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The missed opportunities for Lesnar is mindblowing


Championship Contender
I know....he works limited dates. Well, he's going to leave having wrestled Cena 3 times, HHH 3 times, Taker, Punk, and Reigns. Easy solution.....DON'T HAVE HIM WRESTLE CENA 3 TIMES!! DON'T HAVE HIM WRESTLE HHH 3 TIMES(my goodness, that was such a waste of time).

This is an era of great big men. Not in presentation or marketing of course, but work-rate wise.

Sheamus....The physicality would be off the charts. We would watch the match wondering HOW hurt they are, not IF they are hurt. Because they'd both be getting hurt for damn sure. Wouldn't need any gimmicks to get a straight up brutal, violent match. Would be so great.

Cesaro....the things that could be achieved athletically and strength wise in the ring with Cesaro-Lesnar? It would be off the charts. The swing, those uppercuts, the swing into the barricades, THOSE UPPERCUTS, the suplexes, I mean seriously… what other match in WWE history can mess with that combination of power and athleticism with two great workers? Imagine the crowd pop when Cesaro does the swing on Lesnar?

Barrett.....the bare knuckle brawler. He is a legit boxer!! Lesnar's MMA weakness was his standup game. How do you NOT make this match and capitalize on that?

And all 3 of those guys would be absolutely MADE just off one match with Brock. Instead we get pointless rematches of Brock-HHH(I get mad just thinking about it) and Brock-Cena.

Orton-Brock.....would re-establish Orton instantly. These two could put on a hell of a show. Have Orton go completely psycho and really bring out his dark side to try to beat Lesnar.

The stories that could have been told with these guys would've been so great. And while I'm on this rant, Brock shouldn't have faced Taker. That should've been Bray beating Taker. Bray was HOT at the time. Beating Taker would've made him....which is the point of him losing the streak in the first place. Brock got MADE a long time ago. He beat The Rock CLEAN! He squeezed Hogan half to death. He already brutalized Taker in a Hell in a Cell. Him beating Taker......he didn't need it! The justification that he had lost matches to Cena and HHH so he needed it.....SMFH! He should've NEVER LOST TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Such a missed opportunity. Punk said it best......Vince is a millionaire who should be a billionaire.
Barrett.....the bare knuckle brawler. He is a legit
boxer!! Lesnar's MMA weakness was his standup
game. How do you NOT make this match and
capitalize on that?

You got a pretty good point in your post. But I gotta say that all his matches against Hunter are pretty awesome. But yeah he could've had pretty good match against Sheamus and Cesaro. It could've been so brutal and so much muscle power.

By the way, my dream match for this Wrestlemania Mainevent has always been Bad news Barrett vs Brock Lesnar for the World Title!

I know....he works limited dates. Well, he's going to leave having wrestled Cena 3 times, HHH 3 times, Taker, Punk, and Reigns. Easy solution.....DON'T HAVE HIM WRESTLE CENA 3 TIMES!! DON'T HAVE HIM WRESTLE HHH 3 TIMES(my goodness, that was such a waste of time).

This is an era of great big men. Not in presentation or marketing of course, but work-rate wise.

Sheamus....The physicality would be off the charts. We would watch the match wondering HOW hurt they are, not IF they are hurt. Because they'd both be getting hurt for damn sure. Wouldn't need any gimmicks to get a straight up brutal, violent match. Would be so great.

Cesaro....the things that could be achieved athletically and strength wise in the ring with Cesaro-Lesnar? It would be off the charts. The swing, those uppercuts, the swing into the barricades, THOSE UPPERCUTS, the suplexes, I mean seriously… what other match in WWE history can mess with that combination of power and athleticism with two great workers? Imagine the crowd pop when Cesaro does the swing on Lesnar?

Barrett.....the bare knuckle brawler. He is a legit boxer!! Lesnar's MMA weakness was his standup game. How do you NOT make this match and capitalize on that?

