The most Demonic Strcture in the WWE... Hell in the Cell or Elimination Chamber?


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Everytime there is a Hell in the Cell match or Elimination Chamber, they are both billed as the most demonic structure in the WWE

So im here to say, which one of these two cages are truely the most vicious, sadistic, and the most demonic cage match in the WWE.

I believe that the most demonic cage match is the Elimination Chamber. It involves 6 men so more ppl will get hurt and bleed which will usually make the match longer.

Hell in the Cell or Elimination Chamber?
They both have different things that make them demonic.

This is demonic because yo can get out of the ring and use weapons. Yeah it's made out of the same thing as a regular steel cage, but that doesn't matter if you're getting beat with a steel chair.


While you can't use weapons in this match that doesn't matter much because the cage is made out of 2 tons of solid steel chain. Also there is plexiglass wrestlers can go through which probably hurts. The chamber is so close to the ring it inhibits certain moves. In the first ever E.C. match HHH got his throat pretty much crushed by RVD due to a botched Frog Splash.

I would say it's 50-50.
I think its the chamber, for a number of reasons

1. There is always a bunch of other people in there trying to kill you, unless you are the first two. generally Cell matches are one on one.

2. the enviornment in general. The Chamber just has more stuff to get hurt on, as the cell is really nothing more than reinforced fence. The only time something absurdly crazy can happen is if u go up on top of the cell. The chamber on the other hand has the metal grating all around the ring, the plexiglass pods to get mashed into/through, and thrown off of. Much more enviornmental hazards, as the cell is really nothing more than a Cage match on steroids now.
I think the chamber is a lot more destructive for a few reason:

1. As previously pointed out it involves six men, there are typically only two int the cell. There are six men all beating the hell out of each other.

2. The structure of the chamber provides a lot more things that can inflict damage. You can jump off one of the pods, outside the ring is steel that has basically no give at all, just listening to guys land on that sounds like it hurts. All the Cell really has is the Cage on the side, besides for that all the other falls are on the mat, or outside floor like any other match.

3. The main reason the Cell is no longer as demonic as the chamber is that there are no longer guys willing to do the crazy falls that Foley and Michaels did in the past. Taker throwing Michaels, Foley, and Rikishi off the the Cell made that match, in the last couple that hasn't happened, which makes the Chamber seem more violent with the falls/moves off the top of the pods.
I prefer the Hell in a cell matches. They are always better than Elimination Chambers, and more seems to happen, due to the fact you CAN get outside and use certain weapons on your opponent. Also, when you put 6 men in one ring, all against each other, it takes away from a good wrestling match in my opinion. It's still entertaining, but I think the fact so much is going on ends up destroying the match.

An elmination chamber looks worse, and on the inside, proably is due to the amount you can do with the glass doors. But at the same time the chamber works against them in some cases, due to where it is situated around the ring, and even limits wheat can happen in some circumstances.
The Chamber is probably more destructive to a Wrestlers body.

You have the steel right outside the ring and the plexiglass Pods.

However I prefer the HIAC matches more then the chamber matches but thats just me.
I prefer the Hell in a cell matches. They are always better than Elimination Chambers, and more seems to happen, due to the fact you CAN get outside and use certain weapons on your opponent. Also, when you put 6 men in one ring, all against each other, it takes away from a good wrestling match in my opinion. It's still entertaining, but I think the fact so much is going on ends up destroying the match.

You have to take into concept that lately no Hell in a Cell match has done anything more than been a regular match seen through a cage. The wrestlers involved don't go outside of it anymore. They don't even climb up it anymore. The HIAC structure was once a great thing for what could be done with it. However, they haven't done anything with it outside of used it as an extended cage in quite some time.
My official take on the matter is this.

Hell In A Cell: The structure for what it was, was innovative. It took regular cage matches up another level. And the first one, between Shawn Michaels and the Undertaker set the bar instantly. However, the most notable one would likely be the Undertaker/Mankind HIAC, for how much damage Foley put his body through.

I'd say this structure, if it was still used the way it once was, would definately be the clear cut winner over the Chamber because of how much extra you can do with it. However, as I pointed out above, its nothing more than a regular match inside an extended cage anymore. The Superstars involved no longer go outside of the cell, they barely even use the cell to their advantage.

And they certainly no longer climb up on top of it. When was the last time you seen them go up on top? To my knowledge, the last note-worthy HIAC match, was 2006 - Shawn Michaels and Triple H. v. Big Show, Shane & Vince McMahon.. and they didn't go on top, they just put on a great hardcore type match inside the structure.

Elimination Chamber: I'd definately say the Chamber gets the nod in this, simply because of how much its utilized. Inside a Cell, you don't exactly have anything. However, inside a Chamber, you not only have the steel mess that creates the "chain/cage" but you also have the pods to throw your opponents through, or leap off of.

The Chamber also has the "steel" grates, in place or regular padding, which adds an extra element of pain to the match. Overall, the Chamber is a destructive weapon that isn't just an extended cage, its its own creation. Not copied from roughly any one thing.

