The Most frustrating finishes in history...?


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Hi Everyone,

First thread i have created here so i hope i don't get too much heat...

I was wondering what was the worst finsihes to a match or PPV you have seen? The worst finish to a match. One that really frustrated you and you know that they have gone in the wrong direction with the storyline...?

For example...

Mine would be John Cena winning against HBK at Wrestlemania 23...

Cena had held the belt for more or less 2 years at this stage and i thought that they really were going to put over HBK for the main event for one last reign as champion. I couldn't believe it when HHH lost a year previous so that solidified the fact i thought HBK would win. Then when he put the STFU (Oh sorry i have to call it the STF now hehe) on HBK i knew they were going for the same finish...

This frustrated the hell outta me....

Just wondered if anyone else had similar experiences?
Pretty much any Mania match that goes on last where the title doesn't change hands. I think the show should end on a high and that is surely with a new champion. Cena vs. HHH might have been the biggest match at Mania 22, but Cena keeping the title at the end is anticlimatic. In my eyes anyway.
Very good thread, actually Beans. Well done.

In retrospect, even though at the time I thought it was really cool (I was 10 at the time), the finish to Wrestlemania 8 with Papa Shango missing his run-in time for the Hogan / Justice Match really messed things up. The energy surrounding Warrior's return tried to save it, and made an admirable attempt, but looking back - MAN what a trough go.

I'll also say Bash at the Beach 2000. After the Jarrett / Russo conspiracy to lay down for Hogan removed even MORE credibility from the WCW title, holding the impromptu (and sloppy) match between Jarrett and Booker T for the "New" WCW Title was something that just left me feeling empty inside. I felt like nobody got over that night, and Vince must have been watching that, knowing his victory was absolute.
STARRCADE 97 - Hogan v Sting - After building Sting up for a year and a half for this match, they make him look weak with the whole fast count/restart fiasco.

WRESTLEMANIA 2003 - Triple H v Booker T - The fact alone that Booker lost after the way they built this up pissed me off, but the way they did it was beyond dumb, HHH, the heel, hits Booker, the babyface, with a single Pedigree, then waits 30 seconds to make the cover and barely puts his arm over him, yet Booker can't even kick out, I normally defend HHH and don't think he's as bad as people say, but this is the one time when I agree he literally killed Booker's main event career in this match.

SUMMERSLAM 2003 - Elimination Chamber match - Goldberg crushed everyone in the match, the crowd were going nuts, then Triple H pins him in 2 minutes with a sledgehammer shot, Goldberg should have won that match, he never recovered the momentum he lost after this.
WrestleMania X - Lex Luger v. Yokozuna
Did Luger deserve the DQ? Probably. But, Mr. Perfect was hated so much that he instantly got blamed for it. I call it a bullshit ending, because I wanted to see Luger v. Hart in the final match.

WrestleMania 21 - Batista v. Triple H
The match led to the ending, and it bothered me. Triple H dominated the whole time, then Batista hits one Batista Bomb and the match is over?

WrestleMania I - Hulk Hogan & Mr. T v. Paul Orndorff & "Rowdy" Roddy Piper

This is the main event, of the biggest wrestling event in history, and it ends on a Bob Orton miscue?
Suprised this one wasnt mentioned yet

Wrestlemania IX - Yoko wins the title after Mr. Fuji gets involved and then Hogan comes out and wins the title right after

Theres also two from the Wrestlemania IV tournament that people probably dont remember

Bam Bam Bigelow vs One Man Gang - Bam Bam gets back into the ring after slick pulled the rope down and goes to attack gang then the bell rings for the countout

Hogan vs Andre - Hogan uses the chair and then the ref just decides to wait for Andre to use it and then call for a dq

Now I know why those finishes were done but they could have gotten the same results with using better means to get there
Yeah, I will definitely agree to the Yokozuna/Hogan finish. They should of left the title on Yokozuna, I mean, Hart and Yoko have a match, Fuji cheats, like a heel does, and wins. Then Yoko gets squashed by Hogan. POINTLESS!

Surprised no one has mentioned Montreal. I mean, how gay was that?
Survivor Series 2000: Triple H. v. Steve Austin: Basically put, they brawl around for a bit. Leave the ring. No count is made. Radicals make an appearance. And in the end, Triple H. is "dropped inside a car" from a forklift. :wtf: Great scenes.. stupid ending.

