Perry is unbelievably gifted; it truly is a shame he isn&#8217;t a leading man in Hollywood because he&#8217;s just too fucking good not to be a star right now. Seriously&#8230; he&#8217;s the closest to Bill Murray we&#8217;ll ever get in terms of being able to be hilarious one moment, and completely serious, dramatic the next. If they do make a Ghostbusters 3, he has to be considered to have a role as one of the newer, younger Ghostbusters as the film has been rumored to have. And Salma Hayek&#8230; she is just one the sexiest human beings to ever walk on the face of the Earth. She&#8217;s so beautiful and feisty. But in this film, she has this kindness to her character that you can&#8217;t help but to fall in love with. Overall&#8230; they couldn&#8217;t have cast better for this film.

However, the movie, like nearly every other to ever grace cinema, had its flaws. There were some silly moments during some serious scenes that I thought were unnecessary, and I thought the ending was a bit abrupt and could have shown a little more then it did.

But when it&#8217;s all said and done, the film is really fun. It&#8217;s a great little popcorn movie. If you have a significant other, I recommend to watch it with that person and you two will end up having a good time. The film is funny, sweet, and has a couple of surprising twist that I guarantee no one will ever see coming.

Rating: 7/10


Ordinary People

Now, let&#8217;s get to this overhyped, overacted, God awful piece of garbage. Seriously, words cannot describe how bad this film turned out to be. It was 2:00 AM in the morning Saturday when I saw this was on and decided to watch it. I remember it won the Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Director (Robert Redford), and Best Supporting Actor (Timothy Hutton), so I figured it had to be great. But was I ever so wrong.

The film is about Beth (Mary Tyler Moore), Calvin (the awesome Donald Sutherland), and their son Conrad (Timothy Hutton), who are all trying to recover from Conrad&#8217;s brother, Buck&#8217;s, accidental death months before the film takes place. The entire film is basically just the aftermath of Buck&#8217;s death (which you don&#8217;t see until the end). At the beginning we find out that Conrad had just got released from the hospital for trying to commit suicide, and the film goes from there. He sees a shriek (in what was I must admit a great performance by Judd Hirsch), quits the swim team, loses friends, fights with his mother, dates a girl, and so on and so on.

Now, let me get to the problems I had with it. First of all, it&#8217;s just plain boring. And the parts that aren&#8217;t boring make you feel extremely uncomfortable. It&#8217;s just too overacted, if you ask me. You watch this shit and instead of feeling bad for the characters like you&#8217;re suppose to, you just sit there saying to yourself, &#8220;My God this is fucking gay.&#8221; Seriously, that&#8217;s how bad it is. Plus, I don&#8217;t think I&#8217;ve come across a character in years that I couldn&#8217;t stomach more so then the character that was portrayed by Mary Tyler Moore. And the sad part is&#8230; I really don&#8217;t think I was supposed to feel that way about her. Part of me was supposed to feel bad for this bitch, but I couldn&#8217;t. She was a hateful, dumb fucking ****e and I was hoping she would commit suicide before it was all said and done.

Donald Sutherland and Judd Hirsch both put on a couple of great performances (though Sutherland should have had more screen time, in my opinion), but I thought Hutton&#8217;s performance was absolute shit. One of my favorite movies this decade is &#8220;The Lookout&#8221; starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and I think he portrays someone recovering from a traumatic event perfectly. See that film, completely ignore this one. Hutton overacted in this big time, as I mentioned earlier. It didn&#8217;t come off as sincere and he just seemed like a big pussy the majority of the time. Plus, his character was just fucking stupid. Some of the shit he says and does just make you want to kill yourself out of embarrassment for sitting through this trash.

But yeah&#8230; overall, terrible movie. One of the worst, most disappointing I&#8217;ve ever seen. It was worse than the &#8220;Funny Games&#8221; remake. Well, it wasn&#8217;t that bad, but it was still pretty fucking bad. There was some good acting in it like I mention, but the terrible acting overshadowed it and the filmed just turned to shit as it progressed. A true fucking shame that THIS was what beat out Raging Bull for Best Oscar. Seriously&#8230; if anyone thinks this is better then Raging Bull&#8230; then I&#8217;m sorry, but you&#8217;re a fucking moron. This movie is complete trash and it was a complete waste of time watching it.

