The new Austin/Rock feud should be...

El Rev sXe

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hey guys!well this is my very first thread so take it easy on me! and THANK YOU FOR READING!!!

I know the title of the thread says Austin/Rock but I meant that the E needs one of those feuds, you know THOSE feuds that everyone want it to see. Im tlaking about the likes of Hogan/Flair, Austin/Rock, Taker/Kane, Eddie/Rey, Angle/Benoit, HHH/HBK you know antagonists. wrestlers (or "superstars" if you will) that divide the crowd and have an AMAZING CHEMISTRY everytime they are put together.

So here are the questions: do you think the E needs another big feud that lasts pratically forever? If indeed you agree who do you think WILL BE and SHOULD BE

As far Im concern I think the E SHOULD stay with these big feuds cause they put the public at the edge of the seat everytime! and it SHOULD BE Edge/Orton cause IMO I think that seing where are their carreers today they are both awesome tweeners and both have the support of the "WWE UNIVERSE"

However....I think it will be Cena/Orton only cause they are the golden boys of the PG era! that

so who do you think should be and will be new Austin/Rock feud in the PG era: Orton/Cena, Cena/Batista, Edge/Sheamus, you answer!!!


yeah that is why I say that WILL BE Orton/Cena but who would you like to see???
Definitely Cena/Orton has been the Austin/Rock feud of this decade. These two have had some absolute battles in the past and its legit when one beats the other. Its just a contrast in characters that makes their feud believable. They are completely different in so many ways and so talented. Apparently Orton is kind of like the new Austin (character wise) also except hes not funny or as good on the mic as Austin was. The only reason this feud got stale is because it went on for such a long time and it was pretty much every PPV for half a year.
Well the question that you asked is of what should be the new current feuds that you have on ur list. Technically, the Cena/Orton feud ended, even though it was one of the gr8ests. Cena/batista not so gr8 cuz Tista is gonna say I Quit at over the limit and leve the company. Edge and Shemaus (WTF?). So i dont think E is gonna have such feuds like Austin/Rock pretty soon. Cuz I mean, Cena has practically faced EVERY Freakin Main Eventer.
It could already be happening with Edge/Orton. This decade could belong to both of them if done right, and also avoiding anything serious happening like an injury.
I don't think there can be an Austin/Rock feud of this era. Sure the closest thing to it was probably Cena/Orton, but even though those two guys are arguably the company's two biggest stars, it didn't feel epic; it didn't have that same feel. No other feud, IMO, can have that feel. They haven't even had a one-on-one match at Wrestlemania.

Rock/Austin were transcendent characters; people who didn't watch wrestling could see a picture & say, "Oh, that's Stone Cold," or "Hey, it's The Rock." Orton & Cena, probably more so Orton, are characters not really known outside the world of wrestling. I personally can't imagine someone who doesn't really watch wrestling saying, "Oh yeah, John Cena, Randy Orton, I know those guys." Unless WWE regains it's popularity from the 90s, I really don't think there can be anything that's even mentioned in the same light as Rock/Austin. That's just my honest opinion.

Edit: Woops, Typo! Meant to say that Orton is not as well known outside wrestling.
Well orton would fill in the austin for sure. Now there has been threads that he is kinda the new SCSA, and i thought it was pretty silly until last night on raw. The way he rkoed the meat loaf guy ro w/e his name was, randy's behavior in the ring definatley resembled stone cold, the rko out of no where, you felt it coming bt it was sout of now where kidna like a stunner, and the way the guy landed it almost looked like a stunner. Now Randy and Stone Cold's personalities are different but randys additude latley and the similarites clsoeley relate to Stone Cold.

For the Rock, well Edge, maybe, this is a pretty good fued so far, i was thinking john cean would be a beter the rock but rko vs cena already happened, but um, yeah no one i notice really fills in that great for the rock as randy does for stone cold.

not to say randy orton is the new stone cold, i just think with all the similarities people have pointed out with them, and ortons additude this apst raw (with guest host flava flav), i think he could play an SCSA like role in the WWE
It's definitely Cena and Orton. WWE have been promoting this for years. Watch the beginning video of the original Smackdown vs Raw! (which came out in 2004, after Orton had his 1 month WHC reign and before Cena won his first WWE title), and it even states Cena and Orton are the future of the company. Well, that time is now. They've had a 60-minute Iron Man Match, I Quit Match, HIAC, even a triple threat at WM24.

And for the guy above me who said Orton is more known than Cena, you're stupid. Orton may be better in the ring, but Cena is definitely more known.
Is it not ment to be the case at the mo that Cena and Orton are not allowed to feud over the belt at the mo doe to Orton losing to Cena with the stip being it was his last opportunity.

