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The Next Face To Rise

There is just one point I want to make about everybody saying that morrison is bland as a face. It doesn't matter.

Randy orton has become bland now but because he is over with kids now in this PG era, orton is over for years unless he turns. Just like cena, cena didn't have to do much to be cememnted as a superface. So everyone judging morrison on his blandness as a character, your not thinking about it from a 10-year old perspective, that it's about good guys and bad guys.

It may not be very good for the older fan to watch but if morrison can stay over after this sheamus feud which is hit and miss because of the sheer number of "false pushes" he's had so far, then he stands every chance of being put into the ME whether the IWC like it or not! sorry guys thats the way it is...

You make a good point but both Cena and Orton were world champions before they became bland and overly redundant while Morrison is still an inconsistent midcarder that has been used mainly as a random paceholder in matches that could easily have replaced him and nobody would have cared. Morrison needs to find his nitch and then get the world title before becoming too bland and overpushed. That is the way of the wrestling world and not the other way around. With all of the kids and women going crazy over the guy because of his looks and flips he could easily main event if he had something to bring to the table other than that, Cena had his rapping and Orton had his watered down Stone Cold essence about him before becoming the face champion so if he were to gain it then I would understand all of the Morrison dick sucking but until then I will regard him as little more than a bland face that was a better than average heel. He still could be the next face despite all of these qualms I have against him and I would hate every minute of his run.
I like some of the names mentioned but I got to go with Christain. Smackdown has a lack of main eventers right now. Edge is also on Smackdown. It seems likely that we'll see a friendly feud between the two once we see Christain returns. Neither need to turn heel for a feud. But I believe once he returns to Smackdown we'll see him sky rocket into the main event maybe by WWE Elimination Chamber. Then maybe by TLC or Extreme Rules next year we'll maybe see him get his shot. He's ready, he's coming close to the end of his career, he's got the skills to lead Smackdown with the title. All that's standing in his way, are the choices he made years back to jump ship to TNA. All we need is for Vince to forgive and forget, a maybe we'll see a face first time world championship reign.

On RAW, its a little hard to tell because there are only two faces that haven't been World Champ, that stick out to me. Daniel Brayn, and John Morrison. John Morrison looks to me like he'd be a for sure World Champion on Smackdown some day but not RAW. He's got some great wrestling skills, but let's face it, to survive in a RAW top feud, you need mic skills. John Morrison has very little mic skills and I think he could get by as a champion on Smackdown but not RAW. Daniel Bryan, he's small, but he can compete with any top guy on RAW's roster. He seems like a likely choice to become a face world champion for the first time. He just needs a little more time to shine with the US title then he'll be ready.
I think the next face to rise should be Santino Marella JOKES!

I really think it should be christian as many other people have said, he has not really been in the main event scene since ECW (who are they again:confused:)
He is getting old and this could be his last shot at a title run, before eventually retiring
And he could have a feud with edge or even kane

Its an obvious idea
I think with all the veterans playing the role of faces in the company it is very difficult for a young guy to rise up and play the role of a face. Lets face it the guys who are faces are legends and one of the ways a guy can be propelled to the main event is by going up against one of the established names. And when a young fella goes up against a very respected guy who also happens to be playing a face it will be very difficult for the young guy to get a positive reaction from the crowd.

The two guys who in my opinion could be the next face to become the champion for the first time are Christian and Daniel Bryan. Firstly I must say that I had already heard and seen a bit of Bryan's excellent ring work but I find him to be a bit underrated on the mic as well. People were saying that he was the second coming of Chris Benoit both in the ring and on the mic but his work so far proves the second part of the statement wrong. Bryan has been pushed hard so far and if Miz wins the WWE title I
can surely see Bryan winning it from him during their feud.

Christian is someone who might become a champion on Smackdown especially if Undertaker hangs up his boots. He has the charisma definitely to be the top face of a brand: something which he proved both in TNA and WWECW but then again its Vince's call. But with Edge and Undertaker both being rumored to retire within a few years it will be interesting to see who becomes the top guy on Smackdown. I do feel though that Christian is more talented and deserving than either Kofi, MVP, Ziggler etc.

