The Most Violent WWE Match Ever?

i remember an extreme rules match i believe it was in the new ecw with hardcore holly with a very disgusting gash in his back. or maybe the triple threat hardcore with raven/kane/bigshow
My choices are the HIAC between Mankind and the Undertaker. It was so brutal even closet wrestling fans and non-fans were talking about it or wanted to see it.
And the Bret Hart/Stone Cold submission match at Wrestlemania. It was a great match and violent as hell.
Triple H vs. Cactus Jack, Royal Rumble 2000. Not only was it bloody and intense, but the match itself was a work of art. No street fight has, in my opinion, ever matched it since.

You know what I loved about that match?
It was a rematch from MSG (same place as RR2000) from 1997 which Mick won, and going into the match they pretty much had Mick taking the beatings but never quiting (kind of like RR99), then come the match, the PPV had that hardcore/street fight style, the ramp looked like a back ally, little things like that made the match feel like a real street fight, HHH gashing his leg, and "fighting" on, the thumb tacks, that match was just brutal, kind of like a forgotten classic IMO.

HHH and Foley had great chemistry when it came to hardcore style matches, another one of their matches was from Canadian Stampeed, the match ended in a double count out and they had them fight all over the arena between matches, that had never been done before, and also made HHH more edgier IMO that was the birth of HHH, not KOTR 97, that was foreplay, Canadian stampede was the birth, he looked more edgy & hardcore compared to his snobby style.
I am an old and new school guy. Have any of you thought about the Rowdy Piper v/s Greg "The Hammer" Valentine "Dog Collar match from the early eightys or Magnum TA v/s Tully Blanchard "I Quit Match". Those were extremely Bloody Matches.
i have to go with the rock vs foley i quite match as well. to me this match had everything. it was the first time (i believe, at least the first i ever saw) that they used electricity and explosions in a match. (together that is.) what i mean by that is the point that i remember the most is when the rock threw foley into the electrical equipment, and he got electricuted and there were little explosions. i remember watching when i was a kid and thinking that something went wrong and foley might be dead. both men bleed a lot, but it wasnt all about blood. the 20 ungaurded chairshots foley took were crazy. i had been a fan before this match, but this made me a life long fan and it is easily my favorite match ever. say what you will about austin causing wwe to win, but the foley rock fued was one of the biggest ever, and is what made people switch the channel to wwe. you could see wwe ratings go up during and after the rock foley fued, mostly due to matches like their i quite match where they were all brutal and personal.
The most violent match in my opinion was Mankind Vs The Rock at the Royal Rumble in 1999. After the Rock handcuffed Mankind he hit him numerous times square in the head with a chair. The results of those unprotected chair shots was devastating. Mankind had his head split open and suffered a concussion. Pure brutality and one of the classic bouts of Mankind and Rocks legendary feud of 1999.
I'm gonna throw one out there that gets forgotten,
Dudleys vs Dreamer & Sandman from the 1st One Night Stand..
That match had it from most of the old-ECW roster,
Double tables..
FLAMING tables..
Dreamer by the end was bleeding buckets!!
Styles at the end had the pefect quotes..
We're gonna go to jail for this,
But what the hell....E..C..W!!!
Austin vs HHH, No Way Out 2001...2 outta 3 falls and it ending with HHH falling on top of austin...they used everything from barbed wire to sledgehammers and more false finishes than i can count...