Overall, I say the Chamber would be the better of the two, simply because of how much it can be used. Even though you're locked inside it, and noone has ever left it, its still got enough inside to cause great amounts of pain, and pleasure for the audience.
The Elimination Chamber is the Hell in the Cell concept done right. The original idea of the Cell was to keep outside interference from happening and lock a heel in resulting in a fair fight with the face. The problem is it never turned out like that, the Cell never served its purpose. This probably had to do with the fact that if both competitors stayed inside, the match would be quite boring. Only after the first few did the Cell start to actually keep people in, and as a result the matches were quite boring.

The Chamber has six people plus the glass pods, so there is more for everyone to do in the contained space. There can be several battles at once as well as smashed glass. Also, when JBL was eliminated, he got a chair involved, so weapons are not out of the question.

The Hell in the Cell was all about the concept. Two guys locked in a structure together until the end. The problem, it either never served that purpose, or as Will said, became a match that people watched fromt the other side of a fence.
Gotta be Hell in a Cell for me, there have been some decent Chamber spots (from top of the pods) but nothing as awesome or terrifying as the Foley V Undertaker HIAC, and the Lesnar Taker match was brutal staying in the Cell. My problem with the chamber is it doens't look good on T.V. as you can't see well enough through the metal chains, No Way out was spoilt for me due to lack of camera angles, but in a cell they have a cameraman in there too!
Well let's see.

Hell In A Cell: A great match usually involving only 2 wrestlers, unless interference occurs. A wrestling match with weapons and usage of the cell itself. Although except for a few o these, they won't go outside the cage anymore, which tends to be less interesting. Still a very bloody match, but for me it is just a smaller version of EC with weapons used more often.

Eliminiation Chamber: A 6 man match, with 4 chambers, each chamber will open at designated intervals. A much more grueling match heads beat onto the chamber chains. Diving attacks from the top of chambers, and sometimes weapons make it into the match (not often though).

I find EC more interesting because it is more bloody and rough I reckon. HIAC is good, but it lacks people getting thron off the top nowadays (damn safety issues). Im going with EC
The Elimination Chamber by a country mile.
There's no 'glass', no steel floor and rarely is there more than you and your opponent in Hell In A Cell.
Hell In A Cell just looks good.
A steel cage match is more demonic than hell in a cell for god sake.
The only thing scary about hell in a cell is its name!
Hell in a Cell: This demonic, ominous, Pay-Per-View hosted structure is arguably the most classic, torture device ever devised in the WWE. There stands out in the arena when lowered, a 15 foot high steel cell, quite plain like your typical steel cage as I think some barbed wire could be decorated in there to give it that horrid feel but it's definitely wide, and precisely hell once two or more men step foot in it. What fact remains is that it's the first structural masterpiece since the Steel Cage and it hosted several epic moments that surround the discussion of Hell in a Cell once brought to topic which include the infamous KOTR Taker/Mankind battle, the WM Undertaker put the Big Bossman to hang, the No Way Out which Triple H Back Body Dropped Cactus Jack through the cellar ceiling, the Armageddon Rock/Austin/Angle/HHH/Taker/Rikishi all fought in one match in that piece of work. The Elimination Chamber hosted no big memories that are memorable and you can't do much with it besides wrestle in it anyway while with the Hell in a Cell, you could enter, wrestle in there, exit, wrestle on the outside of it, climb it, wrestle at the top, thrust off individuals and things like that which that's why when the Hell in a Cell Match is brought up, people cheer because they know that match is going to be satisfying, it's going to be entertaining, the men inside are going to give it everything and maybe more than they should while displaying a heap of courage like we've seen for years. When they had incorporated the Elimination Chamber Match, a lot of people were disappointed as they'd always love the Hell in a Cell and now the Elimination Chamber become the primary structure with Hell in a Cell seemingly now the second best. But surely, most will agree, the Hell in a Cell Match is factually the better structure.

Elimination Chamber: Creative, full of steel, and surely harmful. I've never been a big fan of the Elimination Chamber but I've liked it. It will never compare to the Hell in a Cell and the memories that it has. I can't remember a defining moment the Elimination Chamber hosted. Ok maybe one, the one where Shawn Michaels won the World Heavyweight Title in 2002. That's it really. For starters, the name is intimidating and sure, people fight their hearts out in it, the matches in them are good but they're not really a big deal. Some creativity is what the match definitely has because every two minutes does a wrestler enter the ring from their individual chambers but ah, it's an obvious brother of the Hell in a Cell in my opinion.

The Chamber. I know I'm repeating folks here, but six guys, glass, chains, it's just better.

HIAC was good when it was a new concept, but with all the gates failing and guys getting out and shit, no one is truly locked in. I mean, how many HIAC matches have there been where one or more guys gets in/out of the cage? That basically wrecks the whole purpose.

Both have merit, and both usually result in good matches, so we'll probably see both of them around for a long time. Because of the toll it takes on the wrestlers, you can't have too many of these matches a year, so it keeps them both fresh, and doing it once or twice a year gives us something to look forward too.

The chamber is better, IMHO. Did Bishcoff REALLY invent the idea, or am I being a dumb-ass mark?

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