But I think that for a WWE talent to rise as a babyface main eventer one of the currently established main event faces will have to turn heel.
If you count the Miz it's obviously going to be him. The most reasonable thing to happen with Orton vs Wade is for Wade to win the title. John Cena is allowed to leave Nexus and Wade leaves with no belt once Miz cashes in.
-I don't see Miz turning face anytime soon

-Goldust? No guys seriously? i know he's ridiculously talented and dedicated but no... seriously... have you watched the WWE the last 10 or so years? Goldust? Main event? No just stop right now.

-Sheamus? Interesting but it'd be unfortunate considering how great of a heel he is. I'd rather just see someone new rise up the ranks.

-Mark Henry I saw up there as well.... see what I said about Goldust... I know he had his one little feud with Undertaker and Kurt Angle but guys just no.

-I think Otunga (unfortunately), Morrison, Kofi (most likely), or someone we really just aren't expecting will be the next babyface to win it.
Morrison. He's being pushed very well now, and he's finally getting to show off his talents and the high-ups are taking notice. Vince knows he gets cheers, knows he has talent in the ring, and knows he can be a legit threat for a World Title if given the opportunity. Morrison looks like he'll be put into a program with Sheamus, who will elevate him to the Main Event.

On the other end of the spectrum, there's Kofi over on Smackdown. Kofi was put into a feud with Orton where he did well, but they dropped the ball with him after that. I see him getting there eventually because he's good in the ring, good on the mic, and he can go with just about anyone and make a good match.

As for who will get it first? Well, Morrison is in the upper midcard at the moment, and Kofi is in the midcard not doing much of anything. So Morrison will probably get there first.
Sheamus, he is a great heel, and will be an absolute top face for sure. He has everything, charisma, he can be funny, and his accent will help him to make jokes more interesting.

And in the ring, he will be a clearly powerhorse.
Please, no more mention of Miz, he's not a face, he won't be a face anytime soon.

Raw: I would love to say this is an open and shut deal for Danielson, but I fear VKM's old habits die hard. Bryan is main event class already - proven by pulling up Ziggler to steal match of the night, or even year, at BR. He has the ability to be a Rey sized Benoit. What worries me is that alot of people, beyond the IWC the more exposure he gets, will make this connection - and nothing is likely to scare VKM than the merest hint of a comparison to Benoit. The result may be that one of the current or future nexus cast offs is pushed. Otunga is the main threat given his wider exposure. Personally, I'd have more faith in Gabriel, for mic and ring work. JoMo needs to improve his mic work to be pushed back to ME, without being turned heel.

SD: Edge will likely stay face for a while, just because of the lack of alternatives. This might drawn me heat, but I can't be Christian being pushed. For dedication he might deserve it, but I just get the sense that as the guy hasn't convinced management yet to push him, he is unlikely to do it now as he gets closer to following edge into retirement. For my money, the best bet is swagger. His past and lifestyle is clean, unlikely MVP etc, he was reasonable mic skills - better than Ziggler for example, and as the E seem to want him to follow the Angle path, some stint as a face seems inevitable.

One final point, unless they could become a tweener face a la Orton etc, I don't see Seamus, McIntyre, Gabriel or Barrett having a future down the line as great faces. It's unfair on them all, Seamus is a decent ring worker, Barrett is one of the better recent finds on the mic and McIntyre and Gabriel are strong on both. But given the politics of management (with talent and the McMahon elephant leanings), I just don't see a wrestler who isn't American, or least isnt Canadian and can be past off, being given a face role, call 'wrestling protectionism'.
Yeah I know it's become quite a popular choice but it's going to be the Miz. The way this whole WWE title picture is shaped up at the moment the only people I can see either holding the strap in the months leading up to Mania are Orton (obviously), Barrett, Sheamus, Cena and Miz. I strongly believe that Barrett will be the next WWE champion and I think come Survivor Series we're going to see that happen. Miz will cash in very soon after but lose to Barrett due to interference from Cena, which will cement a face turn...then he will go on to win the Rumble and face either Barrett or a heel Cena for the WWE title at Wrestlemania...and win, making him the biggest face the company has.