Rating: 2/10

So, I think Shocky was the one who asked for a review of this film, and since I went to see it the day it came out.. I shall give my take on the movie.. (through spoiler tags, of course)

So the movie starts with a young boy who's sick, with his 'Father' standing over him explaining that he'll heal, and that he always does. (duh) In the corner, is another boy, slightly seemingly older.. named Victor. (Creed) He's holding a knife, and seems to do harm, but never gets the chance before a drunken angry man arrives and starts a fight with the 'Father', ultimately killing him.

This leads to the sick boy discovering he has bone claws. Which leads to him killing the drunken murderer, only to discover he's killed Creed's Father, as well as his own, making them brothers. This leads to Victor taking Logan into the forrest, and then a series of random jumps in time show them growing up together in the world wars.

Upon this time, Victor becomes more and more dangerous, with a type of blood lust, while Logan starts to realize it's just not in him the same way. This leads to Victor going nuts on his teammates, followed by Logan protecting him, which leads both to be sentences to death by a firing squad. Only problem.. both have healing powers, so neither die. Thus, they get locked up "forever" until a guy by the name of William Stryker comes to enlist them in a program called "Weapon X".

AT this time, little is known of what's going on, but it turns out Stryker is searching for something (adamantium) and he'll stop at nothing to find and possess it. This leads to a split between Logan and Victor, as well as Logan from the group.

Some 6 years, (I think) pass, only for Stryker to randomly find Logan and explain that someone is randomly taking out all the former team members. Logan refuses to help, saying he can protect himself and has his own life. This leads to Victor being discovered as the guy taking everyone out, ultimately causing Logan to think he's also killed his love.. Kayla. Which leads Logan back to Stryker, allowing him to make him stronger through the adamantium.

After he's gained the new indesctructable bone-metal, he over hears Stryker explain to erase his memory. This causes Logan to breakout and go up against Stryker's group. Leading Logan to discover things that not even he was ready for.

Along his way in finding Stryker, Victor, and the others.. he meets Remy LeBeau (Gambit) who was a prisoner, the only to escape from "The Island" that Stryker is on, in which Logan wants Gambit to take him back. After getting to know each other a bit better, through a fight scene, the two go on their way to the Island, where Logan is dropped off.

Upon getting there, he discovers his girlfriend isn't dead, but is actually working w/ Stryker, due to her sister being held. This is basically the end of the movie, in which Logan has a final fight scene with Creed, which he easily wins.. followed by a bigger fight scene with the newly made "Weapon XI" (aka Deadpool) that gets added to, after Creed comes to Logan's aid, stating that the only person who gets to kill Logan.. is Creed..

This leads to Deadpool being decapitated, followed by Logan finding Kayla shot. Logan tries to save her, but is shot in the head several times by an adamantium bullet(s) which indeed causes him to lose his memory. Thus, is how Wolverine came to be in the first X-Men movie.. unsure who he is, or why he is what he is.

James, is the first issue I have. James Logan, is Wolverine's full name. But many wouldn't know, if they didn't either read the comics, or just somehow know in general. To be honest, I didn't know.. despite reading the comics.. and I was happy not knowing, because James just doesn't fit him.

I was quite happy with the way they made Victor Creed look, albeit, once Wolverine got his adamantium claws.. it seemed as if Victor was never any remote match against him. This comes only one fight after Victor completely beat the shit outta Logan, including stepping on and shattering his bone claws. So, adamantium suddenly makes Logan quicker, as well as completely dominate over Victor? Uhm.. no.

The only purpose I truly had for my man-love of this movie, was finally getting to see Gambit. And they fucked me over big time. Outside of one, rather short, fight scene against Logan.. Gambit has next to NO role, what so ever. He shows up in the end, helping Logan by destroying a huge piece of wall that's about to fall on him, but outside of that.. he might as well just been "mentioned through words" some more, because the on-screen role didn't last long.

