The Match of 2004

BOSS Productions

Pre-Show Stalwart
The year of 2004 was my 3rd favorite year in WWE it was really great and was the only year Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit held a World Title in WWE.Also this year hosted my 2nd favorite Mania of all time WM 20.

Like my previous 2003 thread , this is pretty straight forward I want to know what your favorite match or matches from 2004 were and please list them in order and describe why you like it. Here goes my list :

1). Brock Lesnar VS Bill Goldberg Ref. Austin WM 20- NO I am not crazy it is just that this match meant a lot to me this was the reason why I ordered WrestleMania and I guess I have low standards because this match was not as bad to me as it was to most people, trust me I can watch this match 1000 times and still enjoy it. Also Brock Lesnar and Goldberg standing in that ring was good enough for me not to mention the build up for this match was AMAZING and when Brock Lesnar came to RAW and F-5ed Austin it was just excellent, therefore this is my favorite match of 2004 even though there were way better matches in terms of wrestling skills in 2004. Also I really liked the match graphic :p as you can see at the bottom of this ;)
[YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] - It may be weird but it is another reason to love this match for me. if the video doesn't show check it here

2).The Rock and Sock Connection VS Evolution WM 20- Another match I like based on pure hype and a dream match concept, I did not care much for the actually in ring match but I can enjoy it no matter, I did not even mind that Evolution won , watching this match for me is like WOW I can't believe this is actually happened. Another reason I like this match is because it had a lot of fast pace action and Handicap matches are usually boring to me so it brought some excitement to that match type. Final Reason why I liked this match was well The Rock looks sexy in a beard , I am not gay but ITS TRUE :lmao:.

3).Chris Benoit VS Triple H VS HBK WM 20 World Title- Now for a lot of people this is their favorite match of 2004 and I can easily understand why but it is not my favorite because the previously mentioned matches were dream matches to me , this match on the other hand is a REALLY good match but not a dream match for me. Without any doubt The Cross face is and always will be my favorite submission hold and this match is the reason why,Triple H struggling to escape the Cross face combined with the way Chris Benoit was actually executing it made it look crazy good and made it seem really painful this match truly had a great ending for Benoit to win the title. The celebration with Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero was just a great plus and made the match even better. Finally, this match was the starting for Benoit's GREAT World Title run and during this year he was my favorite wrestler. This is why I liked this match.

Now I know that all three of my choices were from the same night but what can I say that Mania was stacked with dream matches and really good in ring matches so I had to pick those three, however you may select any match from this year that you enjoyed and explain why you liked them those were my personal choices now list yours.

STRICTLY WWE MATCHES ONLY NO TNA or OTHER COMPANYS with the exception of the first post on this thread
Triple H Vs Benoit Vs Michaels from Mania was the best match of 2004 by a country mile.
Honourable mentions have to go to the Six Sides of Steel match between America's Most Wanted and Triple X that really put TNA on the map for the first time.
I also remember a match from RAW which saw Evolution take on Michaels, Benoit, Mick Foley and Shelton Benjamin which was probably the best TV match of that year.
Im going to say that my favorite match of the year was either triple h, hbk, and chris benoit at WM20 (for obvious reasons), or Benoit v. Orton at Summerslam. This match to me was great because it showed that Orton had the potential to be a main eventer. When Orton hit the RKO, it was insane and I never saw it coming when it did. The only thing I have against this match is that it ended Benoit's only title reign.
Your right a lot of people will think your crazy to say that Brock vs Goldberg is the best match of 2004 and I will be one of them. Brock vs Goldberg did have an amazing build, which just makes it all the more disappointing because the match itself didn't match the standard of the build-up. In my eyes, Brock vs Goldberg will always be one of the worst matches of all time. Alright, now that that is done I will go on to my list:

1: HHH vs HBK (Last Man Standing Match, Royal Rumble): I too know that a lot of people will say that the Triple Threat at Mania was the better match, and I will admit it was great, but this match was so amazing. These two went for 45 minutes just straight messing each other up, and the ending was classic with neither man being able to get up at the end of it. That to me is what symbolizes a Last Man Standing Match as I don't ever wanna see either men win the match itself. I want to see passion and effort from both guys so great that they wear each other down. That is what we got out of this match, and that is why I am calling it the best match of 2004.

2: The Royal Rumble Match: Yes, Beniot won the title at Mania, but this is the match that not only set him up to compete at Mania, but allowed us to believe that he could actually win at Mania. Up until this point he had never won "the big one" but as soon as he dumped Big Show out of the ring in what I will call the second greatest finish to a Rumble Match ever, we all believed, and we all knew that he could beat the two hall of famers that he would eventually face.