also HHH vs Cactus Jack street fight Royal Rumble 2000...nuff sed
Edge vs. Foley was awesome, remember we stayed up to watch it on Sky Box Office and seeing that match thinking holy shit this is awesome! but there was also the match between HBK and Vince which was quite savage, solid elbow drop from the top of a HUGE ladder onto Vince whose inside a trash can on a table... just looked pretty sick really... but the Edge vs. Foley was sweet, just went further than i expected it to go, shame its gone cos it wos always a great mega feud blowoff...
hmmmm if I had to throw my vote in there I would have to say, the match between HHH and Foley(Cactus Jack) at Royal Rumble in a Street Fight was pretty dang awesome! both competitors were bloodied up. In my opinion the worst parts of the match for me were when HHH had the barbed wire post and was rubbing it up and down on Foley's face. The other one being foley getting back body dropped on to thousands of tacks!! It was a pretty gruesome match. :dark2:
I can't believe the lack of love for Kurt Angle vs. Shane O'Mac from King of the Ring 2001.
Those spots going through the glass? After the first time Shane was dropped on his head you knew that wasn't candied glass that was going to be easy to bust and not only did it result in Shane getting dropped a few times, but a good amount of blood.
When I think of the most hardcore stuff in WWE, that's always near the top for me.
I can't believe there hasn't been a mention of one single Ladder match in this one. Undertaker v. Jeff Hardy on Raw was just a brutal beating with some great spots. So there wasn't blood and it was a shorter match, but I still remember being exhausted after that one. The ending where Jeff was barely holding himself up and Taker just kept coming back until finally giving Jeff the respect was awesome.
I have a match nobody mentioned it might not be the most violent in terms of blood but Foley himself described it as one of the most violent and intense battles of his career. The battle for Mick Foleys soul match against Terry Funk on Monday Night Raw it was brutal and Mick was busted open but the cut was on the back of his head so viewers didn't really see the blood. It was a silly storyline but a very brutal match. Followed up by some more silly stuff like Mick and McMahon dancing with the dudettes. Storeyline was lame but the match was incredible.
Hmm, tough one. Always a danger of overlooking things here so I've narrowed it down to four:

HBK V Taker, HIAC I Badd Blood 97
Taker V Foley HIAC KOTR 98
Rock V Mankind I Quit RR 99
Foley V HHH Street Fight RR 2000

It's tough to choose. I know Shawn had to be stitched up to hell after that first Hell in a Cell, the match was brutal and groundbreaking. The Taker-Foley HIAC speaks for itself, that image of his tooth coming through his nose with him smiling is one of the craziest images in the history of wrestling. And watching Triple H get stitched up after that Street Fight at the Rumble showed you how much it took out of him, imagine it was the same for Foley.

However for me the winner has to be the I Quit match from 99. It's a bloody brilliant match, but at the same time you can't help but feel a little awkward watching all those chairshots. It's well documented that there was legit heat for a bit between Rock and Foley after that, if Foley is pissed off with an opponent for damage inflicted then that, to me, says a lot. Whilst more pain may have been incurred in the other matches (I wouldn't know hey), the brutality of those chairshots takes it for me. But I wouldn't argue strongly against any of these winning.
It seems that, for the most part, the underlying theme of this thread has been "the most violent WWE matches involving Mick Foley". Also, the majority of these matches are within the last dozen years. However, this match was mega-violent for it's time, and stands up well over the years; Sgt. Slaughter vs. The Iron Shiek from Madison Square Garden in a Boot Camp match from 1984. The match started with Slaughter running down the ramp (as fast as he could anyway), and started blasting the Sheik with his steel pot (combat helmet). Both wrestlers lost buckets of blood, and the crowd at the Garden went home very happy with a Slaughter win.

I'm glad SOMEONE mentioned this. Yes, it's pretty brutal, especially for 1984.

I'd say it's between that and the HHH/ Foley street fight from No Way Out (or was it the one from Royal Rumble? I'm thinking of the one with the thumbtacks).
My match is from the orginal ECW back when Paul E ran it. It was the Taipei Death Match
It was from Hardcore Heaven 7/1/95 and was Ian Rotten against his brother Axel Rotten.

This match was gruesome because it was brother vs brother and was the bloodiest match I've ever seen. They've never done a second one of these matches cause they're so violent.
Before the match they taped up their hands, dipped them in super glue and then into shards of broken glass. When their hands were covered up in broken glass they went at it. They both got carved up really bad and it was tough to watch.
The only match that really made me wanna turn away or close my eyes is the ladder match from a few years ago at Armegeddon with Londrick, the Hardys, MNM, and Dave Taylor and William Regal. It wasn't the match that made me wanna turn away, but the spot where Joey Mercury gets his face demolished by the ladder, it was just fucking sick. I'm cringing just thinking about it, and his face the next night on Raw was almost as bad.
Im gonna throw my two cents in here and say in 2002 on Smackdown. There was a brutal match between Eddie Guerrero and Edge. It Really was the Turning point in Eddie Guerreros Career. The Crowd was booing him at the start and were laughing at his mullet. But As the match went on and we saw these two get hit by chairs and thrown from ladders. And Then we saw Eddie get an Edgecution from the top of the ladder to finish it off. And When Eddie Stood up, He got a standing ovation from the crowd there. That was in my mind both a turning point for Eddie and Edge.

