The most succesful superstar that was overrated

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Most definately the three most overrated stars are Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. Bret Hart was so BORING!!! I mean my God I would have to change the channel or fast forward through his match just so I wont fall a sleep during the rest of the show. Hulk Hogan Wasnt anyone special either. He had charisma, but overrated. He still thinks he is bigger than wrestling, and he is not. He still has to understand it wasnt him alone that made Wrestlemania big it was everyone else that helped him make it big also especially Roddy Piper. Ultimate Warrior nothing to say about him except talentless.
Well, it looks like I've struck a nerve with saying Kurt Angle. So since I didn't go into a lot of explanation, let me try to do that now.

When Kurt Angle first came into the WWF in 1999, I liked him a lot. I continued to like him right through the time that the Invasion angle ended. From that point on, he just got to be extremely annoying. He performed basically the same match quite a bit, but that's not really why I say he was overrated. It was his character that was overrated. He just became the worst kind of heel, constantly whining about everything, and the way he would deliver promos were ridiculous.

I say that he wrestled the same match because his matches would always involve him putting the ankle lock on a guy, letting the guy get to the ropes, and then pulling him back in the ring. This is ridiculous because the hold should be broken once the guy gets to the ropes, but for some reason Angle was always allowed to pull the guy off and back into the middle of the ring.

Another thing about his in-ring work is that he stole doing the overhead German suplexes from Chris Benoit when Benoit was out with his neck injury, and nobody seemed to ever notice. He would always pull off the same move where he would allow the other guy to climb to the top rope, and then he would pop up and suplex the guy off. Yes, other guys have moves they always perform like that, but this is one that bordered on stupid.

The main reason I say that he is overrated is because I do think he is one of those guys who can't always have good matches. I do think he needs to be matched up with the right person. He was matched up decently with Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit and Brock Lesnar. But after that, I don't remember him having a lot of GREAT matches. I never remember anything special about his matches with The Rock or John Cena or the WrestleMania triple threat with Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio. I don't remember him having classics with The Undertaker, either, though there was that one triple threat with Undertaker and Rock I just remembered that was pretty good.

Now that he's in TNA, he's just an absolute joke. Look, the guy takes everything way too seriously. His characer isn't much of a character, it's who the guy really is. He's going to drop dead in the ring one of these days, mark my words. I used to write a column for another wrestling site where I was comparing Angle to Brian Pillman and Eddie Guerrero in terms of those guys having abused their bodies and suffering the consequences. This was about the time that Angle was released from WWE. There was a reason they released him, folks. They thought he needed to step back. Angle didn't think so, and that's why he's ruining himself in TNA. The only thing he's done since he's been in TNA is try to have MMA matches with Samoa Joe. Well, Kurt, if you want to do MMA, go do that. But I watch wrestling for wrestling, so the next time you pull that act, I'm changing the channel.

Like I said, I used to like Kurt Angle quite a bit. But once he turned into a raging psychopath, there was no reason to think he was that good anymore.
Most definately the three most overrated stars are Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. Bret Hart was so BORING!!! I mean my God I would have to change the channel or fast forward through his match just so I wont fall a sleep during the rest of the show. Hulk Hogan Wasnt anyone special either. He had charisma, but overrated. He still thinks he is bigger than wrestling, and he is not. He still has to understand it wasnt him alone that made Wrestlemania big it was everyone else that helped him make it big also especially Roddy Piper. Ultimate Warrior nothing to say about him except talentless.

Bret Hart was boring? wow Bret was the reason why I watch wrestling in the 1st place. U may believe he was boring because he was a wrestler...not a entertainer.
Bret Hart was boring? wow Bret was the reason why I watch wrestling in the 1st place. U may believe he was boring because he was a wrestler...not a entertainer.

I disagree here. I'm a big Hart fan, and I think he was just as much as entertainer - he had the technical 'wrestling' ability, but he also had the ability to hold any fan in their seats, something you will agree with I'm sure.

