The most racist thing I've ever done..

When I was about 11 years old I had a ton of those little WWE action figures. I was at my cousins house, and he had his big black friend over. With my wrestlers in his room, I had actually hid them so the black friend wouldn't find them and want to steal them.

But apart from the occasional racist joke that we all make, I've never done anything hateful or specifically racist out of spite.
An Asian once told me he couldn't see the text on his phone, so I took the thumb and index finger of both hands, put them on the ends of both eyes, pushed them together (so they would round out more) and told him "here do this".

Also one of my African friends told me it was ok to call me the N word, so whenever he would go to the store or something I would tell him "go get me a coke n*****!". Another time I was walking down the street, saw a hub cap cover fell off a car so I picked it up and gave it to him as a present.

These weren't even the worst things I've done, not even close (there's literally so many of these incidents with me I don't know where to begin), they are just the things that I remember best. That's the nice thing about my friends though, they enjoy racial comedy as much as I do, and the more you push the boundaries the better and extra points if you do it in public.
Where I grew up there was very little in the way of non-white English people, apart from the permanent travellers, who are pretty darn cool. There was one indian family, who true to stereotypes owned the newsagents, now we weren't inherently racist per-se, well actually we was, but it was never meant with any sort of malice, well, it might've been, I can't speak for everybody. Anyway, as you'd expect, all the kids referred to this newsagents as the "paki shop" as did I, due to wanting to feel like I belonged. This family had a kid the same age as me, and one day I used the term "paki shop" in his hearing, now this kid was a cunt, theres no two ways about that, but he did have the moral highground on this one, anyway, he challenged me to a fight at lunchtime, as you do, even though I apologised (yes I am well aware an apology doesn't exactly make up for institutionalised racism, and it wasn't exactly heartfelt) and in an act of "self defense", I kind of beat the shit out of him... Even though he had the moral highground.

Ahh, not my proudest moment. Might not even be my most racist either, to be honest. I mean, it was one comment that got out of hand, pretty bad, especially the beating up part, but I am not sure where it ranks on the "racist" scale, I've probably been more racist with less consequences, but tend to forget about it, I dunno...
"I'm going to sing y'all a song I just wrote. Sing along if you know the words."
I work in Russia and don't always call people out over their bigotry. It's actually quite saddening what some people over there consider it acceptable to say to a complete stranger.

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