The NEW Power 10 Voting***


The Power 10 has been pretty good but I have gotten some complaints about it not being interactvie. So for now on I will do this every once in a while. So without further a do, here is the way the NEW Power 10 will go...

I will post a thread similair to this one asking for votes. After that you WrestleZone Forum users are encouraged to comment on here with your Top 10 WWE superstars for the past few weeks. Please give reasons why for spam sake. Your votes should be based on in-ring matches, promos, or whatever they have done since the last Power 10. NOT WHAT THEIR RANK IS OVERALL IN WWE. I will give some information about some superstars who have made some noise on WWE TV lately. Finally, after a while I will add up all the votes and post the thread for the weeks Power 10 and I would like to hear comments about it.

I would like this to work...hopefully it does, or it may fail. Lmao.
So... With that said...Lets get started...

Everyone please cast your votes for Top 10 WWE Superstars for the past 3 weeks. Here are some names to think about...

Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Edge, CM Punk, Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus, A.J., Santino Marella

So...we'll see how this goes. Lets here YOUR votes! :)
I haven't seen any of the previous Power 10 topics, so I have no clue what the current ranking is and all that. With that said, here are my picks for the current top 10.

1. Daniel Bryan - Yes we know he was the champion and still involved in the title scene, but that doesn't mean anything. We've seen champions come and go. I'm ranking him number 1 because of all he's accomplished character wise and with the fans lately. Here's a guy who just couldn't get over. Wrestling purists and internet fans loved him, but it seemed like the crowd was just always dead during his matches, even while carrying the MITB briefcase. Then lightning struck. He took a travesty of a match at Wrestlemania, and has since lit his character on fire. His promo's with AJ over the past couple of weeks have been brilliant.

2. John Cena - Not a popular choice, i know. But he's been refreshing to me lately, finally showing at least subtle signs of change in his character. The contract signing with Lesnar sealed the deal for me as Cena really sold it. He finally dropped the tough guy/smart ass act and, without saying a word, truly put Lesnar over in a huge way. We haven't seen Cena just stare at someone with horror in his eyes in a long time. I truly feel his character was for once terrified.

3. Randy Orton - The buildup to his Wrestlemania match was awful. I couldn't force myself to care about it at all. That being said, it was a good match. More importantly, both he and Kane have stepped it up over the past few weeks. They've made this an ugly, bitter, and personal feud. They've both really stepped it up over the past few weeks.

4. Kane - Mostly for the same reasons as Orton above. Though I'd also like to add that over the past couple of weeks Kane has shown that, even if the script itself isn't very good, he is still very solid and reliable on the mic, able to put his character over through his actions or words.

5. Kofi Kingston - Character wise, they haven't given Kofi a whole lot to do lately. Win or lose however, he's just been killing it in the ring lately, especially with his last match against Jericho. Obviously I'm not the only one that feels this way because Jericho has only wrestled a few singles matches outside of Punk and most of them (or all of them i think?) have been against Kingston.

6. Mark Henry - Same as Kofi Kingston really. Character wise he hasn't done much lately. But he's been super solid in the ring and incredibly reliable as evidenced by his matches against CM Punk over the last few weeks. He seems like a rejuvinated wrestler.

7. CM Punk - I'm sure he'll be alot higher on most peoples lists, but it seems both he and Jericho have lost a few steps lately promo wise. Maybe it's just me. Either way, he's still always known to put on a solid match and i don't think that's changed lately. I give ample credit to Mark Henry, but I'm not too stupid to know that CM Punk was what made those matches against the Worlds Strongest Man shine over the last three weeks.

8. Chris Jericho - A bit low, but you didn't think he wouldn't make the list did you? I feel his return has flopped a bit compared to what we know he can do. However, i think he and Kofi truly stole the show last week with their match. The is the best shape we've seen him in in awhile, and he's truly showing it in the ring.

9. Dolph Ziggler - Look up the words "Work Ethic" in the Dictionary, and you'll see a picture of Dolph. His stock has fallen hard, and it seems this once almost-main-eventer is now just a glorified jobber to Brodus Clay. But watch those matches. Dolph Ziggler goes in there, and between him, Swagger, Clay, Santino, or whoever else involved, Dolph always looks like he's just giving more than anyone else. Clay is hard to get over, but Ziggler is trying his damndest in those matches to really carry him and make him look good. He's in a crappy position, and he's giving it his all. It's only a matter of time before the brass notice that. Work ethic.

10. Cody Rhodes - This isn't nearly his best, we've seen that. However it's hard to show off your best when trying to carry a believable feud with someone about 3 times your size. But Cody is making it work. Again, it's not his most entertaining work, but lately he's found a way to change up his moveset and adapt it enough to make us all believe he can beat Big Show. And I believe he'll do just that this Sunday.