Cena is overrated at the moment - there are a few who seem to think the business would collapse without him, which I am against. While Cena is a great asset to the business, there are many others who could hold on without him being there. If Cena had never joined the WWE, not that much would be different. It's this argument which stops me voting for Hogan, even though I have a personal dislike of him - Hogan did change the business, it possibly wouldn't be here without him.
I'm going to throw out there two names I don't think were mentioned. Mick Foley and Sting....I'll start with Foley, and for Foley, there should be no argument....have you ever seen him wrestle? If it's not a hardcore or hell in a cell match or some other gimmick match, he's basically horrible. He's always been slow and sloppy but yet somehow got over...boggles my mind.

Sting. Me accepting the fact that he's overrated hurt me, because as a little kid I would watch WCW for Sting. I honestly looked up to him. and to this day...I still like his "character". He's that's exactly why he's been over for so long. Kept reinventing himself. But he's actual wrestling was never that great. Flair was overrated, and Flair made Sting has to be overrated, it just makes sense.

I'll agree with you guys on some of the names you mentioned. Based on wrestling ability, Warrior, Hogan, Flair, Nash, Batista, Cena and Goldberg are all overrated. Bret Hart was a great "wrestler" but never interested me. That might because he was "over" in a time where the WWF was very cartoonish, with the clowns, dentists and the "kiddie" characters. Then he was just overshadowed by HBK, who I believe and no one will ever be able to convince me otherwise, is the greatest of all time. Angle also has the same problem. Great "wrestler" but bores me otherwise. Tries to hard to be the "Triple H of TNA", when in reality, AJ Styles is better then him. Yeah...I said it.
Yes he is. Plain and simple. There is no argument to be had. The guy won an Olympic Gold Medal at the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Games with a broken fricking neck. Obviously he is an amazing pure wrestler.
There's a major difference in amateur wrestling and pro wrestling. Amateur wrestling is about moves and holds and grappling. Pro wrestling is about telling a story, playing a character, and drawing crowds.

Amateur wrestling is competition, pro wrestling is acting.

And who else has won every major singles championship in his first year in the company besides Kurt Angle?
Hence, the "overrated" part.

hell he even made Mark Henry look credible at the 2006 Royal Rumble.
No he didn't. That match was awful, arguably the worst on the card. I was watching that with friends and not a single one of us thought the match was even passable, and the only reason it was the main event was so Undertaker could shoot lightening bolts at the end. Match was atrocious.

So, if anything, I think that it's actually Kurt Angle carrying the other wrestler more often than not.
And yet, how come the only good matches he's ever had have come from some of the most fundamentally sound wrestlers in history? While, you put Angle in the ring with someone like Samoa Joe, and they have piss bucket matches?
While it all comes down to who you hate the most.I must admit,I used to LOATHE watching Jeff Jarrett in the last days of WCW.
Before every match I saw him in Id say "Here comes shorty carrying his guitar,Gee,I wonder how ThiS title match is gonna end!"Bang!,"oh,,,surpRISE!" Doing long boring promos in that annoying southern twang! (Nothing personal southerners) but,
Considering he never got further than the Inter,topped by ,a sexist feud with Chyna .It baffled me how he got title shots.Probably cause there wasnt many names left.
Now he,s on TNA & surprise ,still getting title shots,calling himself King Of The Mountain,imitating Flairs strut,& the fact he & daddy own the company has absolutely nothing to do with it!,-NOT!
What about Dusty Rhodes? I've never understood how he was ever a main eventer. Just rubbish wasn't he?
What made him rubbish? He was an extremely charismatic wrestler, knew how to entertain the crowd, and was very realistic in his work, while still maintaining the flair for entertainment. He could draw you into a match, could work any length of a match, and was believable.

I don't see how that is rubbish.
What made him rubbish? He was an extremely charismatic wrestler, knew how to entertain the crowd, and was very realistic in his work, while still maintaining the flair for entertainment. He could draw you into a match, could work any length of a match, and was believable.

I don't see how that is rubbish.

I dunno, I thought he was horrible on the mic. He just seemed to be shilling way way too much to me. His promos aren't a patch on those by guys like Flair, Hogan, DiBiase or even someone like Arn Anderson. Something just doesn't click with me about Dusty. Maybe the Southern schtick is something I just can't relate to as a Brit.

