The New Day

I actually think Big E does have charisma. When he was having bigger matches during his push, he was pretty entertaining to watch. Compare him to let's say...Axel, who has no personality. No charisma.

However, Big E's promos don't click for whatever reason. He's really trying and seems to know the psychology of a good promo. He knows when to pause for fan reactions, when to grow intense, etc. But...I dunno. They never connect. I also feel that face pandering rarely works out. Big E always came across as too soft spoken and nice when interviewed, whereas he seemed aggressive and dangerous in the ring.

I wonder what they're going to do with this group. Will they be a face stable, fighting the authority? Will they be a tag team of some sort? Will they be heels and demolish various wrestlers in the ring or backroom? Or will they immediately be reduced to jobbers? There doesn't seem to be a lot of room for them, but you never know...
Something has just hit me watching Kofi's one again...

Are we SURE this is about them? The only reason I say this is the wording/font is the Smackdown one... and Smackdown is moving to Thursdays pretty soon...

Not saying their gimmcks won't be similar to what they are portraying but suddenly to me this seems more like a plug for the "New Day" of Smackdown rather than the stable itself...

I actually didn't think about this while watching the promos, but fuck I can now see this happening. I hope not, I would love to see Woods, Big E, and Kofi as a faction on TV together (not just because they are all black) but I think they are all entertaining and I believe can really mesh well together
I really hate what they're doing with Big E, Kofi and Xavier Woods. You don't see the white wrestlers doing any gimmicks like this.

Why can't they be bad asses like The Shield? Not this stereotypical black church gimmick non-sense.

Come on, white people have been garbage men, Undertakers, Pig Farmers, Barbers, nascar drivers, Vikings and not forgetting all the narcissistic while guys running about bragging about their abs.

It is wrestling, EVERYONE is saddled with rubbish gimmicks. Just look at Dusty Rhodes and Goldust, they got handed shit and got them over. Creative can only take so much blame.
I really hate what they're doing with Big E, Kofi and Xavier Woods. You don't see the white wrestlers doing any gimmicks like this.

Why can't they be bad asses like The Shield? Not this stereotypical black church gimmick non-sense.

I really don't see the issue with this...

A) It will give these three talented guys something to do

B) With the way the gimmick looks to be going they'll be full of energy and potentially entertaining

If they'd just rehashed these guys into a Sheild-esque stable, people would still find something to complain about.
I don't really understand how you can judge the gimmick without knowing the full extent of the gimmick? We don't know how they will be introduced or presented so it's difficult to say if I'll get into it or not. I'll reserve judgement for when they debut on RAW.

As for the characters in the gimmicks, I think it suits them pretty well. Kofi's promo looked good, Big E's was a little off and I also thought Woods' wasn't bad. Looking forward to seeing how they go with this.

Because I'm not interested in two of the characters in this group, Big E and Woods. Never was a fan of either one of them. Big E is boring as hell, and well like I said Woods seems a little full of himself.

Now Kofi I like, and always have, and I wish they had put R Truth in there instead of Big E. Then I might have been able to generate some interest in this. Yea it's all about the people for me. You put Roman Reigns or Dean Ambrose anywhere I'm interested, put Daniel Bryan in the same position, not interested.

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