And all 3 of those guys would be absolutely MADE just off one match with Brock. Instead we get pointless rematches of Brock-HHH(I get mad just thinking about it) and Brock-Cena.

Orton-Brock.....would re-establish Orton instantly. These two could put on a hell of a show. Have Orton go completely psycho and really bring out his dark side to try to beat Lesnar.

The stories that could have been told with these guys would've been so great. And while I'm on this rant, Brock shouldn't have faced Taker. That should've been Bray beating Taker. Bray was HOT at the time. Beating Taker would've made him....which is the point of him losing the streak in the first place. Brock got MADE a long time ago. He beat The Rock CLEAN! He squeezed Hogan half to death. He already brutalized Taker in a Hell in a Cell. Him beating Taker......he didn't need it! The justification that he had lost matches to Cena and HHH so he needed it.....SMFH! He should've NEVER LOST TO THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Such a missed opportunity. Punk said it best......Vince is a millionaire who should be a billionaire.

The two things I really have to disagree with are Brock vs. Triple H, and Wyatt beating Undertaker.

Brock's matches with Triple H are the only really great matches he's had since coming back to WWE. They were better than his matches with Cena, Punk, and Taker, easily. They were the only really good work he's put on since his return, and I still feel Triple H should have come out on top in the end of that feud.

And Bray Wyatt beating Undertaker is just ridiculous. Brock beating taker was bad enough, and forever damaged Undertaker's legacy, because the Streak was ended by a part-timer who isn't around enough for the Streak's end to mean anything. But Undertaker losing to a rookie nobody would have destroyed his career and everything he ever did would have meant nothing. That would have literally taken a massive dump all over Undertaker's legacy. This year, unfortunately, it's entirely possible. Undertaker's loss to Brock Lesnar destroyed Undertaker's mystique and allure. He's just another guy now. Another legend still, who will surely go into the Hall of Fame, but he's no longer the legend he was. That was thrown away for no reason, and it can never be repaired. I wouldn't be surprised to see Undertaker job to Bray Wyatt at WrestleMania 31.
I agree. Those would have been great match ups. I was hoping Cesaro/Brock and Orton/Brock would have happened, especially Brock/Orton. I thought Orton should have won the rights to face Brock at RR instead of Cena. It would have been a good match up. Hopefully Brock resigns and we may have a new opportunity for new match ups.
Absolutely 100% agree with everything you said here LBGetBack. The WWE wasted so many of his dates with repeat matches versus Triple H (yawn) and John Cena---although the Summerslam and Extreme Rules 2012 matches were awesome.

Taker should have been beat by Bray. You're right. He would have been a MADE man---and, he would have been on TV every week to fully capitalize on it. But at the same time, i love the dominant beast WWE champ Brock right now----he's the best thing they got going right now. That triple threat at the Rumble was the best match i've seen in years
Ian maybe agree with not wrestling HHH three times, but was he going to wrestle Cena once and then be done with it? Cena is their poster boy. Obviously the two were going to clash.

Come on, you surely know how these things work in WWE now. A win each and then the rubber match. How can you explain one match??
Just to note - He actually wrestled Cena 4 times. He also wrestled Rollins once and Big Show once as well.

I had no issue with him ending the streak. Lesnar is going in to Mania 31 as 'the man'. He has beaten everyone worth beating so far including the face of the company, a top star in the company, the future of the company and 3 legends.

Not sure why people have such a hard on for Orton vs Lesnar. All I remember Orton for recently is the weakest Champion since Rey Mysterio and Rollins beating him clean on Raw. He poses no threat. Lesnar vs Sheamus is something else I have zero interest in.

If Lesnar decides to stick around then a match against Daniel Bryan would tell a great story - LETS NOT FORGOT that this match was meant to happen at Summerslam 2014 before Daniel Bryan got injured and John Cena took his place!!!

