your favourite top 5 matches of 2003-2004?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
ok guys simple question so no need to go into detail so heres my top 5 favourite matches between 2003-2004

Icon vs Icon III Wrestlemania 19
Stone Cold vs The Rock

it was an epic end to proberly the greatest wrestling feud in WWE history both men left it in the ring and it was a great send off for the Texas rattlesnake.

Hardcore Rules Backlash 2004
Randy Orton vs Mick Foley

I really love this match because it was the match that for put randy orton as a legit star because both took some great spots

WWE title Royal Rumble 2003
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit

for this was the best match of the year because the whole way through the match you just didnt know who was going to win *****

Stretcher Match Judgment Day 2003
Brock Lesner vs Big Show

I just think this is a really cool match

Triple Threat Match WM20
Chris Benoit vs HHH vs Shawn Michaels

the greatest triple threat match ever at wrestlemania had to be on the list
HBK vs. Y2J Wrestlemania XIX
great chemistry, storyline was perfect and you just didn't know who was going to win and the ending came out of no where.

Shane McMahon vs. Kane Unforgiven 2003 Last Man Standing
Thus is top 5 just for Shane doing his crazy leap of faith. Brutal match all the way through

Survivor Series 2003 Team Austin vs. Team Bischoff
Great wrestling and I really thought Team Austin was going to pull it off with HBK defeating the last 3 guys but Batista with that powerbomb just sucked the air out of me and the audience

HHH vs. Kevin Nash Bad Blood 2003 Hell in a Cell Special Ref Mick Foley
I thought this was a lot better than people were saying. It had some brutal spots and Mick Foley being apart of it made it that much better along with the history of HHH and Nash

Brock Lesnar vs. Kurt Angle WWE Championship Wrestlemania XIX
Amazing amount of wrestling and yeah Brock screws up the shooting star but it was awesome that he was able to get up and finish the match.

Your top 5 are all awesome too, especially Angle and Benoit at No Way Out. That match could of been a main event at Wrestlemania easy!
1. Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle 2003 Royal Rumble

- Best mat wrestling of all time, both men are excellent and this match was very good.

2. Kenta Kobashi vs. Mitsuharu Misawa

- The best match of the 21st century and one of the best matches of all time, this was excellent.

3. Jun Akiyama vs. Kenta Kobashi

- A 2004 bout between two Puro legends, very exciting and fast paced. Both men are tough MoFo's and both men made a hellava match.

4. CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe ROH Joe vs. Punk II

- This is one of the greatest matches of all time, both men are resilient as fuck and they both went fast paced for an hour, first Meltzer 5* match in north america since 1997.

5. Chris Benoit vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels WrestleMania XX

-Very good match, 5 * I truly thought this was a great match and one of the best of this category.
Kenta Kobash vs Mitsuharu Misaw 2003 - NOAH

The fourth and final legendary match between the two wrestling legends. And not to forget, the best from the four.

CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe 2004 - ROH

The second match between the 2, extraordinary match and CM Punk's greatest match of all time.

Jun Akiyama vs Kenta Kobashi 2004 - NOAH

Typical 5 star match by Kenta Kobashi, and younger talent Jun Akiyama.

Chris Benoit vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels 2003 - WWE

Emotional and powerful, Triple H's greatest of all time IMO. Chris Benoit and HBK really know how to carry a match, especially when it's together.

Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle RR 2003/Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho WrestleMania 19 2003 - WWE

I can't decide between the two, Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle are the most technically sound wrestlers ever, and they possibly made THE greatest technical match of all time. But Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels have made the best match that Jericho has ever had, not to forget the highly effective athletic ability between the two, and the technical moves also. It's truly hard to choose between the two.
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit RR 2003
Like people said before one of the best technical matches I've ever seem, which is my favorite type of wrestling. One of my favorites of all time.

Chris Jericho vs HBK WM 19
This match was almost perfect even as I watch it over again I still get into it. Its crazy that it wasnt even their best one.

Triple H vs HBK vs Chris Benoit WM20
The best triple threat match i've personally ever seen, It was put together really old fashioned excellent match.

Stone Cold vs The Rock WM 19
I'm the 1st to list this match but with two legends like this how could it not be in here. It wasn't there best match but it was for sure one of the best during that time period.

AMW vs Triple X (Six sides of steel) Turning Point
This is one of the best matches in TNA history, this is the first actual PPV I saw from TNA at that point I fell in love with the product because of this match. Elix skipper with the frankensteiner off the cage was insane. I wish TNA was still this good but thats a different subject entirely.
In my opinion, you can't really talk Pay-Per-View from this point in time without talking about Benoit/Angle from the 2003 Royal Rumble and HBK/Jericho from XIX, two of the best matches I've seen.

