Greatest Rivalry In Professional Wrestling History?

matt hardy vs edge. that was personal. lita really had an affair with edge. she shitted on matt when they did that interview on byte this. that was real salt bein thrown. and they realyy had to act that shit out in the ring. they made it known but they still had a job to do. every segment they did during that fued had a piece of realism attached to it.
Vince and Austin had to the greatest rivalry in Professional Wrestling.

Another good one though is the rivalry that was always there but the feud never happen. Goldberg Vs Austin. For years these two were talked about and we always asked who was the best. It was the match everyone wanted to see but we never got a chance to see. When WWE bought out the WCW that is what EVERYONE wanted to see but by the time WWE signed Goldberg to a contract Austin was retired and we never got to see the dream match we all wanted but never got to see.
Longtime reader, first post...The first wrestling program i watched religiously was wcw saturday night. the rivalry that kept me tuned in every week was the stinger and ric flair. now this was about 20 years ago and the exact year/years escape me but i remember being terrified when the man dressed in all black came on the screen in his mask and hood and talked about how he was a man from sting's past and how he was going to destroy him. then, maybe at a clash, maybe at a ppv that i caught on rental a while later, in the cage the battle ensued. if i remember right there were maybe 4 or 5 men out at one point dressed all in the same outfit. of course at the end it was flair, and sting won the match. that was the first feud that completely captivate me and the feud i compare all others to. sorry about the shady details.
It's amazing that people in here didn't list Austin vs Bret Hart as one the great if not (in my opinion) the greatest hatred feud, as wwe universe fan, yeah we know it was scripted and they're actually good friends, but on camera, they're hatred for one another was indescribable, No one in the locker room (due to politics) wanted to give Austin a chance but it was the hitman that said he deserved it, classic matches after classic matches with Bret just barely owning victories against Austin made Austin who is is today, before the attitude era kicked off, without the famous feud with the Hitman at that survivor series in Brets return, I don't think we would have gone into the attitude era, the wwe would have been erased from existence due to the nwo angle, it's true that Austins Feud with Mcmahon helped the attitude era but without his altercation with the Hitman, there would have been NO MCMAHON feud! Seriously, when everyone started cheering for Austin because he didn't tap out to Bret, it instantly turned Bret into one of the better heels (my opinion) lets not forget Austin feuded with both the Hart foundation and Vince as well! I for one am sticking with Bret vs Austin as the best all time feud! Without it, the attitude era and the wwe wouldn't exist today, today, we still see crappy wcw and power hungry idiots like Hogan running the show! Now, we only have hhh to deal with, I don't miss triple h, so hopefully he stays gone for a while longer!
I'll say Undertaker vs. Mankind. This feud began in May 1996 and officially ended in June of 1998. In those two years, Taker and Mankind had many hard-hitting matches that, in my opinion, set the tone for the Attitude Era. Everything from their brawl at King of the Ring 1996, the Boiler Room Brawl at SummerSlam 1996, Buried Alive in October 1996, their match at Revenge of the Taker in which mankind literally went headfirst through a table, and, of course, the Hell in a Cell at King of the Ring 1998. I absolutely love this feud!

Honorable Mentions:
Kane vs. Undertaker - I've always been a mark for both and I was fully invested in this feud in 1998
Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart - Every match these two had was epic and the storyline hatred seemed very genuine
nWo vs. WCW - Perhaps the biggest rivalry in the history of wrestling (not including WWF vs. WCW)
there have been so many and i've only been watching since 1996 but since then there has been Austin-Hart Family, Austin-McMahon, HHH-Foley, Austin-Rock, Dreamer-Raven, HHH-Rock, Jericho-HBK, Edge/Christian-Hardy's-Dudleys, HHH-HBK, Angle-Lesnar, Undertaker-Kane, Guerrero-Mysterio, Punk-Joe(ROH Series), DX-McMahons, Jericho-HBK, but my favorite one since then and most recent would have to be the HBK-Undertaker WrestleMania fueds of 2009-2010. You would think in every since that this was a fued but in all seriousness it was just about one man's obsession to beat the other to prove that he was better than the other. Just think about how much heart was put into it from both ends and how awesome and amazing the matches were. The story is this HBK in Feb '09 stops being JBL's hired hand and now needs someone to face at WrestleMania. So he wants to face a man who has stolen the Mr. WrestleMania moniker so to speak from him The Undertaker 16-0 at Mania can't top anything HBK has done at Mania. So every week leading up to Mania HBK gets the upperhand the whole time. Then "THE MATCH" happened and in what was my mind the greatest Mania match ever HBK for the first time in any of eyes thought holy shit Undertaker might lose this time. He didn't but the defining moment of that match was after HBK took a chokeslam, a last ride, then a tombstone and still kicked out and the look on Taker's face was priceless. Now fast forward 7 months or so HBK excepts a Slammy for MOTY and has an epiphany that he wants to face Taker one more time at Mania which Taker(World CHamp at the time) said no, then HBK enters the Royal Rumble just so he can get that chance but then got eliminated and just went into this demented distraught phase and lost matches because he want focused then cost Taker the title at ELIMINATION CHAMBER and got his match but had to put his career on the line he ended up losing but what a way to go out. What was not to love about that fued
By far the best was Pete Rose vs. Kane... classic event to look forward to every other WM or so....
No seriously though, I can't believe no one has really mentioned The Rock/Mankind... they had some epic battles (half-time heat, the royal rumble "I Quit" match, ect.) I enjoyed how brutal some of those matches got
One of the greatest still hasn't been mentioned. The King Jerry Lawler and Andy Kaufman. This ranged not only in the ring but talk shows as well and was talked about in mainstream tv and news.
Nobody has mentioned the Von Erichs vs the Fabulous Freebirds yet? WTF? The Von Erich/Freebird rivalry carried an entire wrestling company for years. The WCCW battles between Kerry, Kevin and David Von Erich against Michael Hayes, Buddy Roberts and Terry Gordy were legendary. (I refuse to count Jimmy Garvin as a full blooded Freebird).
The Rock v Mankind back in the late 90s, 99 was it?

The empty arena match, I Quit match when Foley has handcuffed and smashed with a chair over and over- just brutal

Triple H vs The Rock- those guys had some great matches

Steve Austin vs The Rock- 3 WM matches and so many others, this was a truly great rivalry by the 2 top guys in the business at the time!

But I would go for Austin v McMahon as the best of all time, this is what made wrestling what it was in the late 90s.

Being able to beat up your boss who treats you like shit is what everyone dreams of doing, and Austin did this on a weekly basis to his boss, becoming the anti-hero everyone loved. You HAD to tune in to see what he would do each week.

The beer spraying, the middle fingers, the stunners, ruining Vinces introduction of Mike Tyson, getting arrested, the pulling of a (fake) gun on Vince, Austin did it all, and we couldnt wait to see them lock up in a proper match.

Vince winning the Royal Rumble after Austin gets jumped backstage was great, and Vince as the Higher Power took everyone by surprise.

And then finally, Austin screwing everyone and joining up with Vince and demanding hugs and playing the guitar to him, it was the complete opposite of everything we knew about Stone Cold, and made for great tv, and it was hilarious!

Then, after turning his back on the WWE and joining WCW/ECW as the leader of the Alliance, Austin was feuding with McMahon again, and I bet we havent seen the last stunner on the chairman of the board!

So, yeah, Austin V McMahon for me

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