The new themes for Cesaro, Rollins and Ambrose are horrific.

Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
How can these guys be taken seriously with such god-awful, generic rock garbage? Austin, Hogan, Rock, Undertaker, Bret and other legends had distinctive theme songs that hooked the crowds. The new themes debuted in the past few weeks really are terrible and indicate that it's time for Jim Johnston to go. He's very clearly lost his touch.
How can these guys be taken seriously with such god-awful, generic rock garbage? Austin, Hogan, Rock, Undertaker, Bret and other legends had distinctive theme songs that hooked the crowds. The new themes debuted in the past few weeks really are terrible and indicate that it's time for Jim Johnston to go. He's very clearly lost his touch.

It is not Jim Johnston who created those songs. The guy who created the songs is some new guy name CFO$.Besides their not that bad when you think about it. Cesaro, I love the sirens and when you think about it. The sirens symbolize when the Cesaro swing is on the horizon. I like Rollins theme because it fits his entrance. Ambrose needs a bad-ass theme though to go with his character.
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How can I take you seriously if you don't even know what you're talking about?

Cesaro's, Ambrose's and Rollins's new theme was by CFO$, not Jim Johnston. Do some research before you complain.

P.S. As a Seth Rollins fan, I personally like Rollins's theme. But it and Ambrose's sound too similar. Cesaro's, I'm okay with.
I think i read somewhere that Ambrose's and Rollins' are temporary while Jim Johnson composes something. Seth's is pretty cool, but i agree with Ryan Thunder, it does sound similar to Dean Ambrose's. Cesaro's im on the fence about. I like the siren and how its much more fast paced, but on the other hand its kinda generic. Really, they aren't that bad.

While we are on the subject, Bo Dallas should come out to "Dream On" by Aerosmith.
I agree that neither of them seem to be thought provoking. In fact I'm not to sure much thought was put into any of the entrances. It seem Reigns is keeping the Shield Theme. Which is great and makes perfect sense.
I actually like Ambrose's theme. It has a Rage Against the Machine vibe to it. Eventually, they'll all get full songs that you'll be able to purchase
Ambrose needs a bad-ass theme though to go with his character.

Ambrose and myself have one main thing in common. We were both born and raised in Cincinnati. One of Ambrose's nicknames is "The Lunatic Fringe", as referenced frequently by Michael Cole. I believe he uses this name as an homage to his hometown. The biggest rock station out of Cincinnati is WEBN, which refer to themselves as "The Lunatic Fringe of American FM". So naturally, I think Ambrose should use "Lunatic Fringe" by Red Rider as his theme song, or at least a cover of it. The opening fits Ambrose perfectly IMO.

So naturally, I think Ambrose should use "Lunatic Fringe" by Red Rider as his theme song, or at least a cover of it. The opening fits Ambrose perfectly IMO.

I agree it sounds pretty good, but Angle is already using a version, or "cover" of that song anyway. So then people will complain his song sounds really similar to Angle's. Besides, and this is the same problem with the guy who said Bo Dallas should use "Dream On" by Aerosmith, that means that most likely Vinnie Mac will have to get permission from the band, then pay them a royalty everytime he uses it.
I didn't like Cesaro's music from the get go and it has not grown on me. Forget the sirens, the rest of the song is awful. Too much going on and all of it sucks.

Rollins' is better but I get the "generic" criticism. At least the riff is decent, not like the mish mosh of garbage in Cesaro's theme. I'm not sure it really "fits" him though.

I like Ambrose's, even when not put in the context of comparing it to Cesaro's or Rollins' theme. I love the intro part (which gets played every 30 seconds or so) and the music is simple but impactful. And as opposed to Rollins, this one really seems to fit. When he was sitting on the ring apron talking to his hands, and his music was playing in the background, it all went together.

I must say though that a lot of the criticism of these new entrance themes is based on the fact that it's "generic metal".

Well if it's the "generic" part that bothers you, I'm not sure what you're expecting. Something that sounds like what is played on a college Metal station??

If it's the "metal" part that bothers you, too bad. This is wrestling, not some hipster coffee shop. Unless you have a character that is so off the beaten path, like Bray Wyatt, the music should be hard hitting and to the point.
I don't see the problem with there themes they sound amazing to me in fact seth rollins theme is my ringtone.
They straight up failed with Cesaro's theme.

If you got the network, watch the Wrestlemania 30 pre-show. There's a part there where Cesaro is doing Axxess posing for the fans while they do the real americans theme. That fit him perfect. On his big night he lost it. WTF? If anything, Swagger should've changed his.
Compared to CM Punk, Lesnar, Batista, Orton, Cena, Barrett, Cody, Ziggler, there songs are very generic. Unforgettable intro music that will never be popular, defend it all you like, once these guys become big single stars, the music will change, but it should really change now.
They are all fine, especially Seth's. In fact, I listened to them on youtube and I have to say that Seth's got me going really hard.

Perception is reality. If Rollins succeeds, his song will be remember as amazing. Look at Punk. His song is so random at first, but because it assosciates with Punk, it is awesome. Same for Bryan, same for Orton, same for pretty much everyone.
The themes in question, to me, aren't very catchy. However, they aren't terrible. I think WWE fans have been spoiled over the last 10-15 years due to the theme songs having lyrics and many were performed by legit bands. With the company losing money and making cut backs I would expect more theme songs like what we have been hearing as of late. My suggestion is to just deal with it and find things to enjoy about it. After all, many of us that have been watching since the 80's and before are used to and okay with generic entrance music since ALL entrance themes were generic in that era.
I find Cesaro's theme extremely ordinary. Can't say it isn't recognisable though, thanks to the sirens. But for whatever reason, I've really grown to like Rollins' theme. It fits his real life tastes as that's the kind of music he's into. Might be a little repetitive, but yeah, I can't really explain why I like it, I just do. I'm not so into Ambrose's theme though.
I don't mind the new themes for Rollins and Ambrose...although I do believe they are likely to be temporary placeholders for now. The remixed Shield track for Reigns however is Spot On.