1. Benoit vs Angle (Royal Rumble 2003)
As many have already stated, these two guys are phenomenal. I was pumped for this match because of their outing at WrestleMania X-7. The ovation that Benoit gets at the end is also one of the most moving post-match pops I've seen.

2. HBK vs Jericho (WrestleMania XIX)
I think this match stole the show at XIX. It's one of my favourite matches of all time to go back and watch.

3. Cactus Jack vs Randy Orton (Backlash 2004)
I was just thinking about this match today. This match also stole the show at Backlash 2004. The weird thing is, my pressing of the Backlash 2004 DVD is missing this match, despite it still being advertised on the back.

4. HHH vs HBK (Royal Rumble 2004)
When HBK returned, it would be an understatement to say that HHH/HBK was the most personal fued in the company (at least in my estimation.) This match was a long-time coming at this point and it was just incredible.

5. HHH vs Booker. T (WrestleMania XIX)
The build-up to this match was fantastic! The only bad thing is that I wish Booker would have won the WHC here. Memorable match for me.
I'm counting down.

5. Chris Benoit vs. Randy Orton - World Heavyweight Championship (Summerslam 2004)
This match is on this list because it was an interesting encounter and it brought me into shock when I witnessed Orton becoming the Champion (Me::wtf:) and it solidified him as a major player in the WWE. Just unfortunate his title reign didn't last long...

4. Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble 2003)
Let's face it. This match was HANDS DOWN an awesome bout and I was really believing Benoit was going to win this one. I applauded after the match was done because it was just that great.

3. The Rock vs. Stone Cold (Wrestlemania 19)

From the time Austin returned after "walking out" in 2002 and The Rock returning as a heel (and by far my favorite heel of The Great One), I knew this was going to be another epic clash between these well-known rivals. I knew The Rock was going to win this one however wasn't aware it was Austin's "Last Hurrah". Unfortunately...:icon_sad:

TIE: I couldn't decide so....

2a. Shawn Micheals vs. Chris Jericho (Wrestlemania 19)
Another feud I was anticipating to be a great showcase between both men, Jericho and HBK certainly brought out the best in one another. A dream match I personally wanted to see came true and left me satisfied.

2b. Eddie Guerrero vs. Brock Lesnar - WWE Championship (No Way Out 2004)
Speaking of shockers, how about when Eddie shocked the world and me with a win over Lesnar? People say it was bound to happen since Lesnar was setting up for his bout with Goldberg at WM 20 but even so I was so ecstatic when Eddie won. R.I.P Eddie.

and my Number 1 match between 2003-2004 is...

1. Triple H vs. Shawn Micheals vs. Chris Benoit (Wrestlemania 20)
Between 2003 and 2004, this match stood out for me as my personal favorite. It was in my hometown of NYC and told a great story. Benoit earned his right place to go for the World Heavyweight Championship by winning the Royal Rumble in 2004. Shawn and Hunter have had so much history as friends and then as bitter enemies and wanted to settle the score once and for all. The match itself brought people in MSG on their feet each time they see Benoit getting the upper-hand and when the Pedigree was countered into the Crippler Crossface, I already knew Benoit's destiny has been sealed as Champion. :)

Honorable Mentions:

Edge vs. Randy Orton - Intercontinental Championship (Vengeance 2004)
I personally enjoyed watching these two feud and that alone brought even more prestige to the Intercontinental Championship. To me it was back and forth and could be any man's victory. Plus, Edge won which made me even satisfied.:icon_lol:

John Cena vs. The Undertaker (Vengeance 2003)
Okay I know what you're thinking. Why? Quite frankly in this match-up Cena pretty much brought a lot more than I expected in this match-up. For once I thought Undertaker was going to completely own him but it turns out I was proven wrong. After that match (despite Cena lost) I have given Cena my respects as one tough s.o.b

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar - 60 Minute Iron Man match WWE Championship (Smackdown! September 18, 2003)
The rivalry these two have had over the course of 2003 was pretty good and enjoyed their back and forth battles. Considering I enjoy watching 60 Minute Iron Man Matches, this is on my list of honorable mentions.
1. JBL vs. Eddie Guerrero (Great American Bash 2004)- Intense match just like their feud. Did not expect Bradshaw to win but the ending was great and set the groundwork for Eddie's rematch with Angle.

2. Rob Van Dam vs. Christian (RAW 2003)- Great ladder match and one of the best on free TV. Impressive spots and left me wanting more.

3. Randy Orton vs. Mick Foley (Backlash 2004)- Way better than Edge's match with Foley to me. The buildup was spectacular and showed that Orton can be a main eventer.
4. Chris Benoit vs. Brock Lesnar(Smackdown 2003)- I actually thought Benoit was going to win the title here and he went toe-to-toe with Lesnar. The Brock Lock was sick which I wished he used more often.