Id either say that match or HBK vs HHH. In a 3 Stages of Hell Match at Armageddon. It Was a Street Fight, A Cage Match, and A Ladder Match. These Guys Tore the house down. Which was even more proof that HBK still had it. And That he could Still Put On A showstopping match. But It wasnt really the turnin point for HBK he already had a victory over Jericho and in the elimination chamber. But That match over all had every thing fire barbedwire, Cages, Ladders, Tables, Chairs, Trash Cans, Ect. Even Though i was cheering for Shawn Michaels, Triple H came out on top.
I would have to say taker/mankind in hiac as the most brutal and most important to me it was what made me a wwe fan it was one of the first matches i ever watched.i remember being 8 years old and yelled HOLY SHIT when mankind got thrown off the top of the cell and getting the talking to of a life time by my mother but it was so worth it.
in terms of pure violence, i will have to go wit two choices: The Rock vs Mankind at the RR, i mean those chairshots were just brutal to watch, especially as a kid and Foley Edge Lita/ Funk Dreamer Beulah is right up there as well, one of the best hardcore matches i have seen that told a story, mainly due to the toughness of Funk. Seeing Raven being thrown through a window at WM17 wasnt exactly tame either, i knew it was fake and all, but damn
IMO, Brock Lesnar vs Undertaker in Hell In A Cell at No Mercy. Undertaker has never bled like that before, not many wrestlers ever have. Plus the finish was sick when Brock reversed the tombstone into an F-5. Brutal match!

I have that on DVD and i watch it still everyonce in awhile.

Great match!

My vote is either for this or Cena vs JBL I quit. Cena was BLOODY
There are so many to choose from.
Edge (w/Lita) vs Mick Foley WM 22 the flaming tables, seeing Edge visibly shaken, the tacks...ooh..still shaky :wtf:

Hardcore Holly getting that gash on the table at the revived ECW back in 06 that was at the show just before they came to my town and he was still in bad shape, never was the same after that.

Edge/Lita/Mick Foley vs Dreamer/Funk/Beulah at 1 nite Stand 2006 talk about pulling out all the stops. That was classic.

Orton vs Cactus Jack - Backlash or Vengeance (can't remember the PPV) (can't remember the year) that Hardcore match :eek: my back still hurts tinking of those tacks

Armageddon - MNM, London/Kendrick, Hardyz- the ladder spot where Mercury'z face/nose was torn open that was NASTY!! :beatup:

the original ECW where it was Bill alfonso vs Beulah that was on the ECW Bloodbath dvd, that was the most gruesome thing I've seen. :worship:
I have to go with Cactus Jack vs. Randy Orton. Why? orton was a relativly good looking guy who had been beating Foley down until Foley snapped and decided to make Orton a little less pretty. The spot when Orton takes the tacs is nasty as fuck and the whole barbed wire board is pretty frickin' awesome as well as the backdrop/elbow drop combo Cactus pulls out.
The first match that came to my mind was Dreamer,Funk, & Buelah vs. Edge, Foley, & Lita. That entire match was sickening especially the spot with the barbed wire board.

I also would say The Rock vs Mankind at RR 99. The chairshots alone makes that match gruesome. Looking back at that match I'm surprised that Mick Foley can still do what he does.
Okay I have two good ones. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H in an Unsanctioned Street Fight at Summerslam 2002. It was Shawn's first match back and he showed he still got it. The next is Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H HIAC at Bad Blood in 2004. These two are probably there two most memerable matches together and violent matches together.

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