Street Kings

Frank the Frowner

Getting Noticed By Management
This is probably the first movie in a long time that I'm looking forward to seeing. For those that don't know about it, it's about a cop (played by Keanu Reeves) who has evidence implicated against him in the murder of a fellow officer. He then has to prove his innocence.

The film is directed by David Ayer, who wrote Training Day and directed Harsh Times, which is a movie that really should have gotten a lot more attention. Christian Bale gives an awesome performance in that film.

I'm fully convinced Keanu will put on a good performance. Every movie that he's been a cop in (Point Break, Speed), he's done great. Forest Whitaker looks like he's playing the type of role he did on The Shield, it was such a great role, and I wish he could have stayed on full-time. He was the perfect foil for Vic Mackey on that show. The film also stars Hugh Laurie, Chris Evans, Terry Crews, Jay Mohr, and Cedric the Entertainer. Common's also in it, and he was excellent in Smokin' Aces. The Game also has a role.

This movie is going to be huge, anyone else plan on seeing it?
Really? You want to see this?

I think this looks like total and absolute crap to be honest with you. Training Day was overrated to begin with, Harsh Times was nothing more then Training Day V.2, and I expect this film to be nothing but total crap.

And since when has Keanu Reeves ever been a good actor? The best he could ever accomplish was to be not so horrible in the Matrix films. Just my opinion.

Anyways, I won't be seeing this. I'd rather spend the money on a hundred different things then see this steaming pile of crap.
I saw The Orphanage the other day and saw a sneeky peeky at this. The Orphanage btw is freakin' awesome.

The tailer looked standard. It's a cop film. There was nothing that made me want to see this really. Other than seeing Keanu doing a double turn in the trailer. He's naughty then nice.

I like Harsh Times & Training Day. Both are pretty average. Without the good performances they'd be insignificant films, nobody would give a shit about them. Which is exactly what will happen to this film. Keanu isn't half the actor Denzel or Bale are.
I like Harsh Times & Training Day. Both are pretty average. Without the good performances they'd be insignificant films, nobody would give a shit about them. Which is exactly what will happen to this film. Keanu isn't half the actor Denzel or Bale are.


When I first saw the trailer, it looked pretty cool, but the more you look at it, it looks like it will just get lost in the shuffle. Maybe with better actor, it could be something, but Keanu......... It looks like a movie I would watch on the net, not pay to see
haha Keanu Reeves has had roles of a lifetime handed to him and hes been average at best in those movies but I have to say the Matrix and Hardball were when he was best. this movie looks ok the cast has alot of big names but that doesnt mean much for movies. the preview looks like it should have some decent action and will probably use some of it to make up for a poor plot/poor acting. odds are Ill see the movie with friends who will want to go, and if not that Ill probably end up renting it or something.
I kind of wanted to see this but it's been getting absolute brutal reviews. I can take mixed reviews but when a movie is getting completely trashed by just about every major critic I really think there might be something wrong with it. I'll wait and get it at my local library when it comes out on DVD.

I think I'll go see Smart People this weekend and 88 Minutes next weekend.
i would like to see it i think it looks really good on the previews i was just thinking the other day that i havent seen keanu reeves in a movie for a while.
i saw the preview when i watched the super heroe movie. which absoloutly sucked the five minute preview was better then the actual movie i hate it when that happens
I've seen it. It's not a bad movie, but it's not a good movie. It's entertaining. Keanu may not have been the best choice.. but it was pretty cool.. fight scenes, people getting shot the fuck up. Graphic. :twocents:

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