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The Miz returns!!


Occasional Pre-Show
Haven't seen a thread on this yet so I thought i'd make one.

For the people who haven't seen MitB yet, The awesome one, The Miz returned and competed in the WWE Championship MitB match. Everyone knew he wasn't going to win but he definitely made the match more interesting. I have a few questions for you:

1) Will he be a Face or Heel?
2) Will he receive a push or go back into "Jobberdom"?
3) Did you enjoy his return?

here's my answers.

1) I really wanted to see him return as a face and even though there is still a chance he could be a face in the next couple of weeks/months, it seemed like he may have returned as more of a heel. On the bright side, he didn't say anything bad about the fans so there is still a face turn chance.

2) I really want to see The Miz have a feud with Punk. From the looks of tonight Miz and Jericho were getting at each other a fair bit som maybe these two will feud and face off at Summerslam where Jericho can put Miz over before he goes away with Fozzy for a bit.

3) I really enjoyed his return promo. It didn't sound like a normal 'Miz' promo. It was slow and cocky, but at the same time it didn't sound like he was bragging a whole lot. I watched it online so I couldn't really tell if Miz got a big reaction or not. I heard a few 'Miz is awesome' chants, so some people missed him at least.

Anyway, what do you people think?
I had my share of stock on him walking out the Money In The Bank winner, in fact I think that in all of the participants he was actually the one that most needed the briefcase to put his career on back on track. Since that didn't happen, I'm thinking that he will be back to his midcard status, but I hope he actually gets more attention and credit after he wrapped up yet another work for the company.

He will obviously stay a heel, and I think that this new twist on him becoming a movie star will produce good segments. I think he looked way better with his new haircut and facial hair. He received a good welcome from the fans that actually cheered for him while chanting "Awesome" and his next big step needs to be a rivalry with Chris Jericho for SummerSlam. It would probably be the 3rd most important match on the card and if Chris Jericho turns face, which I think he is going to do, they will get noticed. One things is for sure, I don't want to see Miz going after Santino's US Championship, I think that Miz already payed his dues in the midcard and he deserves a better place.

I was really pleased with Miz's return overall. He looked good and delivered like a veteran which he is with already nine years in the main stream wrestling industry, and more than ten years in the entertainment business.
i would have loved seeing the miz walk out winning MITB it would have really put his carrier back on track in my opion miz could be face or heel very easily hes good on the mic and it looks like wwe might give him this "moviestar" gimmick which could really help out he needs to get in a few good fueds before i see him competing for the wwe title again maybe 1 with jericho at summerslam. as its looking cena will soon be the champ again and i wud actualy love to see a miz/cena fued again miz cud attack cena or somthing and cena can say how miz is becoming a sell out like the rock is or somthing along those lines and just like that u got a legit fued.
1) Will he be a Face or Heel?
I think he will continue to be a heel for now really using the fact that he was in a movie to get more heat. Could play out to be a better heel than before he took time off.

2) Will he receive a push or go back into "Jobberdom"?
Not so sure about this one. I would like to see him get a nice push upon his return, but you never know with WWE he could be back jobbing in the next few weeks. I hope that doesn't happen.

3) Did you enjoy his return?
Overall I did enjoy his return. I liked his promo and he made a little noise in the MITB match. I was half expecting him to win seeing that he could benefit the most from the briefcase right now. I wouldn't mind seeing him in a feud with Punk in the coming months. Just hoping he gets some momentum going after his return.
1) Will he be a Face or Heel?

I believe the Miz will stay a heel due to the fact that the WWE Title has not that many heels in the title picture at the moment. Daniel Bryan is looking like the only heel to truly be a main event superstar and go after the championship. Big Show and Kane should stay out of the hunt in my opinion, and Jericho has already feuded with Punk. The Miz seems to be the only heel right now other than Daniel Bryan that should be chasing the WWE Championship, unless Cody
Rhodes gets a chance.

2) Will he receive a push or go back into "Jobberdom"?
The Miz will perhaps returns to squash a few mid-card level faces until he is placed back in the title picture. I think he will be like Sheamus was right before his title reign, squashing random people left and right until he finally won the Royal Rumble.