3: Eddie vs Kurt Angle (WWE Championship Match, WM 20): Yes, I did leave the Triple Threat off my list. To me the Triple Threat was the 4th best match of the year, being bumped off for this classic. Not only did this match feature fantastic wrestling, it had a great build-up with the extremely memorable Handcuff Incident on Smackdown just three days prior, and it had a highly entertaining ending with Eddie proving why he is one of the smartest wrestlers ever by untying his boot before Angle could get him into a second Ankle Lock. RIP Eddie, and thank you for this Gem.

So that is my list! :)
Goldberg and lesnar had great buildup especially at thr rumble and no way out but the build up really went down hill when goldberg went off to make a movie and they had to throw austin in to help the story unfold without golberg there to do it.

The best matches of that year:

1) Randy Orton vs Cactus Jack hardcore match from Backlash- its micks favorite match and for good reason

2) The rematch of the WM main event at Backlash that year- i was there live and the hometown crowd was crazy for benoit. The WM match is also tied with this one.

3) Lita vs Trish Womens Title RAW- The only time women main-evented RAW and it was a great match and win for Lita (yes lita vs stepjhanie main evented back in 2000 but the rock, angle, hhh were involved; this one no men were invoved)
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My #1 is definitely the triple threat match from WM20. Considering I was literally waiting for like 4 years for Benoit to become champ it was a real big deal to me, not to mention the match by itself was an instant classic and probably one of the top 3 matches in Wrestlemania history.

2 would be HHH vs. Shawn Michaels in their HIAC match from bad blood. I really enjoyed their last man standing match (and I almost put it on hear instead of this one) but all in all I think I have to give this match the nod. The match was great, lots of violence like you would expect and unlike most big rivalries, I thought this match was a great capper on a great rivalry.

My number 3 could be a lot of different matches. HHH vs. Benjamin, HHH vs. Benoit in their Iron Man match, Kurt vs. Eddie (I thought their Summerslam match was better than their WM20 match), Randy Orton vs. Benoit, or even Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley in their hardcore match.

When I think about 2004 I think of 6 names, HHH, HBK, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guererro, Kurt Angle and Randy Orton. HHH, HBK and Kurt Angle did great in their roles (and did a great job putting over talent too, if you don't believe HHH puts over talent, then watch his feud with both Benoit and Eugene from 2004 and then tell me that. Remember Eugene didn't need to beat HHH for HHH to get him over), and Benoit, Guererro and Orton all had breakout years where all 3 won either the WWE title or the World title.
Your right a lot of people will think your crazy to say that Brock vs Goldberg is the best match of 2004 and I will be one of them. Brock vs Goldberg did have an amazing build, which just makes it all the more disappointing because the match itself didn't match the standard of the build-up. In my eyes, Brock vs Goldberg will always be one of the worst matches of all time. Alright, now that that is done I will go on to my list:

1: HHH vs HBK (Last Man Standing Match, Royal Rumble): I too know that a lot of people will say that the Triple Threat at Mania was the better match, and I will admit it was great, but this match was so amazing. These two went for 45 minutes just straight messing each other up, and the ending was classic with neither man being able to get up at the end of it. That to me is what symbolizes a Last Man Standing Match as I don't ever wanna see either men win the match itself. I want to see passion and effort from both guys so great that they wear each other down. That is what we got out of this match, and that is why I am calling it the best match of 2004.

2: The Royal Rumble Match: Yes, Beniot won the title at Mania, but this is the match that not only set him up to compete at Mania, but allowed us to believe that he could actually win at Mania. Up until this point he had never won "the big one" but as soon as he dumped Big Show out of the ring in what I will call the second greatest finish to a Rumble Match ever, we all believed, and we all knew that he could beat the two hall of famers that he would eventually face.

3: Eddie vs Kurt Angle (WWE Championship Match, WM 20): Yes, I did leave the Triple Threat off my list. To me the Triple Threat was the 4th best match of the year, being bumped off for this classic. Not only did this match feature fantastic wrestling, it had a great build-up with the extremely memorable Handcuff Incident on Smackdown just three days prior, and it had a highly entertaining ending with Eddie proving why he is one of the smartest wrestlers ever by untying his boot before Angle could get him into a second Ankle Lock. RIP Eddie, and thank you for this Gem.