5. Brock Lesnar vs. Eddie Guerrero(No Way Out 2004)- Emotional match which delivered in the ring and then some. The psychology and selling were amazing and nobody thought Eddie had a chance. Guerrero celebrating with the title and the Mexican flag was cool
In no particular order:

WrestleMania XIX, Kurt Angle (c) v.s Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship.

I was highly invested in this feud as I was at that time a massive Brock Lesnar mark. He was young, strong and I used to love watching him every weekend without fail to see how he was gonna beat the hell of of Kurt Angle. Plus I remember getting very angry with Angle turned heel after he won the title, because I remember getting very excited about him beating The Big Show, the same man who had been involved in screwing Brock out of the title. This was at a time where I'd only just started watching wrestling and I was very impressionable. So finally, these two men met in the ring for the title. I had no idea that Angle was hurt in real life. This was the first WrestleMania I ever watched (still happens to be my second favourite) and this was the first main-event. It also helped that they had a great wrestling exhibition as well, with that crazy botch at the finish. And 'my guy' Brock Lesnar overcame the odds and walked out the champion. For me personally, this was huge and it gave me faith in Lesnar as a champion.

Smackdown 2003, Kurt Angle (c) v.s Brock Lesnar, 60 Minute Iron-Man match for the WWE Championship

Well look who it is again. This match captured my imagination and had me gripped for the entire hour. It was beautifully crafted, with Lesnar at one point having a 4-1 lead (I believe, correct me if I'm wrong) over Angle with about 25 minutes to go. What began next was a huge comeback from the recently turned babyface Kurt Angle, almost retaining the title from the monster-heel Brock Lesnar (again, being the impressionable kid I was, I was now a Kurt Angle mark) but it actually made a lot of sense for Brock to win that match because my interpreation of him as a monster was somewhat ruined by him tapping out at Summerslam, right after Angle got F5'd on his head.

No Mercy 2003, John Cena v.s Kurt Angle

Honestly loved the hell out of this match at the time. Cena was such a likeable prick and Angle was that hero that you could count on. And this prick gave the hero a major run for his money. It was fantastically worked and I remember watching this back earlier this year and Cena actually wrestled a very good match. Angle was typical Angle, world class as always but Cena really shone in this match, hitting some great moves that he no longer uses. A real shame because back when he was a heel and trying to make it to the main event, it required him to actually work really really hard in his matches and you can tell he realised this one was very important. He was working with one of the best in the company on a PPV and looked good whilst doing it.

Royal Rumble 2004, Triple H (c) v.s Shawn Michaels, Last Man Standing match for the World Heavyweight Championship.

Shawn Michaels' win at Survivor Series 2002 got me massively interested in wrestling. Even I could understand at just 11 years of age that him winning the title was a big deal, because everyone was talking about how he had been away for 4 years due to him getting hurt. So I instantly took a liking to him and nearly 10 years on he would become my favourite wrestler in history. Anyway, this match with Triple H was fantastic, because it was the first time I remember the indestructible Triple H not being able to get-up due to the beating Shawn dished out on him and visa versa. It was bloody, it was brutal and it was captivating. I actually liked the fact it was a draw, because it symbolised to me that these two really had given it EVERYTHING and must of been so badly hurt. This was way before I understood about the backstage politics of wrestling and bookings and works and things of that nature. This was when I still believed wrestling was real and these guys were actually fucked!

Bad Blood 2004, Shawn Michaels v.s Triple H, Hell in a Cell match.

At the time I watched this match daily for about a fortnight. Despite many saying it went too long and in actual fact it was quite dull, I thought it was fantastic and still do. The length just added to the brutality and it was the first time I can remember a Hell in a Cell match being in the main event without the title on the line. That was how big this match was. The pre-match promo helped this become even more epic, it's defiantly worth a watch on YouTube. Plus, it was Hell in a Cell. It had been a year since the last one. This was at a time when having a Hell in a Cell match on a PPV was a big deal and because I was highly interested in this feud, it made perfect sense to finish it in the cell. It was a bloody finale to one of the first feuds I become emotionally invested in.
#1. Kurt Angle (c) vs. Chris Benoit for the WWE Championship at Royal Rumble 2003
I mean talk about a wrestling match! Seeing this match took my fascination with pro wrestling to a whole other level! Tremendous athletes, Angle is truly the best wrestler and Benoit is not too far behind him.

#2. Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Championship at No Way Out 2004
Good 30 minute match right here. Really reminds you just how great Lesnar was in WWE.

#3. Chris Jericho vs. Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 19
No question, these guys stole the show at WM19. Put HBK and Y2J as competitors, you know it's going to be great.

#4. Kurt Angle vs. John Cena at No Mercy 2003
When Cena was at his best as an in-ring competitor. Angle never dissapoints. Just an all-around excellent match.

#5. Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Chavo Guerrero for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship at The Great American Bash 2004
Great cruiserweight action!!! Best match on the card! Absolutely loved it.
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