And is his in-ring work really "realistic"? What about all those ridiculous elbows? Educate me, but I can't remember a single memorable Dusty match -- not even with Flair! The only one that stands out for me is Royal Rumble '91 when DiBiase handed him and Dustin Rhodes their asses in a solo effort as Virgil turned face.

Seriously, I don't want to be down on Dusty Rhodes but he's always just seemed well ... just fat to me. Even if he was over with some fans, I don't understand why he was ever a World Champ. Was he really anything better than, say, a Junkyard Dog? Or Jim Duggan? Hell, I'd say even Bam Bam Bigelow was a better wrestler than Dusty Rhodes. Seems like he was only champ because he was one of the main NWA bookers at the time.
I already mentioned a few brief thoughts on Dusty Rhodes. Now, to be fair, I wasn't watching NWA/JCP in its mid-80's heyday, but I've seen a lot of the documentaries now. Basically, Dusty had the right fanbase to be appealing and get over (that would be Southern, for those of you wondering) and always had the great villain to work against in Ric Flair. He was always at the top because he did have that appeal, but also because he was the friggin' booker and made it that way. That can't be disputed.

My problem with Dusty is that some of the things he is always cherished for is his mic skills. Well, to me he wasn't as good as guys like Hogan, Flair, The Rock, Roddy Piper, just to name a few from that timeframe. He also quite blatantly stole a lot of his material from Superstar Billy Graham, when he went to WWWF to fued with Graham in '77-'78.

There's no denying Rhodes is an all-time great and Hall of Famer, but he is always remembered a bit better than he deserved to be.
no doubt about it jeff jarett, what did this man do to be a wcw and tna heavyweight champion, let alone be a main eventer,he was the owner of tna that explains that, and in wcw,russo, who was creative writer ,was good freinds with jarett so that's explained as well, i mean, all he did was come out,and hit people with guitars, and disgrace the legacy of ric flair by using the figure 4 leglock, absoloute bore in the ring, i mean, he use to beat up women for fuck sake and even lost the belt to one, that is how great he was(sarcasm), d-von dudley is another one, all he did was headbutt people in there... you know what, and that ridicoulous testify dance, over 20 time tag champ,that just sucks.
Hogan could wrestle and use ring psychology in his matches. The New York style and WWF style didn't call for him to wrestle a realistic style like he did in Japan and his early days. Watch some videos of Hulk in Japan or his early years he wrestled fairly well. I'd go with Warrior. Vince pushed him for his looks and all the guys who worked with Warrior said he couldn't work worth a damn.
ANybody saying Hogan is an idiot. Plain and simple. This is basically a "I don't like these guys because they were more over then my favorite wrestlers" thread. Here's what most of you don't get: moves matter VERY little. Evan Bourne can hit a SSP and nobody makes a sound. Hogan drops that leg, and the building goes nuts. Charisma and connection with the crowd is far and away the most important thing to being a professional wrestler.

To me, the most overrated guys in history are Dynamite Kid and, to a lesser extent, Chris Benoit. DK is given this treatment by IWC as some kind of all time great pro wrestler. He's not. He was an innovator of a certain style of wrestling, but he as individual never got over, and you know what, he worked stiff. That's why. ANd his style, while different, was done better by guys who came later. Benoit is a similar case, but he was a little more over by the end of his career.
I would think Jeff Hardy was one of the most overrated superstars that I actively saw wrestle throughout times. It was close and I almost thought Rey Mysterio fit this description but Jeff just won two titles as a heavy weight that I did not really feel were too appropriate for him and I was referring to the first two reigns.

Hey he is a heck of a performer that nobody will ever come close to emulating but he was not this new "savior" or dependable face of the company.

I chose those words because he just could not live up to the expectations of a proper champion despite giving the heart into matches and nearly being killed when stepping out to the ring. It is a similar situation about Mick Foley who again was one of the favorite people to watch for me. I don't dislike him but feel that with most of the merchandise, DVDs, shirts and other things that involved him, he did not step up to show that he wanted to do the best things for business and repeatedly violated the rules of drugs even during the more recent times when he was given chances to again be re-established as the player of the main event.