So that is my list! :)

I enjoyed all your match listings and I know most fans hate the Bill Goldberg VS Brock Lesnar match but honestly you do not know how much this match meant to me, when it was first announced I ordered the PPV immediately and watched/taped every show which led to the match just to look back at it some day so I can never hate it in fact I love it. My 4th pick would have been the Eddie VS Angle match and I did enjoy the finish and really I was stuck between this match and the Benoit one until I realized that the the finish to Benoit's match was so incredible it had to take 3rd place.
In regards to Brock vs. Goldberg this match fascinates me for all the wrong reasons. If you remember they were both leaving, in fact immediately after Mania. Brock was originally going over?(I think) but it was changed last minute due to frustration with the amount of notice Brock was giving. So Goldberg went over kind of because the finish shit on, and kind of buried them both! right? They both got the Stunner and that was that! Now what interests me is this. The match wasn't just thrown together (although it looked like it). The agents laid this match out!! They knew what they were doing! Not just with the Stunners at the end but the entire body of the match. This was a creative burial by the office.
Oh, match of 2004 I would have to go with Eddie vs Angle from Mania but Benoit's performance in in the Royal Rumble would be fine as well.
There really is no debate on this one.

1. WM 20 - Triple H vs. Michaels vs. Benoit
- There is just so many things to talk about this, the psychology, the dangerous spots, the SIIIIICK Superkick from Michaels to Benoit when he had the Sharpshooter on HHH, JR's commentary, and even the crowd. The match just had it all.

2. No Way Out - Eddie Guerrero vs. Lesnar
- Eddie wins the big one. Need I say more?

"Eddie will not be known as a drug addict, but rather the WWE CHAMPION!!!!!!!" - Michael Cole
In regards to Brock vs. Goldberg this match fascinates me for all the wrong reasons. If you remember they were both leaving, in fact immediately after Mania. Brock was originally going over?(I think) but it was changed last minute due to frustration with the amount of notice Brock was giving. So Goldberg went over kind of because the finish shit on, and kind of buried them both! right? They both got the Stunner and that was that! Now what interests me is this. The match wasn't just thrown together (although it looked like it). The agents laid this match out!! They knew what they were doing! Not just with the Stunners at the end but the entire body of the match. This was a creative burial by the office.
Oh, match of 2004 I would have to go with Eddie vs Angle from Mania but Benoit's performance in in the Royal Rumble would be fine as well.

I like your match choices but could you explain why, these are two moments that will never be forgotten in the WWE well Benoits moment is forgotten but they were good choices I enjoyed the Eddie VS Angle more however, I already explained that in my previous post and as for the Brock Lesnar VS Bill Goldberg concept where the agents laid out the match may be true , however knowing the WWE they would have just hyped this match up to the bone just so that everyone would expect a lot out of it and then put the match which everyone but me thinks is the worst match of all time this could be true but this can not be confirmed until we get the DVD release entitled the Self Destruction of Brock Lesnar. On that DVD the truth will be revealed.
You know if the match was in the Tokyo Dome it may have been a Japanese classic. Brutally stiff moments between two legit badasses, very impressive raw feats of power wrestling. It's just different, and in truth I have probably watched this match 4x's to 1 over a couple of brilliantly executed matches in the Main event and the Angle match. This match was planned to be (and I think was) the biggest match on what was then the biggest PPV of all time! Then for politacal reasons was sabotaged! I can appreciate you liking it tho, perhaps I'm a closet fan of the match as well. I do know for sure I've spent way more time thinking about this bad match than the other great ones. For whatever that's worth
The top 3 matches of 2004 in my opinion were the following:

1) Benoit/HBK/Triple H- WM 20- As most of you have said, just a great production in all aspects (commentary, pace, performance, etc.). Best match of 04.

2) Hell in a Cell- HBK vs. Triple H-Bad Blood 2004- I was at this event, so I might be a little biased. A lot of people complain that the match went too long and felt boring. I think the match was great because it had to be exhausting. The feud was supposedly ten years in the making, and these two had done several 20 minute matches. It was booked perfectly as if to show that in that match, both wrestlers had expended themselves to the point where they couldn't have possibly gone on any further. I still stand by my thoughts that this was a classic match inside Hell in a Cell. It will never be the greatest or most notorious, but it was a great finale for what was a solid feud.

3) Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley- Hardcore Match- Backlash 2004.- It was classic Mick Foley and a great way to put over Randy Orton as someone that deserved to be in the place he was at. When I remember the moment I could see Randy Orton become a main event star, it was that night in Edmonton.

Honorable Mentions
Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar- No Way Out 2004- Another really good match for all of the reasons listed earlier. I just don't remember it as fondly as I did the earlier contests.