Best potential feuds at mo would be a heel Cena Vs Tripper supported by an Orton/ Edge. IMO anyway
Edge vs Orton hands down. I say that because it's already happening. Orton is RKOing celebs and Edge is spearing everyone. Reminds me of Stone Cold stunning anyone in sight. Edge is Rated R and Orton is crazy and hears voices in his head that tell him to do stuff. Edge manipulates authority figures while Orton defies them entirely, refusing to adhere to their rules. Just like Rock when he joined the Corporation to use authority to get ahead and just like Austin damn near his whole career defying authority. I say it's these two guys. There's no argument about it. These two are the guys that will spark the new era. I think on that note, that Cena will also play a role as the big time face while a number of guys like Sheamus and CM Punk will also help lead the revolution to at least a PG-13. The shows are getting darker, dirtier, and pushing the PG rating as far as they can already. It's because of cult leaders, walking stereotypes, and psychotic vipers that it will happen! I'm enjoying the transformation and we'll all know that it's complete one night on Raw or on PPV when something extremely crazy happens!
lol Sheamus/Edge...I was just giving random example but yes NXTrookie2013 I was also a skeptical til last night cause you know Orton RKO-ing everyone, specially people who arent wrestlers...

okay guys Im going to insist here BESIDES Orton/Cena (wich I think most of us agree that the E blew this one) wich huge feud could star a la Eddie/Rey Angle/Benoit etc...Sheamus/Mcentyre (spelling??sorry...) Miz/Morrison give at least one example, thank you guys!
Cena/Orton have it locked in. With the face turn of Orton, ( Or tween turn), i dont see how the feud will continue for now.
Golden boys agreed, easily two of the biggest stars in the WWE today, But Edge and Orton i dont see, although i say it could be a great feud.
Now do i think they need a feud that lasts "forever" ?
No. They're practically perfect without one, as i believe its not that big of a deal to have one, but it would be nice.
the big feud of last decade had to be Edge/Cena, and i dont think it will be any different this decade. Edge will beat Orton and face Cena for the gold and continue the feud. this will lead to Orton vs Sheamus. Orton/Cena wont be a big feud because they're both face. i think it will in the end all come back to Edge vs Orton where Orton will take the strap and cement his place at the top of the company, this will give WWE the go ahead to turn Cena
The biggest feud of this decade was Triple H and Randy Orton imo. Orton was the perfect psycho heel, Triple H was the babyface who everybody felt bad for who ended up getting desperate and attacking Orton in his own home. That feud is unforgettable because it got so (kayfabe) personal and all the shit Orton put Trips through. Plus there was IED, Orton threatening to make sure WM didn't happen, and him punting the McMahons to put them out of commission, that feud was the Austin/Rock of the last decade for sure.

As for the next decade, I'm not really sure tbh. I definitely think Orton will play the role of Austin - they have tons of similarities now. Similar finishers, both faces who get pops despite using heel tactics, both are nicknamed after snakes (Viper, Rattlesnake) and both are a little freakin' psycho. I don't know about the role of The Rock, though. There aren't any superstars RIGHT NOW who are even close to having the same mic skills as Dwayne. John Cena likes to think he does, but he just tries way too fucking hard to be inspirational and intense - it gets old quick. The best guys on the mic in the E right now are probably CM Punk and Jericho. I'd love to see Punk vs Orton, that could be the feud we're looking for.
the big feud of last decade had to be Edge/Cena, and i dont think it will be any different this decade. Edge will beat Orton and face Cena for the gold and continue the feud. this will lead to Orton vs Sheamus. Orton/Cena wont be a big feud because they're both face. i think it will in the end all come back to Edge vs Orton where Orton will take the strap and cement his place at the top of the company, this will give WWE the go ahead to turn Cena

I didnt thought that one but I guess youre right dude! cause you know 06 and 07 between Cena and Edge we had great matches and people werent sick of, besides that Edge really knows how to get in the head of Cena and the fans
The Edge/Cena, Cena/Orton, HHH/Orton feuds. Are all similar to the Rock/Austin rivalry they have all been long on going feuds, and there is a chance that all of them could start up again. Also HBK/Y2J was close to it and may have been more dramatic, but obviously it's over.