I think he might be able to use this phase to enjoy that poetry which he was thinking of devoting efforts for due to the fact that he was on a break. Who knows if he will want to come back if the image can be cleaner but at some time who can blame him for not wanting to be required to consistently fall off of high ladders and stages on to floors which were barely matted or on to the solid ring?
Anyone who says Hogan is Overrated is high on somthing

He is wrestling, and can never be overrated.

also for anyone who says his move set is limited. think again. His clothes lines are probably the best looking in the bussiness, looks great! also many wrestlers have said that when they wrestled Hogan you knew you would never get hurt, cause he would take care of you in the ring......

you want to look at wrestlers that are overrated as far as move set, then you should look at guys like dusty rhodes or the nasty boys..... these guys were stiff as shit and really hurt people in the ring same goes for Warrior.

but to say Hogan, that is just another smark hating on the best man in the bussiness we willl ever see.

also if you still doubt he is limited in his move set... then watch his matches with guys like Macho man, the Genius, Bret Hart or Mr. Perfect. He pulls off some out standing moves... so really do some research before u state somthing like that ( Breat Hart match one of the most tech matches i have ever seen Hogan in)
When it comes to Hulk Hogan being thought of as overrated, I think most people consider based on discussions which do not primarily involve "sports entertainment" and relied on pictures, movies, news or the media. I am not a fan of his nor do I have a vendetta against him. Based on personal experiences I felt that he was known more for outside ventures beyond the industry of wrestling by the majority of the public which did not tune in to the programming that he performed for in the ring.

This example was probably posted in the last year but I wanted to bring it up again because I also thought of it before reading about it. If images of Steve Austin, Dwayne Johnson, Roddy Piper, Andre and Hulk Hogan were shown to a casual person who did not watch wrestling regularly, then a chance of eighty percent or of ninety percent would probably cause him or her to recognize the Hulkster before acknowledging the other fighters or might even in result in the other wrestlers to not be known by that layperson. The other performer to usually gather that sort of attention was Mark Calloway as the Undertaker was also widely known by non-viewers of the product.

I personally did not feel he was overrated and would give the opinion of Jeff Hardy being one of the most overly hyped performers of the WWE as I mentioned earlier. I needed to type this post again because the unorthodox mouse of this Macintosh caused the previous page to be loaded resulting in the original message to be lost from us but I think I re-worded the main points differently although somewhat accurately.
What is your definition of overrated ST? Because any wrestler who draws money like Hogan did isn't overrated just because of sub-par in ring skills. Drawing power is all that's important in wrestling, despite what most people seem to think. If putting the world title on Hornswoggle meant Vince would make more money than he did from Hogan, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Pro Wrestling is a business, not a sport. It's about who makes the most money. But if you're talking about who didn't deserve the success they had based on their in ring skills, then very well.

The first answer that pops into my head is The Great Khali. The guy cannot wrestle at all but he's still in the WWE and extremely popular in India (proof that drawing matters, not in ring skill.) He was made a World heavyweight champion and, unless I'm much mistaken, had one successful defence against Batista. That his far more than he deserved for his in ring skills.
What is your definition of overrated ST? Because any wrestler who draws money like Hogan did isn't overrated just because of sub-par in ring skills. Drawing power is all that's important in wrestling, despite what most people seem to think. If putting the world title on Hornswoggle meant Vince would make more money than he did from Hogan, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Pro Wrestling is a business, not a sport. It's about who makes the most money. But if you're talking about who didn't deserve the success they had based on their in ring skills, then very well.

The first answer that pops into my head is The Great Khali. The guy cannot wrestle at all but he's still in the WWE and extremely popular in India (proof that drawing matters, not in ring skill.) He was made a World heavyweight champion and, unless I'm much mistaken, had one successful defence against Batista. That his far more than he deserved for his in ring skills.