Finally, The Beast vs The Animal has a nice ring to it and it was teased during a Raw episode but Batista was shit on by the fans then had a poor heel run before walking out so it looks like that ship has now sailed.
Originally posted by rge2010

Not sure why people have such a hard on for Orton vs Lesnar. All I remember Orton for recently is the weakest Champion since Rey Mysterio and Rollins beating him clean on Raw. He poses no threat. Lesnar vs Sheamus is something else I have zero interest in.

If Lesnar decides to stick around then a match against Daniel Bryan would tell a great story - LETS NOT FORGOT that this match was meant to happen at Summerslam 2014 before Daniel Bryan got injured and John Cena took his place!!!

Way to go putting your one unforgivable flaw in grammar in a bold font. :disappointed:

The matches would have been fresh. It would have benefited the career of Sheamus and given Orton something worthwhile other than just being the Authority's lap-dog. That's the point. Maybe you didn't want to see it. But what if it was a better option in terms of story and match quality? We'll never know because the WWE has a hard-on for repitition.

The point the OP tries to make is, we knew, and the WWE knew, Brock was going to wrestle limited dates. Why waste 4 of his matches with Cena and 3 with HHH? Reportedly, Brock was also pissed off at how his first match with Cena ended (the one at Extreme Rules, where Cena AA'd him onto the steel steps and then he cut a promo about how he was going on vacation, which never happened).

That said, I disagree with the OP about Bray ending the Streak. Not because I hate Taker's legacy being tarnished, but the "End of an Era" match should have been Taker's last match. Then again, they misused the "Once in a Lifetime" tagline as well, so what do I know?:shrug:
Way to go putting your one unforgivable flaw in grammar in a bold font. :disappointed:

The matches would have been fresh. It would have benefited the career of Sheamus and given Orton something worthwhile other than just being the Authority's lap-dog. That's the point. Maybe you didn't want to see it. But what if it was a better option in terms of story and match quality? We'll never know because the WWE has a hard-on for repitition.

The point the OP tries to make is, we knew, and the WWE knew, Brock was going to wrestle limited dates. Why waste 4 of his matches with Cena and 3 with HHH? Reportedly, Brock was also pissed off at how his first match with Cena ended (the one at Extreme Rules, where Cena AA'd him onto the steel steps and then he cut a promo about how he was going on vacation, which never happened).

That said, I disagree with the OP about Bray ending the Streak. Not because I hate Taker's legacy being tarnished, but the "End of an Era" match should have been Taker's last match. Then again, they misused the "Once in a Lifetime" tagline as well, so what do I know?:shrug:

Ahhh fuck. That is going to play on my mind for the...

1 - Brock and Cena were always going to have a rematch from 2012.

2 - Cena was the Champ in Bryan's absence and WWE wanted to put the Belt on Brock.

3 - Cena was always going to get a Title rematch.

4 - Their last meeting involved Seth Rollins and was a match fo the year candidate.
In the grand scheme of things, Lesnar was brought in for the purpose of helping to draw big money, not really to help build new stars. In all honesty, the only way that happens is if he's put up against established stars. Aside from Randy Orton, nobody on the OP's list has the credibility to really be a viable opponent for Lesnar. Barrett & Cesaro are both really talented but, let's face it, neither guy has had any real momentum to speak of for quite a while. Whenever Barrett has been really building steam, he gets injured and is sidelined for 6 months. Cesaro had momentum going for him about this time last year, but that was quickly derailed because Vince didn't see Cesaro as connecting with the audience. Roman Reigns certainly doesn't have the credibility and fans aren't clamoring for that match to happen either.

As for Randy Orton, the guy's damaged goods really. He's a huge star, probably always will be a huge star, but it doesn't change the fact that people are burned out on seeing Orton the main event and/or high profile matches. If Orton wound up facing Lesnar, people would be coming out of the woodwork complaining that Orton doesn't "need" to face Lesnar, which is an argument that carries weight considering all Orton's done, or that Orton's not really that much of a draw anymore, another argument that has some weight as people are burned out on the guy.