The next big feud that has the potential to be close to Rock/Austin is Edge/Orton. They had a feud when they were midcarders over the IC title like Austin/Rock. I'm sure they'll have a lengthy feud, and eventually one of them will be WWE champion, and they'll battle over it.
how about over the next few years as they both with reach higher heights John Morrison & The Miz .. They have either been a team or fueding for close to 3 years . Both still very young .
A year and a half ago I woulda said, Mr. kennedy and MVP. obviously I was wrong, I still havent given up on MVP 100 percent yet. I agree that Cena/orton and cena/edge and edge/orton are all great fueds and will be for the next 2 or 3 years or so.. but looking futher ahead, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say MVP/Morrison will be the future great fued.. Morrison is a treat to watch everytime hes in the ring and MVP has the potential to be great on the mic given the chance. Morrison can be the over face with MVP being the cocky and arrogant heel. I'm keeping my fingers crossed to see this. also think that miz/MvP could be great with miz as the heel obviously and MvP as the face.. Like I said I have a lot of hope for MvP..
sorry i am usually a reader in this forum and not a writer, but i had to reply to this.
The feud of the decade would have been CM punk v. Jeff Hardy if he would have stayed in the WWE, getting SES and Matt Hardy involved even justin gabriel on Jeffs behalf. It would have been gangwarfare all over again.
For now I say the feud of the decade has yet to come I see a real good feud that can be worked between Ted Dibiase Jr. and Undertaker getting the old Ted Dibiase involved into it
there is definitely no replacement of Austin vs Rock......if anything most of the recent feuds have tried to copy aspects of it.....I will say that Edge vs Orton is unique and that they almost need each other to be remembered on some level years ahead just as Rock and Austin are if you are the casual fan......if you look back at Edges career so far in the next 20 years what will he be remembered for the aint him vs should be him vs Orton....Cena vs Batista should be the same way......most big stars have someone people compare them to years after....Austin vs Rock.....Bret vs HBK......Hogan vs Andre......Undertaker vs Kane.......Macho Man vs Steamboat.....Hardys vs E & C.....maybe HBK vs HHH or HHH vs the McMahons
Edge/Orton is nice, and Orton/Cena is good too, but Cena/Edge would have to be the winner here. These two have put on great matches in the past and the pure hatred on screen between these two is just soo powerful. They've been in so many different types of matches, one would have to wonder what matches are left for these two and then try to draw that out for the next 5 years or so. I'd say Cena verus Edge would be the closest to Austin/Rock.
There are no 2 wrestlers in today's horrifically stale PG Era WWE that can come remotely close to a Rock/Stone Cold feud.

Just go to Youtube and watch some of their Promos and you'll see what I mean:

Cena is 100% the ring...on the mic...the guy completely, totally sucks. Orton is at least decent in the ring but his promos suck too.

In fact, do NOT click the YouTube link I provided above, as you'll be left weeping for the days when WWE was actually entertaining to watch, instead of the rehashed PG Era'd crap it is now.
Wow, what a way to use a fallacy, Tully. In no way, shape, or form did you support your statement. Think about this, if Cena is "100% crap"... how is he so huge? Vince isn't that stupid. How does he suck in the ring and the mic? His mic skills are actually very good. He even has some pretty good ring skills. Watch some of his matches. Edge vs Cena in a TLC at Unforgiven 2006 is a good one. Or how he put over Swagger last year. The guy isn't wrestling ******ed. And Orton's promos suck? Again, this is just another guy in the forum trying to use words to look smart so he can "hang with the crowd."

Also, WWE still is entertaining to watch. That's why we watch it. :flipa:
Wow, what a way to use a fallacy, Tully. In no way, shape, or form did you support your statement. Think about this, if Cena is "100% crap"... how is he so huge? Vince isn't that stupid. How does he suck in the ring and the mic? His mic skills are actually very good. He even has some pretty good ring skills. Watch some of his matches. Edge vs Cena in a TLC at Unforgiven 2006 is a good one. Or how he put over Swagger last year. The guy isn't wrestling ******ed. And Orton's promos suck? Again, this is just another guy in the forum trying to use words to look smart so he can "hang with the crowd."

Also, WWE still is entertaining to watch. That's why we watch it. :flipa:

No need to get 'personal'. I don't give a crap what "the crowd" thinks. See my humongous 25-post count for proof. Cena's a boring ring-worker who refuses to sell any move from an opponent and you provided no info to the contrary to that. I'm sure if I was unfortunate enough to have paid to see Cena at Unforgiven 2006, I'd see him get up quickly after chair shots and spears...because that's what he doesn't do: SELL.

re:Mic work: Again, watch any old promo video for the Rock/SCSA fued (which is part of the subject of this thread) and then ask yourself if either boring Cena or Orton could remotely hang with those 2.

The title of this thread is "The new Rock/Austin Feud should be..." and I simply don't see anyone that comes remotely close to either the Rock or SCSA. Those 2 made their feuds fantastic partly thru their mic work and again, I find both Orton and Cena to be lacking in that dept. I know it's unfair to compare anyone to either the Rock or SCSA...but that's the title of the thread.

Cena's huge because he's been shoved down your throats whether you like him or not. Cena's also mostly-huge with the little kids...and usually gets roundly booed by the older audience, likely because they're simply sick of seeing this no-talent assclown get shoved down their throats, not selling any moves, continuing to push a stale "whiteboy rapper" character, and suck eggs on the mic and in the ring with his dumbass 2 moves.

"You Can't See Me!". If only that WERE true, John. :banghead:
SUre cena isnt the best wrestler or the best on the mic but give him credit who else can sale merchandise and get the crowd pumped like him
Yeah and the you cant see me was taken from the rocks peoples elbow, which shows no creativity at all. Both randy orton and john cena's finishing moves have already been used. Saturn used john cena's in wcw and we all know were randy orton got his from, the diamond cutter by ddp.

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