I'm not the greatest Khali fan in the world but I thought he did good with what he was supposed to do. The guy's over seven feet tall and 400 pounds. He's not going to be Kurt Angle or AJ Styles in the ring. He throws people around more and less and he did an okay job with that. I wish he was undefeated by the time he won the championship so it would have been better for somebody to have defeated him.
As SavageTaker said, I'd have to go with Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior. For me, they're the definition of overrated in professional wrestling.

Sure, it's common for wrestlers to have particular styles and particular move sets, but I'd prefer a set of moves that are just a little bit above the most elementary of pro wrestling maneuvers. A guy that's spent two weeks of training can potentially have as much in-ring ability as Hulk Hogan and the Ultimate Warrior displayed.

I'm not talking about charisma and all that stuff. Charisma is the only way these two got over because it sure as shit wasn't because of ability. Nobody can deny that these two were able to just draw people in, but neither guy could wrestle their way out of a wet paper sack. If I had to rank one as better than the other, I'd have to say that the Warrior was the better of the two. He did have this kind of wild, frantic energy about him and he did seem to be more exciting to watch than Hogan for me. While the rope shaking and the twitching and stuff like flying shoulder tackles and gorilla presses aren't exactly original, they looked more exciting than your typical Hogan right hand/big boot/leg drop triple play.
Hogan WAS wrestling for the better part of the eighties and (counting the nWo) and the nineties. Nash was a good worker, big skill set for a guy his size, and was (and still is) top notch on the mic. Goldberg was a gimmick, but was a freakish athlete and had far more than just two moves in his set, sorry to inform you.
Now, I would say Warrior deserves his criticism. He stunk, it's true. Couldn't wrestle worth a lick, and was even worse on the mic. His interviews were insane; they had no point most of the time and he alwasy seemed like was on acid or something. But he's not the most overrated.
John Cena, in my mind, is the most overrated superstar in the history of this business. Yes, he works hard and is a damn good human being (does a lot for charities and for kids all across the country). But he is a terrible wrestler. His moves are always performed half-assed and his mic skills are beyond annoying. And let's not forget the biggest point- he has been rejected time adn time again by the fans. Yeah, little kids love him and buy his merchandise, which is a good enough reason to keep him on top in the PG era, but that doesn't change my mind about him being overrated. They shove this guy down our throats, and he is nowhere near deserving. There are guys twice as talented as he that will never reach half the heights he has. Best example I can think of was Mania 23, here in the great city of Detroit, at Ford Field. Cena vs. Michaels. The crowd booed everytime Cena's mug was shown, even if for only a split second. I have never been apart of a more electric crowd, and unfortunately, because of him, it was very negative. I feel bad for the guy because there is no doubt he busts his ass, but come on WWE, take it down a notch with the Cena business. He is no Hogan. He is no Rock. He is no Austin.
First of all, if anybody in this thread said Hogan, Austin, Flair you should not be allowed to post in any more of these discussions

You can't be overrated if you sold more merchandise than anybody in the 80's or 90's or if you carried a promotion on your back and made more stars than probably anybody.

With that said, my first vote would have to go to Sting. He made GOOD money when he feuded with Flair. But after that eh, kind didn't do much. Him vs Vader, vs Rick Rude just didn't draw the fans in. Now when he later became Crow sting he drew and he drew big. But it wasn't all him. Part nWo, part great storyline. That and I never found his in ring work to be that great. Hogan, Flair, Austin ALL made money and all MADE money for A LOT of people. Sting didn't

Legion of Doom. People always say how they were this awesome, destruction force Tag team. Fact is, when they made it to the big time, they didn't draw like everyone expected them too. I think this is a case that they came in just a little bit too late. I think if they had entered WWE during their tag team years they MIGHT had been great. I know, their feuds with Freebirds and stuff, epic. I just didn't see it.

Kevin Nash is a GREAT choice mentioned in this thread. His matches are horrible, his title runs have been horrible, and he couldn't draw a dime when he was Champion. It took nWo, and Hogan to get him to draw some money.Why people, TNA, think this man can draw them anything NOW is beyond me.