Wow, I was a lot more long-winded than i thought I would be. But I really like this concept and will have to reel myself in a bit and shorten it in the future.
Seems to me like people might list thier Fave Superstars from 1-10 for this. I'll try to avoid that by listing them in the order of what i think the order would be, based on how others have spoke about them over the last few weeks, with a small description of what i think.

1. Daniel Bryan
From Mid Carder to Main-Eventer in a very short time. The "YES" Gimmick has helped put him up there as one of the top 3 heels in no time at all.

2. Brock Lesnar
Put Brock 2nd because he isn't a full timer, or he would of been number 1. Unforgetable return (one of the greatest ever)

3. John Cena
Proving his haters wrong who have constantly called him "Super Cena" "We Cena Enuff" by portraying different types of Charactors, Emotion, and fighting styles.

4. Santino Marella
Probably the best Entertainer. Went from Backstage Comedy to the US Championship. One of the most over faces right now.

5. Kane
His return saw a new masked Kane (best look he has ever had imo). Made John Cena look strong for his match with The Rock at WM.

6. CM Punk
Although Punk looks a bit watered down right now, he is still tireless in the ring, and is currently on a long title reign.

7. Randy Orton
Like Punk looks watered down but has been doing a great job to put others over (Barrett/Kane)

8. Sheamus
Another tireless worker. Recently helped Daniel Bryan's Gimmick, by getting the crowd to loudly chant "Yes"

9. Mark Henry
After losing the WHC, looked like Mark might be done. He has proved that he can still mix it up in and around the main event scene.

10. The Rock
Gotta give The Great One a Rank! although he is not around at the moment, The Rock recently made WWE a lot more watchable again. Like Brock Lesnar if he were full time, would sure to be in the top 2.
1. Daniel Bryan - the most over guy in the WWE, and he's a 5 foot tall heel! Don't be surprised if Vince runs with his connection with the crowd and gives the title right back to him at Extreme Rules.

2. Brock Lesnar - he is insanely over and he hasn't even done anything yet except F-5 Cena a couple of times. His prescence alone just screams that he is an unbeatable force. I can't wait for the next episode of Monday Night Raw ..starring Brock Lesnar.

3. Brodus Clay - his new gimmick is pretty dominant as he throws Ziggler around like a rag doll the last few weeks. He's on a huge roll and the merch this guy would be selling would be enormous, he's a cash cow!

4. Sheamus - his defeat of Mark Henry this past Smackdown and then his very confident mic work to Bryan to end the show places him in the #4 spot. Also the fact that he is in a program with Bryan is rubbing off on him.

5. Chris Jericho - he is owning Punk on the mic. CM Punk, the WWE Champion is supposed to be this guy who comes out and tell truths about the other competitors and dropping pipe bombs. He has been made to look a fool by the best in the world in everything he does.

6. Johnny Ace - People Power is going well, and his dominance over Teddy and his cowardice to Brock shows who this character is.

7. AJ - yep, AJ is deeply rooted in Bryan's popularity. She is getting her own backstage segments. This could move her into a pyscho type character soon.

8. CM Punk- his ring work is good and he is the WWE Champion, but Jericho's dominance has made him look a shadow of his former smart ass self. He isn't combatting Jericho with anything. His drunk ruse really ddin't amount to anything compared to Jericho, however a big win over Mark Henry has him in the top 10.

9. Mark Henry - He has fought both Champions recently and has stayed in that main event heel monster spot well, even with guys like Brodus, Tensai, Ryback and Lesnar ebinga round he has been able to look better than those guys.

10. Big Show - he is over with the fans, and has been working hard. He is doing well lately and his feuds with Bryan, Henry and Rhodes has done wonders for him.
1. Daniel Bryan - My only question is, with booking as it is...can it last?
2. John Cena - Everyone who has been complaining about Cena smiling should be in their glory, or stop complaining.
3. Lesnar - Having him talk for more than 30 seconds is a mistake, as Monday proved...but he's still massively over.
4. AJ - Looking forward to seeing where she goes from here.
5. Punk - I hated the sobriety check thing, but not because of the players. Punk did a great job with a crap assignment.
6. Jericho - Has been a true heel.
7. Big Show - I think his feud with Cody has been a lot of fun.
8. Kofi Kingston - Has done everything asked of him, filling in when they need a jobber to the stars...he looks good, and makes others look good. Hopefully he can break through the 'glass ceiling' at some point.
9. Santino - Always entertaining, I wish they would have kept him paired with Brodus instead of Hornswaggle, but the pairing with Zack Ryder could be fun too. Better in the ring that some give him credit for, I think.
10. Teddy - I hate this storyline with a passion, Teddy is getting humiliated and screamed at on both shows...I hope it ends soon, but he's doing a great job with it, regardless.

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