WWE is paying Lesnar big money, I don't know exactly how much but I'm guessing that it's somewhere in the neighborhood of $400,000 to $500,000 per match. Lesnar wasn't gonna sign unless it was for big money and, from a purely business perspective, I can't say I blame WWE for not wanting to pay Lesnar that much going up against guys who aren't already established as big league players. The problem with Lesnar going up against established, big league players is that there are hardly any of them on the WWE roster that a lot of fans aren't bored with. So, when it came down to getting as much out of their investment as they could, WWE saw more money in Cena vs. Lesnar, Triple H vs. Lesnar and Taker vs. Lesnar than in Cesaro, Barrett, Sheamus or Orton vs. Lesnar.
In the grand scheme of things, Lesnar was brought in for the purpose of helping to draw big money, not really to help build new stars.

Exactly. The guys named by the OP as suitable opponents for Brock is good.....from the standpoint of entertaining matches. But when you've got a guy like Brock, whom management knew from the beginning was to be available only for a few matches......and people might actually be surprised if they sat down and figured how little time he's actually spent appearing on WWE programming.... they realize the contests in which Brock engages must be against opponents who will attract the greatest number of viewers. Hence, Cena....Punk....Triple H....Undertaker.

The argument about missed opportunities is understandable, but I believe the company would have needed to contract for a lot more appearances by Brock before he could realistically face guys like Barrett, Cesaro and Orton.
Even taking in the importance of the draw, there HAVE been times where Brock was still underutilized.

Take for instance the feud he had with Triple H in 2012, right after the stolen loss he incurred from John Cena. It was more or less an excuse to spread out his appearances and keep him out of the title picture for as long as possible, which is really a shame because can you imagine Brock Lesnar, endorsed by Executive Vice DOUCHEBAG John Lauranitis, going after CM Punk and the WWE Title. You can also imagine a much more interesting program of matches between Lesnar and Cena as a preclude to that.

Imagine that, Extreme Rules and Over the Limit, pony up the damn cash for Lesnar to show up, having him DEMOLISH Cena both times, maybe take the victory at ER, a brutal draw at OtL, then have Brock get his hands on Punk at MitB in an attempt to outdo what you saw in that PPV the year prior.

...then imagine a triple threat Main Event match at SummerSlam. Defending Champion CM Punk, 'Underdog' John Cena... and the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar.

That's firmly in the realm of 'This is some GOOOOOOOOOOD shit' fantasy weaving, but even so there was still a ceiling for Lesnar that he didn't reach at times, even if you factor in name recognition.
Agree with OP, those matches with Sheamus, Barrett, Cesaro and to a lesser degree Orton could have been better uses for Lesnar.

Everyone who Taker beat he was basically putting over, he put over Lesnar greater than anyone.

How does Taker losing to a legit mixed martial arts fighter bin Lesnar damage probably the most unique legacy in wrestling history?
I've gotten over that it was 'wrong' of Vince to end Taker's streak to Lesnar. When was the last time anyone was shocked on the level they were when Taker lost? No one knew what to do. A moment like that won't happen again in wrestling for at least another decade if ever.
Ian maybe agree with not wrestling HHH three times, but was he going to wrestle Cena once and then be done with it? Cena is their poster boy. Obviously the two were going to clash.

Come on, you surely know how these things work in WWE now. A win each and then the rubber match. How can you explain one match??

I know how things work in WWE now......and that's why this damn company is in the damn shape it's in!

Brock destroyed Cena the first time and lost.(he should've won.) Then Brock destroyed Cena the 2nd time and won.(ok, he's clearly better, enough!) Then Cena the magically underdog has Brock on the ropes but interference costs him the match(so stupid and unnecessary). And then we get the 4th time, with the triple threat match.(I forgot and only mentioned the 3 one on one's)

FOUR matches with Cena. Could've cut it to two.
Exactly. The guys named by the OP as suitable opponents for Brock is good.....from the standpoint of entertaining matches. But when you've got a guy like Brock, whom management knew from the beginning was to be available only for a few matches......and people might actually be surprised if they sat down and figured how little time he's actually spent appearing on WWE programming.... they realize the contests in which Brock engages must be against opponents who will attract the greatest number of viewers. Hence, Cena....Punk....Triple H....Undertaker.