So in closing, as much as I got tired of Hogans same move set, he drew money A TON OF IT, and if you worked with him YOU got paid a TON OF MONEY. Not overrated. Austin. Drew a TON of money. Sold a TON of merchandise, and if you worked with him you made a TON of money. Not mention Austin was a fantastic funny heel. His skits with Angle are classic. Flair, while not working with WWE, and may have had the same match, made A LOT of money for a A LOT of people. He also made a LOT of guys. If you worked with Flair, he made you look 10x better. Magnum TA, Sting, Nakita, Steiner, Garvin. These guys were nothing, but you put them up against Flair and all of sudden people cared. And the most important part. People PAID to see Hogan drop the leg drop, Austin stun and flip the bird and Flair to get his ass kicked. And that my friends is the name of game. Make money
As I looked at Savage Taker's sig, my answer was given to me. I think the most overrated guy who is currently having success.....And I know I am going to get fucking pounded for this one but................ A.J. Styles.

I'm sorry, I know he's supposed to be so "phenomenal" but there is only one phenom in the business and that's the Undertaker. I just don't get people's love affair with A.J. Styles. The first time I heard of him I instantly thought "Wow, what a generic, cheesy wrestling name to have." Then I saw him and my speculations were confirmed. Cheesy, generic, second-rate.

Really, what does A.J. Styles have??? The Pele Kick ??? The stupid ass, Styles Clash??? His even more unbelievable and ridiculous Superman punch??? Sorry A.J. , and sorry A.J. fans, I'm not buying it. There isn't much of anything to me about him that says "Superstar" or that this guy is special in some way above anyone else. For that matter I think both the Motor City Machine Guns are better than Styles, so is Daniels, and don't get me started on the WWE Roster, then his stock really plummets.

The worst thing they ever did was let this guy talk. There is nothing convincing about him, it always seems forced, insincere, or overly dramatic, or like he's trying too hard. It really didn't help his case when they showed him off as some half-wit, down-south, back-woods, under the bayou, redneck ******. That has just stuck with me ever since and I could never take him seriously since then. His southern accent makes him sound dumb anyways when linked to his horrible selling of emotion, conviction, or intensity. Like I said it always has a manufactured feel like he is supposed to be some kind of hot head, but that's not really him, that's the way he is trying to act and failing at doing.

Match quality??? Ok, Styles can wrestle a bit, he's not the worst, but I would also say he's anything but "Phenomenal". He reminds me of that small dog in your neighbors yard that couldn't whip shit, but barks at you like it's going to eat you alive or something and tries desperately to get as far on it's chain to get to you as possible. Because anything can and does happen in wrestling though, he is billed to win, but I have to suspend disbelief very strongly to believe he can beat most of the heavyweights. He is nothing special from what I can see, and I think there are at least a hand full of guys in the WWE that are by far better, I'll let you ponder who that might be.

What else is there to cover really??? I gave you the fact that he is a decent wrestler, but is less than "Phenomenal" that's like calling Hulk Hogan "Immortal". Other than that, he is horrible, wretched, abysmal, horrendous, abominable, contemptible, repugnant, deplorable, execrable, absolutely abhorrent on the mic or in promos. He looks like a dumb confused kid trying to figure out how his character is supposed to act. People act like he is the greatest thing since Shawn Michaels or something, and I think that is far overstating this guys talent. In conclusion, A.J. Styles, OVERRATED!!!!
I say The people's phoney The Rock is the #1 guy on my list who was overrated. If I say it b4 i'm gonna say it again he was a copy cat, A stone cold wanna be. Sure his promos made me laugh, his in ring skills were good but was watered down IMO. All because every wrestler he got in the ring with he wanted to use their finisher's to look good. He took the people's champ from DDP. Then he made the sharpshooter as one of his finisher's. Then he sold out to his millions of fans which I can respect. But selling out and forgot where you came from should be low blow to all of his wrestling fans. And yes i know he is gonna make a real appearance to the wwe next month. I just hope its not on a titiontron this time.

If The Rock was a heel for the most of his career i would though it was good for him. But to try and be a bad ass face after stone cold done it, making jokes about superstars but got his ass handed to him and the only way he looks good is use another wrestler finisher was completely overrated.
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