Could it ever happen? Is there a shot in hell that one day, kids will be reading through the former champions list and come across an Alyson, an Amanda, a Julie, a Beth?
Beth was thrown up there because out of anyone in the WWE, Beth has the biggest shot of winning. But her chance of winning is slim to none. It is actually less than that.
But a name that most would think of is Chyna. She at one time was the number 1 threat. But of course she never won. She did win the IC title. She also competed in the Royal Rumble. But for winning it all, no, she had no chance.
I'm not sure that any woman has a shot. The audience would never believe it in my opinion. But I want someone to give me reasons how it could work. Anyone? Or does everyone agree with me?
Beth was thrown up there because out of anyone in the WWE, Beth has the biggest shot of winning. But her chance of winning is slim to none. It is actually less than that.
But a name that most would think of is Chyna. She at one time was the number 1 threat. But of course she never won. She did win the IC title. She also competed in the Royal Rumble. But for winning it all, no, she had no chance.
I'm not sure that any woman has a shot. The audience would never believe it in my opinion. But I want someone to give me reasons how it could work. Anyone? Or does everyone agree with me?