The argument about missed opportunities is understandable, but I believe the company would have needed to contract for a lot more appearances by Brock before he could realistically face guys like Barrett, Cesaro and Orton.

Again, that's where the "millionaire who should be a billionaire" thing comes in.

So now Lesnar will leave, Punk already did leave, Taker is done, HHH is in a new role and not really a wrestler anymore........so who do they have going forward? Oh, yeah. Cena. Same old, same old.

They do not know how to make new stars or get more than a couple people over at any one time anymore. Such small time thinking.
Just to note - He actually wrestled Cena 4 times. He also wrestled Rollins once and Big Show once as well.

I had no issue with him ending the streak. Lesnar is going in to Mania 31 as 'the man'. He has beaten everyone worth beating so far including the face of the company, a top star in the company, the future of the company and 3 legends.

Not sure why people have such a hard on for Orton vs Lesnar. All I remember Orton for recently is the weakest Champion since Rey Mysterio and Rollins beating him clean on Raw. He poses no threat. Lesnar vs Sheamus is something else I have zero interest in.

If Lesnar decides to stick around then a match against Daniel Bryan would tell a great story - LETS NOT FORGOT that this match was meant to happen at Summerslam 2014 before Daniel Bryan got injured and John Cena took his place!!!

Finally, The Beast vs The Animal has a nice ring to it and it was teased during a Raw episode but Batista was shit on by the fans then had a poor heel run before walking out so it looks like that ship has now sailed.

Sounds to me like the typical same old same old is deeply ingrained in you.

I'm trying to see a bigger and better picture.

Look, Sheamus's character is LAME. Very lame. But he can work. He is DAMN GOOD in the ring for what he is. He DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LAME. If they dropped the corny stuff and let him and Brock beat the shit out of each other in a match for 20 minutes, he probably wouldn't seem so lame anymore and fans might even recognize that he's good and start to like him.

Same with Orton. He's damn good in the ring. How he was booked as champion was not his fault. Again, let him and Brock tell the story in the ring. It would have the potential to be awesome and could get the fans behind Orton again.

And yeah, I forgot about the Big Show match(not surprising as it was entirely forgettable)....another WASTED match. Who the hell wanted to see Brock vs. Show again in 2014? Nobody.

To the one guy who said the HHH matches were good....fine. But who cares about HHH as a wrestler anymore? For all intents and purposes, his in ring career has been done for years. He's been transitioning to his current role for years. The Brock feud was entirely unnecessary. It did nothing for either of them.

Brock Lesnar is going to get people to pay to see him regardless of opponent! They could've done so much more, capitalized on his stardom financially, created better and fresher matches and matchups, and built new stars who can make more money down the road after being MADE by their matches with Lesnar.

Instead we got HHH 3 times, Cena 4 times, and Big Show. From 2012-2015. Same old, same old. Disgusting.
Definitely Sheamus/Lesnar is a missed opportunity same with Orton/Lesnar and Cesaro/Lesnar but definitely Jericho/Lesnar is yet another missed opportunity as well as Batista/Lesnar or even Brock/Rock is another one
Brock Lesnar is a marketing tool, brought into the WWE for one reason and one reason only... to make the company more money, which is accomplishes by bringing more eyes to the program. And while Cesaro, Barrett, and Sheamus would be interesting matches they would not be able to compete with the headline marque of Brock v. Cena, it doesn't even matter how many times they would have wrestled. In this sense the booking of Brock has been on point has he has wrestled the biggest stars the company has to offer.

But even then there is one missed opportunity from the WWE, the only opportunity that possibly could have made them more money than a Brock Lesnar-John Cena match. That opportunity was The Rock. The amount of money the WWE could of made out of a Brock Lesnar-Rock match, at any point, is unfathomable. They might of been able to get an Orton match in there, but the only real missed opportunity was The Rock.

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