This logic is all based on if Cena turns heel which I think will happen probably at the Survivor Series but perhaps a little later. If he doesn't turn heel then yeah... Daniel Bryan perhaps. Once he drops the US title they need to give him a run with Sheamus or (probably more likely) Barrett to really elevate him to main event status. Barrett in particular makes sense seeing as they can do the whole "You were never good enough for Nexus" thing with him and Bryan playing the lone vigilante representing the everyman to Barrett's evil overlord. It gets said all the time on here but Bryan is an outstanding wrestler and he has that same ring presence that someone like Bret Hart had at his peak between 94 and 97... Someone who is actually the best "wrestler" and can out manoeuvre anyone in the WWE. Sure he lacks mic skills, but so did Bret Hart. If you're that good then they don't matter.

Jomo just isn't ready yet, he lacks charisma and though I do think he'll hold a heavyweight title one day it won't be before Mania.
I can't see Kofi winning it either for similar reasons. Edge will be the next WHC and will hold that for some months before losing it to a heel either at Mania or just before.

my 2 cents, yo.
Lot of people say Kofi doesn't seem to have it. At what point exactly did you find this fault, if I remember correctly it was Orton who went batshit insane on Kofi otherwise his TLC match with Orton was amazing. His promo skills are pretty good too, he just hasn't had anytime to talk yet. I think Kofi can be a guy that chases the world title for a long time and people finally start to take note of him and when he finally does you just got your ME'r. WWE can get Bin Laden over, I don't see how they can't get Kofi over.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say Christian. I have always been a fan of Captain Charisma in the WWE and enjoy his work. He's great in the ring and the mic which is what you need to be successful in the WWE. The day Christian adds that world title to his list of accomplishments is the day my wrestling world comes full circle.
I'm also going to go out on a limb and say that if Cena is indeed going to turn heel, CM Punk will be HUGE and is ready to fill Cena's boots, if the need arises. His "straight edge" gimmick can easily be adapted to be "good". Aside from Jericho, Punk has the best mic skills in the business and the in ring ability to make him a top draw for years.
I gotta go with Dolph Ziggler. I could see this little program with Vicki and Kaitlyn ending up in a Dolph face turn. I think he could be could face and could benefit from a new direction. I think if you coupled this with a name change then he could really sky rocket.
I'm gonna go with Big Zeke Jackson...

I know we haven't seen much of him on the mic when he was with ECW and since he has only recently returned but I feel the Batista method can be used to get him over.
His key is power and crowd can gasp everytime he hits them on heels, the same method can be used to get him over as a monster heel however.

I think if he can somehow get involved in a program with Nexus or even Sheamus to solidify him as a face and I suppose it depends on his booking from there
Next face as world champ...hmmm.... I give my opinion on some of the favorites.

Daniel Bryan - Obvious choice since the Mid Card belt is supposed to ready a person to the Main Event Status. I'd say come this time next year as things slow down before the Road to Wrestlemaina starts you could see Bryan at least challenging for the title. Hell we might see him in the EC match as anyone that has the mid card title seems to get into the match.

John Morrison - I'm a huge JoMo mark and love everything they've been doing with him. The problem is WWE has not helped him work on his Mic skills which he needsto be a main eventer. The thing that WWE could do though is give him the Jericho/Edge face treatment. Have him make fun of the heels (Hell he could have a field day with Sheamus.) in order to boost his confidence. Plus, it's something he's done before with both MNM and Miz.

Big Zeke - Love this guy but there's one problem. He doesn't talk. I'm expecting WWE to work on him long term and around Wrestlemaina next year he'll be in the Money in the Bank match and no long after that go after the Mid Card Title.


Kofi Kingston - Obvious choice is again obvious. Kofi's mic skills are okay and his wrestling is great for his style. The thing that Kofi lacks though is looking like he could snap. I know he had a ruthless streak in him with Dolph, but honestly, it was a major step back from his feud with Orton last year (And him Boom Droping Orton through a table :) )

Kaval: Another choice but again I don't see it as Kaval is not exactly ready for the ME. Expect him to use his PPV title shot on Ziggle to get the title away from him.
Christian: Extremely good choice as his last major was the ECW Title (YES, THAT IS CONSIDERED A MAJOR TITLE, NOT A MID CARD. EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT IT TO BE) and he hasn't had anything since. However, I'm hoping that the WWE does something right for once and puts him and Edge back together to revitalize the Tag Team Division soon.

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