And the following month, instead of any type of single's feud to headline Armageddon.. they're two random names inside a first (and last) 6-Man Hell in a Cell. Infact, they didn't have their next on-p.p.v match until No Way Out.. in the 3 Stages of Hell, and that was also their last on-p.p.v match. So in looking back, this ending was completely stupid and should've been done to end a Raw.. not a Pay per view.
I also hated the fact that John Cena won the Royal Rumble in 2008. I watched Cena beat my 2 favourite wrestlers in HHH and HBK at the 2 previous Wrestlemania's... When i heard about Cena's injury i thought YES! (Sounds bad know, i never wish an injury on somebody but i was glad that Cena might actually be out of the title picture at Wrestlemania)

and then ! He came out at the Rumble and won !!

the only saving grace was that Orton won the triple threat at WM24...
Starcade 97 Hogan vs. Sting Without a doubt my least favorite finish was this match considering how big the match was. It was frustrating for a couple reasons, for one it just looked like one big clusterfuck with Bret being down there BEFORE the count even took place. It's like why would Bret Hart just happen to be at ringside? Then they have him restart the match because it was a fast count when in reality it wasn't. Sting goes on to win but in doing so it makes him look kinda weak since the count wasn't fast and in fact Hogan did actually beat him legitimately. How often do faces win like that? They almost always win cleanly but in this case it didn't look clean cause Patrick fucked up the count. So after building up Sting for a year and a half and making him look like a major badass he ends up needing help to beat Hogan. Just didn't make much sense in my eyes.

Yokozuna vs. Luger Summerslam 93 This one was another frustrating one and a headscratcher for me. The WWE pushed Luger BIGTIME all summer with the whole Lex Express thing and even built the PPV theme around him with it being a whole all american theme. They give him this monster push and build up this match and what happens? They have him win on a count out. C'mon that is just so bush league. Luger was over big time at that point, I was actually in attendance for this show and it was crazy how big of a pop he got and how big he was outside the arena. I remember people out there tailgating before the show and all you heard were Luger chants, he was huge. So you spend all this time building him up and getting the people behind him only for the finish to end like that. It was so frustrating.
Alot of people loved this, but as a 10 year old British kid I was pissed off...

Royal Rumble 1995...British Bulldog eliminates HBK, only one foot touches teh floor, we don't see that. Bulldog's music hits he celebrates, thinks he's won, HBK elimates him. I was livid.
I would say all the WCW Nitros while the NWO were in their prime. Every main event end'ed with the NWO run-in followed by guys in WCW. This happend pretty much every week. We loved it at the time but when u think about suck because most of those matches were good as hell.
personally i dont like any of those last minute royal rumble or battle royal wins.

you know what i'm talking about..exactly what lee just explained. a guy comes down...oh i dont know, gets knocked out of the ring without going over, hides or goes to the back because he's "injured" then comes back at the very last minute to win!!

that just irks me off to no end! it's over done all the time...that sort of finish...ugh
For me it was the early TLC matches with Edge & Christian. They would be taken out early in the match after a high spot then after the Hardyz and Dudleyz put themselves through hell, Edge or Christian would shimmy up the ladder out of nowhere for the win. It always made me feel the win was unwarranted. Yeah, Edge had that sick spear on Jeff as he dangled off the belt, but like, any other time it just seemed like it wasn't a good way to end the match in my view.
Most of the time I don't mind a screw job finish, especially if it helps the loser maintain some steam. However, Starrcade 97 was a cluster*** of a main event. Sting's build up was huge, he deserved to win. The convoluted ending was ridiculous. If WWE had done that with Austin/HBK a year later it would have been a disaster.

Usually Hogan's big matches ended w/ a definitative winner, same w/ Flair, although the Super Brawl 99 match bewtween them that ended w/ david turning on his dad w/ Torrie Wilson was both a huge letdown to fans and not popular.

Luger's SummerSlam 93 let down may have been influenced by the promotion's realization he wasn't capable of carrying the whole promotion. Luger was probably better than the IWC gives him credit for but he lacked Hart's in ring ability and could never match HBK on the mic or in the ring.
Y2 Jake said it and it is true. Tonight or yesterday at this point, with Orton not winning really pissed me off. I know, there are worst, but I need to let some steam off. It sucks, HHH never loses to Orton clean. I hope Orton one day kicks HHH's head off and wins the title. The age of Orton will restart one day, hopefully.
Halloween Havoc 96?or 97?- Hogan vs. Sting: Hogan finnally enters the arena after 15 minutes of his music playing and then just LAYING DOWN for Sting, and Sting retained the WCW Championship
Since all of the easy ones have been named, I wanna point out probably the most recent candidate that isn't so much about the finish itself, just the implications and absurdity of the finish in the broader scheme of things, in Suicide taking the X-Division title at Destination X over Shelley, Sabin, Creed, and Lethal. It's disappointing and frustrating in that the Suicide character makes no sense (seriously, what does the skull and the blue and red body suit have to do with each other, or a character named Suicide (which is a crappy name (and yes I keep adding parenthesis to this because it's that ridiculous) to begin with) have to do with anything?) and that instead of putting the title on an actual wrestler and not an idea (Suicide being an idea, and not one wrestler) is just a mockery to the division, the company, and the business. They essentially gave the title to a cartoon character.

It's on the level with making David Arquette WCW champion.

It's THAT bad.

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