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The Miz in the upcoming weeks

Million Dollar Dream

Pre-Show Stalwart
Do you think since The Miz is on a mission to get back at everyone that has held him down that in a few weeks he will turn on Michael Cole, his biggest supporter?

The Miz has already taken out R-Truth and John Morrison, I'm guessing Alex Riley will be the focus of The Miz this coming Monday but in a couple weeks I wonder if this is the way Michael Cole drops his heel gimmick. The Miz could rant about how he never needed approval from an announcer that has never wrestled.

Just wondered if you think they will go in this direction?
I dont see Miz turning on Cole. I think Miz will embrace Cole and use his promotions in his rants. I do agree however that A-Ry is next but who after that? Cole is such a butt kisser to Miz I think even he would say that Miz was having an off day.
I don't think Cole will come into play at all. This Monday he'll squash Riley, he'll cut a promo on why he should be #1 contender, and he'll start a feud with Punk. Why take a few months to tell a story when you can do it all in one night? That's the WWE way. It's more efficient. It saves time.
First of all why do you want cole to drop the heel gimmick? Has there been any report or rumour posted online about cole to turn face in the future? That is more of a fantasy thought than reality.

Rtruth turned on the miz. The beat down miz gave him was reasonable.

Morrison and Riley are face, so it is reasonable to beat both of them down.

Cole has mentioned already miz is gonna beat everybody who has held him down in the past. From my knowledge, micheal cole is his biggest fan and constantly get him over through commentary.

Aint gonna happen
Neither do I see it happening, nor do I want it to happen... No offense, it's a fair concept and I mean no disrespect to your thread, I just don't want Michael Cole involved in anything tangible.

The question can still be answered though: who will Miz go after? He took out John Morrison. He took out R-Truth. John Cena might be the next logical step if he's looking to take out people that have gotten in his way. They obviously have a history, and it's been a while since it's been just 1v1, without R-Truth or the Rock getting involved in some way. I'm not saying this is the best option, but it makes sense to me. Cena doesn't currently have anybody to actually work with, and unless they intend to keep up this legends thing every single week, he's going to have to fight somebody at TLC. Then again, he could just be thrown into a title gimmick match.

Theoretically your idea was definitely sound though. I just pray your way off base, because there's too much good going on in the WWE product for Cole to step in and take up time that could be given to Rhodes, Ziggler, ADR, or really anybody at this point...

Alex Riley is a pretty solid option as well. He hasn't been around in far too long, so if he even shows up on Raw you can bet that's the direction they'll go in. He could also start his feud with CM Punk early... He could just target a heel, or virtually anybody on the roster to prove a point. I think the door is wide open at this point, but Cena and/or Punk seem like the more viable options.
Wasn't there a report on this site about JBL teasing a return to the ring? We all remember the story behind JBL and Miz don't we. Could be a setup for that feud. It is a story with unfinished business.
It wasn't that I want that to happen. I like having Cole be a heel announcer it's sorta Bobby the Brain esque from days of the past when you had 1 announcer root for the heels.

It wasn't that I thought it would take up longer then a couple of weeks to do either with Cole. I just was going off what The Miz said last week about going after people that had held him down. So I figured possibly WWE would head in the direction of turning Cole back into a pure announcer and less of a personality. I was wondering if anyone else thought they would head in that direction or not.
1) truth had to be written out of story lines since he got suspended for 30 days and they couldn't do it before SS since it would have messed up the main event
2) jo mo wasn't getting his contract renewed so they had to get rid of him. why not have the "hbk" of the miz/jo mo tag team take him out
3) why would they all of a sudden bring back a-ry to tv???? he's got a decent look and is okay in the ring but so crappy on the mic
4) miz will beat cena in a #1 contender's match to face cm punk and that will lead to a decent fued. if wwe is smart they will keep this fued fresh and when jericho comes back he can jump right in the fued with miz and punk since "punk stole jericho's saying" and "miz stole jericho's look"
Nope. Cole is a heat magnet. Cole should not be a face for a while, he already plays a great heel! Plus, Cole never held down or wronged Miz.
I'm sure Miz will target Riley next, and then probably Cena. Big Show helded him down too, but I don't think anything will happen between them.
First of all, the Michael Cole idea stinks. Who in their right mind wants Cole to be a face again? When was he a face in the first place? In my mind, you need to garner positive reactions, at some point, any point, to be considered a face. Cole was being booed out of damn near every building in the country, and he was nothing more than an announcer. He was an awful babyface announcer, and everyone knew it. He's fine right where he is. Who in the hell wants the old Michael Cole back? Not me.