JBL vs. Eddie Guerrero- Judgment Day 2004 -"Bradshaw as a main eventer? Boy, that'll put butts in the seat." Sorry to envoke that WCW announcer, but it was honestly what I thought at the time. However, the match was pretty solid and just seemed to click for me for some reason.
The best matches of 2004 were not as good as the best matches of 2003, but we still got to see some great matches that year. Here are my top five.

5. Triple H vs. Shelton Benjamin, RAW April(?):

I’ve only seen this once as it happened, but I remember liking it a lot. Maybe it’s because I didn’t expect much out of it. I would like to see this again to see if it’s as good as I remember. I’ll just have to wait for Aint No Stopping Me: the three disc Gold Standard dvd collection. On second thought maybe I’m better off searching you tube.

4. Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero, WrestleMania XX:

What can I say? When you have two talented wrestlers like this good things are going to happen. I really liked the storyline going into the match. I liked Kurt manipulating Eddie into a match against Chavo at the Royal Rumble only to keep Eddie out of the rumble match. This match had a great finish with Eddie slipping out of his boot while in the ankle lock.

3. Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton, SummerSlam:

This was an interesting match. I thought Orton had a chance of taking the title, but I wasn’t sure if it would actually happen. I love a match where I have doubt in the outcome. I was sad to see Benoit’s title reign end, but at least it ended in a great match.

2. Cactus Jack vs. Randy Orton, Backlash:

I think this is the match that really put Orton on the map. He was obviously a rising star, but in my opinion it was his performance in this match that led him to the world title. Foley did a great job and didn’t look like an out of shape guy who hadn’t wrestled in four years. It was the Cactus of old and he made Orton look great.

1. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit, WrestleMania XX:

At first I didn’t like the idea of a triple threat match main eventing WrestleMania. I wanted Triple H vs. Benoit one on one. Right up until the match I did not like the triple threat idea. Over the next twenty minutes these three changed my mind. This is probably my favorite triple threat match of all time. This is much better than the triple threats we’ve seen at manias since. Having HBK in the match made Benoit’s win even more special. He had to beat two of the greatest (and biggest politic playing) wrestlers of all time. Benoit and Guerrero embracing, both as champions, was possibly the greatest ending to any WrestleMania.
Guerrero vs Lesnar was a great match. Eddie's title win kind of came out of nowhere, but they guy was so over then, especially at the height of his "Lie, Cheat, Steal" gimmick which made him one of the most entertaining guys on TV. He deserved the title win and he was a really good champion, the proof of that being his Mania 20 match with Angle.
The crowd was so loud for most of the match. And it had so many MTFO moments, not only Eddie pinning Brock, but Goldberg coming in and fucking Lesnar up will always be a fond memory of mine... But then again, that was at the time when I thought their Mania match was going to be awesome...

Benoit vs Orton at Summerslam is a very underrated match in my opinion. Orton wasn't hugely over, but this match made him. He was really over by the end of the match, with people genuinely marking out when he hit the RKO and pinned Benoit. That was when people realised "Orton is gonna be huge". Before Orton was just a young guy with lots of talent and potential. But this match made people realise that he'd be the man one day.
The match itself was very good, with Benoit putting on his usual awesomeness and Orton was actually able to keep up with him, which not many people expected. And the RKO out of nowhere was a great moment.
I think its a tough choice of matches here, must tougher than the other years, all three are great matches. Goldberg and Brock was a battle of icons and I also agree that this match wasn't too disasterous, the in ring work was acceptable, the crowd itself was really the downside as they knew the guys were leaving they deadpanned the match big time. The Evolution match was another dream battle and reuniting of icons and the Evolution victory was the best part of it. It was a shock, but it shouldnt have been, it was a handicap match. Orton's RKO out of nowhere is always a great match ending. The triple threat match at mania was another classic, I think this one had the best in ring work, all three guys gave everything and put on a show that gave us drama and tension, the final winning moment after a number of great spots had me on edge and I loved Benoit's first victory and the moment that followed it. For that reason I guess this triple threat would have to be my pick but any of these matches in another year could have won it for me.
I'm gonna have to go with Kenta Kobashi vs. Jun Akiyama from NOAH on July 10th. The first few years of NOAH were really a sight to behold, bringing legendary vetarans like Kobashi and Akiyama together to put on the best matches they had had in years, sometimes even surpassing their legendary work in AJPW. This match in particular proved that even in the later stages of their careers, guys like Kobashi and Akiyama could outwrestle any of the younger guys on a roster any day of the week (especially Kobashi). I'd rank this match as the second greatest in NOAH history, right behind the legendary battle between Misawa and Kobashi in March of 2003.

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