Cesaro, no. I just can't get used to it. I thought I would...but its just a bad piece of music.
Some of the time you guys are ridiculous and hypocritical.

Ambrose, Rollins and Cesaro are too generic? Is it because they don't have words?

But then why are Steve Austin and Bret Hart's themes so great then? They don't have words either, all they have is a catchy sound at first that draws your attention.

That is THE SAME thing with Ambrose, Cesaro and Rolllins' entrances.

Hardly, "horrific".

Horrific is entrance music like Harper and Rowan recently came out to. It's jarring, but I know that's the point, but still it is terrible and no one should have it as their ring tone. :p

Horrific is more like Big E's entrance theme. It's better now with the weight clanking sounds at first but it is not catchy. His theme in NXT was way better.

Anyway, back to the point.

Ambrose, Rollins and Cesaro have decent - very good theme songs.

Ambrose's theme song is actually great. It fits his character very well. Hard hitting, fast-paced, heavy.
I just heard the new Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose's theme on youtube, and I must say- pathetic, horrific, horrifying, terrific, terrifying, terrible!! If this was 1994, these themes would've still sucked because it was 1994 back when there were a lot of these instrumental themes. But lets say Rollins and Ambrose are supposed to be stars- just like Kevin Nash and Scott Hall might've been thought to be so in 1994, their themes songs suck, whereas Nash and Hall's theme music WAS amazing.

I never understood why people here have disliked Cesaro's theme song . Personally , I love the Siren because it feels synchronic somehow to the "swing", and symbolic of Cesaro's physical strength. Of course the theme isn't as good as his 2nd and 3rd WWE theme songs. Again, his first WWE theme song is indescribably stupid and feels almost like it was made not for Cesaro but Aksana because of the way her butt would rhythmically shake in synchrony with it.:lol:

But if budget cuts mean a horrible riff for Seth Rollins, reeking of muffled heavy metal or dark metal, the WWE has made a stupid decision as far as these theme songs are concerned. I don't think Rollins or Ambrose's theme songs are even endurable, especially for two rising stars.
Good new wrestling theme songs are very few and far between these days. The days when a wrestler's theme was meaningful, or at least distinctive of his character, are long gone.

The best times were the early days, really, in the late 80s and early 90s, with guys like Hogan, Warrior, the Million Dollar Man, the Undertaker, Bret Hart, Sgt. Slaughter, Shawn Michaels, the Legion of Doom - hell, even the damn Bushwackers or Rick "the Model" Martel - I could go on and on, but these guys all had very distinctive music specifically tailored to reflect their personas. Even the bad examples of music, like, say, the Natural Disasters theme, did at least not sound like some generic crap someone randomly picked out of a music library. Those were the golden days of wrestling theme music.

So if nothing else, I don't think their bad theme music will hurt Cesaro, Rollins or Ambrose, for the simple reason that most everyone's music is boring and indistinguishable these days anyhow. I'm thinking of guys like Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Wade Barrett (!), Sheamus, Christian and so on and so forth. You get no feeling that the music is in any way connected with those guys. It just happens to be the generic rock they got tagged with.

There are exceptions, of course. My ears may bleed by now every time I hear the damn John Cena theme, but at least it's very unique. Daniel Bryan's theme comes to mind. CM Punk's themes (both of them), Triple H, among others, but they are getting rare.
Cesaro's music is terrible, absolutely terrible... I have to reach for the remote and mute the volume every time that shit start playing, its just unbearably horrible. Whoever composed it needs to find another career option, because evidently music composition is not for him/her.
Oh God... anyway, moving on,

Seth Rollins'music seems like something Dale Oliver would come up with. Its generic rock and there is nothing special or remarkable about it. This is so TNA-like, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but Seth Rollins is a special guy; and special guys have special themes... That's not the case here. I think the same guy composed Paige and Barrett's themes too.

Dean Ambrose's theme, I'd say is the best of the worst. I actually like the sound of the motorbike accelerating, and it also suits his 'street' wrestling gear and character.
A wrestler's success depends on many factors, and how well your entrance theme and ring gear blend with your character are two important factors. Among the three wrestlers analysed, I feel Dean Ambrose has the best combination of things right now.

But yeah, again, the guy that composed Cesaro and Seth Rollins' themes (especially Cesaro's), and the guy that approved it, need to seek another career direction ASAP.
I don't mind any of these three themes all too much. I'm not surprised by the criticism that Dean's and Seth's are getting. Nearly any theme that they used following The Shield's theme was going to receive criticism due to how awesome The Shield's song is. Roman getting a remix of that theme made more sense than giving it to Seth or even Ambrose. Give these songs a chance, they might grow on you. Cesaro's makes more sense for him now too, he needed something more intense now that he is a Heyman guy. His old theme from before he was in The Real Americans would not have fit his current angle that well. Maybe if they change the intro to something other than that siren it would be a lot better. The point is.... these three themes are hardly horrific. I've heard far worse. Now, the original version of The Dudebuster's theme from their ECW debut, THAT was horrific. As is The Vaudevillains' theme on NXT but that's a whole other topic.

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