3) Did you enjoy his return?
I enjoyed his return. I did not expect him to win the Ladder Match because that match was to specifically place Cena back in the title picture, but his promo and his in ring action was entertaining and I am interested to see where his path is directed to.
Based on his reaction at MiTB and the way he conducted his promo he will be FACE. Why? He didn't antagonize the crowd at all. He didn't insult the crowd. Hell he was OVER. His final word "awesome". Short, sweet, and FULL of crowd. IMO that "awesome" at the end by the crowd 2nd biggest pop of the night besides Ziggler attempting to cash in. Miz should be a face and will be also be a face as he just finished a movie. WWE has a track record of having their "movie stars" come back as faces.
Cena obviously, but if I'm not mistaken (and I very well may be forgive me it's 3 am and I'm not about to look up return times) but didn't Ted DiBiase also return from his movie as a face? The slick hair cut, the promo where he said he wasn't going to yell or complain etc, just the way he ended his promo to me gives off the FACE vibe. I'd in a way compare it to the Rock. Not that his promo was THAT great but "is...cookin' " with the crowd into it and "because I'm.... awesome" same soft tone with the crowd behind it. It's hard to really describe what I mean but if you've watched the Rock's promos he usually fades off at the end when he said "is cookin" similar to the way the Miz did tonight... Just a thought...

He will NOT be a jobber IMO mainly because they GAVE him PPV time.

Did I enjoy his return? YES! He brings another character to the table for the WWE. Anytime a talented guy comes back it's nothing but GOOD for the business!

If you read my old posts I have been very critical of my dislike of the Miz but after tonight I can honestly say I did miss him being there. I hope he is either a solid face or a tweener as he's done the solid heel thing it's time to freshen things up.
Honestly, I think The Miz should have returned with Morrison as a heel team that is mad about being misused. Since Miz has had a losing streak for a while after being successful and Morrison got released despite being a decent tag champ, they need get over the whole "Who's Jannety?" ordeal and focus on making a comeback. Since Miz didn't retun with Morrison, I really don't care about his return.
I think the Miz would make an AMAZING face. He has that attitude and arrogance that reminds me of the Rock. He could easily be over with the fans.
Every time the Miz blinks you start a stupid thread about him.
He's a boring douche and I'm hoping they only brought him in because it would be too even for four people to be in that match together and they needed a fifth person. He filled a void. They could have added hornswaggle and got the same effect.
Heres hoping they decided to use him in back to back straight to walmart bargain bin dvd movies.
Never was a fan of Miz. He's like the Kanye West of wrestling, yeah, he dresses nice, but he's a self centered arrogant, spotlight hogging crybaby who's always reminding everyone about his hardships and bragging about his accomplishments. "Such and such held me back, but look at me now!" This guy actually went on Peter Rosenberg's radio show and gloated to his own father about being a champion, because his father wanted him to finish school. What kind of an insecure person is he? He rubs his success in his own father's face? To coin a phrase: "Really?!" And he wasn't even in character.

Aside from that, I don't think much of his in-ring work either. Besides punching and kicking what does he do? He stole Double J's finisher. His promos and suits are right out of the Chris Jericho ) 2008- 2010 playbook. He was always an actor portraying a wrestler to me.

I know the threader is all excited about the return of The Miz, but I just don't see anything in the guy...sorry.:confused:

I don't like to leave nasty posts, so don't take it the wrong way. Nothing against the threader, but you gave me an open forum to express my distain for Miz...thanks!:):)
I have to say that I wasn't a fan of the look he had last night, the stubble was very high school attempt and the hair kept reminding me of a certain Texas millionaire character. The thing about the Miz is that he has always had a certain devil may care look that did afford him a uniqueness which was part of the persona - failing in growing a beard, a generic side part and a plain suit and tie combo:zzzz: The promo itself was okay, if not spectacular, it covered all the bases in that it was nicely ambiguous (it didn't show the hand as to whether he was good or bad; he did some playing to the crowd and didn't hurl any insults their way but still carried heel traits like whining about not getting his due, boasting and the Jericho(TM) monotone delivery for the majority of the segment) but is highly unlikely to remembered as either one of the great returns or promos.

The Miz is good on the mic but just making him a blue eye because he has been away a while just will not work in the long run. People are making the Rock comparison but the reason the Great One made such a transition was that the fans cheered him despite his heelish nature in the NoD - they wanted him to turn. Don't mistake appreciation at seeing him return for a groundswell of wanting him to jump the fence. An immediate change from the hateful Awesome One we have watched for several years without any real reason (being a film star should make him more NOT less unbearable) is likely to fail and fail big. Given that the Marine 3 is unlikely to be aimed at the kiddies, there is no reason to make him face for box office purposes.

