The Next Big Rivalry?


Riley Justin
Every generation has it's legendary rivalries, such as Sting/Flair, Bret/Michaels, Rock/Austin, Cena/Punk etc. Some rivalries expand over years, and go through their careers having legendary matches together. So with all this new young talent, who is going to be that next big rivalry?

In my opinion - Sheamus/Wade Barret.

These two are consistently fighting each other, whether it's an angle that spans over a few days or a few weeks, these guys can tell great stories in the ring, push each other to the limit to have excellent matches whenever they face each other. Their recent one on one match on SD was fantastic, and I believe that with these two heading into the seemingly permanent main event picture very soon, and given that they both stick around, we'll be seeing plenty of these guys battling each other for years to come. These guys are the building blocks for the next generation, and I believe that the WWE are trying very hard to build them slowly, giving them battles with each other every now and then to preserve the magic of their feud. I could see these two main eventing in a few years to come, more so then any other newer talent.

These guys both have a great look, they're developing great characters, they can be very entertaining in the ring, and together they're magic. Plus they have the English/Irish rivalry going on.

Your thoughts?
Personally ehhhh I think Wade needs to be in the title picture FINALLY! Sheamus Vs Wade is kind of a step down. Sheamus is kind of taking a back seat now and losing the momentum he had the last 8 months.

It's 99.9% going to be Punk/Jericho next but I'd LOVE a Punk/Bryan rivalry. I think THEY would put on an awesome feud. I have a weird feeling that Ryder/Cena is going to end up being a rivalry as Ryder will blame Cena for all his recent loses and injury.
Next years Wrestlemania will be
Punk vs. Bryan(C), Orton(C) vs. Rhodes (IC), Undertaker vs. Cena

I expect to see Bryan pinch the WWE title in similar cirumstances to his current reign, then Punk will snap and they will go at it at Wrestlemania.

Orton will win the Heavyweight championship, they will constantly cross paths through the year ending up with a huge Champion vs. Champion showdown at Wrestlemania.

The next logical step for Undertaker and Cena.. Especially if the fans hatred for Cena continues to grow.
I think it is unfair at the moment to say Punk/Cena is a legendary rivalry. The Cena/Orton rivalry made the WWE way more money.

I think the next BIG one is Punk/Ziggler. Its getting that initial Austin/Rock like feud. After this run they are having it would be nice to see them seperated until WM29 when they can have their match a la Austin/Rock
I can totally see a Sheamus/Wade rivalry. They are two guys that are still early enough in their careers their storylines could go pretty much any direction.
I never thought to do Cena vs Undertaker but then again, I think it would be a horrible match in the ring. The concept is good but the match itself would really suck. Being that Taker is so old and wouldn't any younger next year he really needs an opponent who can carry the match more then him and Cena BLOWS

I think a great feud if he were to come back like I've read some reports is CM Punk vs RVD. Mr. Every Fn Day Of The Week can put anyone over and the in ring match would be amazing I think. Even a D Bryan Vs RVD feud would be great.
Cena/Punk? Really? Barrett/Sheamus? Really? Come on! Do you realize how big the other rivalries you said were?! Cena has had such better fueds with others before you can even say his fued with Punk was the best. Not a top rivalry though. Barrett and Sheamus IMO will never grow to more then a PPV title match at somepoint. It will never be a Austin/Rock, three times at WM rivalry or a Sting/Flair wrestling icon epic rivalry. I also don't think THAT rivalry could carry a company like the other one mentioned.
Yeah I agree you can't consider Cena/Punk a rivalry yet. You know what was a rivalry Cena/Edge and a very good one at that which lasted for years. Cena/Orton is the same exact thing and can still continue to grow. I'm still waiting on them to finally have a one on one match at mania. But to get back to the post I can see Sheamus/Barrett being a long rivalry but not at the level of the ones mentioned above. A rivalry I could see which already has a few years in the making is Orton/Rhodes. They will headline wrestlemania
I honestly think it'll be Sheamus and Wade. Both guys came up around the same time and can be HUGE if used right!

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