The Matt Hardy Situation...

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Matt Hardy, Matthew Hardy, Matt "Cold Blood" Hardy. Whichever name you want to call him. Some use "Fatt Hardy". Anyway, where the man is in his Wrestling career is totally unclear, unlike his brother. It's obvious to tell that Jeff is a TNA Top Dog, main eventing almost week after week, is also currently the TNA Heavyweight Champion.

Matt, previously Champion of most things in the WWE, never won a Main Event Title. Gradually, as his ECW Title Reign came to an end, Hardy became a Jobber for the masses, used as a dummy to get everyone over. Some thought it suited him, others said that it was unfair and he should be in the Title Scene somehow. Eventually, Hardy was gone from the WWE not long after his brother Jeff. It was around this time that Matt started making strange YouTube Videos, both on his own and with Jeff, badmouthing the WWE, saying that he was moving, he would be the best etc. Recently, Hardy debuted in TNA, beating Rob Van Dam. Since then, he has lost to RVD and beaten him again. Most recently, on Impact last night, Hardy beat AJ Styles in a 4 minute match. Just to show how pathetic Hardy has become, he Tweeted, "Well, IWC smartasses, how'd ya like the fact that I pinned "The Face Of TNA" AJ Styles, in 4 mins with the "Twist Of Hate" & it was easy! ;)". Pathetic much? Yes indeed. I think that Hardy just thinks that by saying he's going to be the best, that we will all believe he is, when he obviously isn't. He's weighty, to say the least. His in-ring stuff hasn't gotten any better and it can only get worse, unless he REALLY works. Then again, isn't this what you need to stay in TNA?
What will probably end up happening is Hardy becoming TNA Champ and us lot getting really pissed because it would shit on TNA, make them look terrible by giving him the Title. It just couldn't happen. I say give him the T.V Title to make him feel happy, there.

But what do you guys say?
Matt Hardy has also pinned the undertaker, he only got to ECW Champion though. Just because he pinned AJ Styles doesn't mean shit.
i actually tuned into impact for the first time in months to see matt hardy, as he is really stating to look good again. Just my opinion. I know someone on here is going to say something like "hahaha hes fat, lmao why would you want to see fatt hardy." But I really enjoyed his match vs. rvd last sunday, and if you really think he is over weight then you really have body image issues.

Oh yeah, if you don't like hardy so much, then why are you watching his videos and going on his twitter. Jesus christ, some people don't make any sense.
I've not said as such that I don't like him. I believe his out of Ring persona is pretty stupid. But I'm interested in watching how far he goes with it, 'cos as terrible as it is, it does bring me in. His In-Ring work isn't the best, but he puts in effort and goes the full hog.
Matt Hardy puts in effort?

I'd have to see it to believe it and I even watched the PPV Live on Sunday. Hmm.

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