He is bound for an initial push, after all the best way to promote the film is to give him plenty of air time. Given that Dolph Ziggler appears to want to go down the sneak attack route, Sheamus could be a pretty good bet for SummerSlam. Another good option would be Christian, both the verbals and the bouts should raise this above standard midcard fair. The current lie of the land in the WWe is another reason to keep him heel, all the belts are currently held by faces.
1) Will he be a Face or Heel?

I think he will start back where he left off, heel. Although the WWE may decide to make him face right away in an effort to get more support for The Marine 3.

2) Will he receive a push or go back into "Jobberdom"?

The Miz, like him or not has paid dues. He's pretty much earned his spot and will probably be given the opportunity to main event. WWE do that when their stars are in movies. I just hope it's permanent. Miz is one of those guys that improved enough to deserve being a main eventer.

3) Did you enjoy his return?

I dunno. I didn't order the PPV. WWE kinda disappointed me last time I ordered a non-Wrestlemania PPV. I'm sure he cannot be worse than some people being utilized in main events[Del Rio, anyone?].
Last night's tag team match was a rare event; we looked at all four competitors and couldn't honestly tell whether three of them were faces or heels. When does that ever happen?

-Daniel Bryan is obviously a heel. Okay.

-We're still not sure about AJ, are we? She's so psycho we can't tell if she's good or bad. She seems too innocent to be a heel, yet after pushing Punk off the ring apron, we're not certain. Plus, she allied herself with a proven heel last night, didn't she? (Stupid girl! :disappointed:)

-Eve? Who knows? She was a featured player in a business suit a couple of months ago. Then, mysteriously, she was off TV entirely. After being betrayed by a heel last week (Daniel) we thought she might be going face......but nothing she did last night indicated a turn to the good side.

-Which brings us to The Miz. While he was off TV, we were reading rumors he would return as a face. Then, when we heard he was opposing Daniel Bryan and AJ, I was sure it would be that way. Still, when he put his arm around Eve before the match started, I felt my skin crawl. Then, he didn't really perform in the match enough to display tendencies one way or the other, did he?

To my surprise, I was glad to see him back, even though I've never been a fan of his. (To me, he's been like Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler; ordinary performers who have received mega-pushes). Still, he's a familiar presence and an unpredictable character. I'd like to see him as a face.
I'm calling this right now...

Next week at Raw 1000, Miz will crash the wedding of AJ/Bryan.

Anyone notice how the camera stayed focused on AJ and Miz as they were staring at each other after AJ kicked Miz off the ropes? Both of them were smiling at each other. Some might say that AJ was just playing her crazy character, but I think there is a little bit more to it. Just think about it for a minute. Miz and AJ as a couple...
I wasn't very impressed with his return, but I was glad to see him strangely. I'm not a fan of Miz but I've gotten used to seeing him around, and it made the WWE MITB match a little more interesting. The thing is with his return I can't quite figure what his MO is, he looked a little goofy and it was even harder than usual to take him seriously. The thing that's got me excited over his return is the idea of him as a face, not that I know I would like him as a good guy but I really can't picture him getting over with the crowd as a face. So for once I am genuinely interested in what Miz will be doing next week, I hope that he displays some personality and shows that he can be versatile.
I like the Miz and I feel he is the type of guy to sit on the fence. Last year when Punk dropped the 'pipe-bomb' the older part of the audience loved it and we all cheered for him. Whereas the younger aka Cena fans, saw Punk as the bad guy. (I'm a Cena fan btw) And this is where I see The Miz. I see all the kids and their famalies booing the miz but I see the older proportion of the crowd getting behind the Miz and joining in with the 'AWESOME' chants, and really believing he is awesome and not just chanting it for the sake of it.

He needs to get in the face of people more. Like a Punk/Cena segment The Miz could also be put in there to really step on the toes of the 1 and 2 of the company. I don't think the Miz should be pushed as a monster heel, I like the 'don't know whether to love him or hate him' feel we are getting right now. There is only one man who should be put as the number one heel of the company. And that man is Randy Orton.
There was a report posted a day or two ago concerning the backstage reaction for Miz's return at Money in the Bank.


Apparently, most backstage are impressed by Miz's new look and feel he will be pushed as a top heel once again very soon. This is honestly great news for The Miz, as he has been sent down the card drastically since splitting up with R-Truth. As we all know, he went from main eventing Wrestlemania 27 to competing in a tag team match at Wrestlemania 28.

