The Maxx vs Joe with Kenny at ringside

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Dufflebag Mod!!
Joe vs. the Maxx
with Kenny at ringside​

After Civil Revolution these two men wanted to tear each other apart. Now they will get their Chance at meltdown. Sincade just have this to say. You two guys want each other it put up or shut up time

Keep all Rp in here
Rps are due Nov 23 2007
[The on air footage plays, THE MAXX Is standing in an empty arena, its cold as he sits staring at the seats as he stays still in the middle of the ring]

THE MAXX: Joe, the clock is ticking, tick, tock, tick , tock

[Footage is shown from civil revolution of MAXX and JOE brawling]

THE MAXX: You thought you could hang with the king of the outback kid, you got involved in something that may cost you your career

[footage is shown of the fight outside sincades office]

THE MAXX: You see you run your little mouth and try to make SINCADE believe that you wanted this match but i can tell something that SINCADE can't

[THE MAXX points to his eyes]

THE MAXX: its all in the eyes joe, those baby blues of yours tell a different story, your scared joe, scared of me, scared of what i might do to you kid, you aint got gus or heidi to back you up this time, tell me JOE what will you do in this ring when you come face to face with your worst nightmare!

[A 6ft tall 200 pound man comes into the ring, he steps through the ropes and stares at maxx, maxx walks around him and moves in for the attack, he raps the man round the ring post, locks in the crossface, he attacks him with a boot to the head and takes him to the guardrail where he busts him open, blood is dripping as maxx throws punch after punch, the man is rendered unconcious]

THE MAXX: hey joe, how do you like that joe huh!

[THE MAXX takes the guys blood and rubs it on his forehead]

THE MAXX: When you tried to make a statement with my career kid, you ran, at civil revolution again you tried to run, but now you cant hide, there is nowhere for baby joe to go!

[THE MAXX looks up at the lights, and the empty seats, then turns to face the camera]

THE MAXX: Meltdown finally, JOE vs Maxx, the final chapter, two shall enter one shall remain, and kid I will end your career before it even begins!
smooth Gus, anyway, heres my first RP,

(The Camera is outside of Joe’s locker room, the camera man knocks on the door, the door slowly opens, The camera goes into the room, it is dark, with a musty smell, a humid feeling, suddenly, the TV turns on, Maxx’s promo turns on, you can see Joe, sitting on his couch, The light of the tv flashing all over him, his eyes glistening with the TV, a glazed look in his eyes, in fact, you can’t even see his irises or his pupils, Leon walks in behind the camera man,)

Leon: Uh, Joe, Joe?

(Nothing from Joe)

Leon: Joe, just telling you that you have a match against Maxx on meltdown next week,

(The promo is still playing, nothing from Joe)

Leon: Uh, I was wondering what your thoughts were,


Leon: uh, okay, I’m just going to leave

(Leon leaves, the camera stays behind, the promo ends, Joe starts talking)

Joe: (In a ghastly voice) Maxx, you just never learn, do you? You want a match with me? (His eyes roll back to the front on his head) You actually want a match with me, having a No Holds Barred match with me, is like, committing suicide, you have no clue what you’re getting into, At Civil Revolution, YOU cost me the shot at The Elite X Championship, It was YOU who hit me from behind in Sincade’s office, I was going to rip your head off, but I decided to wait, just wait and bide my time, until the match.
(The look on his face changes completely, from solice to rage) AND BOY, IF YOU EVER, AND I MEAN EVER HIT ME FROM BEHIND, JUST BECAUSE YOU DON’T HAVE THE BALLS, THE BALLS TO TRY TO HIT ME FACE TO FACE, I SWEAR, I WILL DROP YOU WITH THE DEPTHS OF HELL, AND YOU WILL NEVER, EVER, STEP FOOT IN A WRESTLING RING AGAIN. You want to try to scare me with little videos of you making some cruiserweight bleed, a guy who’s 6 feet tall and 200 pounds? Give me a break, watch this,

(Joe gets up, walks out to he street, the camera man follows him, Joe is walking down the street, untill he sees a man who looks to be around 7 feet tall, and 360+ pounds, and drops them with the depths of hell, the mans nose is completely turned sideways, blood is pouring out of it, there is already a pool of blood on the sidewalk, another man, who looks to be at least 6’ 6” walks up)

Man: What the hell was that for?

Joe: You dare talk to me like that? Do you know who I am,

Man: No, and I don’t care

(Joe hit’s a depths of hell on the other man, his forehead is crushed, completely flat)

Joe: You see Maxx, I can go beat up random people too, but there’s one difference between you and me, I ACTUALLY HAVE SKILL!!! I am not a complete rip off of an old wrestler, you say I fear you?

(chuckles a little, but then starts laughing maniacally)

Joe: I’m sorry, it’s just so,

(laughs some more)

Joe: ME, SCARED OF, YOU? Ill tell you something, I AM THE MOST HARDCORE MAN IN WZCW, I am the demon, I am not scared of anybody, I’ll prove it to you, since you’re the only one who seems to believe that, You had better bring your dinner, don’t make any plans, because before the night is through, YOUR BODY WILL BE IN THE HOSPITAL, BUT YOUR SOUL WILL BE IN, THE DEPTHS OF HELL!!!!!!

(Joe walks, away, The two men on the ground look to be knocked out, Joe comes back, picks up the two men’s heads, to show the damage)

Joe: 13 days, that’s all you have left, Maxx, if you regret not doing anything in your life, I suggest you do it before Meltdown, because after Meltdown, you will look, like this:

(Points to the two men)

Joe: 13 days, until your mangled corpse looks like THAT!!!

(The camera fades to black as you can hear heavy breathing, as the screen turns to black, 13 days, in blood, flashes onto the screen the blood drips down the screen until the screen fades to black)

(Thanks for all the ideas, Gus)
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