I think Miz will attack whoever, not sure any of the victims need to "make sense." This is leading to a Miz/CM Punk feud, I think. Not sure how long it will last, probably not through Mania, but I'm guessing around Royal Rumble time, we'll be seeing a Miz/CM Punk title match.
The problem with the suggestion of Riley is this: It would be somewhat of a step backwards for Miz. He took out Morrison, who though he hasn't been active lately, had a really nice run within WWE, including winning two titles alongside the Miz. He and Truth were main-eventing shows and main evented Survivor Series together. So his attack on Truth had impact as well, because Truth is relevant and has been for some six months now. While attacking Riley wouldn't be a terrible waste, devoting time/energy to even a segment where Miz does so would be a waste. He needs to keep climbing the ladder in terms of relevance with those he attacks.

For reasons already mentioned, attacking Cole would be a terrible idea. Cole was to Miz what JR was to Austin for a period of time, and again, think big picture. Does him attacking and starting a feud with an announcer that people hate anyway benefit him whatsoever? No, it's a large step backwards. With WWE clearly going somewhere with this angle, including devoting main event time to it two weeks ago, it clearly is going to be a big story. Getting sidetracked with Riley or Cole isn't the answer here.

To me, the next logical step is Cena. Granted, CM Punk is without a challenger at TLC, and they conveniently got ADr'S rematch out of the way on Raw instead of saving it until TLC, which just so happens to coincide with the time Miz is getting his renewed push. it's not a coincidence, but I still feel like Miz has some unfinished business with Cena. However, Miz feuding with and losing to Cena at TLC would be damaging, so I'm going to say for argument's sake that he and Cena have concluded their business, and he's off to CM Punk, who he'll challenge for the title in two weeks at TLC. Too soon? Perhaps. But who's really left for Miz to attack and climb the ladder by doing so? There's really only Cena and Punk left, and Cena is dealing with issues of his own, and will probably destroy whomever he faces next due to the "pressure" he's under. That leaves Punk, in which likely will be a fairly long feud.

I think Miz will attack whoever, not sure any of the victims need to "make sense." This is leading to a Miz/CM Punk feud, I think. Not sure how long it will last, probably not through Mania, but I'm guessing around Royal Rumble time, we'll be seeing a Miz/CM Punk title match.

I respectfully disagree, and agree at the same time. I do believe this is leading to a Miz/Punk feud, but I do believe that the attacks from here on out need to make sense. With them devoting segment/match time to these the past two weeks, it's obviously they're pushing this angle hard. In order to present Miz as a serious challenger again, he needs to continue to attack people that are relevant, Sure, the random backstage attack on a Riley wouldn't be a bad thing, but it doesn't position Miz as a main eventer either. He needs a logical progression up the ladder, so I do believe the attacks need to make sense just in the sheer idea that he's working his way up.
I love moves that people don't see coming, that aren't formulated purely on the basis that people won't see them coming. I don't think anybody in their right mind would see Miz turning on Cole in this, and that's hwy it would be such a good heel move if they did it right. But, for as far as it may be a nice idea, it is outweighed by the drawbacks.

Firstly, turning Cole face is plain wrong. He gets too much heat as a heel to simply squander, his character is too far removed to make a face turn really viable, especially when there would be nobody turning in his place. The only other corporate heel there is, is Vickie and she is locked away with Ziggler right now meaning Cole plays an important part as he is. Secondly, I just don't see this happening. Not because it feels really unanticipated, well actually sort of that. It's almost swervish, and I don't even know whether this push is THAT big right now.
I think they are using him to make a bigger Truth face return.... could be wrong, but I'd like it.

Miz will destroy people then Truth comes back and they feud.
After A Ry who's Miz going to face? I mean three beatdowns and then challenging Punk? I don't know if the build up is too soon or what, but a clean win over someone after A Ry would look a hell of a lot better honestly. As long as Miz can challenge for the title for at least 2 months I'll be happy and it should be some nice mic work between him and Punk.

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