I believe Miz is truly a talented guy both in the ring and on the mic. I was excited to see him return on Sunday and he had a great showing in the Raw Money in the Bank Ladder match. This past Monday, he teamed with Eve to take on Bryan and AJ. He ultimately lost, but I don't think anything will really come of this with a D-Bryan/Miz feud. Later in the night, Miz was given a backstage reaction in that WWE YouTube series, and it may not mean anything significant, but here take a look for yourself:


Notice how he keeps referencing how Cena just ripped down the briefcase and no one did anything about it. He basically says nothing has changed. Now, later the interviewer asks him, how he plans on changing that? Miz responds that we'll have to wait and see. This could obviously mean nothing, but what if he is referring to doing something big next week on the biggest Raw in recent memory? What if he screws Cena out of winning his title match making Cena the first man to fail a cash-in, since it won't hurt his character one bit?

Before you comment on anything, many people are speculating either Big Show or The Rock to screw Cena out of winning and others are expecting Cena to just win. Well, I am going to tell you that I doubt Cena will walk out of the 1000th Raw as champion next week, regardless of what people have been saying or reporting. Punk will retain and possibly unveil the new title explaining why his nameplate is missing in that video above. If there was ever a better time for someone to lose a MITB cash-in, it would be next week. Cena should be the first guy to fail a cash-in because by the end of the day, he'll still be John Cena. It won't affect his career one bit and there's a much better story to build for SummerSlam if Cena does indeed lose next week.

Now, that I said what I needed too, back to The Miz. Many people again are expecting Big Show or The Rock to screw Cena some way, and while those are viable options, so is The Miz. He has been misused the entire year so far and been fed to many guys over the past few months. I can't even remember the last time he won a match. And I feel, it makes the most sense for Miz to cost Cena his cash-in, which would put Miz right back as a top heel main-eventer. He hinted at doing something big in that interview, and this could very well be what he is referring to. I honestly believe that Miz costing Cena could be the best way to go next week when everyone is expecting Big Show to cost Cena because Cena hit Big Show with the briefcase last night on Raw. It's time for The Miz to be utilized again. He is a great talent and a great heel. One of the best heels at getting legitimate heat in the WWE at the moment. And I believe it makes the most sense in the world for The Miz to screw his ultimate rival, John Cena, out of becoming WWE Champion once again. Either way though, my prediction is Punk retaining and whoever interferes will be added into the mix leading to a triple threat match at SummerSlam. I just hope this person who interferes is The Miz.

What do you guys think? Can you see Miz costing Cena his match next week?
I think you present an interesting scenario and have a creative imagination, but I think Cena/Miz is done at this point. Plus you don't go from jobbing to Brodus Clay to urinating all over the biggest episode of RAW in history. I think things are looking up for the Miz but your prediction probably overreaches where Miz will land as far as his first program since returning.

Elsewhere on this forum I read a suggestion that Miz could feud with Sheamus. That seems more reasonable to me. Granted Orton and Barrett are both returning but there are reasons for and against putting each against Sheamus right now and a case can be made for Miz. Del Rio is probably going a different direction and feuding with Mysterio, so who the next challenger is for the WHT will remain to be seen...

Furthermore, I think Vince is going to want to use RAW 1000 as a celebration and thus John Cena wins. While there are plenty of controversial and potentially entertaining scenarios which present an alternate ending, I just don't think that is the direction WWE will go given their recent track record. Sorry to disappoint all the Cena haters out there, I'm just hanging on to hope that the internet doesn't explode at 11:05 Monday Night on July 23rd when RAW goes off the air and Cena holds the title...
I think you present an interesting scenario and have a creative imagination, but I think Cena/Miz is done at this point. Plus you don't go from jobbing to Brodus Clay to urinating all over the biggest episode of RAW in history. I think things are looking up for the Miz but your prediction probably overreaches where Miz will land as far as his first program since returning.

Elsewhere on this forum I read a suggestion that Miz could feud with Sheamus. That seems more reasonable to me. Granted Orton and Barrett are both returning but there are reasons for and against putting each against Sheamus right now and a case can be made for Miz. Del Rio is probably going a different direction and feuding with Mysterio, so who the next challenger is for the WHT will remain to be seen...