And the guy playing him, somehow forgot he was "cajun" about half way through talking in the bar scene. All that being said, I still loved how they showed off Gambit's powers through his cards.

Everyone and I mean EVERYONE bitched, moaned and utterly complained non-stop about Ryan Reynolds playing Deadpool. Let's get something straight.. he played Wade Wilson, before he was turned into Deadpool.. and he played the character (the whole single 15 minutes he got) perfectly. His witty humor, and cocky attitude was played off greatly.

At the end of the movie, the actor playing "Deadpool/Weapon XI" wasn't even Ryan Reynolds to begin with, either, so any issues with that shouldn't fall on Reynolds. Albeit, I quite enjoyed the way they made Deadpool look there as well.. minus the stupid redish pants they had him in.

They kinda completely took some of the "better" members overall from the Weapon X group over the years, and made you think they were all just the only members, ever. Such as Agent Zero.. who wasn't even apart of the group when Logan, Victor & Deadpool were in it. Well, the man known as "Maverick" was, but "Agent Zero" was who he became long after Logan had left. He was created after Logan went against them, in the purpose of taking Logan out.

In the end, I still thought the movie was by far greater and leaps and bounds better than the shit-fest that was X-Men 3. I'd say go see it, but only on the understanding that you come to terms with knowing.. they've taken great comic book moments, and tried re-writing all of them, as if they connected with each other.. minus all the original stuff that truly happened in between.

Good movie, nice tie-in with the first X-Men movie as well. It made me laugh to know Cyclops and Wolverine met, without Logan remembering or Cyclops knowing due to being "blindfolded" at the time. I'd give the movie a solid 7 outta 10. Would've got more if they had more Deadpool and Gambit scenes.
Observe and Report


This movie is about a man named Ronnie Barnhardt (Seth Rogan), a bi-polar Mall Security Guard who has aspirations to be a cop. Ronnie's time to shine is now, as there's a serial flasher out to make life a living hell for Ronnie and the rest of the patrons of the mall. All of this is also done in hopes of impressing the make up girl in the department store named Brandi (Anna Farris).

Now, to be honest, this movie was just not there as far as Seth Rogan's previous flicks. This is a much darker comedy with some flashes of hilarity and a dose of sadness and darkness mixed in. The movie seems to focus on the delusions that Ronnie goes through in attempting to apprehend this streaker. He's attempting to take control of the case until Detective Harrison (Ray Liotta) comes in and being the good cop that he is, attempts to gather questions about what's happened. Of course, Ronnie's pissed because the cop's stealing his thunder.

There's no real 'spoiling' involved because this movie this doesn't really have a point to it. It's nothing amazing to say the least. Far from it. As a matter of fact, besides Rogan's different acting techniques in the movie, it was a total bust. I mean, the guy has a dream to go to the Police Academy and can't go because he shows signs of delusion and is Bi-Polar. He also date raped his girl Brandi and was under the impression they were dating. And to make matters worse, he was ignoring the fact there was a robber in the midst of the mall and the person who committed the robberies was his best friend and fellow Mall Cop named Dennis (Michael Pena).

Ronnie also has an alcoholic mother at home who's basically harmless except for her drinking habits. Most of the story makes little sense, the movie loses direction halfway through the movie, and never finds it's way at all. I ended up shaking my head at the end of the atrocity. I mean, he ends up catching the streaker, but how he does it will just have you going, 'What the fuck?' So I won't spoil that for you. IF you want to be spoiled, there's the ending below...

Ronnie catches the streaker by shooting the guy at the makeup counter as the naked man in the trenchcoat ran toward Brandi. Ronnie takes the perp to the Police Station in front of Detective Harrison and shows him that he IS a good cop. Which leads Harrison to tell him 'Good job.' As if Ronnie was a special ed kid. Pitiful.

So overall, I'll give this a rating of 3/10 because there was no point to the movie, I paid for it, and Anna Farris never showed her tits. The end

Rating: 3/10

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