I'm sorry to disagree, but I have no love for "The Schmohawks" (big-ups to Larry David!). You are 100% right here though, the Schmos are definitely quite fond of one another, and could be starting a tag-team.
All kidding aside, you have to admit that these guys look a little silly with their Mohawks. Obviously the writers think that they have their finger on the pulse of the new "punks" that are TNA fans (or they might be thinking they could rope-in some potential new fans), and want to create a next-gen version of "The Headbangers".
To answer your question, I don't think these guys can be taken seriously until they create real "characters" and stop trying to rely on their similar look (which is out-dated). Think about it...were "The Headbangers" ever
really taken seriously? ...okay, they were WWF tag-champs one time, right? ...and Thrasher won the Hardcore-Title once? Please correct me if I'm wrong with the facts here. I guess you could say "The Headbangers" were taken seriously enough, but not extremely.
Back to Moore & Neal: The haircuts currently have more personality than they do. I don't mean to pick on the guys, but their gimmicks (Moore especially, more than Neal) just don't seem genuine. I don't buy that these guys are "punks". In fact, they look a bit desperate; clutching to their youth, and look a little too old to be cutting their hair that way.
Do you know why not even Tim Armstrong cuts his hair that way anymore? Because fucking mainstream-fashion ruined it with "the fauxhawk". The Mohawk hairstyle (which once upon a time could be considered a symbol of rebellion), was quite simply (to quote George Carlin) "...a way to piss of the squares...THE SQUARES ARE WEARING THEM NOW!..."
Now, Carlin was talking about earrings with that quote, but the principle is the same. He stopped wearing his earring because EVERYBODY started doing it, and it just wasn't rebellious anymore.
PLEASE don't think of me as a TNA-hater, because I'm not. I also don't hate Moore or Neal, in fact I'm actually a fan of their in-ring skills...I just think that both of them could be SO much better with different gimmicks.
I know I'll probably get some hate for this post, but it needed to be said.
EDIT: Sorry, Jesse!
As far as the whole Mohawk thing goes, Jesse might actually have more of a right to the haircut than I originally thought. I just visited his myspace page for the first time, and saw that he listed his ethnicity as Native-American.
Although his Mohawk is probably indicative of his musical-taste (you can tell he likes the hard-rock/metal), he has more of a right than anyone in TNA to wear his hair that way if he is indeed paying homage to his ancestors. I didn't realize before now, but his tattoos might be paying tribute to his heritage as well.
If that is indeed the case, then all the more reason to NOT pair Neal up with Moore. Learning that Jesse is Native-American adds an air of credibility to his look, although Moore still comes across as a bit of a poseur.
Unfortunately, learning this information about Jesse still doesn't give him charisma...it just makes his look more legit.
I will give credit where credit is due, since Jesse isn't just using his military service to get over. He could easily milk the sympathy of losing his friend in the war, but he doesn't. Kudos to him for taking the high road, and not exploiting his friend's death for the sympathy he could easily get from the fans. I truly respect him for that.
Who knows, maybe I'm all wrong here, teaming them together might elevate both characters. We'll just have to wait and see what happens.