Furthermore, I think Vince is going to want to use RAW 1000 as a celebration and thus John Cena wins. While there are plenty of controversial and potentially entertaining scenarios which present an alternate ending, I just don't think that is the direction WWE will go given their recent track record. Sorry to disappoint all the Cena haters out there, I'm just hanging on to hope that the internet doesn't explode at 11:05 Monday Night on July 23rd when RAW goes off the air and Cena holds the title...

You see, I think you are wrong here. I honestly don't see Cena walking out champion next week. I see Punk retaining. Whether it be an interference or what have you, Punk's reign will not end just yet. Like I said before, it makes the most sense for Cena to be the first to lose a cash-in for the reasons above. The only way I see Cena winning is if they were willing to turn him heel, which won't happen anytime soon or if someone screws Punk instead, which again won't happen. Bryan is basically a face now, so he won't screw Punk. Jericho is a face as well. I see the IC Title changing hands, not the WWE Title.

Whoever screws Cena will be added to the mix making it a triple threat match and that person will most likely not be The Rock. Someone made a great point earlier saying that the person that will dethrone Punk of his WWE Title will be Randy Orton after he returns at SummerSlam giving RKO's to everyone involved in the triple threat match. As much as I would like to see Punk get his 1-year title reign, I don't think he will. But, I guarantee you Cena will not be the guy that prevents his 1-year title reign from happening.
Never was a fan of Miz. He's like the Kanye West of wrestling, yeah, he dresses nice, but he's a self centered arrogant, spotlight hogging crybaby who's always reminding everyone about his hardships and bragging about his accomplishments. "Such and such held me back, but look at me now!" This guy actually went on Peter Rosenberg's radio show and gloated to his own father about being a champion, because his father wanted him to finish school. What kind of an insecure person is he? He rubs his success in his own father's face? To coin a phrase: "Really?!" And he wasn't even in character.

Wow, there's so much there that is ignorant and ironic. You don't like him b/c he's a self centered arrogant, spotlight hog who's always reminding us of his accomplishments??? One could argue that you described several past and present superstars(HHH anyone?). And I seem to recall alot of big names complaining about being "held down"(ex Austin, HHH, Jericho, etc, etc). While I do admit him gloating to his father out of character is a douchy move, it fits with his personality.

My whole point here? Whether you like or hate The Miz, he could've been a major breakout star for WWE after his MITB WWE Title win over Orton and subsequent win over Cena @ WM. And no one guy I can remember in recent memory promotes WWE as much as The Miz. I personally wasn't a huge Miz fan myself in the begininng, but over the past few years he's really improved and I think he should've stayed in the main events after being pushed initially. But again, it's another example of WWE not commiting to pushing a new guy and sticking with it. One huge reason why WWE can never produce that next big superstar they are "looking for". But I digress, The Miz is easily one of, if not the best of this current generation IMO.

Aside from that, I don't think much of his in-ring work either. Besides punching and kicking what does he do? He stole Double J's finisher. His promos and suits are right out of the Chris Jericho ) 2008- 2010 playbook. He was always an actor portraying a wrestler to me.

Another ignorant statement IMO. Again, The Miz isn't the first and sure as hell won't be the last guy to "steal" someone's finisher or use aspects from someone else's character. It's almost a tradition in wrestling for someone to steal moves and gimmicks. And the whole "actor portraying a wrestler" is essentially the whole premise of a wrestling "character". It's been said time and again the characters are the real ppl portraying a persona(sounds like the very definition of acting or actor to me).

As far as him only kicking or punching, there have been several brawlers in WWE that were widly successful. One primary example I can think of is a little known guy name Stone Cold Steve Austin. While most of his offense was mostly punching and kicking, he got over based on his over the top character. But, he could be technical and have good to great matches when it mattered. And IMO, The Miz has that same quality.

I know the threader is all excited about the return of The Miz, but I just don't see anything in the guy...sorry.:confused:

I don't like to leave nasty posts, so don't take it the wrong way. Nothing against the threader, but you gave me an open forum to express my distain for Miz...thanks!:):)

To bottom line my view here, you seem to be using almost flawed logic as reasoning for disliking The Miz. While I can respect and understand The Miz doesn't appeal to everyone, to claim he hasn't earned his spot and worked hard to get there is pure ignorance at it's finest.

Like him or not, he's a potential big star for WWE at any moment they decide to commit seriously to pushing him. During the period they were using him as WWE Champion, his cunning heel persona was unique and IMO a fresh and needed breath of air into the WWE main events. Since then though, he's pretty much fallen into obscurity in the mid to low card. Another reason WWE cannot push and develop new stars today...

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